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Jeff Johnson

Predict Electoral College Votes ( - 0 views

    Have students review the origin, purpose and function of the Electoral College. Ask students: What is the "winner take all" system? Are there any states that do not follow this system? If so, how do they determine their electoral vote allocation? How many electoral votes are needed to win the presidency? Next, divide students into small groups and assign each group a current swing state in the 2008 presidential race. Consult the CNN Electoral Map Calculator for a list of swing states. Then, refer groups to online resources, including CNN's Election Center 2008 on the CNN Politics site, to identify the following for their assigned swing state: * the number of electoral votes that are up for grabs * the state's key political issues * the U.S. presidential candidates' stances on these key issues * the state's demographic composition * the state's voting record in past presidential elections
Jeff Johnson

2008 Election Guide - MSN - 0 views

    Latest 2008 election news & information from MSN; presidential election opinion & analysis; compare Republican & Democratic presidential candidates on issues; political video & blogs; current polls; election map; more.
Peggy George

Event Registration (EVENT: 122206) EdWeek-Education & Next President - 0 views

    This should be a very informative debate. The video will be archived if you can't view it live. Looking forward to hearing an education focus for the Presidential election!
    Join us for "Education and the Next President," a live debate from Teachers College, Columbia University, with Linda Darling-Hammond, education adviser to Democratic Presidential nominee Barack Obama, and Lisa Graham Keegan, education adviser to Presidential Republican nominee John McCain. The event is being exclusively Webcast by with generous support from NASSP. A video archive of the event will be available Wed., Oct 22, at noon.
Anne Bubnic

Candidate Calculator - 0 views

    As featured on CNN. Which 2008 Presidential Candidate Agrees With You? Answer the questions below to find the 2008 presidential candidate that best aligns with your beliefs. More than 1.5 million people have already filled it out.
Jeff Johnson

What happens if a presidential candidate passes away at the last second? - By Nina Shen... - 0 views

    What would happen if one of the presidential candidates were to die or become otherwise incapacitated before Election Day: Would Palin or Biden assume the nomination?
Jeff Johnson

Decision 2000 - 0 views

    Exit polls from the 2000 Presidential election
Jeff Johnson

On The Media: Transcript of - 0 views

    Crunching the Numbers - September 05, 2008 Nate Silver created a remarkably accurate computer system that projects stats for baseball players and teams. Now he's turned his attention to polling data for the presidential election with his website Five Thirty Eight. Silver explains how his site can out-perform the polling firms, whose data he relies on.
Jeff Johnson

Deadly U.S. Milestone in Afghan War (NYTimes) - 0 views

    Now, a war that had long been overshadowed by the one in Iraq is back in public view, at the forefront of both news media attention and the presidential campaign.
Anne Bubnic

'Rock the Vote' and other campaigns fall on deaf ears - 0 views

  • We've all heard the messages from MTV, P. Diddy, and countless others about why we should "Rock the Vote," but these slogans don't address the common misconception that even if we do vote, nothing will really change. And it's obvious that these messages have fallen on deaf ears. The number of voters under 30 in the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections remained stagnant at just 17 percent.
  • Teens become apathetic because politicians are unresponsive, politicians become indifferent to teens because they are apathetic and don't vote.
  • The way to break this cycle is to make teens feel like they have a voice that politicians will listen to.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Politicians have been reaching out to youth by holding events on social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook. CNN even held the YouTube debates, allowing users to submit questions directly to candidates.
    The number of voters under 30 in the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections remained stagnant at just 17 percent. Teens become apathetic because politicians are unresponsive, politicians become indifferent to teens because they are apathetic and don't vote.
    The way to break this cycle is to make teens feel like they have a voice that politicians will listen to. Politicians have been reaching out to youth by holding events on social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook. CNN even held the YouTube debates, allowing users to submit questions directly to candidates. Making politicians answerable to young people forces their interests to be considered.\n\n
Jeff Johnson

Education Week: Historic Election and New Tech Tools Yield Promising Vistas for Learning - 0 views

    Just as the candidates have learned to use novel technology tools to reach young people during this year's presidential campaign, teachers like Mr. Sherif are turning to electronic resources to capture students' interest in the election. At the same time, they want to help students decipher the barrage of related images and information and to engage them in lessons about the democratic process today and throughout American history. "The technology is fun and helpful, but it's also a tool you can use to get a better understanding of what the political and historical issues are," said Mr. Sherif, who teaches history and science at the Science Leadership Academy, a public high school in Philadelphia.
Jeff Johnson

Kicking oil habit harder than they say: ENN - 0 views

    A host of energy policy experts agree that true "energy independence"-a key catch phrase of this presidential campaign-would be far more expensive and disruptive than either candidate is telling you. Our oil addiction hamstrings America's foreign policy and military, contributes to global warming and has robbed the nation of trillions of dollars. One of the country's leading energy modelers estimates that foreign-oil dependence cost our economy $750 billion this year, a little more than the daunting price tag of the proposed Wall Street bailout.
Peggy George

MONTESSORI LESSONS - United States Presidential Election Unit Study - 0 views

    links for a complete unit study on the upcoming 2008 presidential election. These PreK and K-10 links will lead you to articles, hands-on activities and other exercises that are compatible with the Montessori classified reading cards, grammar, creative writing, math, social studies and other extensive lesson plans
    Just received an email announcement about these resources and they look great. Some of the links include sites and resources we have already shared in our group.
Jeff Johnson

Animated 2008 Electoral Map - 0 views

    The animated map depicts the changes over time in the state-by-state Intrade contract prices for the 2008 presidential election. There is a brief pause before the animation starts again.
Emily Kornblut

IndyKids Sept/Oct 2008 issue - 0 views

    New issue of the IndyKids newspaper focusing on presidential election issues. Geared toward grades 4-8.
Caroline Bucky-Beaver

The Best Sites To Learn About U.S. Presidential Elections | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites o... - 0 views

    List of links specifically examined for use in ELL/ESL classrooms
Peggy George

Campaign 2004: Classroom Electorate - Social Studies Lesson Plan, Thematic Unit, Activi... - 0 views

    Excellent lesson plan for gr. 9-12 where students take on role of political analyst. Designed for 2004 election but could easily be modified for 2008. Another great lesson plan from HotChalk.
    comprehensive lesson plan for gr. 9-12 including assessment, discussion questions, etc. Overview Students take on the role of a political analyst, forecasting the electoral vote count for the 2004 presidential election. In order to make a prediction, students are introduced to campaign issues, the Electoral College, the role of swing states, and the importance of political participation. The lesson plan includes a fun, interactive classroom competition where students make electoral predictions and compare with the actual results following the November 2nd voting deadline.
Anne Bubnic

HowStuffWorks "Political Elections Channel" - 0 views

    The Elections channel includes information on 18 topics related to elections, voting or running for political office. Learn more about presidential debates, the electoral college or the voting system.
Jeff Johnson

Turning the Page - 0 views

    For months, the magic that once surrounded Barack Obama's presidential candidacy was lost in a fog of petty politics: the negative ads, the Clinton dramas, the degrading of Obama to the status of a mere "celebrity," the back-and-forth with John McCain over who is an elitist and who is a flip-flopper. The recent direction of the campaign reflects a basic political fact: If this contest turns out to be a big election, Obama will almost certainly win. But if it is converted into a small election, Obama could well lose. And the McCain campaign has done all it could to bring Obama back to earth and to dissipate the sense of possibility he once inspired. If it did nothing else, this week's Democratic National Convention served as a reminder of the historical import of Obama's nomination and the astonishing transformation of the country in just three generations.
Karen McMillan

Election 2008 - 0 views

    Karen McMillan's List: Election 2008 - This list is a collection of websites concerning the upcoming presidential election. It is geared toward lesson planning and research for lesson planning.
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