Diary of a TikTok moderator: 'We are the people who sweep up the mess' | TikTok | The G... - 0 views
dr tech on 29 Dec 23"Next, was two months of probation where we moderated on practice queues that consisted of hundreds of thousands of videos that had already been moderated. The policies we applied to these practice videos were compared with what had previously been applied to them by a more experienced moderator in order to find areas we needed to improve in. Everyone passed their probation. One trend that is particularly hated by moderators are the "recaps". These consist of a 15- to 60-second barrage of pictures, sometimes hundreds, shown as a super fast slideshow often with three to four pictures a second. We have to view every one of these photos for infractions. If a video is 60 seconds long then the system will allocate us around 48 seconds to do this. We also have to check the video description, account bio and hashtags. Around the end of the school year or New Year's Eve, when these sort of videos are popular, it becomes incredibly draining and also affects our stats. "