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RFA-CA-18-019: Research Answers to National Cancer Institute's (NCI) Provocative Questi... - 0 views

    The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to support research projects designed to solve specific problems and paradoxes in cancer research identified by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Provocative Questions initiative. These problems and paradoxes phrased as questions are not intended to represent the full range of NCI's priorities in cancer research. Rather, they are meant to challenge cancer researchers to think about and elucidate specific problems in key areas of cancer research that are deemed important but have not received sufficient attention. Some of these "Provocative Questions" (PQs) stem from intriguing but older, neglected observations that have never been adequately explored. Other PQs are built on more recent findings that are perplexing or paradoxical, revealing important gaps in current knowledge. Finally, some PQs reflect problems that traditionally have been thought to be intractable but that now may be open to investigations using new strategies and recent technical advances. The current issuance of the PQ Initiative includes an updated set of 12 PQs. Each research project proposed in response to this FOA must be focused on addressing one particular research problem defined by one specific PQ selected from the list. Projects proposed to address specific PQs may use strategies that incorporate ideas and approaches from multiple disciplines, as appropriate. Transdisciplinary projects are encouraged as long as they serve the scientific focus of the specific PQ chosen. Also listed under R21

RFA-HD-19-001: Safe and Effective Devices for Use In Neonatal, Perinatal and Pediatric ... - 0 views

    A major objective of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to invite SBIR applications to foster collaboration between clinical and bioengineering research communities to develop and test safe, accurate, and effective devices for use in neonatal, perinatal, and pediatric care settings. These can be new devices or improvements on existing devices. The studies may range from concept to developmental phases, with a clear commercialization plan to enable healthcare providers to use them in regular clinical care settings in the population, which is the focus of this FOA.

RFA-HL-19-014: Stimulating T4 Implementation Research to Optimize Integration of Proven... - 0 views

    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) seeks applications that propose to develop and test T4 implementation strategies to identify facilitators and overcome barriers in the adaptation, integration, scale-up, and sustainability of proven-effective interventions and guidelines for preventing and/or managing heart, lung, and blood diseases and/or sleep disorders (HLBS conditions). The proposed implementation strategies must be adaptable and responsive to community needs and contexts, and must account for cultural and organizational factors. For purposes of this FOA, T4 Implementation Research is defined as research to identify strategies to enhance sustainable uptake of proven-effective interventions into routine clinical practice.

PAR-18-707: NEI Translational Research Program (TRP) on Therapy for Visual Disorders (R... - 0 views

    The purpose of this FOA is the rapid and efficient translation of innovative laboratory research findings into therapies, devices or other resources for use by clinicians to treat visual system diseases or disorders. Multidisciplinary teams of scientists and clinicians must focus on generating preclinical data that will lead to the development of biological interventions, such as gene therapy, cell-based therapy, pharmacological approaches, and/or medical devices. The ultimate goal of this program is to make technological, biological and pharmacological resources available to clinicians and their patients. Each project should have a well-defined end-point, achievable within a five-year time frame, of developing a device or treatment for a specific ocular disease.

PAS-18-698: High Priority HIV/AIDS Research within the Mission of the NIDDK (R01 Clinic... - 0 views

    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) seeks to stimulate HIV/AIDS research within the mission of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) that addresses high priority HIV/AIDS research priorities outlined by the NIH Office of AIDS Research (OAR). These priorities are described in NOT-OD-15-137: NIH HIV/AIDS Research Priorities and Guidelines for Determining AIDS Funding. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) seeks to stimulate HIV/AIDS research within the mission of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) that addresses high priority HIV/AIDS research priorities outlined by the NIH Office of AIDS Research (OAR). These priorities are described in NOT-OD-15-137: NIH HIV/AIDS Research Priorities and Guidelines for Determining AIDS Funding.

Anti-Doping Activities - 0 views

    The Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), Executive Office of the President, is seeking applications from a grantee to provide continued support of anti-doping efforts to educate athletes on the dangers of drug use and eliminate doping in amateur athletic competitions recognized by the United States Olympic Committee. Specifically; 1) Provide continued support of anti-doping efforts to educate athletes on the dangers of drug use and eliminate doping in amateur athletic competitions recognized by the United States Olympic Committee; 2) Provide support for athlete drug testing programs, research initiatives, educational programs and efforts to inform athletes of the adopted rules governing the use of prohibited substances outlined in the World Anti-Doping Code (the Code); and 3) Provide support for legal efforts to enforce compliance with the Code and adjudicate athlete appeals involving doping violations.

Research Grants for the Primary or Secondary Prevention of Opioid Overdose (R01) - 0 views

    The awards pursuant to this Notice of Funding Opportunity are contingent upon the availability of funds. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) is soliciting investigator-initiated research that will help expand and advance our understanding about what works to prevent overdose from prescription and illicit opioids by developing and piloting, or rigorously evaluating novel primary or secondary prevention interventions. The intent of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to: (1) build the scientific base for the primary or secondary prevention of opioid overdose, and (2) encourage collaboration of scientists from a spectrum of disciplines including public health, epidemiology, law enforcement, social work, economics, and criminal justice to perform research that can identify ways to prevent opioid overdose more effectively. Interventions can be strategies, programs, or policies. Ultimately, this research is intended to improve state and local health departments’ ability to implement and improve interventions focused on preventing opioid-related deaths. Researchers are expected to develop and pilot, or rigorously evaluate novel primary or secondary prevention interventions that address prescription or illicit opioid overdose. Primary prevention approaches are expected to aim to prevent opioid misuse, abuse, and overdose before it occurs. Secondary prevention approaches are expected to focus on the more immediate responses to opioid overdose, such as emergency department services and linkage to treatment immediately following a nonfatal overdose.

Advancing Exceptional Research on HIV/AIDS and Substance Abuse (R01, Clinical Trial Opt... - 0 views

    This FOA supports highly innovative R01 applications on HIV/AIDS and drug abuse and complements the Avant-Garde Award Program for HIV/AIDS and Drug Use Research and the Avenir Award Program for Research on Substance Abuse and HIV/AIDS. The Avant-Garde award supports individuals who conduct high-risk, high-reward research and does not require a detailed research plan. The Avenir award is similar to the Avant-Garde award but focuses on support for early stage investigators. Applications submitted under this FOA are required to have a detailed research plan and preliminary data. This FOA focuses on innovative research projects that have the potential to open new areas of HIV/AIDS research and/or lead to new avenues for prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS among substance abusers. The nexus with drug abuse should be clearly described. This FOA is open to both individual researchers and research teams and is not limited to any one area of research on HIV and substance use, but all studies must focus on NIH HIV/AIDS Research Priorities

PAR-18-711: Career Transition Award for NINDS Intramural Clinician-Scientists (K22 Clin... - 0 views

    This NINDS K22 is specifically designed to facilitate the transition of NINDS intramural neurologist- and neurosurgeon-scientists to independent, academic faculty positions that support clinician-scientists to engage in independently funded scientific research as well as clinical activities. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is designed specifically for applicants proposing research that does not involve leading an independent clinical trial, a clinical trial feasibility study, or an ancillary study to a clinical trial. Applicants to this FOA are permitted to propose research experience in a clinical trial led by a mentor or co-mentor. Applicants proposing a clinical trial or an ancillary study to an ongoing clinical trial as lead investigator should apply to the companion FOA (PAR-18-710).

PAR-18-712: Investigations on Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases/Inborn Errors of Immuni... - 0 views

    The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to advance the discovery and characterization of primary immunodeficiency diseases, also referred to as inborn errors of immunity, to understand the causes and mechanisms of disease, to enable early detection and molecular diagnosis, and to support the development of strategies to treat and eventually cure these disorders.

PAR-18-714: Academic Research Enhancement Award for Undergraduate-Focused Institutions ... - 0 views

    The purpose of this Academic Research Enhancement Award (AREA) for Undergraduate-Focused Institutions is to support small scale research grants at institutions that do not receive substantial funding from the NIH, with an emphasis on providing biomedical research experiences primarily for undergraduate students, and enhancing the research environment at these applicant institutions. Eligible institutions must award baccalaureate science degrees, and have received less than 6 million dollars per year of NIH support (total costs) in 4 of the last 7 fiscal years.

RFA-FD-18-006: FDA Drug Residue Prevention Program (U18) - 0 views

    The intended outcome of this program is to advance efforts to improve and develop state drug residue prevention programs. It is necessary to provide assistance to state drug residue programs that need a stronger foundation to promote the prevention of illegal drug residues in animal derived foods through educational outreach and training. This program is intended to ensure drug residue prevention programs are developed to protect consumer exposure to drug residues in the edible products of food animals and support activities related to drug residue prevention. In addition, these awards will assist state agencies to better direct their programs to reduce the outcomes of illegal drug residues in animal derived foods. This cooperative agreement program (CAP) will focus on outreach, education and training. In addition, grantees will focus on performing targeted on-site assessments related to drug residue violations and best practice visits to industry and individuals to communicate proper drug use and promote effective management practices for drug residue prevention.

RFA-HL-19-016: Technologies for Healthy Independent Living for Heart, Lung, Blood and S... - 0 views

    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) seeks applications for the design and development of technologies to monitor health or deliver care in a real-time, accessible, effective, and minimally obtrusive way for older adults with a chronic heart, lung, blood, or sleep (HLBS) condition. These technologies may be novel sensor or monitoring systems, home-use point-of-care devices, home or mobile therapy or rehabilitation tools, or information systems and should have the goal of fostering healthy and independent living for aging adults with HLBS conditions. The development of such technologies should incorporate specific human factors for aging adults including disabilities, mild impairments, as well as chronic HLBS conditions. Technology usability for these populations must be incorporated early in the development of the design. Usability considerations include but are not limited to patient-facing displays, hearing and visual impairments, tactile limitations, literacy, and design preferences between men and women. These improvements in technology design could yield more accurate and earlier detection of changes that may interfere with healthy and independent living for older adults.

RFA-NS-18-019: BRAIN Initiative: Optimization of Transformative Technologies for Large ... - 0 views

    Understanding the dynamic activity of neural circuits is central to the NIH BRAIN Initiative. Although invention and proof-of-concept testing of new technologies are a key component of the BRAIN Initiative, to achieve their potential these technologies must also be optimized through feedback from end-users in the context of the intended experimental use. This FOA seeks applications for the optimization of existing and emerging technologies and approaches that have potential to address major challenges associated with recording and manipulating neural activity, at or near cellular resolution, at multiple spatial and temporal scales, in any region and throughout the entire depth of the brain. This FOA is intended for the iterative refinement of emergent technologies and approaches that have already demonstrated their transformative potential through initial proof-of-concept testing, and are appropriate for accelerated development of hardware and software while scaling manufacturing techniques towards sustainable, broad dissemination and user-friendly incorporation into regular neuroscience practice. Proposed technologies should be compatible with experiments in behaving animals, and should include advancements that enable or reduce major barriers to hypothesis-driven experiments. Technologies may engage diverse types of signaling beyond neuronal electrical activity for large-scale analysis, and may utilize any modality such as optical, electrical, magnetic, acoustic or genetic recording/manipulation. Applications that seek to integrate multiple approaches are encouraged. Applications are expected to integrate appropriate domains of expertise, including where appropriate biological, chemical and physical sciences, engineering, computational modeling and statistical analysis. Also listed under R01

Genomic Centers for Infectious Diseases (U19 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) - 0 views

    The purpose of this initiative is to support Genomic Centers for Infectious Diseases (GCID) to promote broad use and expand the application of genomics technologies and computational analysis to understand infectious diseases, with an emphasis on pathogens, their interaction with the host and microbiome, and to aid in the development of novel genomics-based tools to diagnose, prevent and treat infectious diseases. The GCID will support innovative technology development in all aspects of genomics, including the use of synthetic and genome editing technologies as well as functional genomics to address basic, translational, and clinically relevant questions in host-pathogen interactions. The knowledge generated, including research data, analytical software tools, computational models, experimental protocols, and reagents, is expected to be widely disseminated to the scientific community through publicly accessible databases and reagent repositories.

Investigations on Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases/Inborn Errors of Immunity (R01 Clin... - 0 views

    The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to advance the discovery and characterization of primary immunodeficiency diseases, to understand the causes and mechanisms of disease, to enable early detection and molecular diagnosis, and to support the development of strategies to treat and eventually cure these disorders.

Control and Elimination of Neglected Tropical Diseases (CEP-NTD) - 0 views

    The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), through the Control and Elimination Program for Neglected Tropical Diseases (CEP-NTD), seeks to support disease-endemic countries to control and/or eliminate Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) with proven, cost-effective public health interventions. Building on the successes that have been achieved through previous USAID investments to expand national, integrated NTD programs, CEP-NTD will continue to support countries in their advancement towards global elimination goals, and to support countries to effectively access and leverage the drug donations needed to control the NTDs that cannot be eliminated with current strategies.

Research Grants - 0 views

    In celebrating its 350th anniversary, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany offers a series of research grants to stimulate innovative research in challenging areas of future importance. Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany intends to provide several research grants of up to EUR 350,000 per year for 3 years in various research areas with the option of extension or expansion. Grants are offered for research in the following areas: Healthy Lives / Drug Discovery: Challenge 1: What is the next game-changing molecule or technology to help cure cancer or autoimmune disease? Life Reimagined / Synthetic Biology: Challenge 1: What is the next generation production technology for biologics? Challenge 2: Can you revolutionize microbiome research? Materials & Solutions: Challenge 1: Can you develop a new generation of intelligent materials? Challenge 2: Can you develop advances in characterization, control and surface chemistry? Challenge 3: Can you develop better atomic layer processes - from modelling to materials? Digitalization / Computing: Challenge 1: How can in-silico research benefit from deep learning or quantum computing?

RFA-AI-18-005: Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) Cooperative Research Centers (CRC)... - 0 views

    The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to solicit applications for the Sexually Transmitted Infections Cooperative Research Centers (STI CRC) program. This STI CRC program will facilitate multidisciplinary, synergistic collaborations to support the development of vaccines to control and prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs) caused by the following pathogens, which have limited candidates in the product development pipeline: Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, and Treponema pallidum. Priority will be given to the infections for which no candidates have advanced to human clinical trials, for example syphilis.

Strengthening Vietnam's indigenous technical assistance capacity and systems through su... - 0 views

    PEPFAR’s shift away from direct service delivery (DSD) support for Vietnam in COP 2018 poses significant challenges for the country in sustaining the national response to HIV epidemic. Strengthening the indigenous technical capacity of Ministry of Health and introducing innovative models, technologies, and latest scientific global expertise will be critical for Vietnam to reach epidemic control. This Notice of Funding Opportunity intends to support a recipient to provide this technical assistance, mentorship, and capacity building to the Ministry of Health and its affiliates on HIV/AIDS care and treatment and related clinical services.
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