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Alison Hall

Project: Beijing 2008 (LP - U/Sec) - 0 views

    To increase understanding about the country of China and its culture in the context of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. To facilitate student exploration of the human rights issues surrounding China and the Olympic Games.
riss leung

:: e-Learning for Kids :: - 0 views

    Amazing site with loads of interactiove activities. Great for IWBs!
Jess McCulloch

Teachers on learning curve | The Australian - 0 views

  • As a matter of course, technology is also changing the way teachers teach -- from how they engage their students and manage their classrooms, to how they shape their working day, manage their professional lives -- and indeed how they think about a career in education.
  • this is affecting the way she manages the class.
  • "Firstly, I teach in smaller grabs of time," she says, "but this is a good thing. I personally believe that teaching has long been too auditory. It is important to cater for different perceptual styles -- visual, auditory and kinesthetic (learning by doing) -- especially when teaching younger children."
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Before the internet, to be a teacher you had to be everything in one person. Now there is a range of possibilities and many more people can become part of the education process,"
    • Jess McCulloch
      Maybe a good conversation starter for technoLOTE?
  • "This is not to diminish the role of educators to simply and an administrative job," she says. "Teaching is an intellectual skill. It is the art of getting people to expand their minds, have insights, develop values and to grow emotionally. That will not change."
    • Jess McCulloch
      A great definition of teaching - one for those who still think they have to know all the content.
Steve Madsen

ALE: Robotics - 0 views

    Moodle site that has content for RobotC programming for NXT robots. Seems to have a Robocup competition focus.
    Moodle site that has content for RobotC programming for NXT robots. Seems to have a Robocup competition focus.
dean groom

IT VET HSC Study Group - 39 views

I've kicked off for my year 12 VET Information Technology class. Basically I am scaffolding this years coaching for the new exam out of there. I have 9 kids. It will use...

it mentors vet

started by dean groom on 24 Jul 08 no follow-up yet
Kerry J

HOW TO WRITE GOOD - 17 views

    some rules of writing...
Tony Searl

Irving Wladawsky-Berger: The Power of Pull - 3 views

  • “It is no accident that most of these early examples of creation spaces are initially attracting individuals rather than institutions.  Passionate individuals (that’s you) naturally seek out these creation spaces to get better faster, while most institutions are still deeply concerned about protection of knowledge stocks and do not yet see the growing importance of knowledge flows in driving performance improvement.  As passionate individuals engage and experience the performance benefits of participation, they will help to drag institutions more broadly into relevant creation spaces, becoming catalysts for the institutional innovations required for effective participation.”
    • Tony Searl
      so true, all educators should read this
    • Ruth Howard
      Thanks so much Tony it also looks like 'intuitive' flow will become the norm, pre-paving the way for mind transference, of course it's totally serendipitous of you to alert me to this site and I've also been meaning to look at John Seely Brown....if intuitive serendipitous learning does become validated as mainstream this surely is consciousness SHIFT. Then time wont be a problem! We will reach for the solutions and they will be here already. Yes I know its a bigger jump but it's a natural extension and one outcome I already see in my own life. mmm think I'll repost this on the site itself to show my appreciation. This has huge impact on learning but massive for society.
    "We are literally pushed into educational systems designed to anticipate our needs over twelve or more years of schooling and our key needs for skills over the rest of our lives. As we successfully complete this push program, we graduate into firms and other institutions that are organized around push approaches to resource mobilization. Detailed demand forecasts, operational plans, and operational process manuals carefully script the actions and specify the resources required to meet anticipated demand."
Tony Searl

Learning & Knowledge Analytics 2011 - 1 views

  • we'll consider what a data-driven world of education will look like...and what we can do to ensure it doesn't become a nightmare.
Tony Searl

5 Predictions for Online Data In 2011 - 1 views

  • people have openly wondered whether the social media expert will go the way of the webmaster
  • data that is accessible and transportable and managed by its rightful owner — you
  • Backing up your data is just the first step, of course, a function that saves a seat for an entirely different function eventually.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • When I am finally able to join my data from disparate services with a unified view and the right accompanying toolset, I’ll be able to do all kinds of derivation and detection
  • The tension between data that is sold or bestowed and data that is found or acquired is, for now, a productive dynamic.
  • We’ll see open data disrupt industries and verticals ranging from air travel to journalism to religion. We’ll see new kinds of museum displays, classrooms
  • Data knows everything we know, everything we don’t know, and, as it turns out, even a few things we don’t know we don’t know.
    true data science involves a heavy dose of machine learning, code skills, math chops and deep domain expertise.
John Pearce

100 Google Search Tricks for the Savviest of Students - 8 views

    In today's schools, most research is completed online, and Google is a great resource for combing the web. But at the same time, it's not always easy to find exactly what you want, given that there are usually millions of results - with varying degrees of accuracy. These tricks can help you find the best results, while saving time and making your life easier.
John Pearce

99 Awesome Firefox Add-ons for Educators - Online Courses - 5 views

    This is a great list of add-ons for use with the Firefox browser. I have a number of them installed in my browser and for me are the primary reason for choosing Firefox as my primary browser. Video Downloader and Last Pass are two of my faves.
graham hughes

CosmoLearning | Your Free Online School: Courses, Video Lectures, Documentaries, Images... - 7 views

    CosmoLearning is a free educational website for students and teachers.
Kerry J

Do Learners Really Know Best? Urban Legends in Education - 3 views

    Three legends can be seen as variations on one central theme, namely, that it is the learner who knows best and that she or he should be the controlling force in her or his learning. Digital natives, learning styles and learners as self-educators are all discussed.
helen castanedo

Neuroscience & the Classroom - 3 views

    Insights drawn from neuroscience not only provide educators with a scientific basis for understanding some of the best practices in teaching, but also offer a new lens through which to look at the problems teachers grapple with every day. By gaining insights into how the brain works-and how students actually learn-teachers will be able to create their own solutions to the classroom challenges they face and improve their practice. see video
Certificate IV Assessment

Qualified Trainers with Certificate IV in Training and Assessment - 7 views

With a talent for helping others and teaching, becoming a trainer is the perfect career progression for me. To train myself and become recognised in my chosen field, I enrolled to get a Certificat...

Certificate IV in Training and Assessment

started by Certificate IV Assessment on 26 Sep 11 no follow-up yet
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