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Factors Affecting Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) in Jambi Province Governmen... - 0 views

    ABSTRACT This study aimed to examine the Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) of employees and the factors that influence it. The sample in this study was 120 employees of the Jambi Provincial Government. The data collection method used a questionnaire and was analyzed using verification analysis. The analytical tool in this study used Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The results of this study explain that OCB can be influenced by internal factors, namely job satisfaction, organizational commitment, employee morale, and work motivation, and external factors, namely leadership style and corporate culture, the highest and most influential factors in employee job satisfaction.

Pancasila As The Basis Of Ethics - 0 views

    In Indonesia, Pancasila is the national ideology of the Republic of Indonesia. Pancasila is a five-part philosophy that includes the following principles: Belief in God Belief in the unity of mankind Belief in human dignity Belief in freedom Belief in social justice Pancasila is indispensable as an ethical system to provide guidance and direction so that every action taken by the Indonesian people is guided by a moral attitude based on Pancasila. Every action taken by the Indonesian people is a reflection of the implementation of Pancasila. Pancasila as an ethical system can be practiced by carrying out every practice in every item of Pancasila. In the life of the nation and state, of course, there will be many challenges, as well as the challenges of Pancasila as an ethical system. Challenges are faced to be won, as are the challenges of Pancasila as an ethical system. If the Indonesian nation has implemented ethics in every item of Pancasila, then the challenge of Pancasila as an ethical system can be resolved.

Application of Pancasila as the Ethical System of the Indonesian Nation| Jurnal Prajai... - 0 views

    ABSTRACT Ethics is related to good living habits, and good living procedures, for individuals or society. In this sense, ethics is the same as morals. Ethics in a broad sense is the science that discusses the criteria of good and bad. Ethics are generally understood as philosophical thoughts about everything that is considered good or bad in human behavior. Ethics is always related to the issue of values ​​so the discussion about ethics generally talks about issues of good or bad values. Pancasila as an ethical system is very urgent to be applied in the life of a nation and state because of the problems faced by the Indonesian people, among others: 1) The many cases of corruption that hit the State of Indonesia so as to weaken the joints of life as a nation and state, 2) The occurrence of acts of terrorism in the name of religion so that it can damage the spirit of tolerance in inter-religious life, and melt the spirit of unity or threaten the disintegration of the nation, 3) Human rights violations still occur in the life of the state, 4). The gap between rich and poor groups still marks the lives of Indonesian people, 5) legal injustice that still colors the judicial process in Indonesia and 6) Many rich people are not willing to pay taxes properly. The strategy for implementing Pancasila as an ethical system in the life of the nation and state for the Indonesian people is carried out as follows: 1) Character education. 2) Reference Criteria for State Administrators, 3) Raising Awareness of Taxpayers, 4) Manifestation of the Pancasila Value in the Human Rights Law and 5) Manifestation of the Pancasila Value in the Environmental Law.

Strengthening the Understanding of Pancasila as the State Foundation to Achieve Nationa... - 0 views

    ABSTRACT The basis of the state for a nation is very important as the goal of living as a nation and state. Indonesia has a state basis called Pancasila. In today's era, the noble values ​​of Pancasila have begun to fade and are practiced by citizens. Therefore, this paper describes the understanding of Pancasila as the purpose of life for the State. This paper is a collection of various books as a reference for citizens in fulfilling their independence. The discussion can be concluded that as the basis of the state, Pancasila acts as a source of all sources of state law and a source of value for the entire Indonesian nation. As the basis of the state, Pancasila is an important guideline in regulating the administration of the state, a source of inspiration, motivation, a source of law, and also the moral ideals of a country, and is a source for the preparation of the constitution in the Indonesian state. The ideals of the state law of the Republic of Indonesia in the four main ideas of the 1945 Constitution are essentially the same as Pancasila, namely God and Humanity, Unity State, Social Justice, and People's Sovereignty. Pancasila is the basis of the state of the Republic of Indonesia, therefore Pancasila is the source of all sources of state law of the Republic of Indonesia. The objectives of the State of Indonesia are stated in the fourth paragraph of the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution of Indonesia, namely: 1) Protecting every nation and the entire homeland of Indonesia: 2) Promoting public welfare. 3) To educate the nation's life, and 4) to Participate in carrying out a world order based on eternal peace and social justice.
Sheryl A. McCoy

NOVA | The Spy Factory | PBS - 11 views

    Watch this! It's truly terrifying! Share it w/friends and family. This is a must see. It puts all the facts together about the NSA "failure" to protect use from the 9/11 hijackers because of Bush leaders refusal to follow FISA laws. NSA Takeover Secret govt agency kept intel from FBI about 9/11 hijackers, for money & power to spy on all. The upshot is that these non-elected US govt agents were able to convince our Congress that they weren't to blame for keeping intel about 9/11 terrorists living in USA for over a year from FBI. Instead NSA chief convinced US Congress that the NSA could have prevented 9/11 if they had more money and power to spy on everyone in USA. Now they have it.
    watch this; abuse of power
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