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Andrew Williamson

Norfar Logic / Weekly Outlook - 0 views

    Algebra Maths wiki Project Based learning online classroom: Logic Inc is a fictitious consulting company created by Mrs. Norfar, a mathematics instructor. The company was created to enable students to develop real-world skills while learning Algebra I, Algebra II, Algebra III, Statistics and Geometry principals. This site is designed to keep parents and students up to date on what is occurring in the classroom. 
Evelyn Saenz

How I came to Love Teaching Math - 1 views

    Math has always been easy for me but it wasn't until I started taking classes to get my teaching certificate that I came to truly love math. Both my mom and dad loved to play card and board games. They taught my sister and I many mathematical concepts while playing these games without even realizing it. Puzzles and patterns, statistics and probability were daily conversations. Then came school. Math was nothing but numbers written on paper. Easy to do but very boring and seemingly unrelated to life. Breezing through each worksheet, page of math problem and even finishing the 7th grade math book mid-year, math became a hated subject to be put aside as quickly as possible. I vowed that the day I graduated from high school would be the last day I ever took a math class. I succeeded in that goal all through college but when I wanted to get my Elementary Teaching Certificate the state of Vermont had other ideas. So I signed up for a summer class in teaching math.
Maggie Verster

Does the Iranian election stand up to statistics? - 0 views

    Can a staytistical analysis tell us if fraud was committed in the election?
Ced Paine

bubblewrap.swf - 0 views

    Could be used with a nerf ball to create some great statistics!
Ryan Maksymchuk

Interactive Statistical Calculation Pages - 0 views

    today hindi news,today news talmi,hindi news
Garrett Eastman

dy/dan » Blog Archive » The Soaring Promise Of Big Data In Math Education - 4 views

    Criticism of research into why students have trouble with factions and experience boredom
Garrett Eastman

An idea that changed the world - 2 views

    "a century ago this week. Mathematician Andrey A. Markov delivered a lecture that day to the Imperial Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg on a computational technique now called the Markov chain. Little noticed in its day, his idea for modeling probability is fundamental to all of present-day science, statistics, and scientific computing. Any attempt to simulate probable events based on vast amounts of data - the weather, a Google search, the behavior of liquids - relies on Markov's idea."
Garrett Eastman

Mandelbrot: Art, math, science, and works in progress - 2 views

    An exhibit of Benoit Mandelbrot's fractal images on display at Bard Graduate Center in New York City
Garrett Eastman

Reading, Mathematics, and Science Achievement of Language-Minority Students in Grade 8 - 1 views

    "This Issue Brief examines 8th-grade achievement in reading, mathematics, and science for language minority students (i.e., those from homes in which the primary language was one other than English) who began kindergarten in the 1998-99 school year. Data come from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99 (ECLS-K), which tracked the educational experiences of a nationally representative sample of children who were in kindergarten in the 1998-99 school year. The analyses present a picture of students' achievement at the end of the study by focusing on students' scores on the standardized assessments that were administered in the spring of 2007, when most students were in grade 8. Students are categorized into four groups according to language background and English language proficiency. Additionally, assessment scores are reported by three background characteristics-students' race/ethnicity, poverty status, and mother's education-that have been found to be related to achievement."
Garrett Eastman

Random Number Generation: Types and Techniques - 5 views

    "Abstract What does it mean to have random numbers? Without understanding where a group of numbers came from, it is impossible to know if they were randomly generated. However, common sense claims that if the process to generate these numbers is truly understood, then the numbers could not be random. Methods that are able to let their internal workings be known without sacrificing random results are what this paper sets out to describe. Beginning with a study of what it really means for something to be random, this paper dives into the topic of random number generators and summarizes the key areas. It covers the two main groups of generators, true-random and pseudo-random, and gives practical examples of both. To make the information more applicable, real life examples of currently used and currently available generators are provided as well. Knowing the how and why of a number sequence without knowing the values that will come is possible, and this thesis explains how it is accomplished."
Martin Burrett

Maths Charts - 0 views

    A great new resource from the creator of 'A Maths Dictionary for Kids'. Download and print beautifully designed and wonderfully useful maths posters on a good range of topics. Your classroom walls will never be the same again.
Garrett Eastman

Measuring Engagement Effects of Educational Games and Virtual Manipulatives on Mathematics - 9 views

    Abstract: "the researcher attempted to investigate how to better measure engagement and refine the measurement of engagement in this study. To frame the engagement, three domains of engagement - behavioral, cognitive, and emotional- are analyzed in detail to be able to examine the qualities of each type. Moreover, three game attributes -clear goals, immediate feedback, and balance between challenges and skills- are presented and discussed as fundamental features of virtual manipulatives and educational games used in this study to make an impact on students' engagement. To measure effects of educational games and virtual manipulatives on three domains of engagement, the researcher designed an engagement survey that examines each domain separately with their sub-domains. The Cronbach's alphas for engagement pre-test and post-test were found .89 and .91 respectively. In this pre-test and post-test quasi-experimental design, four fifth-grade classrooms (N=86) from four schools in southwest Virginia were assigned as three experimental groups and one control group. In the first experimental group, participants played an educational game called Candy Factory and in the second experimental group, the students played another educational game called Pearl Diver on iPod Touch for eight days consecutively, for 20 minutes each. In the third experimental group, participants performed activities with virtual manipulatives, whereas in the control group, participants did paper-and-pencil iii drills for the same duration. All of the groups studied on the same topic, fractions. According to the results of ANCOVA, experimental group students' engagement scores were found significantly higher than control group students', F(1,80)=11.568, p=.001. When three domains of engagement were analyzed, significant differences were found among all three domains between experimental and control groups. When the researcher conducted separate analysis for educational games group and vir
Julie Shy

Like Teaching: Assume m is positive: algebra - 0 views

    really like this math blog
Garrett Eastman

Mathematics in Popular Culture Essays on Appearances in Film, Fiction, Games, Televisio... - 4 views

    Mathematics in Popular Culture Essays on Appearances in Film, Fiction, Games, Television and Other Media Edited by Jessica K. Sklar and Elizabeth S. Sklar Foreword by Keith Devlin Print ISBN: 978-0-7864-4978-1 Ebook ISBN: 978-0-7864-8994-7 25 photos, appendices, notes, bibliographies, index 353pp. 2012
Garrett Eastman

Archives | BetterExplained - 9 views

    This site features a math category, math concepts explained informed by the principle that "math is no about equations than poetry is about spelling .. .[but exist] to convey an idea."
Garrett Eastman

How to create an unfair coin and prove it with math - 15 views

    Gaming coin flip probability by bending coins with pliers and analyzing results
Martin Burrett

BBC Maths - Probability - 0 views

    A superb interactive BBC maths video with games about probability.
Martin Burrett

Math eBook - 0 views

    A great maths site with PDF worksheets and online activities to help students learn a range of maths topics at every stage of their school career.
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