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Basic Training Group III Patterns in the Network (Online): Perceptions of Participant S... - 0 views

    ABSTRACT This study aims to determine how the success rate of implementing the online pattern latsar compared to the facial pattern latsar that has been done so far. Measurement of the effectiveness/success rate of latsar is done by evaluating using the Kirkpatrick reaction level and learning level approach. This study uses a mixed mix approach of quantitative and qualitative. Data were collected by filling out questionnaires and secondary data studies. Subjects for this study were participants of CPNS Class III Batch I Tanjung Jabung Barat Regency 2020. The informants in this study were 40 (forty) participants and the organizing committee at BKPSDM, Tanjung Jabung Barat Regency. The data analysis technique was carried out by using qualitative data that was converted into quantitative data, data classification, formulating research results, and analyzing research results. The results of the research on the reaction level showed that 71.95% of Latsar participants showed a "very satisfied reaction" in the implementation of online latsar, and 22.79% of Latsar participants showed " satisfied " reactions and only 5.85% of participants showed reactions "quite satisfied". If analyzed per indicator, out of the 7 (seven) level reaction indicators that have been determined, there are 4 indicators that indicate the level of reaction of participants who are "very satisfied" which is above 60%, namely the benefits of increasing participant competence, teacher performance, discussion topics and teacher competence. One indicator that needs attention is the convenience of the training location because the level of reaction of participants who stated "very satisfied" was only 28.42% and 58.75% stated, "satisfied". At the learning level of the 4 assessment indicators used, the normative average score of face-to-face latsar participants is 80 (eighty), while the online latsar participants' average score is 84 (eighty-four), this shows that the level of effectiveness / the success of
Peggy George

NCTE Inbox Blog: Wordle and the Inauguration - 1 views

    excellent example of using Wordle to analyze inaugural poems.
    Excellent blog post with lesson example for a powerful use of using Wordle in an English classroom. Students explore words from several different inaugural poems to predict the themes and symbols developed in the poems. World is a great tool for exploring the ways that writers use words.
Sheryl A. McCoy

NOVA | The Spy Factory | PBS - 11 views

    Watch this! It's truly terrifying! Share it w/friends and family. This is a must see. It puts all the facts together about the NSA "failure" to protect use from the 9/11 hijackers because of Bush leaders refusal to follow FISA laws. NSA Takeover Secret govt agency kept intel from FBI about 9/11 hijackers, for money & power to spy on all. The upshot is that these non-elected US govt agents were able to convince our Congress that they weren't to blame for keeping intel about 9/11 terrorists living in USA for over a year from FBI. Instead NSA chief convinced US Congress that the NSA could have prevented 9/11 if they had more money and power to spy on everyone in USA. Now they have it.
    watch this; abuse of power

Factors Affecting Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) in Jambi Province Governmen... - 0 views

    ABSTRACT This study aimed to examine the Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) of employees and the factors that influence it. The sample in this study was 120 employees of the Jambi Provincial Government. The data collection method used a questionnaire and was analyzed using verification analysis. The analytical tool in this study used Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The results of this study explain that OCB can be influenced by internal factors, namely job satisfaction, organizational commitment, employee morale, and work motivation, and external factors, namely leadership style and corporate culture, the highest and most influential factors in employee job satisfaction.

Productivity of Online Learning Media in Education Management| Jurnal Prajaiswara - 0 views

    ABSTRACT Introduction/Main Objectives: The productivity of online learning media for implementing learning has increased intensely since the corona lockdown. This presents a challenge to improve knowledge by developing media so that students have more time to study independently during the lockdown period.: Background Problems: Researchers compared the productivity of various learning media such as text, video, and video-text combinations.: Novelty: Statistical analysis using Mann Whitney showed significant differences in knowledge retention between the text and video groups and between the video and text-video combination groups. Research Methods: This study was conducted using a quasi-experimental post-test method by comparing participants' retention before the intervention. Finding/Results: The study involved 60 participants who were randomly divided into three groups, text (guidebook), audiovisual (video), and text-video combination. Video and text prepared by Widyaiswara. The results showed that the average scores were 35.1 (text group), 58.1 (video group), and 85.2 (text-video combination group). Conclusion: use of multimedia can increase knowledge retention in the absorption of the material.

Explanatory Research: Work Ability, Work Discipline, and Employee Performance| Jurnal P... - 0 views

    ABSTRACT This study aims to determine a general overview of work ability, work discipline, and employee performance, in addition to knowing about the effect of workability and work discipline partially and simultaneously on employee performance-research using explanatory research with a quantitative approach and data collection through a questionnaire. The sample used by 35 employees remain at the Badan Kepegawian dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Kabupaten Muaro Jambi. Data analysis is used in descriptive analysis and inferential analysis by observing the classical assumption test and multiple linear analysis. The results show that employability and discipline affect the performance of employees is 82,3%. At the same time, the remaining 17,7% of employee performance will be affected by variables such as wages, job security, working conditions, achievements, training, work experience, and others.
Peggy George

Education Week: Historic Election and New Tech Tools Yield Promising Vistas for Learning - 0 views

    An excellent article about ways technology is being used to learn about the election and participate in the conversation.
    Both major parties' historic tickets-a black man for president, a woman for vice president-as well as compelling economic and foreign-policy issues are converging with the campaigns' use of text-messaging, online networking, and nontraditional media venues to draw young people into the contest. Teachers have also seized on the opportunity to use the favored devices of today's students in teaching traditional civics lessons along with the 21st-century skills experts say people will need to thrive in the information age. "The idea is to teach kids as young as possible to be able to navigate this increasingly complicated media world by giving them some basic tools for analysis

US Treasury Dept. Middle School Money Math Lessons - 22 views

The US Treasury Department has introduced Middle School Money Math Lessons to equip students with essential financial literacy skills. These lessons are structured to fit into classroom schedules e...

Math middle_school lessons

Anne Bubnic

Speech Wars: Follow the Candidates' Words - 0 views

    Weclome to SpeechWars, a great way to see what the candidates are saying. Simply type in a word, click "Go", and SpeechWars shows you how often the candidates used the word in their speeches. You can also compare two words by using both text boxes.

    The United States Library of Congress has selected SpeechWars for inclusion in its official historic collections of Internet materials related to Election 2008. The United States Library of Congress preserves the Nation's cultural artifacts and provides enduring access to them. The Library's traditional functions, acquiring, cataloging, preserving and serving collection materials of historical importance to the Congress and to the American people to foster education and scholarship extend to digital materials, including Web sites. The Library will make this collection available to researchers. The Library's vision is to preserve these Web materials about Election 2008, and to permit researchers from across the world to access them.

Jeff Johnson

Education Week: Historic Election and New Tech Tools Yield Promising Vistas for Learning - 0 views

    Just as the candidates have learned to use novel technology tools to reach young people during this year's presidential campaign, teachers like Mr. Sherif are turning to electronic resources to capture students' interest in the election. At the same time, they want to help students decipher the barrage of related images and information and to engage them in lessons about the democratic process today and throughout American history. "The technology is fun and helpful, but it's also a tool you can use to get a better understanding of what the political and historical issues are," said Mr. Sherif, who teaches history and science at the Science Leadership Academy, a public high school in Philadelphia.

The Challenges of Driving School Principals in Implementing New Paradigm Learning| Jurn... - 0 views

    ABSTRACT Objective: Describe factors that influence the implementation of a new learning paradigm. This study used Edward's policy implementation theory. According to Edward, there are four factors of policy implementation: communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucracy structure. Methods: The study used a descriptive qualitative method. The researcher applied depth interviews to collect the primary data from Kepala Sekolah Penggerak of high school and shared the google forms with teachers and school supervisors based on self-experience as a Kepala Sekolah Penggerak consultant. The sources of secondary data are school reports and literature. Results: The implementation of the new learning paradigm faced some problems. The main obstacles are forming an operational curriculum for the education unit (OCfEU), diagnostic assessment, studying the report, and framing the Pancasila student profile.

Principal's Strategy in Improving Teacher Performance| Jurnal Prajaiswara - 0 views

    ABSTRACT Introduction/Main Objectives: This study aims to determine the principal's strategy in improving teacher performance and the supporting and inhibiting factors of principals in improving teacher performance in educational institutions. Background Problems: indicators of problems in academic institutions such as the rare collection of lesson plans (RPP) in carrying out the teaching and learning process and teachers who lack discipline in punctuality in arriving and opening lessons and ending lessons. Novelty: Principal strategy concept in improving teacher performance in educational institutions. Research Methods: The type of field research means that the researchers used a qualitative method in which the data were in the form of words (not numbers) derived from data collection techniques, namely interviews, observation, and documentation. Finding/Results: The data analysis technique used is data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. Conclusion: The results of the research on the principal's strategy to improve teacher performance by 1) fostering teacher performance in seminars and training, 2) supervision or supervision of performance in the form of class visits every week and once a month, 3) fostering discipline of education staff by supervising the presence of teachers directly, 4 ) provide motivation 5) award. Supporting factors for principals to improve teacher performance are 1) completeness of facilities and infrastructure and 2) teacher enthusiasm to improve teaching performance. While the inhibiting factors are: 1) the lack of discipline of the teacher, 2) the mastery of the material and references, causing the teacher to be less mature in teaching preparation.

Transformational Leaders in Handling Organizational Conflict| Jurnal Prajaiswara - 0 views

    ABSTRACT This paper aims to describe (1) understanding of transformational leadership, (2) conflicts that affect organizational development (3) the role of transformational leaders in resolving conflicts. The discussion of the problem in this paper is carried out using a qualitative approach with a deductive method, namely discussing the problem to be studied by writing down the discussion described in general and then drawing a specific conclusion. The results of the discussion explained that; (1) Transformational leadership is a leadership style that transforms the values ​​of members personally so that they can be used as supporters or supporters of the vision and goals to be achieved by the organization being run. Leaders with this leadership style can make their subordinates or followers see the organizational goals to be achieved clearly so that they can eliminate their personal interests under the organization's interests. (2) Conflict is a serious problem that can harm an organization. Although conflicts can be beneficial and detrimental, adverse conflicts can hinder the pace of organizational development, ultimately leading to a decline in the organization. (3) The role of a leader in resolving conflicts can be done in various ways, including if the conflict occurs because it arises from within itself,h can unsettle the people associated with it.

The Role of Change Leaders in Improving The Performance of Public Organizations| Jurnal... - 0 views

    ABSTRACT In an organization, performance assessment is very important because this assessment can be used as a measure of the success of the organization within a certain period. The assessment can be used to improve or enhance the performance of the organization concerned. Government organizations are public organizations that aim to meet the needs and interests of the public, so the performance of these public organizations can only be said to be successful if they can realize their goals and mission. The success of an organization in improving its performance cannot be separated from the role of a leader, especially a change leader. A successful leader is an l leader who can mobilize aspects of input or resources, such as employees, budgets, facilities and infrastructure; information; and organizational culture. As well as those relating to the management process, planning, organizing, implementation, budgeting, supervision, and evaluation.

Analysis of Service Quality for CPNS Basic Training Providers (LatSar) at BPSDM Jambi P... - 0 views

    ABSTRACT The background of the research is the ineffectiveness of training which resulted in the low satisfaction of the training participants. Service quality includes reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangibility. Efforts to improve service quality can be improved through service provision by referring to the dimensions of reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangible, where assurance and empathy can be used as efforts to improve the quality of services that are more optimal for Finance. The aim of the research is to analyze the level of training management servqual. The analysis used is servqual analysis. The analysis of servqual on the management of the training showed that there was a significant gap between the trainee's expectation with the training management.
Lucy Gray

YouTube - US Election 2008 Web Monitor - 0 views

    Over view of how the web site called US Election 2008 Web Monitor works
Caroline Bucky-Beaver

The Best Sites To Learn About U.S. Presidential Elections | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites o... - 0 views

    List of links specifically examined for use in ELL/ESL classrooms
Jeff Johnson

US elections: Battleground map (BBC) - 0 views

    Use our map to see the key areas in the contest to become the next president of the United States.
Child Therapy

Developing Self Confidence In Children - 1 views

started by Child Therapy on 29 Nov 12 no follow-up yet
Jeff Johnson

Media Matters - NPR's Liasson falsely claimed distortion-laden McCain ad - 0 views

    Summary: On NPR's Morning Edition, Mara Liasson asserted that a new McCain campaign ad "catalogued all of the false or sexist or awful things that Democrats and Obama supporters have said about [Gov.] Sarah Palin." In fact, the ad did not "catalogue" any "false" statements the Obama campaign or other Democrats have made about Palin and, as noted, the ad "distorts" each of the three Obama campaign statements it uses "to make the case" that Sen. Barack Obama is "being 'disrespectful' of Palin."
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