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David Ellena

How do you differentiate and develop talent without leaving others behind? | SmartBlogs... - 0 views

  • Be as clear and transparent as possible as to how participants are selected.
  • Letting people know the selection criteria helps clear up some of the mystery behind why someone was selected and why others were not. It also helps provide developmental targets to those not selected
  • Use a comprehensive selection process.
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  • Train managers how to give feedback.
  • Managers need to learn how to have candid conversations with their employees about their performance and potential.
  • Provide development for ALL employees.
    Some advice on leadership development activities.
David Ellena

3 Warning Signs You're Leading on Autopilot | - 0 views

  • Your to-do list is filled with low-impact tactical items – I’m not one to make a big difference between leadership and management, but one of the clear differentiators in my mind is that leaders initiate change and managers react to it. If you find your to-do list is filled with low-impact, tactical items that contribute more to the daily operations of the business, then you may be running on autopilot. Your to-do list should be focused on big picture, strategic items that could make significant improvements in your operations.
  • The autopilot leader easily becomes oblivious to changes occurring around him until the nature of the situation reaches a crises point, forcing the leader to snap back to reality. This happens because the leader was content to react to change rather than initiate it.
  • You find yourself in reactive mode all the time
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  • You get upset when your routine is disturbed
  • Routine has the potential to be quite good. It can create powerful habits that lead to effectiveness over a long period of time. However, routine equally has the power to be bad. Taken to extreme, routine becomes complacency.
  • Running on autopilot is great if you’re a pilot, but it’s a bad idea if you’re a leader. Instead, find yourself copilots who can shoulder the burden with you.
    Some signs you are leading on auto-pilot
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