This video of an archived webinar by the Center on Technology And Disability features many tools and strategies useful in helping students with reading and writing. It is hosted by LCPS AT Trainer Chris Bugaj and done in a fun Jeopardy style format.
"EDITOR'S NOTE: The following article was inspired by an webinar entitled Designing Options for Every Learner: Universal Design for Learning, given by Chris Bugaj and Mark Nichols of Loudoun County Public Schools on Oct. 19, 2015, and sponsored by"
Episode #124 features a recording of the events that transpired when Chris and his wife, Melissa, went on a romantic, rustic retreat only to discover an iPad in an abandoned cabin in the woods.
Chris Bugaj gives an Ignite Presentation at the VSTE 2012 Annual Conference about a strategy to help people understand and promote universal design for learning