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Nancy Healy

7 Things You Should Know About VoiceThread | EDUCAUSE - 0 views

    Download the pdf article on this web site
Melinda Connon

Purple Comet! Math Meet - 0 views

    We have participated in this contest for 3 years.  It doesn't cost anything except for the printing of the questions for each team and/or team member.  It is a group contest -- up to 6 per team.  Each team needs a computer that can only access the Purple Comet site during the 60-90 minutes of the exam.  Any preloaded software may be used to find a solution.  It isn't multiple choice, so guessing doesn't do much good.  I had 2 teams try that last year and didn't get any of the guessed problems correct.  Tough contest -- there are only a couple of Iowa high schools participating so far.
Melinda Connon

Art of Problem Solving - 0 views

    This is a site for math or TAG teachers.  The Alcumus section gives one problem at a time starting easy and building in difficulty.  You get 2 tries to get it right and then it shows you one or two correct methods of finding the solution.  The problems come from older national mathematics exams.
Dennis OConnor

#PleaseHelp: Learning to Write (Again) on Twitter | Digital Is ... - 0 views

    A writing teacher's narrative about re-discovering a writers process by slowly learning Twitter.  This is a thoughtful account that may lure some who are hesitant about using twitter into giving it a try. (More than a try really, it takes some time for you too find your voice and your audience.)
Dennis OConnor

Emerging Asynchronous Conversation Models : eLearning Technology - 0 views

  • The standard model for asynchronous conversations is discussion forum software like vBulletin.  I've talked before about the significant value that can be obtained as part of Discussion Forums for Knowledge Sharing at Capital City Bank and how that translates in a Success Formula for Discussion Forums in Financial Services.  I also looked at Making Intranet Discussion Groups Effective.
  • However, I've struggled with the problem of destinations vs. social networks and the spread of conversation (see Forums vs. Social Networks). 
  • Talkwheel  is made to handle real-time group conversations and asynchronous ones.  It can act as an instant messaging service a bit like Yammer, HipChat for companies and other groups, but the layout is designed to make these discussions easier to see, archive, and work asynchronously.
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  • Talkwheel’s design makes class conversations easier to follow, more interactive, and more effectively organized. It eliminates the problem of navigating multithreaded conversations, enables real-time group conversation, and makes referencing asynchronous conversations much easier. Talkwheel’s dashboard organization allows teachers to organize all their classes and projects in one centralized location, while Talkwheel's analytics helps teachers and administrators quantitatively monitor their students’ progress throughout the year.
  • Quora is a Q&A site nicely integrated with Facebook that has done a good job providing a means to ask questions and get answers.
  • Quora has been able to form quite an elite network of VCs, entrepreneurs, and other experts to answer questions.  They've also created topic pages such as: Learning Management System. 
  • Finally, Namesake, is a tool for real-time and asynchronous conversations.  It's a bit like Quora but more focused on conversation as compared to Q&A and it allows real-time conversation a bit like twitter.  You can see an example of a conversation around phones below.
  • All of these point to new types of conversation models that are emerging in tools.
    Threaded discussion is an old technology. It's inspiring to think of new ways we can talk together at a distance that allow integration of both synchronous and asynchronous technology. I often thing we'll look back on the course management systems we use today and think of them as something like a 300 baud modem. Eyes Front! What's over the horizon line?
Mary Overholtzer

interactive simulations in science - 0 views

    Numerous simulations in all areas of science
    Here are some neat interactive sites and simulations to help students understand science concepts.
    Thank you so much for sharing. This site will come in handing when introducing the periodic table and simple chemistry concepts.
Amy Burns

Synchronous and Asynchronous Communication Tools - Articles - Resources - ASAE - 4 views

    Great chart showing various tools for synchronous and asynchronous communication.
    Would moodle enter into both of these?
Deb Henkes

How Online Education Is Changing the Way We Learn [INFOGRAPHIC] - 1 views

    • Deb Henkes
      This info graphic really shows how online learning is changing and challenging our traditional mode of educating.
    • Andrea Accola-Sabin
      Our school offered a blended class through APEX learning. I was in charge of the Algebra II class and the students loved working at their own pace and when they wanted to work. There were time lines for assignments and test, but students could work ahead. If they had questions I was available for them. I don't think that they could do the course completely by themselves. I think that this was a great learning opportunity for the students, to see what is ahead of them in the learning system.
  • How Online Education Is Changing the Way We Learn [INFOGRAPHIC]
  • Check out this infographic from about how the world of online learning has changed and grown over the years.
    Impressive graphic....reinforces the need for classes such as the ones through OLLIE.
    Ollie Iowa
Deb Henkes

How Online Education Is Changing the Way We Learn [INFOGRAPHIC] - 0 views

  • Check out this infographic from about how the world of online learning has changed and grown over the years.
  • Check out this infographic from about how the world of online learning has changed and grown over the years
    • Deb Henkes
      This info graphic really shows how online learning is changing and challenging our traditional mode of educating.
Melinda Connon

CPMP-Tools Software - 0 views

    This is a free Computer Algebra System designed to go with the Core-Plus Mathematics Curriculum. We are using a different curriculum, but this was referenced as a free tool as an alternative to the leading calculator product. Since we will be 1:1, my students don't need to invest in those calculators. CAS is not allowed on any college testing as of yet.
Melinda Connon

GeoGebra - 2 views

    Great free geometry software that is similar to Geometer's sketchpad
    I have been using this tool to develop/convert investigative activities for Geometry through Calculus. The files files can be exported to HTML in a nicer format that Geometer's Sketchpad 4.0. I haven't tried GSP 5.0.
Deborah Ausborn

Google Apps Education Training Center - 1 views

    This is an online learning environment dedicated for educators and students to learn how to effectively use Google Apps in an educational context.
    google infor
Melissa Hesner

Build Your Wildself - 0 views

    A concern for many is keeping students' identities secure. Avatars allow students to keep their identities secure while representing themselves online. Build Your Wildself is intended for young students from the New York Zoos and Aquarium.
Melissa Hesner

Foldit - Solve Puzzles for Science - 0 views

    Foldit is a computer game that enables players to contribute to important scientific research through game play.
Mary Overholtzer

ollie1: Iowa Online Course Standards - 2 views

  • (K-12) • Information literacy and communication skills are incorporated and taught as an integral part of the curriculum.
    • Mary Trent
      Communication is key in online classes. I know I have been lost a time or two. I like checklists of requirements for the course.
    • anonymous
      Information literacy becomes even more important as more resources are available for our students. They need the tools to be able to filter through all the information out there and search out what is best. Middle school kids seem very willing to believe it if they saw it on the internet.
    • mhauser
      I'm 57 years old. My dad, who had an eighth grade education and would be in his 90s were he still alive used to tell us, "Don't believe everything you hear." He would also say, "Don't believe everything you read." My dad was wise. We need to be skeptics. Everyone needs to ask the questions, Who is sharing this information? Why should I believe them? What is their purpose? How old is this information? Can I understand the context in which it's offered? I'm a teacher librarian. I've been working on this for 16 years and love that information literacy is in these standards.
    • Mary Overholtzer
      Communication is the hardest thing I do as a wife, mother, teacher, and friend. When I think I am communicating well, it's obvious that others are not!!!! HA! The hardest job I will every do is communicating.
  • • The course design provides opportunities for appropriate instructor-student interaction, including timely and frequent feedback about student progress based on the learning targets.
    • Mary Trent
      It's important to encourage students to feel comfortable to ask questions especially when they are lost. Quick, easy, multiple ways to contact the instructor are important.
    • Julia Schreckengast
      I would agree so many students are too afraid to ask questions in front of a class. They are just satisfied with not knowing rather than risking embarassment.
    • Laura Eklund
      I am involved in a grant program that is about blending the online teaching with face-to-face teaching, which will make the instructor-student interaction easier.
    • Bob Pauk
      Obviously this is important, but also challenging when you see as many as 150 students per day. It makes things like clickers and online communicaiton that much more important.
    • Nancy Peterman
      Technology has made instructor-student interaction easier, while also making it difficult for students to not become involved. Students quickly see that they are accountable and instructors can track their participation.
    • Kevin Kemp
      Students and instructors both need feedback in order to achieve.  Progress can only be achieved with an ongoing, positive conversation
  • All resources and materials used in the course are appropriately cited and obey copyright and fair use.
    • crjessen44
      This is something I would like to know more about in the on-line world. I'm not sure on certain issues relating to this and would like to be more clear on my understanding.
    • Ashley Weaver
      I would also like information, especially about fair use!
    • Deborah Ausborn
      This is one of the greatest concerns I have in planning an online course. I did find a section in the orientation materials for this course that addressed it. It is called "Copyright BriefNotes" and is available from the AEA. I can't tell you exactly where I found it; explored way too many links to be able to retrace my steps and the printout doesn't have a web address. It was a pdf file on a link.
    • Kathy Hageman
      It is critical that we model appropriate citing, observance of copyright, and fair use for our students. My middle schoolers have difficulty grasping both the significance and the proper methods of these concepts.
    • Jessica White
      This is one of the most important details! Yes, middle school students struggle with citing. It is only going to be more important as more and more online resources are available.
    • Deb Ritchie
      I'm pretty clear on rights for print materials, but less sure when the item in question is a graphic, picture, etc. Does it make a difference that our course is only available to students in our classroom and not going out to the world wide web?
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  • Sufficient learning resources and materials to increase student success are available to students
    • crjessen44
      This is where I think Moodle or other similar tools will have an advantage. I like that I will be able to group all relevant resources together for students. I have a lot of resources right now but they are all scattered..
    • Nancy Peterman
      I definitely agree with you about these online tools making resources more available. Like you, I have many resources in many locations. I am gradually moving the resources to my Moodle course pages and plan to expand this to include Diigo. Grouping the resources will provide students with a consistent location while working and provide me with a better method for keeping web pages current.
  • Ongoing and frequent assessments
    • Ashley Weaver
      Formative assessments?
    • anonymous
      Good question - Would this be a good spot for using some of the online quiz tools that we saw on the Cool Tools website? Is it easier or harder to complete formative assessments in an online setting?
  • Instructions to students on how to meet the learning objectives are adequate and stated clearly.
    • rcordes1961
      AS Stiggens said many years ago, students need to know the target before attempting to hit the target. Trying to hit a moving target is frustrating and difficult for everyone!
    • Deborah Ausborn
      How true! It is important that the students clearly know what is expected of them.
    • Kathy Hageman
      My nine-year old even undertands this! He recently commented, "This assignment would be so much easier if (the teacher) had given us a rubric."
    • Kevin Kemp
      If our students don't know what to expect, what are we doing?  Students need and deserve to know what they are responsible to know.
    • mhauser
      I need to get better about making clear daily objectives. That's new to me, but my faculties have their learning goals posted on their walls each day. It's great for everybody. Kathy, I love what your son said. Kevin, you are right on the money!
    • Victoria Guilliatt
      I put my lesson objectives on the board when I teach my elementary library classes, it makes it easier for the students to know what I expect.
    • Mary Overholtzer
      What's amazing to me is when I have a student say, "Give me a rubric, and I can easily get an A with less effort." This scares me it's a way of putting forth mediocre work by "beating" the system. Tha'ts why every rubric I build has a perception component of quality when comparing project/discussions/etc with peers.
  • Assessment strategies and tools, such as "self-check" or practice assignments, make the student continuously aware of his/her progress in class and mastery of the content beyond letter grades.
    • Julia Schreckengast
      I am going to try to use next year with my CoPi blended classroom.
    • Amy Kemp
      I hope to create some practice problems or a quiz using Softchalk.  I have never created anything myself for them to do online.
  • The course instruction includes activities that engage students in active learning
    • Laura Eklund
      This is a great place for the cool tools for school, but there are so many out there I don't know where to begin. Also, it seems like everytime I find a tool that engages students a new and better tool comes out and I have relearn everything about that tool.
  • The course instruction includes activities that engage students in active learning
    • Bob Pauk
      Students today live in a different world than the one most of us in this class experienced when we were young. Sitting for 45 minutes with nothing more than an overhead projector or chalkboard to look at and nothing more than a teachers voice to hear is just completely out of touch with the way students experience things outside of the classroom. As educators we need to keep that in mind or we really will have kids bored to death.
    • Joleen Louwsma
      Students are multitaskers and grow bored when not challenged. Active and interactive learning is one way to keep them engaged. I also feel that as teachers we need to change our " tools" and raise the bar for learning.
    • mhauser
      In most classes, I think we have about 10 minutes to direct students toward the learning that we hope will happen that day. Then we have to let them get started on their learning and coach them as needed for the rest of the class. If there is confusion or a common thread shows up during the class time, the coach/facilitator/teacher might stop the student work to explain, or to have a student explain the issue, but otherwise, the focus is definitely not on the teacher. It's not about us. ;-)
  • • Academic integrity and netiquette (Internet etiquette) expectations regarding lesson activities, discussions, e-mail communications and plagiarism are clearly stated
    • Matt Tracy
      This, I believe, is more and more important because our students really struggle with understanding that once something is on the web, it's out there for good. They also struggle with understanding just the basics of appropriateness.
    • Kathy Hageman
      Do you think that in many cases students do know what is appropriate and what is not? I think that students sometimes push the limits to see if the instructor cares enough to hold them accountable.
  • The course goals and objectives are measurable and clearly state what the participants will know or be able to do at the end of the course
    • Bob Pauk
      This one is so simple, yet doing this effectively is probably on of the most important things an instructor can do to avoid problems down the road.
    • rcordes1961
      I agree, Bob. I think sometimes we believe students are suppose to be mind readers when it comes to what they will learn or be able to do.
    • Jason Gomez
      My school went to putting the learning target on the board everyday. I think it was good, but should be incorporated with a "ticket out the door" activity.
  • Instruction provides students with multiple learning paths to master the content, addressing individual student needs, learning styles and preferences
    • Deborah Ausborn
      I really love the idea that we can tailor courses to meet the needs of individual students. I would like to explore ways to have various paths leading to mastery. Once a student has mastered a concept, he or she can move on to the next concept. A student who needs more practice could be redirected to more learning activities on the same concept. One size does not fit all.
    • Kathy Hageman
      As I learn more about online learning and using Moodle, I am excited about the possibilities for differentiation. I see this as one of the greatest strengths of the format.
    • anonymous
      I love the idea of giving students ownership in their learning!
  • Technologies are chosen that are accessible to students
    • rcordes1961
      We need to keep in mind not all students have internet access at home. Online learning cannot be another way of separating the haves from the have nots.
    • Tresa Zaragoza
      This is the one that worries me the most. Between having enough computers and having them work when we need them.
  • A clear, complete course overview and syllabus are included in the course
    • Joleen Louwsma
      This is an important factor in making a successful class. What I think is clear and concise may be confusing to my students. Writing the syllabus, the course overview, expectations, and lesson instructions will be an ongoing process.
  • Instructions make clear how to get started and where to find various course components
    • Kathy Hageman
      As students in this course, many of us understand that it may be easy to be overwhelmed when starting out in online learning. We help our students with simple and clear guidance.
    • Mary Overholtzer
      As time goes on, what we consider to be so difficult, becomes easier as time goes on. We must note that while we teach online learners---and naturally, while they teach us too.
  • The requirements for student work, including student interaction, are clearly articulated.
    • Kathy Hageman
      Limited experiences teaching online have taught me that the quality of student interaction rises significantly when there are rubrics that spell out expectations for student posts. Otherwise, students easily slip into the language and style of non-academic online social interactions.
  • The course provider offers the course teacher, school coordinator assistance with technical support and course management. .
    • April Tidwell
      I feel this is so important. One of my biggest concerns about going 1:1 next year is the lack of tech support. I haven't seen any plan to increase the tech department, and I often have to wait days to get answers currently from the help desk. Students get extremely frustrated when technology doesn't work especially if there is no one there to help them.
  • The course provides opportunities for appropriate student interaction with the content to foster mastery and application of the material.
    • Heather Gould
      Rigor and Relevance is the Characteristic of Effective Instruction that comes to mind as I read this. Good instruction is good instruction, regardless of the teaching modality. In a student-centered environment, as this suggests, students are encouraged to collaborate with others as they take their new knowledge and apply it.
    • Steven Petersen
      This is critical. Without face-to-face interaction there has to be a method put in place for frequent contact by the teacher. Students always have questions and an inability to address those questions will lead to frustration.
  • The course accommodates multiple school calendars; e.g., block, 4X4 and traditional schedules
    • Steven Petersen
      Why should this matter. Unless it is a blended class the confines of the school schedule should be immaterial.
  • The course provides opportunities for appropriate instructor-student and student-student interaction to foster mastery and application of the material and a plan for monitoring that interaction.
    • hollysoby
      This is one I'm excited about - I'm hoping by mixing online with face to face learning I can have more interaction with quiet students - though I know from taking online classes it can be easy to just do enough to get by if there aren't a lot of opportunities to interact.
    • Tim Hadley
      I am hoping that is portion of the "face to face" is built in to help accomodate learning for students who are having trouble mastering the content. My worse fear of online learning is making the material move too quickly for students to keep up, making them frustrated and not positive learners.
  • The course structure includes a wide variety of assessment procedures to assess students’ mastery of content.
    • hollysoby
      This is something I feel like I need to be careful about - I think it's easy to get so excited about new ideas I throw a lot of projects at students at once - I need to think really hard about what I want to assess them on.
    • Tim Hadley
      Glad it isn't just me, I find that I also get pumped about something, throw it out to the students to "try" and then I realize at the end that I had no way to measure whether it was really effective or not.
  • • Grading policy and practices are easy to understand.
  • 21st century skills in the course, including: using 21st century skills in the core subjects, 21st century content, learning and thinking skills, ICT literacy, self-directed learning, global awareness
    • Tim Hadley
      Courses being online in and of themselves are 21st Century learning skills. However, I believe, online instruction should include more than just being posted on the internet. It should push students to be self-directed and global learners. Fulfilling this standard will take work, but I believe it is one of the most important goals of learning.
  • Hardware, web browser and software requirements, as well as prerequisite technology skills are specified.
    • Tim Hadley
      This is something I hadn't really thought about, but it makes sense. If students can't access your course from the beginning it would make it hard to impossible to be able to complete it.
  • Specific and descriptive criteria, including rubrics, are provided for the evaluation of students’ work and participation.
    • Jessica White
      This is always important to me as a teacher. Students must know how they are graded before the assignment/project is started. This would be the same with online learning.
  • The course provides opportunities for students to engage in higher-order thinking, critical-reasoning activities and thinking in increasingly complex ways
    • Deb Ritchie
      This is the standard that I'm most interested in. How do we make sure students are not doing the same old things only now with a computer? We need to keep the bar up there for higher-order thinking skills and critical reasoning. I'm hoing to gather ideas from class to help me do this.
  • instructional materials are aligned with the content
    • Victoria Guilliatt
      This is very important when I teach the elementary students in the library because it is very easy for them to become lost in the lesson
  • The course content and assignments are aligned with state’s content standards or nationally accepted content standards
    • Jason Gomez
      This always worries me; is the content of my class the same as the state's content? My district has gone to content mapping which makes it very easy to know that we are following state standards
david moeller

ed tech blog - 0 views

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