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The Public Library as a Community Hub for Connected Learning - 9 views

    "This paper provides a brief overview of the ideas and principles underlying the connected learning movement, highlighting examples of how libraries are boosting 21st century learning and promoting community development by partnering with a range of organisations and individuals to incorporate connected opportunities into their programmes"
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    Robert Darnton about the centrality of public libraries (in the distant 2008): Meanwhile, I say: shore up the library. Stock it with printed matter. Reinforce its reading rooms. But don't think of it as a warehouse or a museum. While dispensing books, most research libraries operate as nerve centers for transmitting electronic impulses. They acquire data sets, maintain digital repositories, provide access to e-journals, and orchestrate information systems that reach deep into laboratories as well as studies. Many of them are sharing their intellectual wealth with the rest of the world by permitting Google to digitize their printed collections. Therefore, I also say: long live Google, but don't count on it living long enough to replace that venerable building with the Corinthian columns. As a citadel of learning and as a platform for adventure on the Internet, the research library still deserves to stand at the center of the campus, preserving the past and accumulating energy for the future. Source: The Research Library in the Digital Age. Available:
    Thank you very much Kevin for this report. For me has been very ilustrative; my last experience with internet connection, collaboration and public libraries in Spain was that the person in charge of the lecture hall told me I was not allowed to plug the mobile phone charger in (as I was running out of battery with my smart phone), but that I could use the library desk computers (only for 30 minutes per day for free...) I was really disgusted and for me it is great to hear that in other countries these initiatives are taking place. Thanks!
    Thanks Kevin for sharing this.
    El lado oscuro de las bibliotecas: "¿Quieren leer? Pues a pagar" Es un delirio: cuando tomemos prestado un libro de una biblioteca será preciso pagar un canon

Joi Ito, Chris Dibona, John Seely Brown, Larry Lessig, Yochai Benkler - YouTube - 1 views

    "The first 30 minutes of a panel that included Joi Ito, Chris Dibona, John Seely Brown, Larry Lessig, Yochai Benkler talking about openness at Joi's inaugural sponsor's meeting as the new director of the Media Lab"
    Here there is another Joi Ito interesting video about Openness and crative commons (I liked it specially as it was recorded in Spain :) The Power of Open. Joichi Ito

You see it, you report it. Citizen-based journalism | Masters of Media - 0 views

    You see it, you report it.
    This paragraph is in the article: "professional journalists have a specific mindset and a rigorous work ethic well established, unlike citizen journalists". I've been working as a professional journalist for 4 years, and at least in Spain, this would make a great laugh at many journalists over here... "specific mindset and a rigorous work ethic", very funny!

Servants of Power: Higher Education in an Era of Corporate Control - 9 views

    Argues that increasing corporate control is undermining the foundational values of higher education.
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    Good article, thanks for sharing it. I think what trancends in this article is that the those who have power obviously want to maintain that position and therefore it is in their interest to lobby for a "bad", "uncreative" education system, so to say to deliberatly limit thought capacity. There are certainly many interesting aspects to what is written in this article, for example the part about Gramschis thoughts is directed on a discussion of social classes, and how those might lean right or left depending on their composition. But could it also be that the, so called, lower classes (i dont like that expression) are just not there to engage and participate in political discussion that draws the outlines of such things like the education system.
    Here in Spain we have a similar evolution of higher education; private postgraduate private schools give masters that guarantee the access to top jobposts, but they are not focused on analysis, creativity and critical minds, but on pure business. What you need to be on your future job post is what you learn. Public institutions are still on air, but they are struggling with less and less public resources to survive. So I guess this is not only going on in USA.
    Italy is going even worse...i'm an Adjunct Professor for maybe 1000 euro per year ... surviving by scholarships, call center mid term contracts, collaborations where i'm asked to pay for taxes the university should pay, all levels teaching.. I like "Some of the basic principles underlying effective pedagogy, such as small class size, individual attention and the importance of mentoring, are being sacrificed in order to increase head count, limit labor costs and create a one-size-fits-all educational experience." The problem is that universities are to make profits from fees (that's why they hire me instead of employing me) and offer any kind of courses, masters to increase their income! The problem is: how can we expect to increase the quality of learning as far as decisions are taking by political, business, organizational sides instead of scientific and educational ones?

La UOC impulsa un MOOC para mejorar la conversación en inglés y español - Eco... - 0 views

    Todavia no hay muchas iniciativas en España sobre los MOOCs. Una de ellas es la siguiente: El próximo lunes, 3 de noviembre, en España se organiza un MOOC dirigido a estudiantes de inglés y español que quieran mejorar sus habilidades de conversación. Durara 6 semanas.

Cursos masivos, gratuitos y de prestigio - 0 views

    Usando la plataforma de Coursera, enlazo una noticia del periodico El Pais sobre los cursos MOOC que dan el IE y el IESE, dos de las escuelas de negocios españolas.

Redalyc. Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Scientific Journals Network. - 2 views

    Un poco de historia sobre Acceso Abierto, y desde la perspectiva de Redalyc

Arquímedes y la tecnología educativa: un análisis crítico en torno a los MOOC - 0 views

    This article reviews the concept of "massive open online courses" (mooc) using a metaphor about archimedes and the psychological theory of "cognitive spark". We analyze mooc's history, evolution, types and different international experiences. after this review, we focus on the experience of the university of murcia (Spain) with four moocwithin the miríada-X project, founded by universia.

Journals and Publications - 0 views

    Thank you very much for your link. In the specific case of my university (University of Málaga, in Spain) we have the Jabega platform, ( where all the members of the university community (students and professor) have free access to the different journals whose license was paid by our university. It is a very similar project, offering not only the name of the journals and resources but also a summary describing their topic.

InTech - Open Science Open Minds | InTechOpen - 0 views

    InTechOpen is a leading global publisher of Journals and Books within the fields of Science, Technology and Medicine. We are the preferred choice of over 60,000 authors worldwide. Hello everybody, Editorial Intech is a good example of Creative Commons Publication Site: They are focused on the scientific world with a great variety of topics including engineering, mathematics, linguistics, software, radio mobile communications, etc. In this sense, let me one of my recent publications there: "A unifying statistical model for atmospheric optical communications", focused on the generation of a new statistical model that unifies in a single closed form expression many of other probability density functions employed in the literature to model the turbulent atmosphere as an optical channel of communications. Best regards, Dr. Antonio Jurado-Navas University of Málaga (Spain)
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    Very useful resource. Recommended it some time ago to colleagues in Ethiopia when they started a new university programme in biomedical engineering and were looking for publications that they can use in their curriculum
    Thank you, Ibraghimova.
    I have now only realized that this site is an Open Knowledge site, and I had used it over a year ago to cite some research for a paper on renewable energies. You might be interested in this site for sharing scientific data:

From Slacktivism to Activism: Participatory Culture in the Age of Social Media - 8 views

    "Social networking sites (e.g. Facebook), microblogging services (e.g. Twitter), and content sharing sites (e.g. YouTube and Flickr) have introduced the opportunity for wide scale, online social participation. Visibility of national and international priorities such as public health, political unrest, disaster relief, and climate change has increased, yet we know little about the benefits and possible costs of engaging in social activism via social media. "
    This article reminds me to the activism of a Spanish councellor to promote activism through social net against the independence of Cataluña in Spain:
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