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Christopher Bugaj

DPS : Academic Technology Solutions Menu - 0 views

    "The Academic Technology Menu is a resource for school leaders and teachers to let them know what software, websites, apps and other technology solutions are available and have been reviewed by district departments. It also informs school leaders and teachers about which solutions are supported and recommended and to what level. School leaders and teachers are encouraged to consult this menu whenever they are considering academic technology tools. The Menu is also an integral part of the district's Academic Technology Strategic Plan."
Sally Norton-Darr

NC DPI Exceptional Children: Early Communication Development - LiveBinder - 0 views

    This site presents training, resources, and information related to early communication assessment and instruction for students with significant disabilities. It is part of a larger effort to address the needs of students with significant disabilities who participate in the alternate assessment across the state of North Carolina. The goal of the larger project is to provide educators with the training, resources, and support they need to meet the needs of students with the most significant cognitive disabilities across three critical domains: Academics, Communication, and Transition.
lcps at

Education Week: Students Turn Their Cellphones On for Classroom Lessons - 1 views

    New Academic uses challenge cell phone restrictions
Judith Schoonover

NCSC Wiki - 0 views

    "The National Center and State Collaborative (NCSC) is a project led by five centers and 24 states, building an alternate assessment based on alternate achievement standards (AA-AAS) for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. The shared goal of the NCSC partners is to ensure that students with the most significant cognitive disabilities achieve increasingly higher academic outcomes and leave high school ready for post-secondary options. The wiki and the materials hosted here help educators accomplish the NCSC goals by supporting instruction aligned to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). The materials on the wiki can also be used in states that are not using the CCSS. Much of the content that is covered on the wiki will also appear in other Mathematics and English Language Arts state standards. "
Karen Dietrich

Harcourt Books Website - 1 views

    This site offers interactive lessons on several topics. Select an academic area, a grade level and find lessons to reinforce what you have taught in class. There is auditory support in the ofmr of text to speech. Nice visuals and movies to teach the students.
Judith Schoonover

Paint Chip Crafts for the Classroom: Ideas for Teachers and Kids - 2 views

    Most teachers are frequently looking for classroom materials that are inexpensive. If you're interested in making some of your own materials, most likely you still don't want to spend a lot of money on them. Paint chip crafts are a great option. Not only are paint chips readily available but many teachers have already come up with great ideas for them. Most of the academic ideas here are for elementary grades, but they can be adapted for older students.
Christopher Bugaj

Search Education - Google - 1 views

    Help your students become better searchers Web search can be a remarkable tool for students, and a bit of instruction in how to search for academic sources will help your students become critical thinkers and independent learners. With the materials on this site, you can help your students become skilled searchers- whether they're just starting out with search, or ready for more advanced training.
Judith Schoonover

Math Academy - Free Printable Math Lessons - 1 views

    Created by teachers for teachers, the Math Academy series features hands-on activities and a fun learning environment for the teaching of mathematics to students. Use these lessons to enhance your classroom instruction while staying true to the academic rigor required by the state standards framework.
Judith Schoonover

Welcome to AccessIT - 1 views

    AccessIT promotes the use of electronic and information technology for students and employees with disabilities in educational institutions at all academic levels. This Web site features the AccessIT Knowledge Base, a searchable database of questions and answers regarding accessible electronic and information technology. It is designed for educators, policy makers, librarians, technical support staff, and students and employees with disabilities and their advocates.
David Holt

Inquiry Workshop - Elementary - SMUSD | Living the Dream - 1 views

    "Inquiry-based teaching is a pedagogical approach that invites students to explore academic content by posing, investigating, and answering questions. This approach puts students' questions at the center of the curriculum, and places just as much value on the component skills of research as it does on knowledge and understanding of content. "
Sally Norton-Darr

Adapted Books -- New York City Department of Education - 0 views

    "Adapted Books (new URL link) These are adapted books and materials created with Boardmaker, Writing with Symbols, Smartboard's Notebook, and MS PowerPoint. Some have also been converted to Adobe Acrobat (.pdf). If the Boardmaker files direct you to a page that states "Server Not Found" please right click on the link and select "Save Target as..." and you will be able to save the file. "
Hannah Moffitt

PowerMyLearning | Leveraging the Power of Digital Learning - 0 views

    PowerMyLearning is a national non-profit that leverages technology to strengthen the learning relationships among students, teachers, and families so that all students can succeed. Our work fosters growth in teachers as instructional leaders, in parents as support partners, and in students as learners who can meet the challenge of high academic standards.
Stacy McBain

Academic + Arcade= LEARNING FUN - 0 views

    Boost student engagement with our free multiplayer educational games, math games, language arts games, and much more.
Judith Schoonover

Assistive Technology - For DOE Employees - New York City Department of Education Scroll... - 0 views

    "The Technology Solutions office provides professionally trained, multi-disciplinary teams to evaluate students in collaboration with school staff and the student's family members. This collaborative approach is necessary for the students to achieve success with the recommended technology as these systems will often be used by the student throughout the day in a variety of settings. " SCROLL DOWN FOR CORE VOCABULARY RESOURCES!
Sally Norton-Darr

Power Up: Apps for Kids with Special Needs and Learning Differences | Common Sense Media - 1 views

    recommendations and reviews Apps are arranged by challenge area and difficulty level. For each challenge area, we've included an informational overview with a list of typical challenges that kids face, help for choosing apps that match kids' needs, and further resources. You'll also find Power Tips with ideas for other activities you can do. You can download a guide which contains a list of nearly 100 apps that have been rigorously evaluated and carefully selected by a panel of expert educators, and thoroughly tested by parents and kids. The apps that made the list have been determined to be great media that can boost or supplement learning in both core academic subjects like reading and math, as well as social interaction, communication, motor skills, and organization.
Stacy McBain

DLM Core Vocabulary - clds - 1 views

    "The Dynamic Learning Maps™ (DLM) Core Vocabulary is a list of words that have been determined to be highly useful for communicating in both social and academic contexts. The words are listed in rank order of utility based on a variety of factors that are fully explained in the DLM™ Core Vocabulary Overview paper. This word list includes vocabulary that is necessary for the DLM™ Essential Elements."
    Dynamic learning maps for Core vocabulary
Judith Schoonover

BrainRush | Home - 2 views

    "Everything from vocabulary to multiplication to dissecting a frog - we got it all". The website offers alternative ways to learn and practice new academic skills. You can even create your own activities by using their templates.
    Create engaging and adaptive learning games for quizzing students on any topic. They can be made and shared with other teachers, as well as students. Visit and sign up for free!
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