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Snap Munk

Business Growth Consulting & Effective Marketing Strategies - 0 views

    Marketing consulting & brand strategy management for organic growth in your business. Read about latest news on growth strategies & taking business to the next level.
David Ellena

Strategy Execution: A Short Checklist that Helps | LeadershipWatch - 0 views

    A checklist for your strategies
Snap Munk

5 Reasons People Hate Your Website - 0 views

    Even though your online business idea might be great, got tons of initial traction and generated huge traffic, you began noticing a steady decline in traffic over time.
David Ellena

Winning When the Troops are Tired - Let's Grow Leaders - 0 views

  • Be a leader that strengthen the mission AND the team.  It’s wrong to live in a state of constant urgency, if that’s the scene, something’s wrong.
  • 1.  Strategize Failure
  • Be frank about what can be lost without sacrificing your mission.  Candor strengthens resolve.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • 2.  Visualize the Win
  •  Encourage talents outside normal job descriptions that support the cause.
  • 3.  Speak to behaviors, not metrics
  •  identify the 2-3 most important behaviors that will impact results.
  • 4.  Provide a little leave
  • Eliminate unnecessary meetings.  Stepping back will leave room for creativity and more efficient approaches.
  • 5.  Communicate through the ranks
  • You may not even know they’re tired.   Initiate the conversation.
  • 6.  Manage your own stress Stress rolls down hill.  Get a grip.
  • 7.  Encourage collaboration and sharing best practices
    Especially after the Holidays, some goo strategies to help you troops
David Ellena

How the "Bring a Solution" Rule Backfires | Leadership Freak - 0 views

    Why "bring a solution when you have a problem" is NOT the best strategy for leaders
Helen Otway

SMART criteria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 2 views

    SMART goals should be use personally, professionally, individually, systemically, for small goals and major undertakings, by adults and students. They are just a great way to identify goals and figure out how to get there! " site that helps you achieve your goals through periodic briefs that inspire you to succeed, including reminders for tracking your progress."
David Ellena

Ugly-Sweater Leadership Moments - 0 views

  • Seize the moment by being alert and available
  • People who have something to say, but not the nerve to say it, are often compelled to find opportunities to get closer to the bright lights of power and pose seemingly innocuous questions.
  • • Expose people’s fears
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • • Promote safety by connecting personally and informally.
    How do you embrace your "ugly sweater" leadership moments? Here are some ideas.
Snap Munk

Small Business Startup Ideas, Grants & Checklists - 0 views

    Want to start a business but don't have any Startup ideas? Find information about grants for small business Startups including a checklist with strategy.
Snap Munk

Small Business Startup Grants - - 0 views

    Marketing consulting & brand strategy management for organic growth in your business.
Snap Munk

Leadership Assessment Tools | - 0 views

    Marketing consulting & brand strategy management for organic growth in your business.
Brian Nichols

Blogging Innovation: Focus on Your Winners - Innovation blog articles, videos, and insi... - 0 views

    Focus on Your Winners
Brian Nichols

Blogging Innovation: 56 Reasons Why Innovation Initiatives Fail - Innovation blog artic... - 0 views

    56 Reasons Why Innovation Initiatives Fail
Don Lourcey

21st Century Skills Assessment : Valid Data and ISTE-NETS-S Aligned - 0 views

    21st Century Skills Assessments: Offers question types, sample texts, reporting strategies, portfolio assessment, etc.
Jennie Bales

Leading a Coaching Culture For Learning: Key Concepts and Strategies for Principals - QSPA - 0 views

    Coaching in education has grown rapidly in education contexts in the last 5 years (van Nieuwerburgh, 2012). It has moved beyond the provision of coaching as a professional learning activity for school leaders to include: coaching training as a leadership development skill; various coaching initiatives designed to enhance teaching practice as well as coaching involving students either by staff or even by fellow students. Educators have embraced coaching in all of these school conversational contexts.
Jennie Bales

Bringing It All Together: Literacy, ICT and the 21st Century Skills - 0 views

    This article shares a framework that integrates literacy, 21st century skills and ICT strategies, so that units of work can be prepared that take students from learning basic skills directly from teacher modelling, right through to collaborative application of these skills against real-world, authentic problems.

ServiceNow Online Training | ServiceNow Online Course - ASTSTraining - 1 views

    ServiceNow Developer Training in ASTS Online Training we would offer in both classroom teaching strategy and online instructing technique. This preparation is offered by best industry specialists. Online training registration form:
Duane Sharrock

Bringing the world to innovation - MIT News Office - 0 views

  • mentions: a popular TED talk Smith gave in 2006 and Time magazine’s
  • D-Lab, the project aimed to develop creative solutions to problems facing people in the world’s least-affluent countries — and then hoped those residents would embrace the solutions.
  • thanks to a major new U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) grant to D-Lab and MIT’s Department of Urban Studies and Planning, D-Lab’s instructors and researchers will implement this strategy even more broadly — providing greater continuity to projects around the world, says D-Lab founder Amy Smith, a senior lecturer in MIT’s Department of Mechanical Engineering.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • The program now employs about 20 people and encompasses 16 courses that reach about 400 students each year. Even though D-Lab does little to publicize its activities, staffers are increasingly hearing that this program was a major reason why participating students chose to attend MIT.
  • Awareness of D-Lab has grown in recent years, thanks in part to some prominent mentions: a popular TED talk Smith gave in 2006 and Time magazine’s selection of her in 2010 as one of the world’s 100 most influential people.
  • with the new USAID support, “we can harness the alumni of IDDS as a kind of an extremely diverse and dispersed design consultancy,”
  • While some students have already managed to turn class projects into ongoing organizations — building better water filters in Africa, bicycle-powered washing machines in Latin America, and wheelchairs in India, for instance — the new funding should enable more such activities, Smith says, by “incubating ventures and training entrepreneurs.”
  • The emphasis has shifted,” Grau Serrat says, “more from designing for poor people to designing with poor people, or even design by poor people.”
    Another reason some students are applying to MIT. Undergrads are making a difference globally. "the innovative MIT classes and field trips known collectively as D-Lab, the project aimed to develop creative solutions to problems facing people in the world's least-affluent countries - and then hoped those residents would embrace the solutions." "The program now employs about 20 people and encompasses 16 courses that reach about 400 students each year. Even though D-Lab does little to publicize its activities, staffers are increasingly hearing that this program was a major reason why participating students chose to attend MIT." "All of D-Lab's classes assess the needs of people in less-privileged communities around the world, examining innovations in technology, education or communications that might address those needs. The classes then seek ways to spread word of these solutions - and in some cases, to spur the creation of organizations to help disseminate them. Specific projects have focused on improved wheelchairs and prosthetics; water and sanitation systems; and recycling waste to produce useful products, including charcoal fuel made from agricultural waste."
    "All of D-Lab's classes assess the needs of people in less-privileged communities around the world, examining innovations in technology, education or communications that might address those needs. The classes then seek ways to spread word of these solutions - and in some cases, to spur the creation of organizations to help disseminate them. Specific projects have focused on improved wheelchairs and prosthetics; water and sanitation systems; and recycling waste to produce useful products, including charcoal fuel made from agricultural waste."
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