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Rhondda Powling

Paper Rater: Free Online Grammar Checker, Proofreader, and More - 6 views

    Paper Rater is a free service designed to help high school and college students improve their writing. Paper Rater does basic spelling and grammar checks, but the real value of Paper Rater is that it tells students if their papers have elements of plagiarism. Paper Rater scans students' papers then gives students an estimate of the likelihood that someone might think that their papers were plagiarized.
Andrew Williamson

What should students do once they can read? - Richard Olsen's Blog - 1 views

  • the only evidence presented to support the assertion that Victoria’s education outcomes are not improving is the report “Challenges in Australian Education: results from PISA 2009: the PISA 2009 assessment of students’ reading, mathematical and scientific literacy”
  • While it doesn’t seem unreasonable to want our students to be able to accurately perform these kind of tasks, these tests are not a true or accurate representation of the skills and competencies our students need in today’s technology driven world.
  • We need to understand the new social world that both our students and our teachers live and learn in.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • A world where the experts are no longer in charge, a world where autonomous self-directed learners are skilled at co-constructing new knowledge in unknown and uncertain environments
  • A world where knowledge is complex and is changing.
  • Our students need to be immersed in the modern learning, made possible by modern technology and free of the compromises that up til now our education system has been based on.
    Looking at the New Directions for school leadership and the teaching profession discussion paper, the only evidence presented to support the assertion that Victoria's education outcomes are not improving is the report "Challenges in Australian Education: results from PISA 2009: the PISA 2009 assessment of students' reading, mathematical and scientific literacy" Specifically the New Directions paper focuses on reading literacy, where in 2009, 14,251 students were given a two-hour pen and paper comprehension test. To get an idea of what types of competencies the reading test is assessing we can look at the sample test , with questions range from comprehension about a letter in a newspaper, the ability to interpret a receipt, comprehension around a short story, an informational text, and interpreting a table. While it doesn't seem unreasonable to want our students to be able to accurately perform these kind of tasks, these tests are not a true or accurate representation of the skills and competencies our students need in today's technology driven world.

Buy Wechat Account - SmmTopMarket - 0 views

    Buy Wechat Account Introduction Wechat accounts are used for a variety of purposes, from transferring and entering dispatches and making calls to using the mobile payment service, Wechat Pay. Purchasing a Wechat account is a simple process, and one that can be done online. When buying a Wechat account, you'll need to give the account's unique ID number, as well as your own particular information, similar as your name and dispatch address. Once the account is registered, you'll be suitable to use it to communicate with your connections and access the features of Wechat. When buying a Wechat account, make sure you read the terms and conditions and read up on the security measures the account provider has in place to insure your data is kept secure. Companies can use. client service WeChat can be used to give client service to guests, responding to inquiries and furnishing support. Marketing Companies can use WeChat to produce juggernauts, post updates, and announce products and services. Payment WeChat allows companies to accept payments directly from guests through its mobile portmanteau. Content creation Companies can produce and partake blogs, papers, and other content on WeChat. Brand structure Companies can use WeChat to make their brand by connecting with guests and creating a sense of community. Recruiting Companies can use WeChat to retain new workers and share job rosters. Deals Companies can use WeChat to promote their products, services, and specials. Events Companies can use WeChat to host virtual events and promote them to their followers. Buy Wechat Account Are you looking for a way to market your business? Then wechat account is an excellent choice WeChat is a popular social media platform in China that allows druggies to shoot dispatches, make payments, share prints, and more. It's a great way to reach out to implicit guests and make your brand in the Chinese request. With WeChat, you can produce juggernauts, run contests, and offer
  • ...1 more comment...
    Buy Wechat Account Introduction Wechat accounts are used for a variety of purposes, from transferring and entering dispatches and making calls to using the mobile payment service, Wechat Pay. Purchasing a Wechat account is a simple process, and one that can be done online. When buying a Wechat account, you'll need to give the account's unique ID number, as well as your own particular information, similar as your name and dispatch address. Once the account is registered, you'll be suitable to use it to communicate with your connections and access the features of Wechat. When buying a Wechat account, make sure you read the terms and conditions and read up on the security measures the account provider has in place to insure your data is kept secure. Companies can use. client service WeChat can be used to give client service to guests, responding to inquiries and furnishing support. Marketing Companies can use WeChat to produce juggernauts, post updates, and announce products and services. Payment WeChat allows companies to accept payments directly from guests through its mobile portmanteau. Content creation Companies can produce and partake blogs, papers, and other content on WeChat. Brand structure Companies can use WeChat to make their brand by connecting with guests and creating a sense of community. Recruiting Companies can use WeChat to retain new workers and share job rosters. Deals Companies can use WeChat to promote their products, services, and specials. Events Companies can use WeChat to host virtual events and promote them to their followers. Buy Wechat Account Are you looking for a way to market your business? Then wechat account is an excellent choice WeChat is a popular social media platform in China that allows druggies to shoot dispatches, make payments, share prints, and more. It's a great way to reach out to implicit guests and make your brand in the Chinese request. With WeChat, you can produce juggernauts, run contests, and offer
    Buy Wechat Account Introduction Wechat accounts are used for a variety of purposes, from transferring and entering dispatches and making calls to using the mobile payment service, Wechat Pay. Purchasing a Wechat account is a simple process, and one that can be done online. When buying a Wechat account, you'll need to give the account's unique ID number, as well as your own particular information, similar as your name and dispatch address. Once the account is registered, you'll be suitable to use it to communicate with your connections and access the features of Wechat. When buying a Wechat account, make sure you read the terms and conditions and read up on the security measures the account provider has in place to insure your data is kept secure. Companies can use. client service WeChat can be used to give client service to guests, responding to inquiries and furnishing support. Marketing Companies can use WeChat to produce juggernauts, post updates, and announce products and services. Payment WeChat allows companies to accept payments directly from guests through its mobile portmanteau. Content creation Companies can produce and partake blogs, papers, and other content on WeChat. Brand structure Companies can use WeChat to make their brand by connecting with guests and creating a sense of community. Recruiting Companies can use WeChat to retain new workers and share job rosters. Deals Companies can use WeChat to promote their products, services, and specials. Events Companies can use WeChat to host virtual events and promote them to their followers. Buy Wechat Account Are you looking for a way to market your business? Then wechat account is an excellent choice WeChat is a popular social media platform in China that allows druggies to shoot dispatches, make payments, share prints, and more. It's a great way to reach out to implicit guests and make your brand in the Chinese request. With WeChat, you can produce juggernauts, run contests, and offer
    Buy Wechat Account Introduction Wechat accounts are used for a variety of purposes, from transferring and entering dispatches and making calls to using the mobile payment service, Wechat Pay. Purchasing a Wechat account is a simple process, and one that can be done online. When buying a Wechat account, you'll need to give the account's unique ID number, as well as your own particular information, similar as your name and dispatch address. Once the account is registered, you'll be suitable to use it to communicate with your connections and access the features of Wechat. When buying a Wechat account, make sure you read the terms and conditions and read up on the security measures the account provider has in place to insure your data is kept secure. Companies can use. client service WeChat can be used to give client service to guests, responding to inquiries and furnishing support. Marketing Companies can use WeChat to produce juggernauts, post updates, and announce products and services. Payment WeChat allows companies to accept payments directly from guests through its mobile portmanteau. Content creation Companies can produce and partake blogs, papers, and other content on WeChat. Brand structure Companies can use WeChat to make their brand by connecting with guests and creating a sense of community. Recruiting Companies can use WeChat to retain new workers and share job rosters. Deals Companies can use WeChat to promote their products, services, and specials. Events Companies can use WeChat to host virtual events and promote them to their followers. Buy Wechat Account Are you looking for a way to market your business? Then wechat account is an excellent choice WeChat is a popular social media platform in China that allows druggies to shoot dispatches, make payments, share prints, and more. It's a great way to reach out to implicit guests and make your brand in the Chinese request. With WeChat, you can produce juggernauts, run contests, and offer
Rhondda Powling

How to teach students to build a positive online identity | eSchool News | eSchool News - 3 views

    "Students understand the power of social media but are they making good decisions about what to post online? How can we, as educators, help them understand not just the immediacy of their posts but also the permanence of online communications? Learning is becoming more digital and educators at all levels should be instrumental in building students' understanding about how their online presence impacts both their personal and future professional lives. Educators are also instrumental in helping students develop lifelong habits to create and maintain a positive online identity. You can look to the 2015 ISTE White Paper, Building and Keeping a Positive Digital Identity, to help kids be more intentional in what they post online. This paper applies ISTE standards to the idea of building and maintaining a positive online identity. It poses five questions adults can use to kick-start meaningful conversations about online behaviour and identity."
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Roland Gesthuizen

ALRC Copyright and the Digital Economy Discussion Paper released - 0 views

    "On 5 June 2013, the Australian Law Reform Commission released a Discussion Paper for its Copyright and the Digital Economy inquiry. The closing date for submissions is 31 July 2013."
Kerry J

What is 'competence' and how should education incorporate new technology's tools to gen... - 3 views

    This paper addresses the competences needed in 21st century life especially in relation to civic participation, and the educational requirements to foster them in young people. New technologies are widely used by young people for informal social interaction, video game-playing and giving voice to their views. Incorporation of these practices into the classroom has been fairly slow, despite their manifest potential for promoting agency and civic engagement. The paper argues that this is in part due to the need for a cultural shift in education to accommodate them. Currently, many competences young people will need for the future world of interactive technology and 'bottom-up' information, communication and democracy are mainly being developed through informal practices. These competences, which include adaptability, managing ambiguity, and agency are discussed in relation to civic participation. 
Rhondda Powling

Media Awareness Network (MNet) | Reports and Publications - 0 views

    The Digital Literacy in Canada discussion paper is a response to the Government of Canada's Digital Economy Consultation, launched in May 2010. The paper calls for federal leadership in the creation of a national digital literacy strategy to ensure all Canadians have the necessary skills to use digital technologies to their fullest potential. 
Tony Searl

Paper on Commissioned Research - 0 views

    On 31 August 2011, the Review of Funding for Schooling panel released a Paper on Commissioned Research and four research reports, seeking feedback from the general public. It is important to note that these research reports do not necessarily reflect the views of the panel.
John Pearce

Daily on Twitter as shared by John Pearce - 2 views

  • collects and aggregates tweets from your Twitter stream and then categorises them under sections in the fashion of a newspaper. The newspaper is created and updated every 2 hours using all the links (articles) shared in the past 24 hours by the selected Twitter account (curator) AND the people being followed by that user (contributors)
Katy L

Ed/ITLib Digital Library → Learning through Design and Construction in Multi-... - 0 views

  • Cram, A., Hedberg, J., Lumkin, K. & Eade, J. (2010). Learning through Design and Construction in Multi-User Virtual Environments: Opportunities, Challenges and an Emerging Project. In Proceedings of Global Learn Asia Pacific 2010 (pp. 1185-1194). AACE.Retrieved from
  • Andrew Cram, John Hedberg, Macquarie University, Australia; Katy Lumkin, Jan Eade, NSW Department of Education and Training, Australia
  • There are now several implementations of multi-user virtual environments (MUVEs) that have produced evidence of their educational validity. These implementations, however, do not make full use of the educational possibilities offered by MUVEs – namely the potential for students to learn through design and construct of artefacts within the virtual environment. This paper outlines a design-based research project that aims to implement and evaluate a MUVE that focuses on student design and construction of in-world artefacts. The discussion covers theoretical groundings, the challenges of construction and outlines a progression of activities that meet these challenges. An initial pilot study is described and reported.
    Cram, A., Hedberg, J., Lumkin, K. & Eade, J. (2010). Learning through Design and Construction in Multi-User Virtual Environments: Opportunities, Challenges and an Emerging Project. In Proceedings of Global Learn Asia Pacific 2010 (pp. 1185-1194). AACE. Retrieved from
dean groom

Waybe - From the digital to the real world - Home - 0 views

    This thing turns sketch up models into paper models. Great for D&T.
Roland Gesthuizen

Say NO to NAPLAN (1).pdf - Google Docs - 3 views

    Papers compiled by a group of concerned educators who are speaking out for many who are constrained from speaking publicly.
Roland Gesthuizen

#VicPLN Action - 1 views

    "On June 21 2012, the Vic Government released a discussion paper which states its vision for the improvement of the teaching profession. The 'New Directions for School Leadership and the Teaching Profession,' aims to stimulate and inform discussion on the future of the teaching profession and school leadership."
Chris Betcher

Ln: Statistics Laundering: false and fantastic figures [ pornography statistics ] - 0 views

  • The core point made herein is that the use of web sites for such purposes has long been, and still is being, vastly exaggerated in the media, by advocacy organisations, etc. Meanwhile little if any attention has been given to credible evidence that there is a vastly larger problem involving the use of non-Web Internet technologies which will not be affected in any way by the Federal Government's plan to spend AUD$44.5 million on 'blocking' of accidental/unintentional access to web sites.
    This research paper contains information about various alarming and sensational, but out-of-date, false and/or misleading 'statistics' concerning the prevalence of 'child pornography' material on Internet Web sites, etc., which appeared in Australian media reports/articles, government agency reports, etc., in 2008 and 2009.
Roland Gesthuizen

Computer Science Unplugged: School Students Doing Real Computing Without Computers | Mi... - 1 views

    "The "Unplugged" project, based at Canterbury University,uses activities, games, magic tricks and competitions toshow children the kind of thinking that is expected of acomputer scientist. All of the activities are available freeof charge at ... This paper will explore why this approach has become popular, and describe developments and adaptations thatare being used for outreach and teaching around NewZealand, as well as internationally."
Zoran Sargent

Informational Guide To Know The Correct Details About 1 Minute Payday Loans! - 0 views

    As everything is online these days, loan can easily be applied by visiting the online lending market. When you are already down on the monetary front and scared of paying the heavy fees attached with the loan, relying on this deal will let you have an affordable choice. Looking for the different options and comparing them carefully will let you choose the most competitive option of all. No bunches of paper works are involved in the online process at all. Online lenders complete the application within few clicks and are destined to submit the loaned money in the bank account of the borrower without making any delays.
Rhondda Powling

Tools that Make Writing Easier for Students - Instructional Tech Talk - 3 views

    "It's not easy to teach students to handle the process of academic writing. Instead of providing vague guidelines and leaving the students to complete papers on their own, teachers should inspire them to come up with ideas, organize them and stick with proper vocabulary when writing the discussion. In this post EdTech lists some tools might be able to help:"
Rhondda Powling

Notes From McTeach: Learning to Blog Using Paper - 6 views

    An interesting task that introduces students to writing blogs and esp commenting. Includes a list of blogging rules and also another document about ideas for comments
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