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Home/ OLLIE Iowa/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by ksteingr

Contents contributed and discussions participated by ksteingr


ollie-community: Student-Centered Learning: How to Implement a Blended Learning Program - 1 views

    • ksteingr
      Three Keys to this successful program: I had labeled this with 1) curated software, 2) culture of accountability based on a) student set goals and b) student run accountability groups and 3) peer mentors.
    • ksteingr
      I like the inclusion of both online and offline tools - ==digital text and print text Can we also include that for things we "watch"? ==digital video and observation?
    • ksteingr
      This idea of grades being together has always intrigued me. I went to school and had the same teacher for 1st & 2nd, and then another teacher for both 3rd & 4th. I remember very well observing things going on in the grade ahead of behind me as I was in this type of classroom. I think it makes sense.

Iowa k-12_socialstudies.pdf - 0 views

    Iowa Core Social Studies - revision planned starting 2015.... The What.

Iowa Core Literacy - k-12literacywithdok.pdf - 1 views

    Iowa Core Social Studies Literacy Standards - pages 75 and following. The What.
    Iowa Core Social Studies Literacy Standards - pages 75 and following. The How

Personalized Learning Definition - The Glossary of Education Reform - 2 views

    • ksteingr
      To me, the idea of using this time for small team time or working with mentors is positive. It would allow students to work on individual projects that go beyond or catch up with the work being done in a class, as one possibility.
  • Increasing the level of choice and personal responsibility students have in the instructional process. 
    • ksteingr
      If we are really going to explore Personalize learning, then we have to include student voices. They are as responsible, if not more, as we are for moving forward. They can "hold us" to the promise to give them different assignments and challenges. Even helping create these themselves. Not at all easy, but to keep online learning from just being a way for people to complete assignments remotely, we have to have a way for students to share what they are ready for next and what they have learned, individually.

ollie-community: What is Personalized Learning? Educators Seek Clarity - 2 views

    • ksteingr
      I sent out a survey to teachers about their background integrating use of technology and instruction. One very interesting comments back was that this individual wasn't responsible for PD, but their school assigned it. To me, that is the cultural shift also. Teachers need to feel they are responsible for their own PD, just as students need to feel they are responsible for their own learning. Each then, would make sure the learning was personalized for them.

ALA - Webcast 2015 - Powered By WebcastInc - 0 views

  • Andrew Carnegie Medal for excellence in children's video: Paul R. Gagne and Melissa Reilly Ellard, Weston Woods Studios, Inc., producers of “Me…Jane,” are the Carnegie Medal winners. This transcendent adaptation of Patrick McDonnell’s 2012 Caldecott Honor draws viewers into the childhood of a young Jane Goodall who, with beloved stuffed chimpanzee, Jubilee, is transformed by what she observes in her own backyard, a “magical world full of joy and wonder.”
    Archive webcast of award announcements including the Andrew Carnegie Medal for video. It went to "Me....Jane", available through AEA Digital Library. Get a persistent link at the site -

Teaching on the Web - Exploring the Meanings of Silence - 1 views

    • ksteingr
      Issues to confront - 1. designing learning that will engage students 2. choosing material that is suitable for the web 3. pedagogy in the online environment
  • There are numerous major educational issues to confront and resolve when delivering learning material on the Web -- like designing learning tasks that will engage students, and choosing material which is suitable for delivery via the Web. However, these are not the subjects of this brief discussion. I want to deal with a substantive issue that is too easily ignored or trivialised -- pedagogy in the online environment.
  • The need for support of teachers and academics in these early days of online delivery cannot be underestimated. Early adopters of new technologies can easily find themselves isolated, ignored and problem solving in an intellectual vacuum.
  • ...19 more annotations...
  • establish relaxed, free-flowing and open communication within the class.
    • ksteingr
      Use threaded discussion facility - not finding success.
  • There’s just this awful, sort of silence.
    • ksteingr
      Discussion breaking down.
  • One of the hardest things to orient to in online teaching is the radically different tempo of communication.
    • ksteingr
      The change?
  • How long do you wait for a response in an online threaded discussion?
    • ksteingr
      Key question!
  • What replaces them?
    • ksteingr
      What does replace the brief encounters?
  • The online teacher can and does know if a particular student has logged on, when they do and which pages in the online subject they visit. But it doesn't feel that way to the student user. It will only become apparent to them later, when or if the teacher e-mails them asking if they are having difficulties.
    • ksteingr
      How do we let students know we are aware of their patterns online?
  • ‘get to know each other sessions’
  • If you expect students to use CMC, rather than private e-mail, as the primary mode of communication with you, you have to tell them so.
  • If you expect the students to check their bulletin boards regularly, you have to let them know how often. If your expectations are not being fulfilled you have to follow up with e-mails or phone calls. Communication is critical. It is the strength of the online mode, as opposed to broadcast media like print, radio and video. The rule is, actively avoid isolation.
    • ksteingr
      the key!
  • o 'community'.
  • Because the general tempo of interaction is slower online, it may take longer.
  • E started telling her students about relevant upcoming public lectures, TV programs, useful or just plain entertaining Web sites she had come across, and so on.
  • But what sort of ‘character’ do you want to convey online, and how will you convey it with a keyboard?
  • ‘I do think that having a sort of classroom rapport, a very sensitive style, which I think I've got in some ways in the classroom, is very important online. But getting it across is ... well, it’s very hard.’
    • ksteingr
      having a sense of online style is one thing - making that clear is quite another!
  • There isn’t any right way to do it, just as there isn’t any one teacher’s ‘character’. You do have to define your own online persona and then think quite carefully on various occasions about how to convey it.
  • One of the great advantages of the threaded discussion is the time it allows for reflection, and the possibility for editing/refinement of one’s remarks.
    • ksteingr
      I had not thought about editing, but it is important.
  • This may mean that, for some students anyway, threaded discussions are not conducive to thinking out loud, to tossing out ideas for testing, to speculation.
  • The casual conversation with a student after class, the brief encounter in the corridor, the snippet of social conversation in a workshop or tutorial -- these do not exist in the same way online.
    like designing learning tasks that will engage students, and choosing material which is suitable for delivery via the Web.

Podcourse - 0 views

    podcasting class

Only2Clicks - 0 views

    If you do not know Joyce Valenza, please note her work! Teacher Librarian, Media Specialist from PA, she has added so much to the learning community. Check out this site!

Voices Of The World: USA (Illinois) - National Anthem - 0 views

    Great way to use Animoto!

Intel Education - For K12 Education - 0 views

    Great assessment tools - all free from Intel. Register for an account.

activitytypes - Social Studies - 0 views

    Linking activities you may be exploring in class with web2.0 or online tools. It's a starting point to consider.

College-America.jpg - 0 views

    Graphic to discuss - Do we trust the sources? Can we verify? How do graphics help us understand numbers? Get kids thinking!

chemicalparadigms » About the Blog - 1 views

    What should we have students blog about? Really interesting list here to consider and it's not just about chemistry. How could we use this in science in general?
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