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John Pearce

Six Strategies for Differentiated Instruction in Project-Based Learning | Edutopia - 0 views

    "Project-Based Learning (PBL) naturally lends itself to differentiated instruction. By design, it is student-centered, student-driven and gives space for teachers to meet the needs of students in a variety of ways. PBL can allow for effective differentiation in assessment as well as daily management and instruction. PBL experts will tell you this, but I often hear teachers ask for real examples, specifics to help them contextualize what it "looks like" in the classroom. In fact, the inspiration for this blog came specifically from requests on Twitter! We all need to try out specific ideas and strategies to get our brains working in a different context. Here are some specific differentiation strategies to use during a PBL project. "
Rhondda Powling

What You May Not Know About Blended Learning | eLearning Blog - 1 views

    "Blended Learning" is often used to define learning solutions that include parts of the content, or experiences, being delivered in different ways. Each may use different instructional methods more appropriate to each lesson or module of content. Whilst everyone seems to have their own view of what a blended solution looks like, most will agree that 21st century "courses" will contain lessons/modules that vary in their media selection, and mode of delivery." "Blended learning is not new. Long before the internet, and computer-based training, innovative teachers and designers of instruction have blended a variety of media, and methods, to present learners with a blended learning experience. However, today's use of the term speaks more to our history of migrating completely from the classroom to CBT, and learning from that experience. And finding a place where we all realize there will always be a place for ILT, and CBT, and all micro forms of learning in-between."
Roland Gesthuizen

ReconfigurEd. - Why schools are going Ga-Ga for Google - 2 views

    "Google Apps are a suite of productivity tools designed to help students and teachers work together more efficiently and effec­tively. It is a multi-purpose platform with myriad educational and instructional benefits."
Rhondda Powling

graphite | Lesson Flows - Featured Landing Page - 0 views

    "CommonSense Media blog post introducing Lesson Flows, Darri Stephens shares that the framework redefines the traditional lesson plan by integrating digital learning tools and content with pedagogical intent. Quite simply, you can discover tools on Graphite and then align them to each part of your lesson -- the hook, direct instruction, guided practice, independent practice, and wrap-up -- thinking with purpose about your lesson redesign. Lesson Flows are excellent tools for teacher librarians to use as they design technology-rich collaborative projects with classroom teachers."
Rhondda Powling

graphite | Lesson Flows - Featured Landing Page - 0 views

    "CommonSense Media blog post introducing Lesson Flows, Darri Stephens shares that the framework redefines the traditional lesson plan by integrating digital learning tools and content with pedagogical intent. Quite simply, you can discover tools on Graphite and then align them to each part of your lesson -- the hook, direct instruction, guided practice, independent practice, and wrap-up -- thinking with purpose about your lesson redesign. Lesson Flows are excellent tools for teacher librarians to use as they design technology-rich collaborative projects with classroom teachers."
John Pearce

Learning Theories - 5 views

    "Theories and Models of Learning for Educational Research and Practice. This knowledge base features learning theories that address how people learn. A resource useful for scholars of various fields such as educational psychology, instructional design, and human-computer interaction. Below is the index of learning theories, grouped in somewhat arbitrary categories. Note that this website is an iterative project and these entries are a work in progress;"
Rhondda Powling

Digital Culture & Education: Classroom perspectives - Digital Culture & Education - 2 views

    In this issue we present articles that push the boundaries of research on digital cultures, teaching, and technologies in fruitful and generative directions.  Researchers and practitioners in this issue present case studies and analysis of practical classroom use of copyright literacies, learning management systems, mobile/cell phones, social video, Twitter, and Google Reader.  The articles demonstrate how the affordances of digital culture have shifted our understandings of how pupils learn as content can be accessed, designed, and shared.  Despite the affordances of digital culture, teaching and learning-with and through digital technologies-requires effective pedagogy.  Digital technologies are not 'teacher-proof' tools; they require thoughtful and thorough integration into pedagogy, in a manner that reflects carefully articulated instructional and learning goals

Why Do You Ask?: Making UbD a "Kid Thing" - 0 views

    I've been rereading parts of Understanding by Design and Preparing Instructional Objectives over the past few weeks. Not really trying to "master" the content (since I've been using it for a few years), but to see if I can glean some insight on how to bring it to the students I'll have in class in a few weeks.
dean groom

Virtual Heroes Inc - Serious Games - Serious Games and Advanced Learning Systems - Seri... - 0 views

    Realism, Retention and Relevancy… In a Virtual Heroes world, textbooks and lectures are replaced with complete interactivity, excitement and serious fun! Our Advanced Learning Technology (A.L.T.) platform has re-invented the way medical, military and corporate professionals can enhance performance and unleash potential. Our technology facilitates the linkage of learning objectives to measurable performance outcomes. Our studio's proprietary approach to interactive instructional design and experiential learning simultaneously inspires and educates. We invite you to explore our Website and your organization's untapped potential.
Kerry J

US Grading system requires 100s of marks per student - 0 views

    Articulated Instruction Module or AIM, was designed by a longtime school system employee, Baltimore County school administrators have ordered all teachers to begin using it. AIM will require teachers to judge whether each of their students has mastered more than 100 specific skills.

How And Why To Make Side Projects Work At A Digital Agency - 1 views

love being a web designer and I'm incredibly thankful that I decided to join this industry many years ago. Still, despite my love of this profession, there have been a number of times during my car...


started by digividia on 29 Apr 24 no follow-up yet

How And Why To Make Side Projects Work At A Digital Agency - 1 views

love being a web designer and I'm incredibly thankful that I decided to join this industry many years ago. Still, despite my love of this profession, there have been a number of times during my car...

started by digividia on 29 Apr 24 no follow-up yet
Nigel Robertson

Design with Learning in Mind - 0 views

  • * Short, directed learning segments-Chunk-ability * Ability to repeat and review content-Repeat-ability * Ability to stop and resume without having to start all over-Pause-ability * Clear, direct instructions-Understand-ability
  • we lead students rather than dispense knowledge to them. We become the bridge between students and content rather than the source of the content. It is a perhaps subtle change but nevertheless important because it means taking on different responsibilities.
  • Strategies that support this shift in perspective include having the students moderate discussion forums, prepare concept summaries and examples for other students, and assume greater responsibility as frontline moderators for the course (Boettcher, 2007).

Portable Wall Electric Heater - 0 views

The easy to move portable heater can be mounted to a ceiling joist or wall and is made for smaller garages, professional workshops Wonder heater plug in is the whole room space heater that plugs ri...

started by ava777 on 14 May 19 no follow-up yet
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