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David Ellena

Is It Time to Stop Saying Thank You | Leadership Freak - 0 views

    Some ways to make sure you are thanking those around you
David Ellena

Thanks to a manager | @SmartBrief SmartBlogs - 0 views

    Leadership some times cannot be learned from a book
David Ellena

When Not to Use Technology: 15 Things That Should Stay Simple In Education - InformED : - 0 views

    Some times when you should not use technology
David Ellena

Reflection and Renewal Sustain Leaders - Leadership 360 - Education Week - 0 views

    Some excellent reasons to take time for yourself as a leader
David Ellena

3 Warning Signs You're Leading on Autopilot | - 0 views

  • Your to-do list is filled with low-impact tactical items – I’m not one to make a big difference between leadership and management, but one of the clear differentiators in my mind is that leaders initiate change and managers react to it. If you find your to-do list is filled with low-impact, tactical items that contribute more to the daily operations of the business, then you may be running on autopilot. Your to-do list should be focused on big picture, strategic items that could make significant improvements in your operations.
  • The autopilot leader easily becomes oblivious to changes occurring around him until the nature of the situation reaches a crises point, forcing the leader to snap back to reality. This happens because the leader was content to react to change rather than initiate it.
  • You find yourself in reactive mode all the time
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • You get upset when your routine is disturbed
  • Routine has the potential to be quite good. It can create powerful habits that lead to effectiveness over a long period of time. However, routine equally has the power to be bad. Taken to extreme, routine becomes complacency.
  • Running on autopilot is great if you’re a pilot, but it’s a bad idea if you’re a leader. Instead, find yourself copilots who can shoulder the burden with you.
    Some signs you are leading on auto-pilot

How to Make Money by Tutoring Online - - 0 views

    Online tutoring has been famous for quite some time now. It's an interesting concept because it works wonders breaking down the language barrier by helping non-English speakers learn the language through native speakers. It allows easy-access for homeschooling for people who cannot go to school and it allows people to share their own set of skills with another. Here's how you can earn money while sharing your skills with others. Read more

FCCS online Training | Oracle FCCS Online Course - ASTSTraining - 2 views

    ASTS Training Providing FCCS online Training in India, USA and Hyderabad with Real time Experts, Real time Scenarios, Project Support.

School Bus Tracking System - zeroerp - 0 views

    school bus tracking system is an important feature of school management software to track real-time bus location for the safety of student and for parent's peace of mind.
Child Therapy

Developing Self Confidence In Children - 1 views

started by Child Therapy on 29 Nov 12 no follow-up yet
Jeff Mann

Fathers disappear from households across America - Washington Times - 0 views

    Fifteen million U.S. children, or 1 in 3, live without a father, and nearly 5 million live without a mother Read more: Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter
Duane Sharrock

Education in the Age of Globalization » Blog Archive » Numbers Can Lie: What ... - 0 views

  • Perhaps whatever in an education system or culture that boosts math scores leads to less positive attitude and lower confidence at the same time.
  • According to historical data, American education has always been bad and actually improving over the years.
  • the First International Science Study (FISS)[4] was conducted, U.S. students ranked bottom in virtually all categories:
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • In the 1980s, when the Second International Mathematics Study (SIMS) and Second International Science Study (SISS)[5] were conducted, U.S. students inched up a little bit, but not much
  • In the 1990s, in the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)[6], American test performance was not the best but again improved:
  • In 2003, in TIMSS[7] (now changed into Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study), U.S. students were not great, but again improved:
  • Over the half century, American students performance in international math and science tests has improved from the bottom to above international average. The following figure shows the upward trend of American students’ performance in math
  • There are other studies and statistics, but this long list should be sufficient to prove that American students have been awful test takers for over half a century. Some has taken this mean American education has been awful in comparison to others.
  • The Numbers Don’t Lie, but What Truth Do They Tell
    "Over the half century, American students performance in international math and science tests has improved from the bottom to above international average. The following figure shows the upward trend of American students' performance in math."
    "Over the half century, American students performance in international math and science tests has improved from the bottom to above international average. The following figure shows the upward trend of American students' performance in math."
creative outdoors

Superb Creative Outdoor Ideas - 1 views

I have always wanted to build a patio to enjoy a lazy afternoon whilst looking out to my garden or where I can enjoy a cup of coffee during weekends as well as an area to receive and entertain gues...

started by creative outdoors on 31 Oct 12 no follow-up yet

loans - 0 views

Please contact: Hello, I turn to all individuals in need for their fact share that I don't get the loan money 5000€ to 2,500,000€ to all persons able to pay an interest rat...

cash loans fast

started by koskinen12 on 30 Aug 16 no follow-up yet
David Ellena

7 important aspects to delegating SmartBlogs - 0 views

  • “I would delegate more if I …” I received these primary responses: Trusted my colleagues more Wasn’t so controlling Had more time to think about what to delegate Knew how
  • Decide what to delegate.
  • Pick the right person or group.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Provide clarity about the expected outcome.
  • Grant the necessary authority
  • Be prepared to assist.
  • Monitor progress.
  • Recognize key milestones and celebrate successes.
    These ideas will also foster teamwork
Helen Otway

Data Wise - Getting Ready | More than just knowing stuff! - 2 views

    Having used the Data Wise process in my district, I agree that taking time to prepare for the process is important. As Stephen Covey has said, "begin with the end in mind." Districts should first start by defining the purpose of their data analysis. Is it focus on student achievement, teacher/principal evaluation, program evaluation, etc.? From there schools can create a process that allows them to utilize the tremendous amount of data available in meaningful and effective ways.
Don Lourcey

The 21st Century Principal: Fostering an Environment of Innovation and Experimentation ... - 4 views

    As districts are faced with the challenge of building a buget in these extremely tough fiscal times, this article becomes imperative. Seeking new ideas from not only those within our industry, but those stakeholders outside of education may provide new insights and opportunities for us in education. "Outside of the box" thinking may help to save many of our programs and initiatives that we pride ourselves in inspite of the economic crisis we are/ will be faced with.
Helen Otway

Ten Ways to be a Better Leader of Change - 8 views

    Although the simplicity of this article can be deceiving, it echos the phrase I've heard my mentor use many times before "leaderhsip comes down to how you treat people." I strive to live up to her words each day as I am met daily with the changes in public education.
Don Lourcey

Administrators Texting for Success: Six Ideas - 1 views

  • Delta Opportunity School leaders use group texting with response to a Wiffiti board or a Poll Everywhere poll to gather ideas and encourage communication with students, staff, and parents. Improved input and better use of meeting time have been some helpful results.
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