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How to Prepare Aptitude Test for Competitive Exams - 0 views

Practice as many questions before your assessment. The more psychometric aptitude test questions you practice the more your speed, accuracy and confidence will improve. Improving these factors will...

Aptitude Test Online

started by puzznbuzzus on 23 Feb 17 no follow-up yet
Benjamin Jörissen

rre : Message: [RRE]The Social Life of Information - 0 views

  • The importance of people as creators and carriers of knowledge is forcing organizations to realize that knowledge lies less in its databases than in its people.
  • Learning to be requires more than just information. It requires the ability to engage in the practice in question. Indeed, Bruner's distinction highlights another, made by the philosopher Gilbert Ryle. He distinguishes "know that" from "know how".
  • This claim of Polanyi's resembles Ryle's argument that "know that" doesn't produce "know how," and Bruner's that learning about doesn't, on its own, allow you to learn to be. Information, all these arguments suggest, is on its own not enough to produce actionable knowledge. Practice too is required.
  • ...20 more annotations...
  • Despite the tendency to shut ourselves away and sit in Rodinesque isolation when we have to learn, learning is a remarkably social process. Social groups provide the resources for their members to learn.
  • Learning and Identity Shape One Another
  • Bruner, with his idea of learning to be, and Lave and Wenger, in their discussion of communities of practice, both stress how learning needs to be understood in relation to the development of human identity.
  • In learning to be, in becoming a member of a community of practice, an individual is developing a social identity.
  • So, even when people are learning about, in Bruner's terms, the identity they are developing determines what they pay attention to and what they learn. What people learn about, then, is always refracted through who they are and what they are learning to be.
  • In either case, the result, as the anthropologist Gregory Bateson puts it neatly, is "a difference that makes a difference". 29 The importance of disturbance or change makes it almost inevitable that we focus on these.
  • So to understand the whole interaction, it is as important to ask how the lake is formed as to ask how the pebble got there. It's this formation rather than information that we want to draw attention to, though the development is almost imperceptible and the forces invisible in comparison to the drama and immediacy of the pebble. It's not, to repeat once more, the information that creates that background. The background has to be in place for the information to register.
  • The forces that shape the background are, rather, the tectonic social forces, always at work, within which and against which individuals configure their identity. These create not only grounds for reception, but grounds for interpretation, judgment, and understanding.
    • Benjamin Jörissen
      kulturelle Muster, die qua Sozialisation erworben werden, und die in Bildungsprozessen verändert werden.
  • A Brief Note on the "Social"
  • It took Karl Marx to point out, however, that Crusoe is not a universal. On his island (and in Defoe's mind), he is deeply rooted in the society from which he came
  • Jean-Paul Sartre
  • We need not watch long before we can explain it: he is playing at being a waiter in a cafe . . . . [T]he waiter plays with his condition in order to realize it
  • So while people do indeed learn alone, even when they are not stranded on desert islands or in small cafes, they are nonetheless always enmeshed in society, which saturates our environment, however much we might wish to escape it at times.
  • For the same reason, however, members of these networks are to some degree divided or separated from people with different practices. It is not the different information they have that divides them.
  • Rather, it is their different attitudes or dispositions toward that information -- attitudes and dispositions shaped by practice and identity -- that divide. Consequently, despite much in common, physicians are different from nurses, accountants from financial planners.
  • two types of work-related networks
  • First, there are the networks that link people to others whom they may never get to know but who work on similar practices. We call these "networks of practice"
  • Second, there are the more tight-knit groups formed, again through practice, by people working together on the same or similar tasks. These are what, following Lave and Wenger, we call "communities of practice".
  • Networks of Practice
  • The 25,000 reps working for Xerox make up, in theory, such a network.
Paul Beaufait

Designing for Learning: Ten Best Practices for Teaching Online: Quick Guide for New Onl... - 21 views

    On this page, Boettcher explains, "ten best practices for anyone just getting started in the online environment. Research and experience suggest that these practices contribute to an effective, efficient and satisfying teaching and learning experience for both faculty and students" (para. 2, retrieved 2012.02.03 ["Minor revisions May 2011"]).

Finding The Perfect Nursing Top Valentino Shoes - 0 views

Finding The Perfect Nursing Top Valentino Shoes When nursing, it s important to find that perfect top. The perfect nursing top includes a combination of comfort, easy and discreet nursing access, ...

Valentino Shoes

started by hairyirockm33 on 21 May 16 no follow-up yet
Paul Beaufait

braz2010vance [licensed for non-commercial use only] / PLN - 4 views

  • Etienne Wenger (2007) asked Cristina Costa when she knew she was in a community of practice and she said, when she noticed her practice had changed. And this is the correct answer.  When your practice changes, you know you have truly learned. The next step as a teacher is to model what you did for your students so that some will follow in your footsteps. So how can you do it?  Your change in practice probably won't be from this one encounter, unless I can convince you or nudge you, if you were heading that way already, into taking the next step in your journey.  The goal is to move from being just a consumer of networked content, which you in essence hoard, to a creator of content, which you share with the network that shares with you.
  • language teachers need to look beyond what it appears on the surface is happening between them and the learner and consider the bigger picture, such as ways in which technology fosters connections with communities and networks that humanize rather than isolate to strengthen individuals as an integral part of modern society and how that society acculturates, or learns together.
  • I encourage colleagues to think SMALL because in my view the computer is no longer the salient aspect of technology. The salient aspect is the use to which technology is put, and the salient use is to re-wire and expand how we are able to learn by enabling us to nurture and participate in always-on PLNs, or Personal Learning Networks.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • In order for teachers to grasp the fundamentals of applying technology to transformative learning outcomes, practice with peers is necessary, where teachers themselves become mentors for one another while sharing with one another their discoveries and experiences with their own learning.
  • Teachers who drive their own professional development through participation in PLNs constantly express and assess each other's needs, and promote professional development on an as-needed basis, from where it is only a short leap to applying it to students.
    PLN: The paradigm shift in teacher and learner autonomy
Paul Beaufait

Online Communities of Practice [for ELT] - 0 views

    This thought-provoking slide show defines communities of practice (CoPs), compares F2F and online CoPs, includes a quotation that seems to misconstrue cooperation as collaboration (slide 12), and provides illustrations of online CoPs in various venues.
    Thanks to Gladys for sharing this via the learningwithcomputers07 wiki:
Paul Beaufait

Privacy & Data Practices | AddThis - 2 views

  • The only time AddThis has access to any browsing data is when you visit a website that uses AddThis. If you use one of our browser extensions, we don't send your browsing activity to our servers.
  • You can easily stop AddThis from collecting any information about you for online behavioral advertising by opting out. This will prevent advertisers from receiving any data that could be used to tailor advertising for you.
    Quick summary of practices

The Reform Symposium - 0 views

    "Showcasing Innovation in Education The Reform Symposium is a free online conference for educators, administrators, parents and students. This year the conference is focused on innovative practices in education and what role these practices can play in educational reform."
Paul Beaufait

Half an Hour: The Future of Online Learning: Ten Years On - 0 views

  • While we want to provide personalized attention, especially to submitted work, testing and grading, learning is still heavily dependent on the teacher. But because the teacher in turn is responsible for assembling, and often presenting, the materials to be learned, customization and personalization have not been practical. So we have adopted a model where small groups of people form a cohort, thus allowing the teacher to present the same material to more than one person at a time, while offering individualized interaction and assessment.
  • Though networks have always existed, modern communications technologies highlight their existence and given them a new robustness. Networks are distinct from groups in that they preserve individual autonomy and promote diversity of belief, purpose and methodology. In a network, however, people do not act as disassociated individuals, but rather, cooperate in a series of exchanges that can produce, not merely individual goods, but also social goods.
  • In the case of informal learning, however, the structure is much looser. People pursue their own objectives in their own way, while at the same time initiating and sustaining an ongoing dialogue with others pursuing similar objectives. Learning and discussion is not structured, but rather, is determined by the needs and interests of the participants.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • it is not clear that an outcomes driven system is what students require; many valuable skills and aptitudes – art appreciation, for example – are not identifiable as an outcome. This becomes evident when we consider how learning is to be measured. In traditional learning, success is achieved not merely by passing the test but in some way being recognized as having achieved expertise. A test-only system is a coarse system of measurement for a complex achievement.
  • The products of our conversations are as concrete as test scores and grades. (Ryan, 2007) But, as the result of a complex and interactive process, they are much more complex, allowing not only for the measurement of learning, but also for the recognition of learning. As it becomes easier to simply see what a student can accomplish, the idea of a coarse-grained proxy, such as grades, will fade to the background.
  • Most educators, and most educational institutions, have not yet embraced the idea of flow and syndication in learning. They will – reluctantly – because it provides the learner with the means to manage and control his or her learning. They can keep unwanted content to a minimum (and this includes unwanted content from an institution). And they can manage many more sources – or content streams – using feed reader technology.RSS and related specifications will be one of the primary ways Personal Learning Environments connect with remote systems. To use a PLE will be essentially to immerse oneself in the flow of communications that constitutes a community of practice in some discipline or domain on the internet.
  • In the end, what will be evaluated is a complex portfolio of a student’s online activities. (Syverson & Slatin, 2006)
  • place independence means that real learning will occur in real environments, with the contributions of the students not being some artifice designed strictly for practice, but an actual contribution to the business or enterprise in question.
  • As it becomes more and more possible to teach oneself online, and even to demonstrate one’s achievement through productive membership in a community of practice, there will be greater demand for a formalized system of recognition, a way for people to demonstrate their competence in an area without having to go through a formal program of study in the area.
  • the major shift in instructional technology will be from systems centered on the educational institution to systems centered on the individual learner.
  • rather than the employment of a single system to accomplish all educational tasks, both instructors and learners will use a variety of different tools in combination with each other.
  • Automation allows us to more easily create and present content, to more easily form groups and collaborate, to more easily give tests and take surveys. This frees instructors to perform tasks that have been traditionally more difficult and time consuming – to relate to students on a personal basis, to offer coaching and moral support, to learn about and analyze a student’s inclinations and understandings.
    Thanks for all of your inspiration!
    "an epic, must-read article" according to Brian Lamb (A social layer for DSpace? 2008.11.19
Paul Beaufait

Teachers for the 21st Century - A Program by the Council of Independent Colleges - 12 views

    This site contains resources for those who are just beginning and those who wish to explore in greater depth three important topics in higher education today, particularly as they are related to teacher preparation. The three topics of this website are: Multimedia Records of Practice to enable faculty to make public their typically invisible practice of teaching and to support their scholarship of teaching activities; Electronic Portfolios to enable faculty and students to reflect upon their learning or professional development or to support program or institutional assessment; and Digital Storytelling to enable faculty, students, and others to easily create digital stories with which they may share their reflections on their experiences in learning.
Walter Antoniotti

Statistics using The Quick Notes Learning System - 0 views

    Traditional course in Statistics is outlined in twenty-four, two-page learning units each followed by a two-page practice set and two pages of Quick Questions. Learning units and practice sets are designed as a continuous case dealing with marketing questions for descriptive statistics and probability and then dealing with manufacturing questions for inferential statistics. Complete solutions are provided at the back arranged in a row so they appear as the solution to case problem.\n
Ninja Essays

Blog - Unique Resources That Will Improve Your Academic Writing Skills - 0 views

    When you are struggling with academic writing, your professors try to motivate you with completely useless advice: practice, research, improve your vocabulary and you'll do just fine. Their intentions are good, but that "strategy" never works in practice.

How to Use Ezeetest App for Online Practice Tests | eZee Test - 0 views

    The Ezeetest App could be downloaded freely from Google Play Store to take online practice tests for better performance in 8, 9 & 10 MSBSHSE exam.

 Easy & Practical Ways to Invest in Your Blockchain Career - 0 views

    If you are new to blockchain technology but have already decided to pursue your career in this domain, this article will help you know the importance of learning this technology and the practical ways to invest in this domain.
IDa Sol

cheap car breakdown - Car Recovery Abu Dhabi cheap car breakdown - 0 views

    Recuperation might be in our name. However it's only one of the extraordinary towing. We offer here at cheap car breakdown custom-constructed recuperation vehicles and a committed workshop. We can help you whether you're in a crisis or you simply need a normal administration for your vehicle or van. Discover more about the scope of administrations. We offer by tapping the symbols underneath or look down the page. cheap car breakdown Vehicle Recovery Services giving car towing abu dhabi We have practical experience in business vehicle recuperation. Giving an outstanding support of business dealerships, offices and other corporate clients. Including Scania, volvo service abu dhabi, DAF and Mercedes, and in addition with set up transport and mentor organizations. Commercial car road service | abu dhabi recovery service We have practical experience in business vehicle recuperation, giving an outstanding support of business dealerships, offices and other corporate clients, including Scania, Volvo, DAF and Mercedes, and in addition with set up transport and mentor organizations. cheap car breakdown We don`t simply do substantial recuperation. We have the hardware and ability to do a wide range of other vehicle recuperation. Including autos , motorbikes, parades and RVs. Call us on +971502092742 for vehicle recuperation you can depend on. Find Out More Roadside Assistance Regardless of wherever in the Abu Dhabi you require breakdown help. Our neighborly experts are holding up to act the hero. Regardless of whether your vehicle or your better half has separated. You have been engaged with a street car crash or you require a home begin, call us on our 24-hour dark colored number and we`ll be headed. We see how upsetting a breakdown can be. And the effect it can have when you`re attempting to a due date. We handle 91% of breakdowns with a hour, and 97% inside a hour and a half, so you can be sure that you`ll be looked rapidly and productively. What`s more, we

Javascript Framework - 1 views

    NC WEB WORLD is one of the top professional training institutes in Navi Mumbai. Our aim is to give extra knowledge and empower our students to acquire their dream or make the career in the information technology sector.Its Improve your confidence to face interviews easily. We are providing job oriented courses like C, C++, Java, Android, Web designing, PHP, .net, Digital marketing, Angular JS, Software testing, Soft skill, UI designing. We cover all topics from basic to advance level with more practice by highly qualified expert faculty. Our course is 100% practical one faculty for one student with 100% job assistance and its offer a Company oriented training Knowledge

cheap nike kd 7 easy money with some recommending delaying until kids are 6 or 8 - 0 views

Cheap nike kd 7 easy money with some recommending delaying until kids are 6 or Jordan Future for sale 8 artest: Just for the love of the game, pretty much. I thought I had lost the love for it but ...

cheap nike kd 7 easy

started by momo789 on 16 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
David Wetzel

3 Best Practices of Successful Science and Math Teachers - 9 views

    What does it mean to be a successful science or math teacher? The definition of success is an elusive thing and measured in many ways. Merriam-Webster dictionary defines success as - resulting in or gaining a favorable outcome. This, without a doubt, is your and every other teacher's goal for their students.
Jose Antonio da Silva

A practical guide to creating learning scenarios: part 2 | Onlignment - 17 views

    In part 1 of this series, we looked at what a learning scenario is, its basic structure, capabilities and applications. We move on now to look in more detail at the steps involved in creating simple scenarios to support learners in understanding the principles underlying everyday problem-solving and decision 

Oracle 1Z0-477 VCE Dumps - 0 views

    VceTests is the best site for all vendors exam and now provide testified Oracle Cloud 1Z0-477 dumps. We have best study material for preparation of Oracle 1Z0-477 exam with Oracle Cloud 1Z0-477 vce questions answers with Oracle Responsys Marketing Platform Cloud Service 2017 Implementation Essentials practice test software. VceTests provide latest VceTests 1Z0-477 real exam questions answers. Download 1Z0-477 PDF + Practice Test with updated questions answers and prepare your Oracle Responsys Marketing Platform Cloud Service 2017 Implementation Essentials 1Z0-477 exam easily.
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