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Lisa Levinson

When the E-Mail Is Not Quite Spam, but Not Quite Desired - - 0 views

    Interesting cultural studies piece in the NYTimes about unwanted email. The law is that marketers and businesses must have an option to let you unsubscribe, but fledgling businesses or friends' businesses fall through the cracks. What to do about it? Some new software, hitting delete, creating an email account you never use or view.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

A Nonprofit's Legal Counsel Is The Social Media Manager's Best Friend! | Beth's Blog - 0 views

    This blog post by Beth Kanter, January 24, 2013, has lots of considerations for working with nonprofits on social media adoption and use. Good links to other resources, too, including legal counsel-type guidance. Raises several issues for me including blending uses of social media (external, face forward kinds of promotional and educational sharing as well as learning with each other, for example) and legal angles to understand, and guidance for volunteers in addition to staff, especially in professional membership associations where members may do far more sharing than staff. A social media policy for a np--professional membership association--with volunteers in addition to or instead of staff doing most of the representation for the organization would need to be explicated as well. We need to understand this thoroughly as we work with organization
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Silicon Valley's Youth Problem - The New York Times - 0 views

  • There are more platforms, more websites, more pat solutions to serious problems — here’s an app that can fix drug addiction! promote fiscal responsibility! advance childhood literacy!
  • The doors to start-up-dom have been thrown wide open. At Harvard, enrollment in the introductory computer-science course, CS50, has soared. Last semester, 39 percent of the students in the class were women, and 73 percent had never coded before.
  • I protested: “What about Facebook?” He looked at me, and I thought about it. No doubt, Facebook has changed the world. Facebook has made it easier to communicate, participate, pontificate, track down new contacts and vet romantic prospects. But in other moments, it has also made me nauseatingly jealous of my friends, even as I’m aware of its unreality. Everything on Facebook, like an Instagram photo, is experienced through a soft-glow filter. And for all the noise, the pinging notifications and flashing lights, you never really feel productive on Facebook.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • Amazon Web Services (A.W.S.)
  • “But now, every start-up is A.W.S. only, so there are no servers to kick, no fabs to be near. You can work anywhere. The idea that all you need is your laptop and Wi-Fi, and you can be doing anything — that’s an A.W.S.-driven invention.” This same freedom from a physical location or, for that matter, physical products has led to new work structures.
  • Despite its breathtaking arrogance, the question resonates; it articulates concerns about tech being, if not ageist, then at least increasingly youth-fetishizing. “People have always recruited on the basis of ‘Not your dad’s company,’ ” Biswas said.
  • On a certain level, the old-guard-new-guard divide is both natural and inevitable. Young people like to be among young people; they like to work on products (consumer brands) that their friends use and in environments where they feel acutely the side effects of growth. Lisa and Jim’s responses to the question “Would you work for an old-guard company?” are studiously diplomatic — “Absolutely,” they say — but the fact remains that they chose, from a buffet of job options, fledgling companies in San Francisco.
  • Cool exists at the ineffable confluence of smart people, big money and compelling product.
  • Older engineers form a smaller percentage of employees at top new-guard companies, not because they don’t have the skills, but because they simply don’t want to. “Let’s face it,” Karl said, “for a 50-something to show up at a start-up where the average age is 29, there is a basic cultural disconnect that’s going on. I know people, mostly those who have stayed on the technical side, who’ve popped back into an 11-person company. But there’s a hesitation there.”
  • Getting these job offers depends almost exclusively on the candidate’s performance in a series of technical interviews, where you are asked, in front of frowning hiring managers, to whip up correct and efficient code. Moreover, a majority of questions seem to be pulled from undergraduate algorithms and data-structures textbooks,
  • “People want the enterprise tools they use at work to look and feel like the web apps they use at home.”
  • Some of us will continue to make the web products that have generated such vast wealth and changed the way we think, interact, protest. But hopefully, others among us will go to work on tech’s infrastructure, bringing the spirit of the new guard into the old.
    Interesting article on the age divide between new guard (Stripe) and old guard companies (Cisco) and why that is so, Yiren Lu, March 12, 2014
Lisa Levinson

Barbie Wants to Get to Know Your Child - The New York Times - 0 views

    Mattel is using AI to turn Barbie into a young girl's friend. Hello Barbie is the new incantation of the doll that appeals to 3 - 10 year old girls. Hello Barbie can react to what a young girl is saying to her, and is programmed with thousands of responses. Unlike the toys that had pull strings, Hello Barbie transmits via wifi so the girl's voice is read and then sends Barbie a response to the keywords in the voice data within a second. Hello Barbie has thicker thighs to accommodate the batteries necessary for all this. Interesting research on girls who play with Barbie have lower self esteem than those who do not, and feel they have to be think, have large breasts, and be blond and blue eyed. Scary!
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Time Goes By - What it's really like to get older - 0 views

    This writer, Ronni Bennett, affirms what I believe in the power of the internet for creating new relationships and social networks that help you age well online and off. Blog post on March 25, 2014. "You and I are lucky that our generation has a new tool for a new kind of friendship - the internet. Although it has been awhile since I've mentioned it, I have written a lot about the importance of online and blog friends. (These are several of those stories.) I wholeheartedly believe that the web is a boon for elders and these days, about half the people I hold most dear I have met as a result of this blog."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Nearly all U.S. doctors are now on social media - - 0 views

    article in Amednews (American Medical News) in September 26, 2011 by Pamela Lewis Dolan. Data already old but interesting. "However, although physicians appear to be embracing social media, they are still feeling their way around it. According to QuantiaMD, 87% of physicians make personal use of social media, but a lesser amount, 67%, use it professionally. And one thing that hasn't changed during those 18 months is the lack of patient-physician communication on social media. One-third of the QuantiaMD survey respondents said they had received a friend request from a patient on Facebook. Three-quarters of the physicians declined those invitations."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

The Cheapest Generation - The Atlantic - 0 views

    Interesting article on how millennials are not buying cars or houses. This quote makes me think about how we market to middle-aged career professionals, i.e., "I've made it and I'm a tech person." (based on how I use IT technology to communicate, collaborate, and convene groups online) "Subaru's publicist Doug O'Reilly told us, "The Millennial wants to tell people not just 'I've made it,' but also 'I'm a tech person.' " Smartphones compete against cars for young people's big-ticket dollars, since the cost of a good phone and data plan can exceed $1,000 a year. But they also provide some of the same psychic benefits-opening new vistas and carrying us far from the physical space in which we reside. "You no longer need to feel connected to your friends with a car when you have this technology that's so ubiquitous, it transcends time and space," Connelly said."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Android: Friends Furever - YouTube - 0 views

    love this video, and theme "be together, not the same"

6 keys to holding a successful Google+ Hangout | SmartBlogs - 1 views

    Google+ has many great features besides adding your friends to circles. The network's video chat tool, Google+ Hangouts, has awesome audio and video quality. If you're curious about the tool but not sure how to get started, the points below will help you be successful when you're video chatting with others on Google+.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Connected Learning - 1 views

  • Connected learning is when you’re pursuing knowledge and expertise around something you care deeply about, and you’re supported by friends and institutions who share and recognize this common passion or purpose. Click here to learn more about the connected learning model and the research that supports it.
    Absolutely fabulous video (6 minutes) on Connected Learning and how we must change the outcomes based focus of education to awaken the curiosity of each learner and engage with them in learning how to learn given the distribution of resources, ideas, experts, etc. while preserving the learners' autonomy, access to diversity, openness to others for learning, interactivity with similar and diverse co-learners, etc. Film by Nic Askew at interviewing McArthur Foundation person and two professors of education
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

How Germans Fail At Social Media - The Social Marketers - 0 views

  • Next to the clicks on the links I share in social media, shares (or retweets) of my updates is the second most important metric I monitor (depending on what I am working on, it can be the most important metric). Isn’t that what we are all looking for? Shares by others give my posts and content an additional audience. Posts getting viral (meaning an endless number of people share our post) is the ultimate success in social media – or isn’t it?
  • One of the basic metrics to show success of a Blog, a Tweet or a Facebook post is the number of retweets or shares the post gets. If you want to grow in social media, you have to get yourself and your content in front of a larger audience. One legitimate way to achieve this success is to get your content shared by third parties. Otherwise you will always and forever be talking to yourself and already existing friends and family.
    Susanna Gebauer talks about Germans but the same misunderstanding may exist here about the usefulness of social media for increasing one's influence. Certainly, the more retweets, followers, favorites, comments we get, the more we get known.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Living by the Numbers: The Database - SPIEGEL ONLINE - 0 views

  • The self-confident founders of Kreditech lend money through the Internet: short-term mini-loans of up to €500, with the average customer receiving €109. Instead of requiring credit information from their customers, they determine the probability of default on their own, using a social scoring method that consists of high-speed data analysis. "Ideally, the money should be in customers' accounts within 15 minutes of approval.
  • Kreditech also requires access to Facebook profiles, so that it can verify whether a user's photo and location match information on other social networking sites, like Xing and LinkedIn -- and whether his or her friends include many with similar education levels or many colleagues working in the same company.
  • All of this increases the likelihood that Kreditech is dealing with a real person.
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  • Their real goal is to develop an international, self-updating creditworthiness database for other companies, such as online retailers.
    #6 in a series on Big Data in Spiegel Online
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

John Battelle's Search Blog - Thoughts on the intersection of search, media, technology... - 0 views

  • WeWork is on a mission to create a global platform for people who want to express themselves through the work they do. Oh, and by the way, they also rent office space.
  • They are attempting to scale a new kind of culture – one that promises a quality workstyle, to be certain, but one that also celebrates who we are as people: we seek to find meaning in work, we seek a connection to a community where we both belong and contribute.
  • work-life integration, a relatively new phrase rising concurrent to the entrance of millennials in our workforce. But as he explained his support for the idea, I realized I’ve been working this way my entire life. It’s fundamental to the entrepreneurial lifestyle – Life is simply life, and if you’re passionate about what you do, then work is part of that life. As you plan your time, you prioritize everything in that life, and because work is no longer bound to one office space during one eight-hour period of time, you can mix and mingle all kinds of experiences – some work, some family, some personal – throughout your waking day. The flip side of this: If you adopt the philosophy of work-life integration, you must also adopt a philosophy of total individual responsibility. That means understanding how to prioritize things like exercise, nutrition, downtime, and family/friends into a demanding work life. It means that you are willing to be judged not on showing up or managing up, but on the work you deliver to your company. And it means you’ve joined a like-minded group who together have created a company that understands how to thrive in this new environment.
    work/life integration not work life balance anymore
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Mamas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Writers - Advice - The Chronicle of Higher E... - 0 views

  • Poor Joan Didion: "There is always a point in the writing of a piece when I sit in a room literally papered with false starts and cannot put one word after another and imagine that I have suffered a small stroke, leaving me apparently undamaged but actually aphasic."
  • And yet complain he did. For a while I was a good friend, listening with cuticle-picking patience and reminding him of his successes. Finally I’d had it, mostly because in that moment he reminded me so much of myself. When I realized he’d become a magnifying mirror of my own bad habits and irritating tics, I said to him: "Stop having so many feelings and just do the f-ing work."
    blog by Rachel Toor, February 2, 2015. Exactly how it is with blogging sometimes (which I should be writing even as I write this instead)
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Win at Workplace Conflict - HBR - 0 views

  • 1. Stay focused on the most essential objectives.
  • 2. Don’t fight over things that don’t matter.
  • 3. Build an empathetic understanding of others’ points of view.
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  • 4. Adhere to the old adage: keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.
  • 5. Use humor to defuse difficult situations.
    five points on managing workplace conflict, Jeffrey Pfeffer, May 29, 2014.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

When you don't disclose salary range on a job posting, a unicorn loses its wings / Nonp... - 1 views

  • alary history must die too. And while we’re at it, can we put an end to the equally archaic and bizarre corollary practice of asking people for their salary history during negotiation? How is what someone made in a previous job relevant to the current position? Do we care what snacks they ate in their last job too? Salary history is a great way to ensure that people who are underpaid—again, a lot of women and minorities—remain underpaid. I have a friend who passed by several jobs that would have paid her three times what she is making; because she loves and is loyal to a small organization, she decided to remain there as ED, earning $45,000. When she finally left on good terms, a bigger org asked for her salary history and then offered $49,500 to be its ED, because that’s a “generous 10% increase” from what she was making, even though the industry average for an ED of an organization of that size is about $60,000. That’s effed up. 
    Interesting blog post on D.o.E (depends on experience) job listings in the nonprofit sector but also includes admonition on asking for candidates' job salary history. Will share with LeanIn group
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

The 5 ways employers prefer to fill a position | Things Career Related - 0 views

  • What do you do as a jobseeker? The obvious answer is to become a referral by reaching out to those you know in a desired company. This sounds easier said than done, but the steps you take begin first with determining which companies you’d like to work for. And, most importantly, why? Create a list of 15 target companies.
  • f you were an outstanding employee where you last worked, friends of your employer will come to you. I see this often with my best customers who land jobs based on their personal branding.
  • You must become a referral.
    blog post by Bob McIntosh, CPRW, trainer who leads job search workshops and is Linked authority
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

To Get a Job in Your 50s, Maintain Friendships in Your 40s - The New York Times - 0 views

  • To Get a Job in Your 50s, Maintain Friendships in Your 40s
  • researchers found that older people on average had smaller social networks than younger people, Professor Wanberg said. This is not necessarily bad — as we age, many of us find that the quality of our relationships is more important than the quantity. But in the job search process, the number of connections we maintain in our professional and personal networks is often critical.
  • Once you hit your early 40s, even if you are not looking for a job, work to learn new skills and stretch yourself, Professor Wanberg said. Also, keep your networks strong by staying in touch with former colleagues and classmates, along with current co-workers and clients whom you don’t see regularly, she said.
    Phyllis Korkki, NYT, September 26, 2015, not a particularly helpful article but does document that on average it takes longer for older workers to find new jobs.  
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

What Men And Women Are Doing On Facebook - Forbes - 0 views

  • While women often use online social networking tools to make connections and share items from their personal lives, men use them as means to gather information and increase their status.
  • three-quarters of women use online communities to stay up to date with friends and family, and 68% use them to “connect with others like me.”
  • Women are online solving real-life issues.
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  • Girls learn to build relationships by sharing social information. Boys learn to compare and compete with others, always striving for more success.”
  • use each other as resources
  • Today, women are still more likely to be forthcoming and verbose than men, she says, a difference that is reflected online.
  • men leverage social media for broadcasting their ideas and skills vs. women who find connections with others by sharing the ups and downs of their daily lives.
    article by Jenna Goudreau, Forbes staff, April 26, 2010 on how women are more social and specific action oriented while men are more strategic in their use of blogs, networks, etc.
    article by Jenna Goudreau, Forbes staff, April 26, 2010 on how women are more social and specific action oriented while men are more strategic in their use of blogs, networks, etc. 
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

A framework for social learning in the enterprise - 0 views

  • There is a growing demand for the ability to connect to others. It is with each other that we can make sense, and this is social. Organizations, in order to function, need to encourage social exchanges and social learning due to faster rates of business and technological changes. Social experience is adaptive by nature and a social learning mindset enables better feedback on environmental changes back to the organization.
  • the role of online community manager, a fast-growing field today, barely existed five years ago.
  • The web enables connections, or constant flow, as well as instant access to information, or infinite stock. Stock on the Internet is everywhere and the challenge is to make sense of it through flows of conversation
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  • All organizational value is created by teams and networks.
  • Learning really spreads through social networks. Social networks are the primary conduit for effective organizational performance. Blocking, or circumventing, social networks slows learning, reduces effectiveness and may in the end kill the organization.
  • Social learning is how groups work and share knowledge to become better practitioners. Organizations should focus on enabling practitioners to produce results by supporting learning through social networks. The rest is just window dressing. Over a century ago, Charles Darwin helped us understand the importance of adaptation and the concept that those who survive are the ones who most accurately perceive their environment and successfully adapt to it. Cooperating in networks can increase our ability to perceive what is happening.
  • Wirearchies inherently require trust, and trusted relationships are powerful allies in getting things done in organizations.
  • Three of these (IOL, GDL, PDF) require self-direction, and that is the essence of social learning: becoming self-directed learners and workers, all within a two-way flow of power and authority.
  • rom Stocks to Flow
  • Knowledge: the capacity for effective action. “Know how” is the only aspect of knowledge that really matters in life. Practitioner: someone who is accountable for producing results. Learning may be an individual activity but if it remains within the individual it is of no value whatsoever to the organization. Acting on knowledge, as a practitioner (work performance) is all that matters. So why are organizations in the individual learning (training) business anyway? Individuals should be directing their own learning. Organizations should focus on results.
  • Because of this connectivity, the Web is an environment more suited to just-in-time learning than the outdated course model.
  • Organizing
  • our own learning is necessary for creative work.
  • Developing emergent practices, a necessity when there are no best practices in our changing work environments, requires constant personal directed learning.
  • Developing social learning practices, like keeping a work journal, may be an effort at first but later it’s just part of the work process. Bloggers have learned how powerful a learning medium they have only after blogging for an extended period.
  • we should extend knowledge gathering to the entire network of subject-matter expertise.
  • Building capabilities from serendipitous to personally-directed and then group-directed learning help to create strong networks for intra-organizational learning.
  • Our default action is to turn to our friends and trusted colleagues; those people with whom we’ve shared experiences. Therefore, we need to share more of our work experiences in order to grow those trusted networks. This is social learning and it is critical for networked organizational effectiveness.
    excellent discussion of networks and social learning in organizations with references to Hart, Jennings, Cross, and Internet Time Alliance among others, 2010
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