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Emily Kornblut

IndyKids Sept/Oct 2008 issue - 0 views

    New issue of the IndyKids newspaper focusing on presidential election issues. Geared toward grades 4-8.
Jeff Johnson

Where McCain, Obama stand on the issues (The Associated Press) - 0 views

    The plans of presidential candidates are never set in stone, if only because circumstances and the makeup of Congress change after the election. The uncertainty is even deeper in this election because Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain laid out most of their agenda before the government committed up to $700 billion to address the financial crisis. Obama acknowledges what is true for both: "The next president will have to scale back his agenda and some of his proposals." Yet neither candidate has spelled out what promises might have to be postponed or changed. With that caution, here's a look at where McCain and Obama stand on a selection of issues.
Jeff Johnson

Writing Our Future: Letters to the Next President - 0 views

    Letters to the Next President: Writing Our Future is an online writing and publishing project for students, ages 13 - 18, co-sponsored by Google and the National Writing Project. We invited young people to write about the issues and concerns that they feel are central to their future, issues they would hope our next president would act on. Topics were chosen by the students themselves to reflect their specific personal, regional, and age-related interests. Teachers and mentors guided students through the process of writing a persuasive letter or essay to the presidential candidates using Google Docs.
Jeff Johnson

Predict Electoral College Votes ( - 0 views

    Have students review the origin, purpose and function of the Electoral College. Ask students: What is the "winner take all" system? Are there any states that do not follow this system? If so, how do they determine their electoral vote allocation? How many electoral votes are needed to win the presidency? Next, divide students into small groups and assign each group a current swing state in the 2008 presidential race. Consult the CNN Electoral Map Calculator for a list of swing states. Then, refer groups to online resources, including CNN's Election Center 2008 on the CNN Politics site, to identify the following for their assigned swing state: * the number of electoral votes that are up for grabs * the state's key political issues * the U.S. presidential candidates' stances on these key issues * the state's demographic composition * the state's voting record in past presidential elections

Application of Pancasila as the Ethical System of the Indonesian Nation| Jurnal Prajai... - 0 views

    ABSTRACT Ethics is related to good living habits, and good living procedures, for individuals or society. In this sense, ethics is the same as morals. Ethics in a broad sense is the science that discusses the criteria of good and bad. Ethics are generally understood as philosophical thoughts about everything that is considered good or bad in human behavior. Ethics is always related to the issue of values ​​so the discussion about ethics generally talks about issues of good or bad values. Pancasila as an ethical system is very urgent to be applied in the life of a nation and state because of the problems faced by the Indonesian people, among others: 1) The many cases of corruption that hit the State of Indonesia so as to weaken the joints of life as a nation and state, 2) The occurrence of acts of terrorism in the name of religion so that it can damage the spirit of tolerance in inter-religious life, and melt the spirit of unity or threaten the disintegration of the nation, 3) Human rights violations still occur in the life of the state, 4). The gap between rich and poor groups still marks the lives of Indonesian people, 5) legal injustice that still colors the judicial process in Indonesia and 6) Many rich people are not willing to pay taxes properly. The strategy for implementing Pancasila as an ethical system in the life of the nation and state for the Indonesian people is carried out as follows: 1) Character education. 2) Reference Criteria for State Administrators, 3) Raising Awareness of Taxpayers, 4) Manifestation of the Pancasila Value in the Human Rights Law and 5) Manifestation of the Pancasila Value in the Environmental Law.
Jeff Johnson

A Beautiful Mornin' For Democrats (New Republic) - 0 views

    Green issues are shaping up to be a key ingredient in the Democrats' strategy to turn disaffection with President George W. Bush's GOP into expansive down-ticket victories this November.
Jeff Johnson

Education Week: Historic Election and New Tech Tools Yield Promising Vistas for Learning - 0 views

    Just as the candidates have learned to use novel technology tools to reach young people during this year's presidential campaign, teachers like Mr. Sherif are turning to electronic resources to capture students' interest in the election. At the same time, they want to help students decipher the barrage of related images and information and to engage them in lessons about the democratic process today and throughout American history. "The technology is fun and helpful, but it's also a tool you can use to get a better understanding of what the political and historical issues are," said Mr. Sherif, who teaches history and science at the Science Leadership Academy, a public high school in Philadelphia.
Peggy George

Campaign 2004: Classroom Electorate - Social Studies Lesson Plan, Thematic Unit, Activi... - 0 views

    Excellent lesson plan for gr. 9-12 where students take on role of political analyst. Designed for 2004 election but could easily be modified for 2008. Another great lesson plan from HotChalk.
    comprehensive lesson plan for gr. 9-12 including assessment, discussion questions, etc. Overview Students take on the role of a political analyst, forecasting the electoral vote count for the 2004 presidential election. In order to make a prediction, students are introduced to campaign issues, the Electoral College, the role of swing states, and the importance of political participation. The lesson plan includes a fun, interactive classroom competition where students make electoral predictions and compare with the actual results following the November 2nd voting deadline.
Jeff Johnson

2008 Election Guide - MSN - 0 views

    Latest 2008 election news & information from MSN; presidential election opinion & analysis; compare Republican & Democratic presidential candidates on issues; political video & blogs; current polls; election map; more.
Jeff Johnson

Is the Republican Party in peril? | - 0 views

    The GOP opens its convention here Monday as a party in peril. Hobbled by an unpopular president, a disillusioned and divided base, and low poll ratings on almost every domestic issue, the party of Nixon and Reagan and Bush may well be at the end of a historic 40-year grasp on power, say conservative thinkers and political historians. Republicans lost the House of Representatives in 2006, and are now at risk of losing the Senate. They were defeated in special elections this year in congressional districts that in some cases hadn't elected a Democrat since the days of Lyndon Johnson.
Anne Bubnic - 0 views

    Expert Voter lets you compare candidates on issues. It's all done as video clips from speeches they've given.
Anne Bubnic

YouChoose 08 - 0 views

    YouTube gathers video content from the debates, the super-recent sound bites, best of the week videos, the candidates voices on particular issues--economy, healthcare, education, energy, immigration--election news from YouTube's partner sites, and videos organized by upcoming primaries. This is a wonderful resource for promoting media literacy, rhetorical analysis, as well as political awareness. It may also be a lobbying tool for expanded video access.
Lucy Gray

Books - Sunday Book Review - New York Times - 1 views

    Inauguration issue
Jeff Johnson

Surging Obama campaign suggests US racism on the wane ( - 0 views

    The issue of race has been intertwined with the history of the United States since its inception. It has brought out the nation's best and its worst - from the courage of the civil rights workers to the murderous terrorism of the Ku Klux Klan. Barack Obama's meteoric rise already warrants a chapter of its own, and his mixed-race heritage has already played a pivotal role in this year's election. It helped the Illinois senator win key primaries in Southern states like South Carolina. But it also cost him some white support in some struggling industrial states like Ohio and Pennsylvania, according to polls.
Peggy George

Education Week: Historic Election and New Tech Tools Yield Promising Vistas for Learning - 0 views

    An excellent article about ways technology is being used to learn about the election and participate in the conversation.
    Both major parties' historic tickets-a black man for president, a woman for vice president-as well as compelling economic and foreign-policy issues are converging with the campaigns' use of text-messaging, online networking, and nontraditional media venues to draw young people into the contest. Teachers have also seized on the opportunity to use the favored devices of today's students in teaching traditional civics lessons along with the 21st-century skills experts say people will need to thrive in the information age. "The idea is to teach kids as young as possible to be able to navigate this increasingly complicated media world by giving them some basic tools for analysis
Jeff Johnson

Obama Rally Draws 100,000 in Missouri ( - 0 views

    Barack Obama attracted 100,000 people at a Saturday rally here, his biggest crowd ever at a U.S. event. The crowd assembled under the Gateway Arch on a sunny Saturday afternoon to hear Obama speak about taxes and slam the Republicans on economic issues. Lt. Samuel Dotson of the St. Louis Police Department confirmed the number of attendees piled into the grassy lawn by the Mississippi River. To be sure, big crowds don't always signal a big turnout on Election Day. But Obama's ability to draw his largest audience yet in a typically red state that just weeks ago looked out of reach, could signal a changing electoral map.

The Relationship of Education Financing Management to Effectiveness and Efficiency in t... - 0 views

    ABSTRACT Introduction/Main Objectives: This study aims to analyze the relationship between education financing management and effectiveness and efficiency in the learning process. Background Problems: The issue of education financing must be an essential part of education development. Educational financing management planning in fulfilling educational facilities and infrastructure must bring about an effective and efficient nature. Novelty: This study of the literature study approach is a differentiator from the results of other people's research. Research Methods: This research was prepared using qualitative methods and a literature research approach to obtain information from various references relevant to the subject matter and the purpose of this research. Finding/Results: This study shows that financing planning is essential in realizing national education. Conclusion: One of the supporting factors is the planning of adequate facilities and infrastructure through an effective and efficient education financing plan. The process of planning and managing the financing of educational institutions is excellent and appropriate, and it will impact the provision of school facilities and infrastructure to the maximum. Finally, the process will also significantly affect the quality of education globally.

Implementation of Coaching in the Change Action Agenda for Supervisory Leadership Train... - 0 views

    ABSTRACT In the implementation of Supervisory Leadership Training (PKP), the role of Widyaiswara is not only limited to being a teacher or facilitator but also plays a role as a coach in guiding Action for Change. Action for Change is a working paper for PKP participants whose assessment weight reaches 50 (fifty) percent of the total final score of the participants. In order for participants to get the expected results when participating in the training, the coach is expected to be able to carry out his role to the maximum, starting from the preparation of the change action plan, the implementation process in the workplace, and during the preparation of the change action report. Seeing the importance of this, in this study, the author will try to describe how the coaching process is carried out by coaches and analyze it by comparing it with theories about coaching and regulations issued by LAN regarding morning coaching for PKP participants. Field findings show that the coaching process is in accordance with LAN requirements, the coaches have carried out their role as coaches to explore the potential of participants and provide guidance, motivating participants from the beginning of the mentoring process and when they face obstacles in the field, but when compared with theory-based -The specific skills needed to become a reliable coach, still need development efforts through activities, workshops/training to improve the coaching skills of Widyaiwaras in Jambi Province, which are expected to have an impact on improving the quality of action results changes in PKP participants at BPSDM Jambi Province.
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