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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Maggie Verster

Maggie Verster

Desmos Educator Review | Common Sense Education - 2 views

    Elegant graphing calculator and math simulations promote collaboration
Maggie Verster

Three Fun and Free Android Apps for #Mathematics Practice #mathchat - 6 views

    Three Fun and Free Android Apps for #Mathematics Practice #mathchat
Maggie Verster

The Math Forum: Philadelphia Engineering / Math Challenge |#stem #mathematics http://t.... - 1 views

    The Math Forum: Philadelphia Engineering / Math Challenge |#stem #mathematics
    The Math Forum: Philadelphia Engineering / Math Challenge |#stem #mathematics
Maggie Verster

Math Graphing - A Nice Collection of K-8 Math Resources - 16 views

    Free Technology for Teachers: Math Graphing - A Nice Collection of K-8 Math Resources
    Free Technology for Teachers: Math Graphing - A Nice Collection of K-8 Math Resources
Maggie Verster

CCSS-algebra wiki - 6 views

    "This is a rather unusual structure for organizing mathematical content, but offers an exciting opportunity for teachers across the nation and abroad to exchange ideas and discuss what they teach. This Wiki will address the underlying central concepts and propose activities that also provide rich opportunity to engage students in the Mathematical Practices. "
Maggie Verster

Don't Use Khan Academy without Watching this First - EdTech Researcher - Education Week - 4 views

    "In previous posts, I have summed up my position on Khan Academy as follows: Khan Academy teaches only one part of mathematics-procedures-and that isn't the most important part. Writing about mathematics, developing a disposition for mathematical thinking, demonstrating a conceptual understanding of mathematical topics are all more important than procedures. That said, procedures are still important, and Khan Academy provides one venue where students can learn them. In the end, I think every young person should have an account there. Even if only one in a thousand or ten thousand benefit, that would be a terrific outcome. "
Maggie Verster

CK-12 Trigonometry: CK-12 Foundation: Kindle Store - 3 views

    CK-12 Foundation's Trigonometry FlexBook is an introduction to trigonometry for the high school student. Topics include: Trigonometric Identities & Equations, Circular Functions, and Polar Equations & Complex Numbers.
Maggie Verster

CK-12 Basic Algebra,Volume 1 Of 2 (free kindle ebook) - 2 views

    CK-12 Foundation's Basic Algebra, Volume 1 Of 2 FlexBook covers the following six chapters:Expressions, Equations, and Functions - covers the relationships among expressions, equations, and functions when variables are present. Also explored is how these ideas can be shown on graphs. Properties of Real Numbers - covers various forms that rational numbers can assume, including fractions, integers, and square roots. Also considered are different operations for manipulating rational numbers. Linear Equations - introduces students to methods of solving simple equations involving variables. Also covered are ratios, scale, and the percent equation. Graphing Linear Equations and Functions - provides students with a more in-depth understanding of equations by introducing coordinate plane graphing concepts such as intercepts and slope. Writing Linear Equations - focuses on writing various forms of equations based upon real-world data and already existing lines. Students will also learn about predicting data using a fitted line. Linear Inequalities and Absolute Value; An Introduction to Probability - covers operations of inequalities, including addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. These principles are then applied to absolute value and probability.
Maggie Verster

Welcome to the mathtwitterblogosphere - Home - 14 views

    Curious how social media might benefit you as a math teacher? Check out mathtwitterblogosphere, which encourages math teachers to tweet and blog in order to "get your own creative juices flowing" and participate in a "world-class faculty lounge with colleagues who care about what they do." Come see profiles of math teachers who use blogs and Twitter, learn about "how to take the leap" with those social media, and find recommendations of tweeps and bloggers to follow, categorized by academic level, or interests such as arts and craft in the math classroom games and gamification in math interdisciplinary Work modeling approach to teaching standard-based grading projects and rich tasks technology in the math classroom
Maggie Verster

Improving Mathematical Problem Solving in Grades 4 Through 8: What Works Clearinghouse - 21 views

    This practice guide provides five recommendations for improving students' mathematical problem solving in grades 4 through 8. This guide is geared toward teachers, math coaches, other educators, and curriculum developers who want to improve the mathematical problem solving of students.
Maggie Verster

The nature and quality of the mathematical connections teachers make - 4 views

    Current reforms in mathematics education emphasise the need for pedagogy because it offers learners opportunities to develop their proficiency with complex high-level cognitive processes. One has always associated the ability to make mathematical connections, together with the teacher's role in teaching them, with deep mathematical understanding. This article examines the nature and quality of the mathematical connections that the teachers' representations of those connections enabled or constrained. The researchers made video recordings of four Grade 11 teachers as they taught a series of five lessons on algebra-related topics. The results showed that the teachers' representations of mathematical connections were either faulty or superficial in most cases. It compromised the learners' opportunities for making meaningful mathematical connections. The researchers concluded by suggesting that helping teachers to build their representation repertoires could increase the effectiveness of their instructional practices.
Maggie Verster

IDEAL WebMath - An android Calculator app that Explains How to Solve Problems - 3 views

    There are plenty of calculator apps in Google Play, but IDEAL WebMath is different because it shows students how to solve a problem.  IDEAL WebMath can help students with addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, comparing fractions, ratios, proportions, place values, and rounding.
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