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Natsuno Yoshida

IBM supercomputer wins first Jeopardy dust up - Computerworld - 1 views

    Explain how Watson can mimic human intelligence. Watson mimics human intelligence by going through the same process humans do in order to find an answer. Watsons can comprehend clues and pieces of information, analyze the information that is given, and come up with an answer to the problem. Explain the ways that computers can rival a human in answering questions. Computers are systematic machines. Humans, can also be, but in a less precise manner. Thus, computers that are given the same amount of information, and have access to a lot of background knowledge can possibly rival humans in answering questions because of the systems' advantage of sorting out pieces of information and analyzing it digitally. Humans depends on their brains, and not knowing whether they really do, or how much they analyze the data correctly or not. A computer's digital system can come up with a number of possibilities precisely and thus calculate the best conclusion to the question. Explain the ways AI can impact personal lives. With the help of AI, human needed jobs such as diagnosing problems and illness, self-service centers, and information center tasks can be given to the AIs. Also, this can enhance humans personal lives by offering the humans an extra helping hand, that isn't as emotional as humans, and can be just as effective as well as useful, albeit the cost will be very high. Why was Jeopardy a good challenge? Jeopardy is a good challenge because of the structure of the Jeopardy game itself. The game itself only provides sly clues, riddles mixed with sarcasm and irony. Humans can detect such facts in the clues, but for a machine, as well as the system to be able to recognize these clues as well as reading in between the words to understand the meaning for an answer is a challenge. The system would have to be taught the same way humans are taught to notice such abnormalities of the hints. This is harder to teach an AI since it doesn't follow the same path of instruction

Uploading and converting PDF and image files with text to Google Docs - Google Docs Help - 0 views

    we should try this

Operators and more search help - Web Search Help - 0 views


Big Data's Impact in the World - - 9 views

    Explain why becoming a data consultant might be a good career choice. Why is data measurement considered to be the modern equivalent of the microscope? How has data-driven decision making improved productivity? How is Big Data transforming the way social networks function? all feb 21 max
    Explain why becoming a data consultant might be a good career choice. Basically, their jobs are to help businesses make sense of an explosion of data Web traffic and social network comments as well as software and sensors that monitor shipments, suppliers and customers. So, since a great number of people have used the Internet frequently, their jobs are needed to people because as much as people use the Internet, the data will be increased and people need other people who can manage such things. Why is data measurement considered to be the modern equivalent of the microscope? The reason is that there is countless data sensor around the world. The sensors can measure and communicate location, movement, vibration, temperature, humidity, even chemical changes in the air. How has data-driven decision making improved productivity? Data-driven decision making has improved productivity because people collect as much as data they can before deciding. As people doing that, they can predict preference of consumers from the Internet. It is very useful because people don't have to spend much time on consumers' preference also, a small amount of money and time will be spent. How is Big Data transforming the way social networks function? Social networks websites such as Facebook and Twitter and Search engines like Google and make profit with their users' data. Many companies will buy the users' data from Facebook, Google, and Twitter. That's a way to earn money for social network websites.
Paulo Moacyr

BBC News - Nokia accuses Apple of Siri bias over smartphone answer - 0 views

    How does this affect the business of Nokia?
Alex Lenk

Electronic Brain Helps Cut Credit Card Fraud : NPR - 1 views

shared by Alex Lenk on 08 Oct 13 - Cached
    Da Woon October 10 Brief Article Analysis Answer here.
    1. Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. Business and employment, home and leisure 2. Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system. in this article, the credit card user and credit card companies are the main stakeholder 3. Identify and describe one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article. In this article, the social/ethical concern is integrity. In this article, it tells that Credit Card Company uses neural networks to keep track of every purchase people make and sorts them into patterns and categories. If people changed their purchasing pattern, the credit card calls you and ask you about did you really buy it. So, if we buy the computer first time, we changed our purchase pattern, so we are losing our integrity to Credit Card Company. So we are really hard to use our own credit card. 4. Describe ITGS terminology and systems. Transaction - Electronic funds transfer, the electronic exchange or transfer of money from one account to another Software - any set of machine-readable instructions that directs a computer's processor to perform specific operations. Hardware - the collection of physical elements that comprise a electrical device system 5. Describe the solution stated in the article or find a solution to the concern (issue) discussed in the article. The one solution in this social/ethical concern would be making a password then using that password with signature to prove our identity when we purchase the product which is not in our pattern such as put our password on our mobile device when we purchasing product with transaction. So we don't need to get the call from Credit Card Company when we purchase the product which is not in our purchasing pattern. Also we can using biometrics on our digital device to prove that we purchase that product when we using transaction to purchase the product.
Alex Lenk

BBC NEWS | Technology | Supermarket of the future - 2 views

    Jean October 10th  Describe the IT system by watching the video Answer here
    Basically just watch the video... ok lets start 1. The apps used in the supermarket needs to be downloaded by the clients before use. 2. Enter the store and open your apps from your mobile. 3. Pick the goods you want and scan the code off the bar code (using your cell phone) 4. The list of goods you buy will be store into your cell phone. 5. After scanning click the finish shopping button on your apps and the cell phone will generate a big bar-code which mix all the code you scan into one master-code. (like mixing salad after you put vegetables in) 6. Go to the paying counter and insert the master-code into the paying machine. 7. The machine will tell you how much to pay and client pay by cash, credit card and etc, Extra ( you can play stepping on fish in the supermarket for fun) Oh and there is a useless robot roaming around also.
Tammee Luesantia

Facebook cracks down on insincere "Likes" - 1 views

    Why does facebook fanpages want a lot of likes?
  • ...1 more comment...
    So they could promote their products or other things :)
    So people could be popular!!!!!!

Correction: Facebook-Privacy Q&A story - The Washington Post - 10 views

    How does Facebook use the information people share to make money? Describe the issues that Facebook should address. all Dec 6 cream
    How does Facebook use the information people share to make money? Facebook uses the information people share to make money by using the data to give to advertising companies, which in turn, pay Facebook for the data they receive so that they can target Facebook users with more individualized advertising. The advertising business can choose who they want ads to be shown to, customized to be relevant to the person's personal interests and likes. The more ads that users see on Facebook, the more money Facebook earns from the advertising company. Therefore, the exposure of the information people share to advertising companies, in order to place these advertisements, earn them money. Describe the issues that Facebook should address. Issues that Facebook should address include: Privacy - The privacy of users' and their data should be kept private, and the issue needs to be addressed where other online companies target the user data, where the user clicks to see pages, and their online activity even though the user may not be online. Reliability - The reliability of Facebook's security system should also be addressed. Facebook needs to address how users are aware or unaware of how their data is being shared through their friends' apps, or shared to advertising companies. Also, users would need to be reassured that their data isn't distributed to other third party companies.

How Does Google Rank Websites? - 14 views

    Explain how Google's algorithm works. Why is it hard to rank high? all nov 9 johny
    The Google algorithm is also called as page ranking. Page Rank depends on the outstandingly democratic nature of the web via to enormous link structure as the sign of the values for each individual page. Google would understand a page A to page B as vote; it would look noticeably more at links age receiver and the sheer volume of votes. It would analyze what you are searching for and it would pick pages the most important page from the rest of the file that is relevant to your topic. Sometimes important pages wont answer you question. That's why Google page rank is combined with complicated text matching techniques to find the page that is important and similar to your question. Google does more then searching pages that has a match to your question it would examine the feature of the page content (satisfied) and that it would decide that is this page is a good match of your question. Because many websites don't have the possibilities to get highly ranked, because they also need to compete with other websites that comes from the company and they got millions of back links. For example you want to make a website about selling second hand stuff. When your going to try to search about second hand stuff it would directly show you E-Bay because it more popular and it has more views. The websites that you may been searching for must be on the 15 page or more then that because the web may have not enough back links or even none.

Robot teachers invade South Korean classrooms - 0 views

    AI Rot describe the IT system Answer here :)
    * Telepresence: technologies which allow a person to feel as if they were present, to give the appearance of being present, or to have an effect, via telerobotics, at a place other than their true location. * voice recognition: Conversion of spoken words into text. * Robots: a machine capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically,

Kibot the robot entertains kids, spies on them - 0 views

    AI Rock Summary Answer here :)
    Korean children, already fast becoming a robot-friendly lot, have a new companion in Kibot, a monkey-faced bot that can read fairy tales, sing songs, take pictures, and make video calls via a display embedded in its tummy. It is like a robot that will keep children accompany, Kibot, which runs on a rechargeable battery and is manufactured by iRiver, has plenty of other tricks up its sensor-enabled sleeves, too. It responds to gestures, like pats, by turning and pleasantly saying, "It feels good." When it encounters an obstacle, it can change direction to avoid it. It can take pictures and record and play back customized voices. It even serves as a language tutor for Korean and English. About the only things it doesn't do, seemingly, are scratch its head and swing from branch to branch.

France24 - New funding for Viewdle, which lets smartphones 'see' - 1 views

    brief dec 2 kuninari
  • ...1 more comment...
    1.11 2.5 home and leisure / 2.5_digital_entertainment 2.5_social_networking 3.1,3.2,3.3,3.4,3.5
    1. Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. The area of impact is people and security on the machine. 2. Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system. The main stakeholder is security 3. Describe one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article. The concern is about the people and machines were there are problem with the recognitions on people 4. Describe ITGS terminology and systems. public transfer information systems is the information that will justify the people who is using on account to find whether people is using account on their own or using other person's account. 5. If possible, describe a solution to the concern (issue). It might need some more technology to fix the problem on recognitions that people can be use on other account or people can't use it even they are on their own account. They should be able to find the difference on fake also, like people using photo on other person to log in to their account.
    Kuni, you're suppose to upload your answers IN class. Just remember that for next time.

Why Did Newspapers Take So Long to Copy Groupon? - BusinessWeek - 3 views

    brief analysis Make sure to describe major terms, like groupon and livingsocial. march 7 woo
    1. Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. Business, E-commerce 2. Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system. Online Newspaper companies, newspaper subscribers 3. Identify one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article. Globalization 4. Describe ITGS terminology and systems. - Groupon: a deal-of-the-day website that is localized to major geographic markets worldwide. Launched in November 2008, the first market for Groupon was Chicago. - LivingSocial: an international social buying company based in Washington, D.C. They specialize in daily deals offered in cities across the United States, as well as in Canada, Europe and Australia. - TimeLiimited: is a service just like Groupon, which emails its readers on special offers for travel and living terms The New York Times newspapers are going to start using the internet, and connection of the companies to its subscribers for a fee to their advantage, even though there is a slim chance now. It is the spread of public communication of news, the latest trends, and discounts to events and merchandise while connecting directly to personal communication means of its subscribers (through their e-mails). 5. If possible, describe a solution to the concern (issue). Straightforward copying Groupon is not the answer for the success online. The New York times might be able to have a chance against Groupon and LivingSocial, but these two big groups have already topped the business of connecting companies with deals to its customers and subscribers for a fee. The companies should be able to manage connection between merchants and their customers. The New York Times would have to come up with special deals that appeal to users, such as a subscription discount, so on, and so forth to grab customers' attention from Goupon and LivingSocial to the New York Time's TimesLimited. The process involves sending people e-mail offers and discounts from companies and service providers, then charging a fee for

China Tightens Electronic Censorship - - 2 views

  • A host of evidence over the past several weeks shows that Chinese authorities are more determined than ever to police cellphone calls, electronic messages, e-mail and access to the Internet in order to smother any hint of antigovernment sentiment. In the cat-and-mouse game that characterizes electronic communications here, analysts suggest that the cat is getting bigger
  • LinkedIn, a networking platform, was blocked for a day during the height of government concerns over Internet-based calls for protests in Chinese cities a few weeks ago, he said
  • China’s censorship machine has been operating ever more efficiently since mid-2008, and restrictions once viewed as temporary — like bans on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter — are now considered permanent. Government-friendly alternatives have sprung and developed a following
    This is similar to the Google accuses China... article and will help with the answers. Describe VPN. How does a proxy work? List a proxy you find useful. When would you use a proxy? Explain: Google has "played a role in manufacturing social disorder". march 25 Azman
    Describe VPN. A VPN means virtual private network and what it does is that it send you data over the Internet in a secure connection. It travels packet over unprotected network in a secured manner. It provides you tunnel which secures your data and send it encrypted form over the Internet. How does a proxy work? By using a proxy the web browser window is then coded as part of the proxy site address and not the real website the surfer is visiting. Any information cached in the temporary folder is that of the proxy, not the users. This means the user is not traced at all and the information is kept hidden. Article Source: List a proxy you find useful. Tor Trycatchme anonsafe When would you use a proxy? When you want to hide your IP from anyone. It is a good idea to use it while online shopping, accessing bank websites, and putting personal information. Explain: Google has "played a role in manufacturing social disorder". This means that Google has been the source of creating all the social disorder in the real world. Examples of these social disorders include the Libyan Protests as well as the Egypt Protests. These are named as social disorders. And Google, who feeds information to the various organizations and governments as well as provide social networking interfaces play a role in the community to communicate with each other in order to plan these social disorder events, such as the protests to overthrow the government.

Ellison brandishes 'speed of thought' Exalytics appliance * The Register - 4 views

  • "To deliver data analytics at the speed of thought – faster than you can type – you have to change the interface because it moves so fast," Ellison bragged. "Before you finish asking a question, it can guess and give you the answer."
    What does 'speed of thought' mean? only Azman and Avik October 4
anonymous - 2 views

    Why were the customers spooked? Why is this a problem? Describe consolidated.db. Check this link: tracking and recording your location data. How is apple collecting geodata? Why is apple collecting geodata? Explain the problems with collecting geodata. Could law enforcement in America be able to subpoena these types of records from people's iPhones or iPads? april 26 cream
    How can iphone be hijacked? The experts say that what you would know when your iphone is being hijacked is when one giveaway is if you receive a text message containing a single square character. If that happens, he suggests you immediately turn off your iPhone. How can a user tell if she is being SMS attacked? The researchers said the hack involves sending a series of mostly invisible SMS bursts that effectively hijack an iPhone. From thereon, a hacker could control all the functions on the iPhone, such as e-mailing, dialing contacts - and, most alarmingly, sending more text messages to hijack even more iPhones. Just turn off your iphone right away!
    Cream: Wrong Comment for this article. Comment again with the right answers. incomplete

Wolverton: Customers had more faith in Sony than it deserved - San Jose Mercury News - 3 views

    Are any corporate databases and networks safe? Should consumers be wary about providing personal data online? How valuable is data stored online? May 11 soo
    Are any corporate databases and networks safe? According to the article, they mentioned that no corporation databases are not completely safe and secure enough to protect personal information. There are too much false which makes network perfectly safe. It is very large storage and contains a lot of personal information. If the network is too big, they can't manage the network well and all the weaknesses will occur. The hackers will aim to hack the corporate databases because it has a lot of information therefore; it is not actually very safe. Should consumers be wary about providing personal data online? Yes, consumers should be wary about providing personal data online, because all services that store the online data are all under risk of being hacked, and the data compromised. Once the sensitive information is compromised, the user is more vulnerable to scam attacks through e-mails, as well as have their bank accounts or other user accounts online hacked. consumers should be a warning to be wary about providing personal data online because no corporate networks are frequently attacked by hackers and no matter how diligently their administrators work to protect them or how many protections are put n place, no network is perfectly secure. Even Sony' security systems are not perfect at all. Therefore, people have to be wary about providing personal data online How valuable is data stored online? Data stored online is very valuable, especially sensitive information such as ID numbers and bank/credit card numbers. Other personal data such as names, passwords, and security question answers are useful for hackers, and can be easily used for impersonation on other sites to hack into user accounts for further bad intentions.
    1. ITGS 2. Security 3. Sony 4. Database 5. Network 6. Digital net networking
Bala O

A Contradiction in the Web - 2 views

    Answer these questions 1. What kind of malware is heartbleed? 2. How is it dangerous to internet users? 3. What security measure should a user use to protect themselves?
    Heartbkeed isn't a malware, what it does is that it finds the hole or ways to get into a system of which points out the opening in a security system. then a malware of some sort uses that to get into the system. it isn't direct towards normal internet users so there is no concern there. but companies with a large system are the targets. for example google or the NSA. these organiations now use Open SSL.
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