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English tenses with Cartoons - 0 views

    Hello and welcome to which is part of - a site about learning English Visually. You will find here the main 11 verb tenses. Suggested by Andrea Giordano

Towards a Theory of Digital Literacy: Three Scenarios for the Next Steps - 0 views

    • IN PI
      The choice, in this case, is not just between two categories of skills or literacies; it is rather a choice between two cultures, (a) one favoring rationality, continuity, criticism, abstract thinking, individuality, authenticity, systematic planning, and thinking; and (b) the other favoring fragmentation, spontaneity, concrete visual processing of knowledge, connectedness, reproduction, and branching associative thinking.
    • IN PI
      * Should education strive to achieve the enhancement of post modern values, or rather the preservation (as much as possible) of modern values? * Should the aim, instead, be some combination of the two? * If so, what combination (Aviram, 2005; Dator, 1993; Postman, 1992, 1995)?
    • IN PI
      This is indeed the probable default scenario. If that is so, and if the radical hypothesis about the civilization clash is true, it is likely that photo-visual skill, branching skill and reproduction skill will be powerfully enhanced, while the ability for criticism, or indeed, rational thinking of any kind, may deteriorate. Some might take it to be a desired scenario, but if it is, it calls for a conscious decision, rather than being dragged towards it blindly.
    New digital skills - the skeptical theory
Carla Arena

About Throughout the Ages - 0 views

    A wonderful site for visual literacy. It gives teachers lots of practical tips on how to use visual literacy in the classroom and the photos archives with historical background and questions are great. Though it is meant for American schools, lost of interesting resources and ideas.
Learning with Computers group

Clipart - Download Royalty-Free Clipart, Images, Fonts, Web Art and Graphics - 0 views

    Rec. Gorkem. Visual resources
Learning with Computers group

An International Exchange - 0 views

    Carlaa's very visual international exchange. Very impressive blogging.
jodi tompkins

Lesson: The Funtion of Images in Text - 0 views

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  • Example - An image can be used to show what an idea might look like. The picture may be used to illustrate a concept that is being described within a text or strengthen a point of which the author is trying to persuade his or her audience
  • Evidence - An image can be used to add new information. The picture may be used to represent data that is being described within a text or highlight one aspect of an argument of which the author is trying to persuade his or her audience.
  • Expression - An image can be used to express a feeling or attitude. The picture may be used to stylize information that is being described within a text or make an ironic or emotional comment on the point of which the author is trying to persuade his or her audience. Suggested Procedure
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    5 e's of visual literacy. a lesson plan on using photos in social studies, science, and comm arts classes
Kathleen N

Stixy: For Flexible Online Creation Collaboration and Sharing - 1 views

    online bulletin board save docs, photos, notes, etc visually share with friends, students, etc

Excel Course in Gurgaon - 0 views

    Learn various functions, data visualization, pivot tables & more in Advanced Excel training. Whether you're interested in learning the fundamentals of Excel, or developing more advanced Microsoft Excel skills, iClass Gyansetu has a course for you. Advance Excel for Data Analytics is a Job Oriented Course designed to meet the job requirement of Freshers and Experienced professionals. In this course you will learn- Advanced Excel, Automation using VBA programming & SQL Database. This Excel Training course in Gurgaon starts with the Excel basics and quickly progresses to a more advanced level. This course teaches you basic to advance concepts of Microsoft Excel. This tutorial covers in-depth lessons on how to use various Excel Formulas.

Python Training in Gurgaon | Python Course in Gurgaon - 0 views

    Power up your career by upskilling, take Python training in Gurgaon, and maximize your selection chances at an interview. Why should you learn Python? The most wanted language Simple and easy to learn Active community online Provides ample Data visualization Has plenty of testing frameworks for speeding up the workflow and debugging Ideal for scripting and automation purposes making it very convenient Library for each requirement One can demand a high pay package Has extensibility and flexibility, the code written in Python can be used by or integrated with other platforms, including Java and c++ In Gurgaon, it is a highly sorted skill at 25% leaving far behind Java and c++ Versatility and numerous uses Open-sourced language and highly popular Innumerable career opportunities Used in various sectors including data science, web development, machine learning The stepping stone to advance your career due to its rising demand in the corporate world/job market. Placement Every company will always be dependent on programmers with good updated skills. Job opportunities are very good if you have the skill in you. Training Duration Python learning will take approx. 2-3 months of the time period. Within a month of course completion, you can get a job. Faculty iClass Gyansetu has a good team of faculties working. It's always advisable to learn from trainers working in corporates, they share their industry experience that is very important to crack interviews. Contact Phone No- +91-8130799520/ 9999201478 Website-

Join Now for Best Tableau Training Course | Python and ML Training Course - 0 views

    Hurry Up!! Join Online Tableau Training in Delhi, Tableau is one of the Data visualization tools and visual analytics platforms transforming the way we use data to solve problems. Its site is they provide the best online Tableau Training with highly qualified and experience trainers. Its site provides after completing training provides professional certificate and 100% placement support.

I Flipped statistics using computers - 22 views

That's impressive! Computers are a powerful tool for analyzing and visualizing statistical data. What approach or software did you use for the flip? Infrastructure

learningwithcomputers education tools resources learning technology teaching


Plaster Co: Transforming Spaces with Expert Plastering Services - 2 views

When it comes to enhancing the beauty, durability, and energy efficiency of your home or commercial property, choosing the right plastering service is essential. That's where Plaster Co comes into ...

Education tools resources

started by jhon3456435 on 10 Jan 25 no follow-up yet
Paul Beaufait

MultiBrief: Effectively incorporating technology with English learners - 2 views

  • Perhaps the first consideration is the instructional purpose of the lesson, and how the technology will enhance that purpose or help students to achieve the goals and objectives of the lesson.
  • Technology, as mentioned earlier, has the power to increase student knowledge and skills in various content areas. Yet another consideration that must be taken into account when working with English learners is how the technology is increasing academic language knowledge and skills. It is critical, then, that teachers take into account not only the content goals and objectives for the lesson, but also the language goals and objectives as well as the linguistic demand of the tasks students will need to accomplish in the classroom.
  • English learners need additional instructional supports or scaffolds, including providing students with necessary background knowledge that other students may possess, using graphic organizers, pictures/visuals, demonstrations and realia, and providing redundant information and differentiated instruction based on students' language proficiency level. When researching various technology tools, it is critical that we investigate how the tool addresses these principles.
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  • The use of technology in the classroom is quickly becoming not only commonplace, but also essential for helping students gain the 21st-century skills they will need to be successful in the future.
  • when implementing technology in the classroom, an important component of instruction is to teach students how to use technology effectively and responsibly. Students may need guidance and instruction on how to use technology appropriately given the task and learning at hand, how to avoid distractions with technology, and how to effectively navigate the digital world.
    In this article, Herrmann explains principles to guide the adoption and utilisation of technology to help meet general and specific needs of English-as-an-additional language learners.
Paul Beaufait

ESP for Busy College Students: Is the Blend of In-Class, Online & Mobile Learning the Answer? | IALLT - 4 views

  • Neumeier (2005) more broadly defines a hybrid learning environment as “a combination of face-to-face (FtF) and computer assisted learning” used in a single course delivery context (p. 164).
  • hybrid language learning courses are “only going to foster successful language learning if they are carefully designed on the basis of an analysis of the participants’ needs and abilities” (p. 176).
  • Learning English for Special Purposes requires a high degree of interaction with peers, teachers, and content. Effective interaction with content was built into the instructional design, however increased levels of communication with peers and teachers are essential and these can be achieved only through the Internet.
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  • writing practice and communication were conducted mainly through the computer not the mobile devices
  • students were in agreement that the blend of in-class, online and mobile delivery was an optimal solution for internationally trained immigrants learning English in a post-secondary context. They found the combination of 1) speaking taught primarily face-to-face, 2) listening taught on the mobile devices and 3) writing taught mainly online to be an effective approach.
  • the in-class component seemed to maintain the integrity of the hybrid course overall as it fostered a sense of community amongst the learners. As noted by participants, it was the design of the materials and the way in which they were presented, not the technology used, that impacted the effectiveness of the course the most.
  • The traditional classroom meetings though, were found most beneficial in promoting face-to-face interaction, ad-hoc speaking, pronunciation practice and the development of other communication competencies supported by visual cues.
  • the findings indicate that students’ progress was enabled by effective instructional design integrating goals and content relevant to the specific group of learners, together with the appropriate methods and media which enabled and enhanced interaction within the content.
    Palalas, Agnieszka. (2010). ESP for busy college students: It the blend of in-class, online & mobile learning the answer? IALLT Journal, 41(1). Retrieved November 22, 2011, from

jordan 6 for sale but the advantage is not too huge - 0 views

jordan 6 for sale

started by momo789 on 19 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
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