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Stephanie Cummings

Mobile Learning Technologies for 21st Century Classrooms | - 0 views

  • "It provides the potential to empower and uplift students in their learning,"
  • To maximize effectiveness, education in the 21st century has to be active, engaging, and customized. Students must have universal access to mobile technologies that will enable critical thinking, differentiation, and problem solving. It is our belief that the technology in Apple's iPad meets these needs and more."
  • cell phones in education involve websites like Poll Everywhere and Text the Mob, which allow a teacher to create a set of questions that the students can respond to with a text message.
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  • Our digital natives are counting on us.
  • Students are more engaged and motivated to learn when they use mobile devices, and research shows that academic performances can improve.
    • Michelle Munoz
      Mlearning engages our students in their own learning and investigations. "Our digital natives are counting on us"
  • Mobile learning technologies offer teachers-and students-a more flexible approach to learning.
  • More and more schools are moving toward mobile learning in the classroom as a way to take advantage of a new wave of electronic devices that offer portability and ease of use on a budget.
  • Today's students are no longer the people our educational system was designed to teach
  • They are more engaged in learning when using the latest technological gadgets, because it is what they are most used to interacting with. Our students don't just want mobile learning, they need it.
  • The study found that after children had used the app every every day for two weeks, the vocabulary of Title 1 children between three and seven years old improved by as much as 31 percent.
  • Studies like these help underline the academic potential that mobile learning devices can have to enrich the learning process for students.
    How the BYOD movement is changing the way students learn.
Gretchen Dillon

Going Mobile: Debating and Using Cellphones in School - 1 views

  • have students engage in one or both of the following exercises:
  • Ask students: How are cellphones used, and how can they be used, in our society today?
  • Engage students in a discussion about your school’s cellphone rules. Ask: What are the rules? What is the reason or philosophy behind them? How do they see students using cellphones in school? If cellphones are banned, how would they like to use cellphones in school? How are the rules enforced?
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  • Finally, ask: Do you think cellphones will continue to be banned in some schools in a year from now? Five years? Ten? Why or why not?
  • Have students engage in a debate on the pros and cons of using cellphones in school. They should delve into questions of policy, cost, usefulness and innovation along with the potential for mischief, distraction and cheating.
    • Gretchen Dillon
      A discussion on including students in conversations on effective use of mobile devices in the classroom.
    • Gretchen Dillon
      This article reminds us to give our students an active role in discussing proper mobile device use!
    In this lesson, students learn about innovative uses of cellphone technology and applications in the developing world, then explore how their phones can be used as learning tools.
Carolina Montes

60 Inspiring Examples of Twitter in the Classroom | Online Universities - 0 views

  • s a bulletin board
  • etting students know about last minute news like canceled classes.
  • : Instead of emailing each other or waiting to meet in class, students can collaborate on projects and keep track of changes by using a Twitter hashtag.
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  • allow them to instantly tweet their blurts silently instead of out loud.
  • Parents can sign up to receive tweets from teachers, learning about activities, tests, projects, and more.
  • Send out quick quizzes on Twitter, and have them count for bonus points in the classroom.
  • Students can tweet sentences using a particular word to build vocabulary learning.
  • As long as students are held accountable for their grammar, using Twitter offers a great opportunity for improving writing and punctuation.
  • Ask students to unscramble anagrams, contribute synonyms, or give vocabulary definitions on Twitt
  • When students participate in Twitter discussions in class, there’s a great opportunity for conversations to continue to develop even after the lecture is over.
    60 Ways to use Twitter in the classroom. Students can follow the class if they are absent and be in contact with the teacher, also for last minute notices. 
Gretchen Dillon

Welcoming Mobile: More Districts Are Rewriting Acceptable Use Policies, Embracing Smart... - 1 views

  • “The advantages of digital media now greatly outweigh the disadvantages and require that schools update their thinking and policies to provide guidance on the use of these tools to improve student learning and achievement,” the paper says.
  • “Digital responsibility is big.” Rankin said. “We’re teaching students how to operate in this new world. We wanted to change the wording in our guidelines because we don’t want students to accept them; we want students to be responsible for them.”
  • “The depth of thought and level of discourse gets much deeper when you add an online environment,” Wells said. The teacher can present information in class, and then the students are free to explore it online – they can look at other students’ work, or check out videos on YouTube. Time constraints are no longer a factor, the process becomes more individualized, and school becomes more relevant, Wells said.
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    • Gretchen Dillon
      Great discussion of mobile learning policies in schools.
    • Gretchen Dillon
      I find it interesting that some schools are now lessening internet filters.
    No longer afraid of giving kids access to the internet and using mobile technologies for learning, a growing number of school districts across the country are developing digital media policies that emphasize responsibility over fear.
Kate Spilseth

Pocket-Based Learning: My Cellphone Classroom | Powerful Learning Practice - 1 views

  • ell phones promote the expression of their thinking and learning.
  • In terms of critical thinking, my students research extensively on the web and it is very convenient for them to pull out their phones to access our wireless network rather than going to a computer lab in the school. They can share the links to various sites via text messaging or Facebook in a timely and efficient manner. Many of my students communicate regularly in these mediums so it allows for the ubiquitous transmission of ideas into and out of the classroom.
  • Cell phones and other devices also help my students to stay organized. T
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  • llowing cell phones in classrooms provides the opportunity to discuss proper cell phone etiquette as well as “netiquette.”
  • We discuss how having a positive online presence is important both for obtaining entrance into schools and receiving jobs. I often have students use their devices to “Google” themselves, and we use the results as a springboard for a discussion into what their online presence or “digital footprint” says about them. It has been a very eye-opening experience for many.
  • I believe the ideals of ethical behavior and digital citizenship are the driving factors for BYOD.
  • Our students are immersed in these wireless mediums, and it’s our responsibility as educators to help them learn how to use them responsibly. BYOD provides these real world authentic learning opportunities to almost all of our students.
    How cel phones are an asset in school, not a distraction.
Catherine Short

Why BYOD, Not Banning Cell Phones, Is the Answer -- THE Journal - 1 views

  • responsible use policies, parent and/or student agreements, and lessons about safety/etiquette.
  • classroom management techniques must be updated
  • Educators who are successful at integrating technology into learning understand this and provide agreed upon times for students to engage in personal affairs on their digital devices--just as we all do in the real world.
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  • it's a teacher's job to help prepare students to be successful in their real world where technology is commonplace. A teacher is not helping a student become successful by creating an artificial environment in school.
  • recognition to a student such as, "Gr8 contributions in 2day's discussion!"
    • Catherine Short
      As educators, our job is to prepare students for the future.   Technology IS the future, let's prepare them for that!
Carolina Montes

Jose Popoff: 10 reasons why I believe students should blog - 0 views

  • my ten reasons why I believe your students should be blogging:
  • 1. It helps students think global.
  • It indirectly improves students' grammar and spelling.
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  • Being aware of how exposed they are to the world through their writing, drives them to take special interest in their grammar and spelling
  • 3. A view of visitors to one's blog is pretty stimulating.
  • 4. Responsible digital and world citizenship.
  • Students feel compelled into posting valuable and sensitive content.
  • hey will feel the pressure of being responsible with what they express and how they express it.
  • 5. Stimulates critical thinking.
  • . Enhances web-creating skills.
  • Fosters creativity and artistry
  • Positive digital footprint
  • Blogging develops collaboration skills.
  • A blog could represent a nice cover letter when applying for a job.
Tania Hinojosa

Education Week: Schools Open Doors to Students' Mobile Devices - 0 views

  • Schools Open Doors to Students' Mobile Devices
  • o connect to the school’s wireless network to do their work.
  • The students do see [a smartphone] as a potential learning tool
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  • Their [message] is that we need to start changing the policy, and using the resources that are already available.”
  • More educators are wising up, they say, to the reality that most students have phones or other mobile devices that could allow them to give real-time feedback to a lecture on a text-message back channel, take pictures during a science field trip, or answer teacher prompts with online polling.
  • what students are learning about technology use when they reshape mobile-device policies, ed-tech experts say.
  • Recent research shows the proportion of students owning cellphones is increasing
  • Educating Parents
  • Dede of the Harvard Graduate School of Education stresses that, while an eventual progression to open mobile-learning environments might be inevitable, that doesn’t mean it will be immediately beneficial. The learning potential of the devices, he says, won’t be realized without continuing professional development, as well as in-class trial and error.
    • Tania Hinojosa
      No cabe duda que es inevitable el dar acceso a los dispositivos móviles al salón de clases. Aprovechar la gran accesibilidad que tienen nuestros alumnos a estos aparatos , así como los programas educativos que nos ofrece la red.
    • Tania Hinojosa
      Otra ventaja es el poder estar en contacto con nuestros alumnos el mayor tiempo posible. La evaluación o retroalimentación es inmediata y directa.
Maru Gutierrez

One-to-One or BYOD? Districts Explain Thinking Behind Student Computing Initiatives | E... - 0 views

  • students,
  • complete a training session with their parents and sign an acceptable-use policy before they can use their ­personal devices to connect to the school's wireless ­network
  • Afterward, each student receives a sticker ­indicating that his or her device is wireless-certified.
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  • big downfall of BYOD programs, he explains, is that school officials have no control over whether ­students actually will bring their devices to class:
  • expanding each school's media center hours
    I wonder if ASF has taken any of these steps to ensure appropriate BYOD policies for next school year? Imp to have a platform so launching will be successful and all steps are in order rather than improvised.
Maru Gutierrez

IPads especially helpful for special-needs students - The Washington Post - 0 views

  • reduced the number of minutes that are spent in frustration.
  • motor difficulties
  • disorganized students by consolidating calendars, memos and notes all in one device.
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  • instant feedback
  • asy to oper
  • , it can read
    good points in the comments, especially the one that points that a student may be so engaged and entertained with the iPad apps that would be unlikely for him to work on skills that are very important in their overall development, such as speech and oral communication vs pointing to items on an ipad care should be exerted
Carolina Montes

The pros and cons of social media classrooms | ZDNet - 0 views

  • It is a familiar tool.
  • u are making yourself more aware of issues surrounding students today.
  • Resource availability.
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  • Improvement of research skills.
  • rmation online is a skill that is now important in the workplac
  • improvement of communication.
  • or students and teachers to communicate effectively.
  • ocial medi
  • Relevant, real-life learning.
  • The promotion of digital citizenship.
  • tudents have to learn about how to conduct themselves appropriately online.
  • Engaging your students.
  • he ability to share learning material.
  • The potential to appeal to different learning styles.
  • create a Facebook group dedicated to your class, or set a task to research something across these networks?
  • Ease of access.
  • Social networking requires no expensive equipment or modern upgrades
  • Assisting shy students.
  • Distractions.
  • Unless teachers properly supervise their students
  • The risk of cyberbullying.
  • imiting face-to-face communicat
  • The need for schools to research, understand and implement.
  • Continual social media change.
  • There are constant changes to platforms themselves and their security settings — of which schools and teachers must keep up to date with and act accordingly.
  • The need to manage multiple sites and keep updated.
  • he possibility of malware infections or phishing scams.
  • The need to filter and plan.
  • Inappropriate content sharing or exposure.
  • Controlling device use in class.
  • Exposing the ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’.
Maru Gutierrez

Using Google's Online Apps to Enhance a Class and Accommodate Students - Page 2 - Techn... - 0 views

  • Google Docs
  • respond in a variety of ways to questions posed during the course of a lecture or reading. How
  • collaborate and maintain documents online
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • organize
  • to access their wo
  • view the changes and additions made to any document by a pe
  • add their own changes for their peers to review
  • Google Groups
  • skills will benefit from the linear posting nature
  • groups
  • support
  • audio
  • files
  • xt-to-
  • speech
  • an instantaneous method of organization.
  • freedom that is available when st
  • responding in a variety of different ways (such as through video or audio presentations or essays)
    The challenge of providing aid in organization for some students with special needs can be ameliorated with just a few available tools.  Google voice could be used to record up to 3 minutes of oral instructions given by the teacher that can be replied when needed.  The possibility of sending assignment or test oral or printed reminders that can be listened to a whole group of students has great potential.  
Jenna Kubricht

It's a Party- BYOD! | edSocialMedia - 0 views

  • It’s time to meet our students on their own turf; I mean, hey, we’re basically inviting our non-digital-native selves to our media-crazed students’ party.
  • Because a BYOD atmosphere encourages students to learn through interaction with technology.
  • I’ve come to accept that students who’ve grown up with computers in their pockets aren’t going to be excited about a boring flat piece of paper.
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  • education is still about finding that balance between tradition and innovation
Stephanie Cummings

Increase Student Engagement by Getting Rid of Textbooks | Edutopia - 0 views

  • My students learn better when they take the active role in finding and choosing texts, asking their own questions, and creating their own projects. In my 9th grade West Civ class, this means students learn directly from primary sources (see the Internet History Sourcebook, the Perseus Project, the Library of Congress's 'Teaching with Primary Sources' project, and the Internet Archive) without the filter of a textbook middleman.
  • As for "keeping on the same page"... One of the most exciting things to have come out of the textbookless experience among my West Civ social studies colleagues has been the way in which each of us have the opportunity to share what we know and what we really care about with one another in the active creation of our own courses of study --
    Out with textbooks, in with with mobile devices for learning!
Tracey Ugalde

EasyBib Boasts Half a Billion Citations with 34 Million Students - 0 views

    • Tracey Ugalde
      Love this feature!
    This tool seems to be a great resource for student research.
Pedro Aparicio

THINGLINK - 0 views

    • Pedro Aparicio
      Another very useful Teacher tool to teach History or even Science by uploading images, later you can tag different parts of the images to link out to further explanations.
  • Applications for Education Tools like Record MP3 are great for posting short reminder messages on your blog for your students to hear. If  you're going to be out of your classroom for a day, record a message with that day's directions for student and post it on your blog. Then your substitute teacher can hear the directions and your students can too and nothing gets lost in the chain of communication.
    • Pedro Aparicio
      I tried this new tool and I love it. Once you have recorded your voice, you can post it on line. Try it our Cynthia.
Lisa Stewart

Texting 1, 2, 3: Schools Test 'Bring Your Own Technology' Programs | Techland | - 1 views

  • As protesters took to the streets yesterday to protest the inequality of wealth, two computer scientists in Portland, Oregon are protesting the inequality of resources in schools.
  • t Celly, a text-messaging service that teachers and students can use to make classwork more fun and engaging
  • Celly is part of a larger national trend in schools known as “Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT),” in which students are allowed to bring their mobile devices to class. Advocates argue that if young people are already glued to them, then teachers and principals should come up with educational uses for them
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  • “We wanted to make a platform that could be used by all kids, teens, and college students and that cuts across demographics,” Okamoto says. “You don’t just have to have iPads or live in a very wealthy school district.”
  • ach school or class can create a group for themselves called a “cell” that users may access straight from their phone, email, or the Internet. They text to personal screen names, and to prevent cyber-bullying or inappropriate conduct, they cannot see each other’s numbers.
  • Still, thanks to BYOT, high school is not so bad after all,
  • “The shy kids don’t like to talk during regular group discussions, but they’re really active on Celly,” he says.
  • But experts say providing technology is the responsibility of schools, not parents.
  • “BYOT is pushing costs that should be paid by federal, state, or city governments to the families, like asking them to pay for the amount of bandwidth students need to do their work
  • Educational consultant Gary Stager agrees, arguing that BYOT just makes have-nots feel worse.  “The rationale for school uniforms, for putting kids in matching plaid polyester, is so poor kids don’t feel bad and aren’t stigmatized in the classroom.  BYOT is another form of stigmatizing kids,” he says.
    • Lisa Stewart
      Interesting article about the BYOT and the Celly network.   I love the idea of the Celly network, and think ASF should look into it.  This article resonates with me because it touched upon one argument against BYOT, which is simply that such a program separates the "haves" from the "have nots". 
Cynthia Castro

7 Ways To Keep Students Focused While Using Technology | Edudemic - 0 views

    keeping students focused while using technology
Debora Gomez

From Distraction to Engagement: Wireless Devices in the Classroom (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) ... - 0 views

  • From Distraction to Engagement: Wireless Devices in the ClassroomFrom Distraction to Engagement: Wireless Devices in the ClassroomBy Berlin Fang Wireless devices in the classroom threaten to distract student attention but also offer opportunities for student engagement. Faculty use different methods to reduce in-class distractions, up to mandating no use of wireless devices during class sessions. To increase student engagement using wireless devices, faculty employ creative options for making wireless devices part of instruction, from cell phones as clickers to laptops for on-the-fly web research.The path of technology integration in education is lined with disruptions on one side and opportunities on the other. Technology teams work to bring useful technology into teaching, all with good intentions, only to encounter unwanted side effects such as distraction and disruption in the classroom. The challenges loom large in classrooms with wireless connections, especially when universities give students ubiquitous Internet access and sometimes even the devices for such access.
Michelle Munoz

How Teachers Make Cell Phones Work in the Classroom | MindShift - 1 views

  • ext blast through Remind101, asking them a challenge question that’s related to the day’s lesson. “First person to tell me the units on K for a second order reaction gets chocolate,” he types and sends off. His students know he does this regularly, so they’re constantly anticipating the question during the day, in and out of class.
  • fun ways to stay motivated in our day,
  • hum gets louder when kids are excited or working together, then quieter again when they’re working out problems on their individual little whiteboards
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  • Students work in groups, and when they have a question, they call him over. He arrives with iPad in hand and records his voice and his writing on the iPad, which he immediately uploads to the class website so other students can benefit from the explanations instantaneously.
  • he incorporates peer-instruction and inquiry-based learning,
  • “I’m using it in the context of peer instruction, which is research based. You get anonymous feedback, which is great, and kids see all that information condensed,” he says. “Sometimes it’s just cute and fun and that wears off. But much more often, it’s more efficient and meaningful, and it makes the classroom feel like a bigger place.”
  • Using Socrative, an app that shows real-time poll results for both multiple-choice and short-answer quizzes, he challenges his students at the end of class to answer specific questions in order to get a broad look at whether they understood the concepts discussed that day.
  • idea of mobile learning touches on just about every subject that any technology addresses: social media, digital citizenship, content-knowledge versus skill-building, Internet filtering and safety laws, teaching techniques, bring-your-own-device policies, school budgets.
  • makes the experience more immediate. I want it to be as rich and as visual as possible. I want them to see things, not just know it.”
  • The data integration wouldn’t be as rich, the experience wouldn’t be as dynamic, the cognitive load is higher,”
  • It’s our responsibility as educators to teach kids how to interact with the world,” Sanders says. “Those interpersonal human conversations are incredibly valuable.”
    Ideas on how to us the cell phone in class.
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