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isaac Mao

Technology Review: First Detailed Map of the Human Cortex - 0 views

arden dzx

李光耀的第一智囊马凯硕:亚洲人会思考了吗(2)_研究分析_新浪财经_新浪网 - 0 views

  •  《东企》:那么,如何重建亚洲人共同的价值观、它们的相互联系和它们的自信心呢?   马凯硕:我在中国看到了很强的信心。我现在担心的是,中国人会不会变得太傲慢了。你知道有信心是好的,而变得傲慢则是不好的。在西方,冷战结束后有太多傲慢存在。有句英国谚语叫:骄者必败(Pride comes before a fall.)。所以对亚洲人来说,信心是重要的,但是不能变得傲慢。我去中国时,见到很多中国的年轻人都对未来很乐观。很多中国人相信,他们的孩子会比自己活得好。但你去欧洲会发现,很多欧洲人都认为下一代不如自己,他们没什么信心了。   但如果中国要像美国那样发达,至少还需要50年,因为你们的人口基数太大了。教育需要时间,中国需要更耐心一些。
Kenyth Zeng

Dujiangyan's residents turn anger against Chinese officials | World news | - 0 views

  • They have money for prostitutes and second wives but they don't have money for our children. This is not a natural disaster - this is done by humans.
isaac Mao

你们把这种血腥残忍的哥特式作品叫做对童年的怀念? (评论: 葫芦兄弟) - 0 views

  • 现在的中国动画和上美已经完全堕落到想钱想疯了的地步!宝莲灯抄老美的动画风格,投资几亿的莫比乌斯环成了造价最昂贵的垃圾,结果票房还是一塌糊涂,如今他们实在不能也不敢再搞什么原创的作品了,只好做个葫芦兄弟妇科(复刻)版来圈钱,美其名曰葫芦兄弟剧场版序章,搞得像以后还要出葫芦兄弟五岳篇、葫芦兄弟龙王篇、葫芦兄弟玉帝篇一样。著名爱国动漫写手伊谢尔伦的风总结的好:“我们有少年包青天,自然就不需要名侦探柯南。有聚星和GJM,自然就不需要CLAMP。有蓝猫淘气三千问,自然就不需要探索频道。有四大发明和万里长城,当然也不需要洋枪洋炮。太平盛世,如君所愿,煌煌中华,万夷来朝。”

Far Eastern Economic Review | Beijing Embraces Classical Fascism - 0 views

  • In all these cases, it is tempting to conclude that the regime is worried about its own survival, and, in order to rally nationalist passions, feels compelled to portray the country as a global victim.
  • The strongest evidence to support the theory of insecurity at the highest levels of Chinese society is the practice of the “princelings” (wealthy children of the ruling elites) to buy homes in places such as the United States, Canada and Australia. These are not luxury homes of the sort favored by wealthy businessman and officials from the oil-rich countries of the Middle East. Rather they are typically “normal” homes of the sort a potential émigré might want to have in reserve in case things went bad back home.

IGP Blog :: The U.S. Congress and "free speech principles on the Internet" [cough] [Anonymoused] - 0 views

  • Commerce has since 1997 repeatedly refused to incorporate freedom of expression as a principle guiding the ICANN regime, despite numerous calls for it to do so in public comment sessions. The earliest of these calls came in 1997, during the drafting of the Green Paper leading to ICANN's creation, when the principles guiding the regime were first being formulated. EFF, the Domain Name Rights Coalition and many individuals asked that free expression be written into ICANN's constitution. The most recent reiteration of this call came in 2006, from the Internet Governance Project during a review of ICANN’s status. In each case, Commerce has either ignored or in some cases explicitly rebuffed these calls for recognition of free speech as a part of ICANN’s mandate.
Oliver Ding

24+ ways to give » SlideShare - 0 views

  • This slideshow was modified from a post provides a guide to how you can donate toward China earthquake relief efforts. The original post was written by Elliott Ng of CN Reviews.(
  • Oliver, this is incredible!! Thanks for getting this info out to people in such an easy to browse way. Thanks for all your awareness building about the Sichuan Earthquake to the English speaking world.
Kenyth Zeng

撒谎撒出自信,爱国爱成傻逼 - 0 views

  • 美国大学里同样有“政治上正确”的潜规则,芝大的教授说,美国是民主国家里最不民主的一个。在宾州的选战则让候选人必须以对中国更猛烈的攻击来竞争选票,民主正在被异化。
  • 目下的形势,便是,作为意识形态的共产主义的合法性基础已经被彻底消解,在1990年代之后,国家的合法性基础来自道德和经济成绩。
  • 道德上的合法性基础正不断被腐败、社会分配不公等问题不断消解。这带来的后果是现行法律无法解决的,最终只能依靠杀鸡敬猴来解决。比如一定要杀郑筱萸(这次听了非常多关于此案的内幕),一定要拿掉一个政治局委员(不仅仅是内部的政争也有国家需要宛如原北京市委书记)。不过所有人也都十分清楚,这类手段只能治标,而且,可能会有后遗症。
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • 藏独势力在此刻的发力十分及时地帮助了执政党,为国家合法性找到了另一个出口,便是民族主义。在南联盟使馆被炸时、在反日大游行时,在911时,这种合法性便空前强大,曾经处于施虐/被虐关系的执政者与公众便迎来了蜜月,或者说是一夜情。
  • 2008年,西方媒体的挑衅更是让这种合法性强大到无以复加,令奥运这个国际政治上的利空,转眼成为国内政治的重大利好。某美女记者告诉我说,他朋友msn上的NICK名字改成:撒谎撒出自信,爱国爱成傻逼。
  • 今年是改革30周年,必是第三次改革争论的高潮。如果爱国者能将情绪转移到下半年的改革争论上去,相信大家的明天都会更美好。

Far Eastern Economic Review | Mongolia's China Syndrome - 0 views

  • As the world’s attention turns to Buddhist protests against Chinese rule and cultural domination in Tibet, another neighbor of China is protesting in a less peaceful manner. In Mongolia, anti-Chinese sentiment has taken a nasty turn. The neo-Nazi group Blue Mongolia, for example, shaves the heads of women caught sleeping with Chinese men. “It is for their own good,” says Gansuren Damdinsuren, a Blue Mongolia board member.  “A small nation can only survive by keeping its blood pure.”
Kenyth Zeng

你身边的爱国主义 [枣报特评] - 0 views

  • 你索要了发票,那么至少会有一部分税收会给你带来公共产品,如果你不要,那么就彻底没有了
  • 尽管选举制度仍然很不完善,但是在目前的体制内,提高基层更大的参与热情,才是你所能做的完善的最好方法。
  • 根据现行听证制度,大部分听证会的听证代表都是随机摇号产生,你一定要积极参与你所关心的事务,而且万一真的被选中,一定要好好准备,倾听更多人的意见,在公开的场合大声发出你的声音。
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • 我国目前绝大部分政府机关和企业都有投诉机制,如果你确实受到了不公正待遇,你就应该随时投诉,而不是默默成为这种潜规则的牺牲品。即使这一次不会有所效果,但是相信我,在他们内部一定会有所触动。下一次有另一个人遇到和你相同的情况,或许就会改变。事情总是需要许多人不停的持续的推动,才会进步。古人都说了,罗马不是一天建成了。
    These outweight all the current "boycott".
Kenyth Zeng

抵制家乐福行动高调启动 - 0 views

  • 据此间中国媒体报道,家乐福已与中国商务部紧急沟通,寻求突破
  • 世界曾等待中国融入世界,而今天中国也有耐心等待世界认识中国。
  • 有网络的时代,传言的发酵速度明显快过以往。
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • 1989年饱受西方诟病的北京风波过后不久,批评声调拉得最高的美国即派出特使秘密出访中国。在意识形态最为强烈的西方国家阵营中,美国是第一个采取这个行动的国家。
  • 伦敦或巴黎大街上突然冒出的拉扯与混乱,让人们发现:声音多元、热衷抨击、追求个性色彩的西方社会,与熟悉万众一心召唤的东方古老社会之间,间隔的绝不仅是语言障碍。
isaac Mao

有感于 Yupoo! 被亮"黄牌" - DBA notes - 0 views

  • 当然,既然选择加入这个游戏,基本的游戏规则还是应该遵守的,如果纵容用户恶意利用资源,很容易就会弄出来"破窗效应"。所以,在运营上绝对不能短视,利用一些突发事件的噱头是能引来短期流量,但是无疑会改变网站的长期形象。在这方面 Yupoo! 一直挺有操守的,只是 “每天网友上传约10万张照片" ,要想 "先审后发" 的确难上加难。还没有听说在这个方面有什么"技术类"的解决方案。这是 Yupoo!的困境,怕也是很多类似网站需要面对的一个问题。 顺便说一下,“每天网友上传约10万张照片",按照这样的计算一月 300 万张。加上不同的格式,可真的需要海量的存储空间啊。
isaac Mao

CN Reviews Interview with Livid - 0 views

  • Tell us more about why it was blocked? Livid: A journalist from Life Weekly (三联生活周刊, a magazine found in 1920s) magazine interviewed me in Dec. 2006. A few days after the story was published in the first issue of 2007, on Jan. 11 2007, the net wires connected to the servers were ordered to be unplugged (Livid’s notes in Chinese here) and all the data were not accessible.
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