"The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium will conduct a Pilot Test of its assessments February 20 through May 10, 2013 in grades 3-11. Smarter Balanced will select schools for the Pilot Test using two approaches or components:
The "Scientific" component will target a representative sample of schools to yield critical data about the items developed to date as well as how the test administration system is functioning.
The "Volunteer" component will be open to all schools in Smarter Balanced states and will ensure that all schools have the opportunity to experience the basic functionality of the test administration system. Schools can volunteer for the Pilot Test by completing the online survey External link opens in new window or tab..
The Pilot Test flyer (PDF) and the Pilot Test FAQs (PDF) from Smarter Balanced have more information about the Pilot Test.
Choose a county in the dropdown box below to display the list of schools selected for the "Scientific" component by district."
Hi Randy,
Great to have a chance to talk to you earlier this month. As promised here is the Wave information:
- A paper written by Educause Learning Initiative about Wave and its potential for Education to help get you started: http://net.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/ELI7055.pdf
- I've enabled your Google Apps domain (ocde.us ) to use Wave, so now anyone who has an account can access Wave at http://wave.google.com/a/ocde.us/
- CCed are a few additional folks from the Google Education team who can answer additional questions you might have about the OCDE using Google Apps and Wave.
I hope that's a good start. After you've had a chance to get started with Wave, let me know and we can set up additional time to talk if that would be useful.
"You can get this book in other formats, too (updated 20100622, archive.org hosting) - read online: PDF, download: PDF, Epub, Kindle/mobi, Daisy, DjVu, torrents may be available for all downloadable formats"
A company known for helping clients in the media and retail sectors digitize their publications has launched a version of its publishing platform for converting PDF-based books into interactive texts that can be accessed on multiple platforms for the education segment. YUDU Media has launched YUDU Education, which allows publishers to create course materials that can be optimized and delivered for Macs, Windows-based PCs, and Android and iPad tablets. The same technology can also simultaneously create an accessible edition of the same materials for users who use assistive technologies.
Read more at http://thejournal.com/articles/2012/10/10/digital-conversion-service-publishes-accessible-multi-platform-textbooks.aspx?admgarea=News1#HUs7FcTbx8BE0aL9.99
"Bandwidth Check Instructions (PDF) and Online Tool. The bandwidth checker is compatible with Mozilla Firefox on computers with Windows, OS X, or Linux operating systems; Safari on tablets using the iOS operating system; and Chrome on tablets using the Android operating system. The bandwidth checker cannot be accessed using Internet Explorer."
The tool is half way down the page as a small link
I keep getting questions on how to create EPUB from InDesign, so am pointing out some resources on Adobe.com on how to create EPUB eBooks using Adobe InDesign. There are quite a few resources on Adobe.com, and you can use to bring yourself quickly up-to-date, and start publishing EPUBs.
I'm adding links to a few videos and PDFs here:
(extracted from the content standards)
Pages 63-80
Special thanks to Fresno County Office of Education for their
work on these standards.
Questions that probe for deeper meaning and set the stage for further questioning
foster the development of critical thinking skills and higher order capabilities such
as; problem solving, and the understanding of complex systems. A good essential
question is the principle component of designing inquiry-based learning - the
typical 'Who? What? Where? When? Why? and How?' of a course of study.