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Why AI Will Save the World | Andreessen Horowitz - 0 views

    "Further, human intelligence is the lever that we have used for millennia to create the world we live in today: science, technology, math, physics, chemistry, medicine, energy, construction, transportation, communication, art, music, culture, philosophy, ethics, morality. Without the application of intelligence on all these domains, we would all still be living in mud huts, scratching out a meager existence of subsistence farming. Instead we have used our intelligence to raise our standard of living on the order of 10,000X over the last 4,000 years. What AI offers us is the opportunity to profoundly augment human intelligence to make all of these outcomes of intelligence - and many others, from the creation of new medicines to ways to solve climate change to technologies to reach the stars - much, much better from here."
dr tech

AI Protects Patients From Dangerous Drug Interactions - 0 views

    "A startup in Israel is tackling the problem, and saving lives, with a sophisticated algorithm that can analyze the almost infinite number of possible conflicts. Ask any doctor or pharmacist and they'll tell you about the minefield called "drug interaction". That's when a medicine designed to resolve one problem causes an adverse reaction with another medicine designed to resolve another problem. Or with anything else the patient puts in their body."
dr tech

Need medicine in hospital? Our study finds how often IT flaws lead to the wrong drug or... - 0 views

    "But as a growing body of research shows, these electronic systems are not perfect. Our new study shows how often these technology-related errors occur and what they mean for patient safety. Often they occur due to programming errors or poor design and are less to do with the health workers using the system."
dr tech

8 Skilled Jobs That May Soon Be Replaced by Robots - 0 views

    "Unskilled manual laborers have felt the pressure of automation for a long time - but, increasingly, they're not alone. The last few years have been a bonanza of advances in artificial intelligence. As our software gets smarter, it can tackle harder problems, which means white-collar and pink-collar workers are at risk as well. Here are eight jobs expected to be automated (partially or entirely) in the coming decades. Call Center Employees call-center Telemarketing used to happen in a crowded call center, with a group of representatives cold-calling hundreds of prospects every day. Of those, maybe a few dozen could be persuaded to buy the product in question. Today, the idea is largely the same, but the methods are far more efficient. Many of today's telemarketers are not human. In some cases, as you've probably experienced, there's nothing but a recording on the other end of the line. It may prompt you to "press '1' for more information," but nothing you say has any impact on the call - and, usually, that's clear to you. But in other cases, you may get a sales call and have no idea that you're actually speaking to a computer. Everything you say gets an appropriate response - the voice may even laugh. How is that possible? Well, in some cases, there is a human being on the other side, and they're just pressing buttons on a keyboard to walk you through a pre-recorded but highly interactive marketing pitch. It's a more practical version of those funny soundboards that used to be all the rage for prank calls. Using soundboard-assisted calling - regardless of what it says about the state of human interaction - has the potential to make individual call center employees far more productive: in some cases, a single worker will run two or even three calls at the same time. In the not too distant future, computers will be able to man the phones by themselves. At the intersection of big data, artificial intelligence, and advanced
dr tech

Finally, a Machine That Can Finish Your Sentence - The New York Times - Medium - 0 views

    ""Each time we build new ways of doing something close to human level, it allows us to automate or augment human labor," said Jeremy Howard, founder of, an independent lab based in San Francisco that is among those at the forefront of this research. "This can make life easier for a lawyer or a paralegal. But it can also help with medicine." It may even lead to technology that can - finally - carry on a decent conversation. But there is a downside: On social media services like Twitter, this new research could also lead to more convincing bots designed to fool us into thinking they are human, Howard said."
dr tech

Medical students take final exams online for first time, despite student concern | Educ... - 0 views

    ""To the best of our knowledge, this is the first digital 'open book' exam delivered remotely for final-year students," said Dr Amir Sam, Imperial's head of undergraduate medicine. Open-book exams allow students access to any resource material they may need during the exam."
dr tech

Racial bias in a medical algorithm favors white patients over sicker black patients | N... - 0 views

    "A widely used algorithm that predicts which patients will benefit from extra medical care dramatically underestimates the health needs of the sickest black patients, amplifying long-standing racial disparities in medicine, researchers have found."
dr tech

AI has better 'bedside manner' than some doctors, study finds | Artificial intelligence... - 0 views

    " AI has better 'bedside manner' than some doctors, study finds ChatGPT rated higher in quality and empathy of written advice, raising possibility of medical assistance role Hannah Devlin Science correspondent @hannahdev Fri 28 Apr 2023 16.01 BST ChatGPT appears to have a better 'bedside manner' than some doctors - at least when their written advice is rated for quality and empathy, a study has shown. The findings highlight the potential for AI assistants to play a role in medicine, according to the authors of the work, who suggest such agents could help draft doctors' communications with patients. "The opportunities for improving healthcare with AI are massive," said Dr John Ayers, of the University of California San Diego."
dr tech

How digital twins may enable personalised health treatment | Medical research | The Gua... - 0 views

    "Imagine having a digital twin that gets ill, and can be experimented on to identify the best possible treatment, without you having to go near a pill or a surgeon's knife. Scientists believe that within five to 10 years, "in silico" trials - in which hundreds of virtual organs are used to assess the safety and efficacy of drugs - could become routine, while patient-specific organ models could be used to personalise treatment and avoid medical complications. Digital twins are computational models of physical objects or processes, updated using data from their real-world counterparts. Within medicine, this means combining vast amounts of data about the workings of genes, proteins, cells and whole-body systems with patients' personal data to create virtual models of their organs - and eventually, potentially their entire body"
dr tech

ChatGPT may be better than a GP at following depression guidelines - study | ChatGPT | ... - 0 views

    "ChatGPT will see you now. The artificial intelligence tool may be better than a doctor at following recognised treatment standards for depression, and without the gender or social class biases sometimes seen in the physician-patient relationship, a study suggests. The findings were published in Family Medicine and Community Health, the open access journal owned by British Medical Journal. The researchers said further work was needed to examine the risks and ethical issues arising from AI's use."
dr tech

The woman using AI to bring aid to civilians in war-torn Lebanon - 0 views

    "The aidbot is a chatbot - a type of AI system designed to communicate with its users online - that links to WhatsApp. It is programmed to ask simple questions about the types of aid people require along with their names and locations. This information is then recorded onto a Google spreadsheet which Hania and her team of unpaid volunteers, made up of friends and family, access to distribute aid such as food, blankets, mattresses, medicine and clothes. Hania used her spare time to build the bot using the website, which is commonly used by businesses to engage with customers on Meta's platforms such as WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook messenger. She explains that the bot, which is still being used today, makes distributing aid more efficient as it cuts down the amount of time she spends responding to requests for aid over WhatsApp."
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