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K-12 Resources For Music Educators - 0 views

    K-12 Resources for Music Educators is a wonderful site which provides a number of links which connect teachers to music resources. The links are divided into categories such as band, orchestra, choral, classroom, and music. The links provided give a variety of musical sites which provide information on specific instruments, types of music, and state websites.
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    This page has a large number of links to great music education websites.
    This is a commercial-free site shared by many institutions throughout the world. It is a growing collection of links, categorized by teaching focus: band teachers; classroom teachers; music research; and general resources.
    Great starting point when you are in need of content specific resources for K-12 music.
    This website has a list of multiple websites available for music education of all disciplines. This can be used as a hub to find more specific information for lesson plans in a particular setting.
    This website has a list of multiple websites available for music education of all disciplines. This can be used as a hub to find more specific information for lesson plans in a particular setting.
    A large collection of resources for band, choir, and general music teachers.  
    A great site with a giant list of music websites from around the country. It includes everything from organizations to instrument specific websites and blogs. A great deal of information can be found on the websites listed and you have a great deal of choices to choose from. Most subject areas have multiple websites linked for differing information sources.

Purdue OWL: APA Formatting and Style Guide - 0 views

    This is a very helpful cite when writing APA style citations!

Social Media in Music Education.pdf - 0 views

  • Integration of social media in music education classes can help facilitate learning experiences that would be less likely to happen in a brickand-mortar setting.
  • Researchers have recently examined how students use social media to create and join online communities of practice that support music learning of various genres, such as Irish and banjo music. 13
  • how educators can use various social media platforms and sites to create personal learning networks 15 and podcasts.
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  • connect individuals with a common interest and therefore are well suited for connecting members of ensembles or other types of music classes and facilitating group discussions and peer learning
  • community:
  • practice:
  • Music educators can use social networks to create online communities of practice that support student
  • learning within their classes and ensembles
  • ome schools are providing laptop or tablet computers to students, known as a “one-to-one” programs. 33 Schools also are allowing students to use their own laptops, tablets, or mobile phones in school to access the Internet for in-school assignments. 3
  • Ethics and Privacy on Facebook
  • Suggested Social Media Resources Books:
  • rather than using technology to drive instruction and enhance student learning. Music educator Peter Miksza stated that simply letting students use social media platforms will not automatically lead to improved student learning. 4
  • n other words, use of the social media platform should complement instruction and assist with student learning.
  • With precautions and imagination, the inclusion of social media in the music education classroom can appeal to students and assist with making formal music education an even richer learning experience.
    Article written to support the use of technology to compliment instruction and enhance student learning instead of technology for technology sake. Teachers should use social media cites, e.g., blogs, to facilitate discussion and feedback from students, create online PLNs. The cross curricular benefit is increasing writing facility and literacy. A couple of concerns are cyberbullying and parents who may question how much learning is taking place with social media. Educators can help others, including students, understand that music learning can take place outside of the classroom through social media and broaden the audience.

Royalty free music recordings - 0 views

    What a great resource site for music recordings! Our student computers block YouTube, thus this site will be great for my students who wish to research and listen to new music. Currently, a second grade "reading" group will be writing biographies of composers, and I want them to be able to listen to their compositions.
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    This website provides a brief biography on many composers and recordings of their works performed by many different ensembles.  You can search by composer, performer, instrument, time period, and form type.  
    This website offers free music streams and downloads. This is all royalty free music which makes the streams and downloads completely legal and free. The site allows you to search by composer, performer, period, form, and numerous other ways.
    This website offers free music streams and downloads. This is all royalty free music which makes the streams and downloads completely legal and free. The site allows you to search by composer, performer, period, form, and numerous other ways.
    A great resource for obtaining recordings of your favorite classical composers. All music is royalty free and can be used in the classroom. Also, the recordings are organized by composer, performer, instrument, form and time period

teoria : Music Theory Web - 1 views

    This is an online music theory and aural site that has lessons and exercises to help students learn basic theory information.
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    This is an online music theory and aural site that has lessons and exercises to help students learn basic theory information.
    This site has a lot of great ear training exercises. It inlcudes scale and mode identification, interval identification, and dictation exercises. There are non-flash versions of everything.
    This site has a lot of great ear training exercises. It inlcudes scale and mode identification, interval identification, and dictation exercises. There are non-flash versions of everything.
    This site includes music theory, ear training, musical terms glossary, articles of form and analysis and information about musical instruments.  I plan to reference this site with my students after reading about it in chapter 5 this week.
    An online site for learning Music Theory. It can also be used on mobil devices.
    This site is a deep resource for students and instructors looking for knowledge in music theory. It also has cross-platform access to mobile phone devices and tablets through the use of games and exercises to help with ear training, chord identification, interval identification and dictation, and more.
    This site is a deep resource for students and instructors looking for knowledge in music theory. It also has cross-platform access to mobile phone devices and tablets through the use of games and exercises to help with ear training, chord identification, interval identification and dictation, and more.
    This is a free site($20 fee to access offline) that contains tutorials and exercises that focus on intermediate music theory concepts. The site is available in English and Spanish dialect.
    This website contains tutorials and online exercises for basic music theory concepts including harmonic function, form, intervals, chords, and note identification. Also includes a music dictionary and section of scholarly music articles.
    This website contains tutorials and online exercises for basic music theory concepts including harmonic function, form, intervals, chords, and note identification. Also includes a music dictionary and section of scholarly music articles.
    Teoria provides tutorials, theory and ear training exercises, articles, and theory references to fortify knowledge on the above skills. It also highlights events which took place historically with renowned composers, compositions, and artists.
    This website provides tutorials and exercises in music theory.  There are also articles and other references for student and teacher use.  This is perfect for students continuing and practicing their theory at home.
    This website is great for music theory. It has theory videos and customizable exercises. The website has a bonus reference section and articles of analysis.
    Use this site to practice music theory skills. Ear training and notation tutorials are available. Access the articles for music research.
    Music theory website which offers resources on: tutorials, references, exercises, and articles. Divided into ear training and music theory. Multiple levels are provided for each type of exercise. Great for group learning, or for students who want to discover more about music theory on their own.
    This website helps students build their music theory skills. It offers tutorials, articles, and exercises for both ear training and written theory
    This is one of the useful music theory website available for educators to use in class to assist in teaching basic music theory. The site includes articles, tutorials, and references for teaching music theory.

Great classical composers in a nutshell - 0 views

    This website has profiles for several baroque, classical, romantic and 20th century composers. Each page seems easy to ready, and has video links as well as links to sources.
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    This site contains a list of classical composers from many different countries. The composers are also listed according to the historical period in which they wrote music. Each week there is a featured composer and a featured video of a classical artist's music being performed.
    This website offers profiles of some of the best known classical music composers. You can search by name, country, or period.
    This website has profiles of 52 classical composers.  Each composer has a page discussing famous compositions, family, a timeline, videos of professional recordings, and links to other resources.  This is a great place to begin researching classical composers.  
    Website with information on the great classical composers. This is a great resource for having more information on composers when teaching music history.
    This has a list of important classical composers and a few important facts about them. This could be a great tool for printing out a quick "composer of the week" type of activity where students learn a little bit about specific composers. This works on their music history skills.
    This website works as a database for many famous composers. Students can use this website to complete music history projects as well as composer projects. Composers are organized by country or by period.
    The purpose of this website is to portray the artwork of the creator. With the posted artwork are description of the composers available the site. This website would be a useful resource for history facts about composers form multiple musical periods. The website also offers information about prominent and lesser known composers from several countries. YouTube inks are often provided for a listening example of each composer's work.

National Association for Music Education (NAfME) - 0 views

    This is the page for the Nations Association for Music Education. This site is full of information for teachers and students alike on the national level. Music research and advocacy information is also available. NAFME was formerly called MENC.
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    The purpose of this site is to provide teacher with professional development and resources on the latest advances in music pedagogy. It also has great resources for students. A wide variety of content is covered by this site such as copyright laws, standards, Music in Our Schools activities, jazz band and much more.
    Provides educational information for both teachers and students; including access to InTune monthly magazine.
    This is the official website for the National Association for Music Education (NAfME). The website contains various information pertaining to music education, such as links to publications and articles about music education, links for honor ensembles for students, as well as links to the national standards for music education. It also contains information about upcoming events, conferences, and new and emerging ideas in the field of music education.
    NAfME (National Association for Music Eduation) is the leading music teaching professional organization. Their website has great resources for advocacy and professional development opportunities.
    The National Association for Music Education (NAfME) website contains many resources for music educators, including membership information,
    This is the site for the National Association for Music Education. There are valuable articles, lesson plans, and ideas for the classroom.
    (In my opinion) all music educators should be members of NAfME. They offer great publications, resources, and events that can be very valuable.
    NAfME provides resources and information for teachers and students. Resources include legal information such as copyright compliance, professional development opportunities, and much more. NAfME is a hub for all music educations and leads the music education field in terms of providing the best possible opportunities for students.
    This website contains the current 2014 standards for music. All grades and content areas (general music, band, etc.) can be easily accessed.
    This website offers many links to professional development opportunities, articles, and helpful links to be used in a music teacher's classroom. It also has all the National Music Standards posted that can be accessed easily for classroom use, Educator Effectiveness, or other needs.
    This is a great resource for all music educators. The national music standards can be found here as well as information on scholarships, upcoming NAfME events, and articles for teachers. This can help teachers help students in all aspects of their music education.
    The National Association for Music Education's webpage is valuable online tool for music educators of all fields. It offers helpful resources for not only teachers, but students as well. There is a wide variety of links and posts to read through ranging from blog posts to teaching standards.
    NAFME is a vital resource for music educators. This website provides communication and collaboration via forums, lesson plans, standards, frequently posted articles, and even more resources for music educators of all varieties. It is an excellent way to stay involved in the music education community, and it continuously strives to improve the state of music education nation-wide.

ACDA Home - 0 views

    ACDA website with links to choral journals, library archives, festival information and more.
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    The ACDA website has resources and information for choral directors. You can access repertoire lists for all ages including adult ensembles, connect to the forum ChoralNet, sign up for conferences, read several journal articles that have been archived and search music jobs. Some of the content, such as the Choral Journal and Musica are only available to members.
    ACDA is a nonprofit music-education organization, and this website helps share information contributed by choral directors from all over the United States. The association does require a membership. Once becoming a member, an educator can benefit from regional and national conferences, a choral journal that is shared physically through mail and digitally through their site. This organization has many committees that research and offer high quality resources, publication, and online communities.
    This is the official ACDA website. You can find information about conferences, as well as access resources and connect with colleagues. If you teach choir, being a member of ACDA is a must.
    The purpose of this resource is wide and varied. Not only does this resource provide choral music educators with a professional development community but also looks at a range of topic regarding singing both in the individual and choral setting. Membership in this organization does cost a fee but there are many benefits for music educators who teach choir.

Jazz | Music 101 | Ken Burns - 0 views

  • "Composition is slowed down improvisation," and both disciplines deal with the same challenge — how to organize and present ideas in a coherent fashion.
  • One of the most common misconceptions about jazz is that it is spun out of the air in a totally impromptu manner. This notion exists because many small jazz groups do not read music when they play. The truth of the matter is that what those musicians are actually doing is spontaneously creating a very sophisticated form of theme and variations
  • The framework is flexible so that the soloists may shorten or lengthen their improvisations depending on the inspiration of the moment. The other players, then, have a responsibility to react to what has preceded them
    • s61white
      Creativity in music research offers a great deal of insight on this idea in improvisation that can be applied to more idioms than jazz.
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  • To many, composed music and improvised music seem to be opposites, but in jazz, they merge in a unique fashion.
  • But improvisation is not the be all and end all of jazz. Composers such as Duke Ellington and Eddie Sauter wrote, on occasion, jazz compositions practically devoid of improvisation. But the real challenge comes when a composer integrates improvisation into a

Ace the Interview: questions to ask | Organized Chaos - 0 views

  • I think it is commonly understood that it's important to do your research on the district/school/job for which you're applying before you go into the interview at all. The question time at the end is where your preparation, or lack thereof, can become most apparent! You don't want to ask a question that can easily be answered through an internet search.
    • cheyroseb
      Very important.
  • This is a great opportunity to showcase your knowledge about different teaching methodologies (like Orff, Kodaly, MLT etc) even if the interviewers don't know what you're asking!
    • cheyroseb
      Certainly helps with curriculum planning. Are you allowed to bring a notepad in the interview room to write down questions/answers?
  • make sure to ask about class length, frequency, and whether it is year-long or only part of the year!
    • cheyroseb
      Good to know!
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  • I like this question better than "what will my schedule be like?" because it suggests that you're wanting to know how much time you'll have with each class to cover everything, rather than wondering what your workload will be like.
    • cheyroseb
      Such a good way to phrase this!
  • What curricular / professional development resources and equipment / space can I expect to have available to me in this position?
    • cheyroseb
      Things I wish I knew going into this job-- I would have stayed at the underpaying school.
  • What are the extracurricular/ performance expectations?
    • cheyroseb
      It would also help to know what your students are capable of bringing to the table. My students now can't stay after school, so everything is during prep time.
    Great questions to ask in an interview for a music teacher position.

ChoralWiki - 0 views

    A great resource for finding choral music. You can search or click on seasons, styles, composers, etc. This is a very useful site for anyone who teaches choir.
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    Choral Public Domain Library. This site is a resource for public domain. There are free downloads of many choral scores
    Choral Public Domain Library. This site is a resource for public domain. There are free downloads of many choral scores
    This is a site for free Choral Public Domain music. It is a libray of many pieces that are in the public domain including great works that most scholarly choirs want in their repertoire or on their library shelves. A great site for student and teacher research. There are also forums on music, singing, and conducting. Accounts are free and easy to manage.
    This wiki has thousands of choral works available for use, free of charge. Music can be accessed by season or composer, making locating songs easier.
    ChoralWiki is like the wikipedia of choral music. This website has a lot of choral songs that either music teachers composed or even music from the past that was not included with copyright laws. The best part about this website is that all of the music is free!

"Does Music Therapy Work?" - Introduction - 0 views

  • Music has existed in some form since the Prehistoric times, and the first likely use of music was a call used to communicate to other members of a family unit or group either for entertainment, spiritual purposes (for example, rain dance chants) or for survival in hunting or gathering situations.(6) Notably, the role of the shaman or healer has been well documented(7) and can be considered analogous to the role of the music therapist today.
  • Whilst bias and exaggeration is possible in music therapy trials (as with all research), overall music therapy costs less than a drug trial - which often need millions of pounds in support.(32) In addition, drug trials are more likely to be implicated in pharmacological corruption(33), with consequences for patients by virtue of skewing or altering results - as seen with the understatement of the negative effects of Agent Orange, a carcinogenic (cancer-causing) herbicide used in the Vietnam war, by Monsanto.(34)
    This is an interesting article on the effectiveness of music therapy. It points also points out how cost effective music therapy is compared to drug trials.

Understanding by Design® framework - Videos, Articles, Resources, Experts - 0 views

    This website is a resource page for Understanding by Design, by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe. Backward design aligns desired outcomes, assessments and planning to lead to student understanding.
Staci Pendry

Microsoft Research Songsmith - 0 views

    Free trial of this program. It will add a simple accompaniment to your melody line as you sing it into the microphone.

HUEI-YUAN PAN | MUSICIAN - Performance | Research | Education | Building community, one... - 0 views

    This site is the home to Huei-Yuan Pan - one the most influential marching percussion education specialists in the United States. The site offers media, lessons, sheet music, and links to Huei's educational social media pages

The Other 80% Music Home | Music Creativity Through Technology ( - 0 views

    This website has a collection of information about teaching music with technology to the students not involved in traditional ensembles. It has profiles of programs in schools, articles, and research about reaching the other 80% of secondary students.

Home Page | Scholarly Music Resources | William I. Bauer - 0 views

    This website is Dr. Bauer's collection of professional articles that was shared with the students in the UFL graduate program. There are articles and resources on a variety of music and music teaching topics.
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