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Right to be forgotten and Copyright - 10 views

Es indispensable el reconocimiento al derecho de olvido, pese a politicas de privacidad

open access publishing privacy module3 module4


Welcome to Open Library (Open Library) - 24 views

    Open Library is an open project: the software is open, the data are open, the documentation is open. Whether you fix a typo, add a book, or write a widget--it's all welcome. Open Library is a project of the non-profit Internet Archive, and has been funded in part by a grant from the California State Library and the Kahle/Austin Foundation.
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    Un esfuerzo encomiable, para plantarle cara a Google, cosa que soepecho que todos sabemos, no es asunto fácil. Robert Darnton, uno de los prmotores del proyecto, publicó varios textos que ubican el contexto general del proyecto. Uno esA World Digital Library Is Coming True!, en, donde concluye: "It would be naive, however, to imagine a future free from the vested interests that have blocked the flow of information in the past. The lobbies at work in Washington also operate in Brussels, and a newly elected European Parliament will soon have to deal with the same issues that remain to be resolved in the US Congress. Commercialization and democratization operate on a global scale, and a great deal of access must be opened before the World Wide Web can accommodate a worldwide library."
    This is awesome. Thanks for sharing it.
    Really liked. Thanks for sharing it!
    This website is an open source of information on a book resources. This is great, easy to download thru pdfiles. As technology spreads all throughout the world, the way we communicate to others and also the way we find an information has changed just like e-books or e-learning process.
    i love open library, although the digitized books often have issues, the pdf formats are not great. many entries are not so great either. However, the important part of Openlibrary that no one has mentioned yet, is the lending model for digitized modern books. they have digitized books that are still in copyright, but do not have ebook editions and are usually not being reprinted. they lend one digital copy for one physical copy held in storage. they idea is to use the traditional rights of buyers provide under copyright rather than the contract law licensing of most ebooks.
    Very good and will be helpful to all
    Welcome to Open Library! Looking for accessible books in the DAISY format? View our accessible book subject page, or search for accessible books.
Scott Jeffers

TED talk by Larry Lessig about the laws that are destroying creativity - 1 views

    "...we need to recognize you can't kill the instinct the technology produces. We can only criminalize it. We can't stop our kids from using it. We can only drive it underground. We can't make our kids passive again. We can only make them, quote, "pirates." And is that good?" - Larry Lessig This is a great talk about the free use of materials to make something new. The crux of Mr Lessig's argument is that every time a "kid" remixes a song with a video they are committing a criminal act. By doing this the law is making their free expression criminal. He shows three great examples of this starting at 8:29 in the video. He suggests that by using Creative Commons materials, we can avoid being criminals, and by doing this we can break the cartel of the RIAA and others. He uses the example of BMI causing the downfall of ASCAP. You can see this at 4:55 in the video. Here is the quote: "Finally. Before the Internet, the last great terror to rain down on the content industry was a terror created by this technology [Shows a picture of a broadcast radio antenna]. Broadcasting: a new way to spread content, and therefore a new battle over the control of the businesses that would spread content. Now, at that time, the entity, the legal cartel, that controlled the performance rights for most of the music that would be broadcast using these technologies was ASCAP. They had an exclusive license on the most popular content, and they exercised it in a way that tried to demonstrate to the broadcasters who really was in charge. So, between 1931 and 1939, they raised rates by some 448 percent, until the broadcasters finally got together and said, okay, enough of this. And in 1939, a lawyer, Sydney Kaye, started something called Broadcast Music Inc. We know it as BMI. And BMI was much more democratic in the art that it would include within its repertoire, including African American music for the first time in the repertoire. But most important was that BMI took public domain works a
Kim Baker

Free Culture - Lawrence Lessig - 6 views

    FREE CULTURE is available for free under a Creative Commons license. You may redistribute, copy, or otherwise reuse/remix this book provided that you do so for non-commercial purposes and credit Professor Lessig. " America needs a national conversation about the way in which so-called 'intellectual property rights' have come to dominate the rights of scholars, researchers, and everyday citizens. A copyright cartel, bidding for absolute control over digital worlds, music, and movies, now has a veto over technological innovation and has halted most contributions to the public domain from which so many have benefited. The patent system has spun out of control, giving enormous power to entrenched interests, and even trademarks are being misused. Lawrence Lessig's latest book is essential reading for anyone who want to join this conversation. He explains how technology and the law are robbing us of the public domain; but for all his educated pessimism, Professor Lessig offers some solutions, too, because he recognizes that technology can be the catalyst for freedom. If you care about the future of innovation, read this book." -- Dan Gillmor, author of MAKING THE NEWS, an upcoming book on the collision of media and technology
    Hi Kim, Thanks for sharing this great work by Lawrence Lessig published ten years ago.
Kim Baker

12 best places to get free images for your site - 16 views

    Adding a few high quality photos is a great way to improve a website, article or presentation - but be careful. A search engine like Google Images will quickly locate just about any shot you could ever want, but using them will almost certainly violate someone's copyright.
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    Hi Kim! Your contribution is really excellent. I have often been limited to a presentation by the inability to use an image. Thanks for your input.
    This is a great contribution. I looked into TinEye, and had no idea a service like that existed! It definitely makes you think twice when adding pictures to presentations and websites. I wonder where the line is drawn when it comes to copyright. If I were to use x photographer's picture in an academic paper and I cited it, that would not be copyright infringement (right?!), but once I start making money off of that paper then we enter the world of legal issues. I get it, it's not fair to make money off of someone else's work. But is money the only thing that I would be benefitting from by using this picture in a paper that I would sell? What if my paper was on a hot subject and it therefore became "big" in academia or even pop culture? Am I not adding positively to my reputation by writing this paper, which happens to feature someone else's photograph? It's funny that money is the only thing that matters in copyright, unless I have not understood the law in its entirety. Any clarification would be awesome.
    This is nice. Thanks Kim!
    Muy util el aporte.
    Thanks Kim! I didn't become aware of the importance of this until I began helping teens in the library produce video book talks. The importance of knowing your image source and respecting its creator/owner is not a top priority for teens, however I tried to stress the availability and convenience of sites like the ones mentioned in the article you shared. Its cache of resources I can't wait to utilize and share.
    Thanks great resource.
    Is good to be aware of credits and source for what is being used online...there is the phenomena of cut and paste thesis for students willing to degree....can't find the source by the hundred times the same thesis has been copy around the web...It's enough to take a phrase of what the student "has written" to find clones around the web...what a coincidence... :)
    Very useful. Thank you.
    thank you
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