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Randy Kolset

Flipping the Emergency Medical Training Classroom - Emerging Education Technologies - 0 views

    "Emergency Medical Technician courses are a natural for the flipped classroom It's 17:00 and I'm walking into the high school cafeteria that is currently host to my Emergency Medical Technician class. The room is set up for maybe two hundred students with round and rectangular dining hall tables. A little big for our group if we were doing a traditional lecture style, but just perfect for our discussion and activity based classroom. "
Randy Kolset

EON Reality, Inc. - The world's leading interactive 3D visual content management and Vi... - 0 views

    " EON Reality, Inc. is the world's leading interactive 3D solutions provider for business and education based on Virtual Reality technology. It's powerful break through interactive 3D collaborative technology enables users to experience more by revolutionizing the way companies leverage their digital assets and communicate. [ learn more ] With EON's software tools and applications including Interactive 3D Virtual Meeting, Customer Interaction Management, Simulation Based Learning and Immersive 3D solutions users are able to create realistic authentic product experiences anytime, anywhere. EON delivers versatile productivity to the energy, aerospace/defense, education, government, industrial and medical sectors. Industry leaders and academic institutions use EON's solutions to increase sales, better communicate product functionality, decrease cost of training and travel less by facilitating rich 3D communication over distance."
Randy Kolset

Doctors Use 3-D Printing To Help A Baby Breathe : Shots - Health News : NPR - 0 views

    "" It's just really hard to watch your child suffocate basically multiple times a day. - Jake Peterson, Garrett's father"
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