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North Coast

TAFE Courses, distance courses, online courses - 0 views

    TAFE Courses - North Coast TAFE offers a range of distance courses, online courses, aboriginal programs, green skills courses, courses for school students and international programs. Search the course of your choice at
Tony Searl

Video Demo of UMBC's "Check My Activity" Tool for Students (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) | EDUCAUSE - 1 views

  • Analysis of 1,461 courses using Blackboard in spring 2010 showed that D and F students used the course management system 47 percent less than students earning a C or higher.
    Can technology support student learning by raising self-awareness? To find out, the University of Maryland, Baltimore County built a "Check My Activity" (CMA) tool that lets students compare their use of resources in the university's Blackboard course management system to that of other students. Analysis of 1,461 courses using Blackboard in spring 2010 showed that D and F students used the course management system 47 percent less than students earning a C or higher
John Pearce

Course: 21st Century Technology Skills - 13 views

    From the Queensbury Union Free School District comes this Moodle based 21st Century Technology Skills course. The 10 Week Computer Literacy Course for 6th grade students covers Understanding Computers | Digital Literacy | Digital Citizenship | Cyber Safety
Rhondda Powling

8 things every teacher can do to create an innovative classroom | eSchool News | eSchoo... - 1 views

    "Eight basic principles for the "Innovative Classroom," around which one teacher designed a middle school course called Physical Computing. Some of the projects and tools are specific to that course, but the fundamental ideas could be applied to almost any course at any level"
Roland Gesthuizen ~ #change11 - 3 views

    George Siemens, Stephen Downes, and Dave Cormier - have had over 10,000 participants in the various courses we've run since 2008. The learning experience has been terrific. We've refined our pedagogical approaches, improved the software (well, actually, just Stephen did that), and developed a research agenda around learning in networks in open online courses... If you are interested in joining, please register for the course. We will be posting more information over the next few months.
Kerry J

ScienceDirect - Computers & Education : Why are faculty members not teaching blended co... - 1 views

    This paper describes the findings of an exploratory, qualitative case study and examines problems and impediments faculty members encountered in blended learning environments in Turkish Higher Education system. A total of 117 faculty members from 4 universities responded to 8 interview questions. Findings were based on content analyses of interview transcripts. The results show that faculty members' problems with blended teaching resulted in the identification of three inductive categories: instructional processes, community concerns and technical issues. The eight themes emerged from these three categories include the following: (1) complexity of the instruction, (2) lack of planning and organization, (3) lack of effective communication, (4) need for more time, (5) lack of institutional support, (6) changing roles, (7) difficulty of adoption to new technologies and (8) lack of electronic means. This study indicates that teaching blended courses can be highly complex and have different teaching patterns, which, in turn, impacts successful implementation of the blended college courses.
Grace Kat

Online Course: Connectivism & Connective Knowledge - 0 views

    George Siemens and Stephen Downes will co-facilitate the course. The support wiki for the course provides additional information.
Steve Madsen

Main Page: Robotics - 0 views

    An extensive moodle site for various technology courses in NSW by Graham Betts. One of the courses is an overview on robotics.
    This course is designed to give people a general overview of robotics. You will need to register but registration is free and open to anyone.
John Pearce

McSweeney's Internet Tendency: Internet-Age Writing Syllabus and Course Overview. - 0 views

    This highly amusing look at the world of Web 2.0 as viewed through the INTERNET-AGE WRITING SYLLABUS AND COURSE OVERVIEW is a salutary reminder to those of us who have latently become besotted by the wonders of social networking that "All that Twitters is not told". As Mr McSweeney suggests the course is the perfect antidote to those who are worried what to do; "As print takes its place alongside smoke signals, cuneiform, and hollering ......." I 4 1 wll B signing up 4 I cn hz writng skls
Rhondda Powling - Search Student Notes - 0 views

    This tool is a free service designed for college students to record and share notes in a searchable database. Students can take their notes directly in iSearchNotes using the integrated word processing platform. Notes can be tagged by subject area, course title, and or the course instructor's name.
Tony Searl

Free, as in Unfettered « Gardner Writes - 1 views

    When does a curriculum unfetter us, and when is it a set of handcuffs? When does a teacher unfetter us? When do our classmates unfetter us? A classroom, or a credit hour system, or an advising system? And so forth. These are very difficult questions indeed, and of course some oppressors believe most sincerely (it seems) that they're keeping handcuffs on for the inmates' own good-and of course Stockholm Syndrome means that sometimes people don't want to lose their fetters, so thoroughly do they identify with their captors.

Exabis e-portfolio block - MoodleDocs - 0 views

    The exabis e-Portfolio block enables portfolio work for students from within Moodle. The block has to be activated at least once in any course (or on the mymoodle-page)- students can then do eportfolio-work across courses building up and using their individual category-system. It is a non-standard module.
Roland Gesthuizen

Development - Some Pros and Cons of iPads for ELT | Delta Publishing - English Language... - 1 views

    "Well the iPad has really hit the news in education circles since it's release last year. I'm sure lots of teachers are wondering whether it's hype and what the true potential of these devices are as tools for learners. I've had my iPad for about 8 months now, so I've decided to share my reflections so far on what I like about the iPad, what potential I feel it offers for developing course books and course materials and some of the problems."
    Good iPad review listing some pros and cons. The time is ripe to get staff thinking of how to use these in their classroom.
Chris Betcher

Social Networking and Viral Marketing Using Facebook Training Course - 1 views

    This course is ideal for those who want to use Facebook for social networking and online viral marketing but lack the skills or knowledge to do it.
John Pearce

Buzzword alert - Gamification « Generation YES Blog - 2 views

    "Have you been gamified yet? Perhaps not a painful as it sounds, gamification is on its way to becoming THE buzzword of 2011. Social media engagement tools such as badges, points, levels, leaderboards, etc are making their way out of hipster apps to every online engagement you can think of. Yes, it all sounds oddly familiar (green stamps, reward cards, etc.) but of course, it's all NEW NEW NEW, with gurus and pundits claiming that gamification will change the way we live and of course, spend money."
Rhondda Powling

Around the Using GoogleApps as a Free #LMS - 2 views

    Post about some College professors who created and delivered a 3 credit-hour online course with no programmers using free Google Apps technologies - and kept control of the copyright. This includes 12 steps they took.
Tony Searl

The Rise of Generation C: Implications for the World of 2020 - 5 views

  • the Internet will evolve into a largely "centerless" cloud with no obvious control points.
  • The "smart pipe," an intelligent communication infrastructure, will be at the heart of many new value pools in industries as diverse as healthcare, energy, transportation, and media.
    "In the course of the next 10 years, a new generation-Generation C-will emerge. Born after 1990, these "digital natives," just now beginning to attend university and enter the work- force, will transform the world as we know it. Their interests will help drive massive change in how people around the world socialize, work, and live their passions-and in the information and communication technologies they use to do so."
    "In the course of the next 10 years, a new generation-Generation C-will emerge. Born after 1990, these "digital natives," just now beginning to attend university and enter the work- force, will transform the world as we know it. Their interests will help drive massive change in how people around the world socialize, work, and live their passions-and in the information and communication technologies they use to do so."
John Pearce

Twitter Search - 0 views

    Twitter Search helps you filter all the real-time information coursing through our service.
    Keeping up with interesting news and people you care about is one dimension of Twitter, but what if you need to find out what's happening in the world beyond your personal timeline? There is an undeniable need to search, filter, and otherwise interact with the volumes of news and information being transmitted to Twitter every second. Twitter Search helps you filter all the real-time information coursing through our service.
 Lisa Durff

GlobalClassroom - 5 views

    Teaching and Learning is a four week course with Act 48 credit.
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