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Randy Kolset

Digital Conversion Service Publishes Accessible, Multi-Platform Textbooks -- THE Journal - 0 views

    A company known for helping clients in the media and retail sectors digitize their publications has launched a version of its publishing platform for converting PDF-based books into interactive texts that can be accessed on multiple platforms for the education segment. YUDU Media has launched YUDU Education, which allows publishers to create course materials that can be optimized and delivered for Macs, Windows-based PCs, and Android and iPad tablets. The same technology can also simultaneously create an accessible edition of the same materials for users who use assistive technologies. Read more at 
Randy Kolset

- Apps and Extras for iPad Accessibility - 0 views

    "Apps and Extras for iPad Accessibility The iPad is loaded with accessibility features from font size, assistive touch, speak auto text, voice over, speak selection, and zoom. These features are especially important for people who are visually impaired, physically disabled and need more than one tool to access their iPad independently. Following is a list of apps and accessories that will enhance the iPad experience, including styli, iPad covers and other features that make the iPad the best tool for both students and adults. "
Randy Kolset

Tar Heel Reader | Books for beginning readers of all ages - 0 views

    "Welcome to the Tar Heel Reader, a collection of free, easy-to-read, and accessible books on a wide range of topics. Each book can be speech enabled and accessed using multiple interfaces, including touch screens, the IntelliKeys with custom overlays, and 1 to 3 switches. Click here to learn more about alternative access methods."
Randy Kolset

Netbooks@Laconia Bridges Digital Divide - 0 views

  • Netbooks, cloud apps encourage collaboration Students who have access to mobile devices at home constantly communicate on Facebook, Twitter and other sites, said Wayne Weber, the Laconia High School principal. But at some schools, administrators tell them, "Stop collaborating, stop communicating and put those devices away." "And so, this is a means of addressing that Digital Divide as John said, and then trying to capitalize on what they’re doing outside of school already and honing those skills to get them to be better at collaboration and communicating.” For the past three years, students have collaborated through cloud apps such as Google Apps and Dropbox. And now, the netbooks provide more opportunities to collaborate.  In "Future Prep" class, a teacher has classes in four sections working on projects centered around the movie "Waiting for Superman." Each section split into eight groups that represent different education stakeholders, including students, school boards, communities and teachers' unions.
    • Randy Kolset
      This shows us that students are using the devices. How do we demonstrate safe use and productive uses to prepare them for the future?
  • Netbooks, cloud apps encourage collaboration Students who have access to mobile devices at home constantly communicate on Facebook, Twitter and other sites, said Wayne Weber, the Laconia High School principal. But at some schools, administrators tell them, "Stop collaborating, stop communicating and put those devices away." "And so, this is a means of addressing that Digital Divide as John said, and then trying to capitalize on what they’re doing outside of school already and honing those skills to get them to be better at collaboration and communicating.” For the past three years, students have collaborated through cloud apps such as Google Apps and Dropbox. And now, the netbooks provide more opportunities to collaborate.  In "Future Prep" class, a teacher has classes in four sections working on projects centered around the movie "Waiting for Superman." Each section split into eight groups that represent different education stakeholders, including students, school boards, communities and teachers' unions.
  • Students who have access to mobile devices at home constantly communicate on Facebook, Twitter and other sites, said Wayne Weber, the Laconia High School principal. But at some schools, administrators tell them, "Stop collaborating, stop communicating and put those devices away."
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Students who have access to mobile devices at home constantly communicate on Facebook, Twitter and other sites, said Wayne Weber, the Laconia High School principal. But at some schools, administrators tell them, "Stop collaborating, stop communicating and put those devices away."
    Netbooks, cloud apps encourage collaboration Students who have access to mobile devices at home constantly communicate on Facebook, Twitter and other sites, said Wayne Weber, the Laconia High School principal. But at some schools, administrators tell them, "Stop collaborating, stop communicating and put those devices away."
Randy Kolset

U.S. Smartphone Use in 2015 | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project - 0 views

    "The traditional notion of "going online" often evokes images of a desktop or laptop computer with a full complement of features, such as a large screen, mouse, keyboard, wires, and a dedicated high-speed connection. But for many Americans, the reality of the online experience is substantially different. Today nearly two-thirds of Americans own a smartphone, and 19% of Americans rely to some degree on a smartphone for accessing online services and information and for staying connected to the world around them - either because they lack broadband at home, or because they have few options for online access other than their cell phone."
Randy Kolset

60 Inspiring Examples of Twitter in the Classroom | Online Universities - 0 views

    "Social media offers some great opportunities for learning in the classroom, bringing together the ability to collaborate, access worldwide resources, and find new and interesting ways to communicate in one easily accessible place. Teachers around the world have found innovative ways to use Twitter as a teaching tool, and we've shared many of these great ideas here with you. Read on, and we'll explore 60 inspiring ways that teachers and students can put Twitter to work in the classroom."
Randy Kolset

Chrome Toolbox - 0 views

    "This collaborative space was created to celebrate the many Apps and Extensions made by developers which serve the accessibility needs of individuals with disabilities. Although Google already highlights accessibility features built into the Chrome browser or through add-ons, we have collected numerous other free tools that we feel further contribute to that mission."
Randy Kolset

Teachers' Use of Educational Technology in U.S. Public Schools: 2009 - 0 views

    This First Look report presents data from a spring 2009 Fast Response Survey System (FRSS) survey on the availability and use of educational technology by public elementary/secondary school teachers. The teacher survey includes information on the use of computers and Internet access in the classroom; availability and use of computing devices, software, and school or district networks (including remote access) by teachers; students' use of educational technology; teachers' preparation to use educational technology for instruction; and technology-related professional development activities.
Randy Kolset

AccuWeather Education - 0 views

    "The Associated Press has won more Pulitzer Prizes than any other news agency in the world, and is the most credible source for non-biased reporting. Founded in 1848, the AP is the oldest and largest news organization in the world, and is an important part of modern-day world history, serving more than one billion people each day. Through an exclusive relationship with AccuWeather, Inc., education institutions and Public Libraries can subscribe to the AccuNet/AP Multimedia Archive and gain unlimited access from the school, library or home with full copyright protection. "
Randy Kolset

Project Tomorrow - 0 views

    Speak Up 2012 is open for input through December 21, 2012. Speak Up, a national online research project facilitated by Project Tomorrow®, gives individuals the opportunity to share their viewpoints about key educational issues. Each year, findings are summarized and shared with national and state policy makers. Participating schools and districts can access their data online, free-of-charge in February 2013."
Randy Kolset

Technology | Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium - 0 views

    "Bandwidth Check Instructions (PDF) and Online Tool. The bandwidth checker is compatible with Mozilla Firefox on computers with Windows, OS X, or Linux operating systems; Safari on tablets using the iOS operating system; and Chrome on tablets using the Android operating system. The bandwidth checker cannot be accessed using Internet Explorer." The tool is half way down the page as a small link
Randy Kolset

ICT in Education | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - 0 views

    "Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can contribute to universal access to education, equity in education, the delivery of quality learning and teaching, teachers' professional development and more efficient education management, governance and administration. "
Randy Kolset

School Libraries - Curriculum Resources (CA Dept of Education) - 0 views

    "School libraries help prepare students to live and learn in a world of information. The mission of school libraries is to ensure that students and staff are able to use ideas and information. The libraries provide access to materials in all formats. It helps increase students' interest in reading, viewing, and using information and ideas. Research shows that a school library with the right staffing, funding, and a rich collection of books has a positive impact on students. School districts need to provide library services for teachers and students. For more information about school libraries, contact your local school district. The links and information below were developed for educators and others who work with school libraries."
Randy Kolset

SchoolNotes 2.0 - 0 views

    "The web's leading FREE school-to-home communications tool! SchoolNotes provides teachers with a virtual environment, giving the ability to post classroom or school oriented information. This information is accessible anywhere there is an internet connection giving both parents and students the opportunity to keep in touch with what is happening in the classroom. With SchoolNotes Teachers, Parents and Students are all on the same page! If you are not a current SchoolNotes user, you can either register for a FREE account here, or visit the Teacher, Student or Parent tabs above. "
Randy Kolset

OER Rubrics and Evaluation Tool | - 0 views

    "Open Educational Resources (OER) offer opportunities for increasing equity and access to high-quality K-12 education. Many state education agencies now have offices devoted to identifying and using OERs and other digital resources in their states. To help states, districts, teachers, and other users determine the degree of alignment of OERs to the Common Core State Standards, and to determine aspects of quality of OERs, Achieve has developed eight rubrics in collaboration with leaders from the OER community (download link for rubrics below). To allow users to apply these rubrics and evaluate the quality of instructional resources, Achieve partnered with OER Commons to develop an online evaluation tool. OER Commons, an online repository for open education resources, is now hosting the tool and its resulting evaluation data. Every resource available on OER Commons contains an "Evaluate Resource" button that will direct users to the evaluation tool. The coding for the tool is freely available online here. Resources rated on OER Commons will create a pool of metadata, and this metadata will be shared through the Learning Registry with other interested repositories."
Randy Kolset

25+ Universities offering Free Courses Online - 0 views

    "Open courseware offered by top universities allow self-learners to access high quality educational materials for no cost. Whether expanding your knowledge on a variety of topics or sampling the programs offered at universities, free courses can benefit you."
Randy Kolset

Overview | WeVideo - 0 views

    "We live in the cloud Available anywhere, any time, across your devices WeVideo makes video creation accessible to everyone, using cloud-based technologies to make it easier, faster and more convenient. Because it's cloud-based, we make social video editing possible, where people come together online to collaborate on a video project."
Randy Kolset

100 Ways To Use Google Drive In The Classroom - 0 views

    "Students and educators have a wealth of learning and productivity tools available to them online. Google offers some of the highest-quality resources on the web to meet all your study and teaching needs, and all you need to access them is an internet connection."
Randy Kolset

Historypin | Home - 0 views

    Crowdsourcing is key to making history accessible, approachable
Randy Kolset

Map Collections Home Page - 0 views

    "The mission of the Library of Congress is to make its resources available and useful to Congress and the American people and to sustain and preserve a universal collection of knowledge and creativity for future generations. The goal of the Library's National Digital Library Program is to offer broad public access to a wide range of historical and cultural documents as a contribution to education and lifelong learning. The Library of Congress presents these documents as part of the record of the past. These primary historical documents reflect the attitudes, perspectives, and beliefs of different times. The Library of Congress does not endorse the views expressed in these collections, which may contain materials offensive to some readers."
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