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Chinese Dismayed by Tales of Tibet Violence - - 0 views

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    shi zhao

    那这SB导演拍南京大屠杀怎么办? - 0 views

    shared by shi zhao on 29 Nov 08 - Cached
    • 许多中国人的性格非常特别,一方面,他们是逆来顺受的顺民,另一方面,他们又随时可能成为不同范围内的独裁者。而在上述对动物生命的独裁背后,或许藏着更深的阴暗——对人类生命的蔑视。
    isaac Mao

    导演是只草履虫? - 0 views

    shared by isaac Mao on 08 Aug 08 - Cached
    • 开幕式的开头很可以,震撼的效果几乎超过了预期,但不久就对频繁使用的高科技绚丽影像审美疲劳了,况且单就高科技能带来的那点惊喜早就被韩国SBS给偷走了:(而体育场中央的电脑画卷反复变化的色彩就如一个炎热夏天还浓妆艳抹的老妇,不仅色彩扎眼,还妨碍整体景观,特别是和和平鸽的反衬,简直就是个障碍物。这让我想到了很多不熟悉电脑还非要用电脑上公开课的那些,大红大紫的,缺乏统一的格调。场外的焰火更印证了这一点,缺乏想象力,没有配合,和一个暴发户迎亲放爆竹没什么两样。

    The Crackdown to Come - - 0 views

    • As a key element of the revival of Chairman Mao Zedong's "people's warfare," Beijing and a number of other cities have revived the vigilante and spying functions of neighborhood committees. Municipal administrations along the coast -- and in the autonomous regions of Tibet and Xinjiang -- have recently earmarked additional budget to maintain the "spying" functions of neighborhood committees and similar vigilante outfits after the Olympics. Moreover, the Politburo's Central Political and Legal Commission, China's highest law-enforcement agency, has urged the courts and prosecutors to do more in fulfilling the party's priority task of thwarting anti-Beijing conspiracies and upholding sociopolitical stability. That the courts will comply in this is evident from a just-released article by the President of the Supreme People's Court, Wang Shengjun. Writing in this week's edition of the official Seeking Truth journal, Mr. Wang said: "We must pay more attention to maintaining state security and social stability. . . We must boost our consciousness of [safeguarding] the power of the regime . . . and fully develop our functions as a department for [proletarian] dictatorship."

    U.S. Fears Threat of Cyberspying at Olympics - - 0 views

    • The spy tactics include copying information contained in laptop computers at airport checkpoints or hotel rooms, wirelessly inserting spyware on BlackBerry devices, and a new technique dubbed "slurping" that uses Bluetooth technology to steal data from electronic devices. In addition to cybersecurity threats in other countries, "so many people are going to the Olympics and are going to get electronically undressed," said Joel Brenner, the government's top counterintelligence officer. He tells of one computer-security expert who powered up a new Treo hand-held computer when his plane landed in China. By the time he got to his hotel, a handful of software programs had been wirelessly inserted.
      Yeah, copying hard drives at the border, that would be America who does that and not China.
    arden dzx

    Victim or Victor? China's Olympic Odyssey - - 0 views

    • Modern Chinese nationalism often veers between Mr. Coubertin's and Mr. Maurras's ideas of nationhood. Officially, the government likes to talk about friendship between peoples, and harmony and peace, while at the same time promoting an injured sense of historical Chinese victimhood at the hands of foreign powers. When demonstrations of Chinese nationalism run out of control, with or without official encouragement, the feeling of national hurt can turn to violent aggression. It has been happening of late in the U.S., among other places, when Chinese students attacked Tibetans, or indeed anyone who "offended the feelings of the Chinese people."
    • This type of official patriotism is based on a peculiarly skewed view of history. Rather than celebrate the high points of Chinese civilization, the emphasis falls entirely on suffering at the hands of foreigners. The sense of victimhood runs so deep that it is impossible for most Chinese to view themselves as aggressors. The idea that Tibetans, for example, might have some reason to see themselves as victims of the Chinese, is absurd. More than that, many Chinese genuinely believe that this type of Tibetan "propaganda" has been deliberately taken up by the Western press to inflict yet another humiliation on the Chinese people.
    • This does not mean, however, that democracy would be an automatic cure. In the unlikely event that China were suddenly to have a peaceful transformation to a liberal democracy, nationalism would not go away. No party seen to be soft on foreign powers, especially Japan and the U.S., would be. Modern Chinese history has been so bloody that the scars will take a long time to heal. Ethnic nationalism can be a kind of poison, especially when it is based on a feeling of victimhood. Political freedom should help to soothe such feelings in the long run, but this will not happen in time for the Beijing Olympics.
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    • Aggressive nationalism usually goes together with authoritarian politics. When people have no legitimate means to show dissent, vent their frustrations, express critical opinions in public, and generally take part in politics, nationalism fills the void. As long as they can control it, this suits authoritarian rulers. In China, a certain unspoken sense of guilt may also play a role. The same people who demanded democracy in 1989, when they were students, are now often among the fiercest nationalists. The educated urban elite has prospered since the Tiananmen Massacre, and when people are reminded of the political compromises this involved, resentment can flare up easily.
    Kenyth Zeng

    撒谎撒出自信,爱国爱成傻逼 - 0 views

    • 美国大学里同样有“政治上正确”的潜规则,芝大的教授说,美国是民主国家里最不民主的一个。在宾州的选战则让候选人必须以对中国更猛烈的攻击来竞争选票,民主正在被异化。
    • 目下的形势,便是,作为意识形态的共产主义的合法性基础已经被彻底消解,在1990年代之后,国家的合法性基础来自道德和经济成绩。
    • 道德上的合法性基础正不断被腐败、社会分配不公等问题不断消解。这带来的后果是现行法律无法解决的,最终只能依靠杀鸡敬猴来解决。比如一定要杀郑筱萸(这次听了非常多关于此案的内幕),一定要拿掉一个政治局委员(不仅仅是内部的政争也有国家需要宛如原北京市委书记)。不过所有人也都十分清楚,这类手段只能治标,而且,可能会有后遗症。
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    • 藏独势力在此刻的发力十分及时地帮助了执政党,为国家合法性找到了另一个出口,便是民族主义。在南联盟使馆被炸时、在反日大游行时,在911时,这种合法性便空前强大,曾经处于施虐/被虐关系的执政者与公众便迎来了蜜月,或者说是一夜情。
    • 2008年,西方媒体的挑衅更是让这种合法性强大到无以复加,令奥运这个国际政治上的利空,转眼成为国内政治的重大利好。某美女记者告诉我说,他朋友msn上的NICK名字改成:撒谎撒出自信,爱国爱成傻逼。
    • 今年是改革30周年,必是第三次改革争论的高潮。如果爱国者能将情绪转移到下半年的改革争论上去,相信大家的明天都会更美好。

    Capital - - 0 views

    • The past 10 days will be remembered as the time the U.S. government discarded a half-century of rules to save American financial capitalism from collapse.
    • In ordinary times, a capitalist economy lets prices -- such as those of homes, mortgage-backed securities and stocks -- fall to the point where the big-bucks crowd rushes in, hoping to make a killing. But if the big money remains on the sidelines, unpersuaded that a bottom is near, the wait for bargain hunters to take the plunge could be very long and very painful.
    • But something big just happened. It happened without an explicit vote by Congress. And, though the Treasury hasn't cut any checks for housing or Wall Street rescues, billions of dollars of taxpayer money were put at risk. A Republican administration, not eager to be viewed as the second coming of the Hoover administration, showed it no longer believes the market can sort out the mess.
      Ten Days That Changed Capitalism----对于美联储和财政部救市的争议,资本主义已经改变?

    Heard on the Street - - 0 views

    • Wealthy clients of Sotheby's appear to be falling behind on their bills -- and that could signal trouble for the auction house and the art market.
      华尔街倒霉 艺术市场也难独善其身
    isaac Mao

    图片新闻精选:2008年3月7日-华尔街日报 - 0 views

    • AP巴菲特成为世界首富《福布斯》杂志将2008世界首富的称号给了股神巴菲特,而在首富宝座上坐了13年的比尔-盖茨排名降至第三。第二富的人是墨西哥电信大亨Carlos Slim。Facebook的创始人,23岁的Mark Zucherberg成为世界上最年轻的10亿万富豪。巴菲特多年来坚持的四项选股原则:从事自己能理解的业务、长期经济形势有利于该公司的发展、德才兼备的管理层以及合理的价格。相关新闻(英)巴菲特08年致股东信要点

    Tibetan Activists Take Stand In Torch Relay's Path - - 0 views

      "The demonstrations pose challenges for the Chinese government and for the Games' corporate sponsors, who are caught between the risks of offending Beijing and the dangers of alienating customers more sympathetic to activists' causes, ranging from Tibet to China's close ties to Sudan, which is battling rebels in Darfur."
    isaac Mao

    Discovering Obama - - 0 views

    • Illinois Senator has captured the Democratic imagination with his charisma, his silver tongue, and most of all, his claims to transcend the partisan and racial animosities of the day.
    • Mr. Obama's fault, rather, was to maintain a two-decade entanglement with Mr. Wright without ever seeming to harbor qualms about the causes espoused by his mentor and spiritual guide.
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