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Helen Otway

Ten Ways to be a Better Leader of Change - 8 views

    Although the simplicity of this article can be deceiving, it echos the phrase I've heard my mentor use many times before "leaderhsip comes down to how you treat people." I strive to live up to her words each day as I am met daily with the changes in public education.
Courtney Jablonski

Education Innovation: Your School's Secret Change Agents - 6 views

  • “Somewhere in your organization, groups of people are already doing things differently and better. To create lasting change, find areas of positive deviance and fan their flames.”
  • school staff takes ownership of the quest for change
  • identifies preexisting solutions (what is working) and amplifies them across the school
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Flows From Solution Identification To Problem SolvingPossible source of solutions is expanded through discovery of new parameters
  • Identifies school stakeholders beyond those directly involved with the problem
    Love the suggestions made in this article. Thinking and acting outside of the box often provides avenues to success.
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