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US Treasury Dept. Middle School Money Math Lessons - 22 views

The US Treasury Department has introduced Middle School Money Math Lessons to equip students with essential financial literacy skills. These lessons are structured to fit into classroom schedules e...

Math middle_school lessons

Jeff Johnson

Election - BrainPop - 0 views

    Animated Science, Health, Technology, Math, Social Studies and English movies, comic strips, activity pages and school homework help for kids.
Peggy George

MONTESSORI LESSONS - United States Presidential Election Unit Study - 0 views

    links for a complete unit study on the upcoming 2008 presidential election. These PreK and K-10 links will lead you to articles, hands-on activities and other exercises that are compatible with the Montessori classified reading cards, grammar, creative writing, math, social studies and other extensive lesson plans
    Just received an email announcement about these resources and they look great. Some of the links include sites and resources we have already shared in our group.
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