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arden dzx

Victim or Victor? China's Olympic Odyssey - - 0 views

  • Modern Chinese nationalism often veers between Mr. Coubertin's and Mr. Maurras's ideas of nationhood. Officially, the government likes to talk about friendship between peoples, and harmony and peace, while at the same time promoting an injured sense of historical Chinese victimhood at the hands of foreign powers. When demonstrations of Chinese nationalism run out of control, with or without official encouragement, the feeling of national hurt can turn to violent aggression. It has been happening of late in the U.S., among other places, when Chinese students attacked Tibetans, or indeed anyone who "offended the feelings of the Chinese people."
  • This type of official patriotism is based on a peculiarly skewed view of history. Rather than celebrate the high points of Chinese civilization, the emphasis falls entirely on suffering at the hands of foreigners. The sense of victimhood runs so deep that it is impossible for most Chinese to view themselves as aggressors. The idea that Tibetans, for example, might have some reason to see themselves as victims of the Chinese, is absurd. More than that, many Chinese genuinely believe that this type of Tibetan "propaganda" has been deliberately taken up by the Western press to inflict yet another humiliation on the Chinese people.
  • This does not mean, however, that democracy would be an automatic cure. In the unlikely event that China were suddenly to have a peaceful transformation to a liberal democracy, nationalism would not go away. No party seen to be soft on foreign powers, especially Japan and the U.S., would be. Modern Chinese history has been so bloody that the scars will take a long time to heal. Ethnic nationalism can be a kind of poison, especially when it is based on a feeling of victimhood. Political freedom should help to soothe such feelings in the long run, but this will not happen in time for the Beijing Olympics.
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  • Aggressive nationalism usually goes together with authoritarian politics. When people have no legitimate means to show dissent, vent their frustrations, express critical opinions in public, and generally take part in politics, nationalism fills the void. As long as they can control it, this suits authoritarian rulers. In China, a certain unspoken sense of guilt may also play a role. The same people who demanded democracy in 1989, when they were students, are now often among the fiercest nationalists. The educated urban elite has prospered since the Tiananmen Massacre, and when people are reminded of the political compromises this involved, resentment can flare up easily.
Kenyth Zeng

撒谎撒出自信,爱国爱成傻逼 - 0 views

  • 美国大学里同样有“政治上正确”的潜规则,芝大的教授说,美国是民主国家里最不民主的一个。在宾州的选战则让候选人必须以对中国更猛烈的攻击来竞争选票,民主正在被异化。
  • 目下的形势,便是,作为意识形态的共产主义的合法性基础已经被彻底消解,在1990年代之后,国家的合法性基础来自道德和经济成绩。
  • 道德上的合法性基础正不断被腐败、社会分配不公等问题不断消解。这带来的后果是现行法律无法解决的,最终只能依靠杀鸡敬猴来解决。比如一定要杀郑筱萸(这次听了非常多关于此案的内幕),一定要拿掉一个政治局委员(不仅仅是内部的政争也有国家需要宛如原北京市委书记)。不过所有人也都十分清楚,这类手段只能治标,而且,可能会有后遗症。
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  • 2008年,西方媒体的挑衅更是让这种合法性强大到无以复加,令奥运这个国际政治上的利空,转眼成为国内政治的重大利好。某美女记者告诉我说,他朋友msn上的NICK名字改成:撒谎撒出自信,爱国爱成傻逼。
  • 藏独势力在此刻的发力十分及时地帮助了执政党,为国家合法性找到了另一个出口,便是民族主义。在南联盟使馆被炸时、在反日大游行时,在911时,这种合法性便空前强大,曾经处于施虐/被虐关系的执政者与公众便迎来了蜜月,或者说是一夜情。
  • 今年是改革30周年,必是第三次改革争论的高潮。如果爱国者能将情绪转移到下半年的改革争论上去,相信大家的明天都会更美好。
fd cn

坚决抵制"暴力爱国" | 河蟹娱乐 - 0 views

  • 具可靠消息已经有  20万人的各国特务和国内叛徒渗透到了全国各地散发和挑拨群众,进行打砸抢等活动,甚至还会伤人杀人, 到时候这些账都会扣到中国身上,都会扣到中华民族身上。
  • 那些拉条幅,喊打喊杀的都是特务和叛徒。你们要是也跟着,给中国的账扣定了
Kenyth Zeng

你身边的爱国主义 [枣报特评] - 0 views

  • 你索要了发票,那么至少会有一部分税收会给你带来公共产品,如果你不要,那么就彻底没有了
  • 尽管选举制度仍然很不完善,但是在目前的体制内,提高基层更大的参与热情,才是你所能做的完善的最好方法。
  • 根据现行听证制度,大部分听证会的听证代表都是随机摇号产生,你一定要积极参与你所关心的事务,而且万一真的被选中,一定要好好准备,倾听更多人的意见,在公开的场合大声发出你的声音。
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  • 我国目前绝大部分政府机关和企业都有投诉机制,如果你确实受到了不公正待遇,你就应该随时投诉,而不是默默成为这种潜规则的牺牲品。即使这一次不会有所效果,但是相信我,在他们内部一定会有所触动。下一次有另一个人遇到和你相同的情况,或许就会改变。事情总是需要许多人不停的持续的推动,才会进步。古人都说了,罗马不是一天建成了。
    These outweight all the current "boycott".
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