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Big Data's Impact in the World - - 9 views

    Explain why becoming a data consultant might be a good career choice. Why is data measurement considered to be the modern equivalent of the microscope? How has data-driven decision making improved productivity? How is Big Data transforming the way social networks function? all feb 21 max
    Explain why becoming a data consultant might be a good career choice. Basically, their jobs are to help businesses make sense of an explosion of data Web traffic and social network comments as well as software and sensors that monitor shipments, suppliers and customers. So, since a great number of people have used the Internet frequently, their jobs are needed to people because as much as people use the Internet, the data will be increased and people need other people who can manage such things. Why is data measurement considered to be the modern equivalent of the microscope? The reason is that there is countless data sensor around the world. The sensors can measure and communicate location, movement, vibration, temperature, humidity, even chemical changes in the air. How has data-driven decision making improved productivity? Data-driven decision making has improved productivity because people collect as much as data they can before deciding. As people doing that, they can predict preference of consumers from the Internet. It is very useful because people don't have to spend much time on consumers' preference also, a small amount of money and time will be spent. How is Big Data transforming the way social networks function? Social networks websites such as Facebook and Twitter and Search engines like Google and make profit with their users' data. Many companies will buy the users' data from Facebook, Google, and Twitter. That's a way to earn money for social network websites.

'App Economy' credited with creating 466,000 jobs - - 7 views

    Why is the app economy growing so quickly? List the kinds of jobs app companies create. all feb 13 Palm
    The Piracy Problem: How Broad? Why are copyright violations are a serious problem? Copyright violations are a serious problem because it is equivalent to stealing. A person who watches from free online movies doesn't realize that all the people behind the movie used their time, labor and energy to create that movie, not to mention the amount of money that was used to produce the movie. So, to broadcast it to as free movie is truly unfair for all the industries concerned. Describe two advantages and two issues with illegitimate downloading. Advantages: (1) People around the world who can't afford to have it have the option of having for free. (2) It is available anytime, anywhere in the world. Issues: (1) Million of dollars as revenues and earnings are stolen from industries (movie, music, TV, etc.). (2) It will cause the affected industries to increase the price of their "product" when purchasing it legitimately. Explain two possible solutions to this kind of piracy. Possible solutions: (1) If people around the world really see stealing as a morally corrupt practice, then let us all shun away from the use of the internet. (2) If we can't afford to avoid the disadvantages of the Internet, let us all practice, encourage and teach honesty. This golden virtue is the only potent cure against SOPA and PIPA. Not enough is being done to tackle cyberbullying, according to the NSPCC. Give examples of cyberbullying. Some examples of cyberbullying are the following: receiving nasty text messages or e-emails 24/7. Describe possible solutions. Some possible solutions are the following: students must not give their mobile number to acquaintances or other students who are their close friends; never chat to anyone whom you don't know; when you received nasty text messages from your mobile phone, change your mobile phone number right away; and lastly be very selective in choosing whom to friend in FB or in other social networks. Trendnet securit
Tick Kanjanamaneeroj

Thailand signs the world's largest educational tablet distribution deal - 5 views

    Will tablets benefit children for their education? How?
    Education Hardware May 17

Great Debate: Should any Internet freedom ever be sacrificed to fight piracy? | ZDNet - 10 views

    Agree or disagree? all feb 10 soobin
    Agree Agree to some extent. Internet freedom can be sacrificed only to a certain extent to fight piracy. Getting rid of internet freedom is basically the same thing as shutting out the communication lines of the world. The source of the reason why piracy is done is mainly due to the fact that people can't afford the items that they wish to use, or need to use, because they are ridiculously overpriced. These industries don't think that way because they want profit, however, if piracy was stopped, then no one will buy their products anyways because they still can't afford it. Popularity of the product will decrease, and the marketing of the product basically just failed. We need to compromise something so that piracy is decreased until there is no more. But suddenly stopping everything in one shot with something like SOPA isn't the way to go. Disagree I disagree. The internet should be free and open. We need to educate people not to download pirated software, movies and music. Doing so is the same as stealing from a shop, which most people would not do. Most people would be prepared to pay small amount for the right to download these things. If governments try to remove websites, it is the same as censorship which sometimes happens in dictatorships but should not happen in free societies. We really need freedom for the internet, so that we can easily share our own ideas, and thoughts. Unlike China, where people can't even talk gossip about governments, which is a basic human right. But China is still very famous for internet piracy. The United States should not have the power to prevent freedom of internet because they are not the world's police force. They should not have the power to dictate what happens in the rest of the world. That's why internet freedom should not be sacrificed.

Libya turns off the Internet and the Massacres begin | ZDNet - 3 views

  • Now, though, realizing that they could no longer hide their abuses from a world a Twitter tweet away, the new model autocracies, such as Libya and Bahrain have realized that they need to cut their Internet links before bringing out the guns.
  • As in Bahrain, Libya’s Internet is essentially owned and controlled by the government through a telecommunication company Libya Telecom & Technology
  • Mobile phone services in Libya are also under the control of the government. So far though the government doesn’t seem to have cut international phone services off-perhaps because that’s harder to do without cutting off local telephone service.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • “Should Libya block Internet traffic, as Egypt did, it will not affect or any .ly domain.”
    Brief analysis march 1 natsuno
    Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. Politics and government Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system. Libyan government, Libyan citizens, Libyan telecommunication company (Libya Telcom & Technology) 3. Identify one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article. Surveillance 4. Describe ITGS terminology and systems. Internet : a computer network consisting of a worldwide network of computer networks that use the TCP/IP network protocols to facilitate data transmission and exchange : URL shortening is a technique on the World Wide Web where a provider makes a web page available under a very short URL in addition to the original address. Top level domain : A top-level domain (TLD) is one of the domains at the highest level in the hierarchical Domain Name System of the Internet.The top-level domain names are installed in the root zone of the name space. For all domains in lower levels, it is the last part of the domain name, that is, the last label of a fully qualified domain name. 5. If possible, describe a solution to the concern (issue). It is hard to suggest a solution basically because it is the government's decision to shut down the internet. Therefore the only way to solve this issue is to discourage dictatorship in Libya. Main reason for the shut down of the internet was the cooperation of Libya Telecom & Technology which is owned by the dictator's son.

Bangkok Post : It's a small world - 4 views

    brief analysis march 3 Jen
  • ...1 more comment...
    business and leisure
    1.11_people_machines 2.5_social_networking 3.4_internet 3.5_per_public_com
    1. Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. Business, Leisure 2. Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system. IT users, mainly the ones who access social networking sites through mobile devices smart phone/tablet users, the business companies. 3. Identify one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article. The digital Divide and the Equality of Access / Globalization and Cultural Diversity 4. Describe ITGS terminology and systems. The tablets that offer internet as well as phone features play an important role in making the system work. The tablets offer a larger screen for the access compared to mobile phones, and it is challenging business companies and sites to remake their site into different various resolutions to fit all the new screen sizes. This affects the software of the program as well as the use of internet to connect to these sites. These sites offer personal and public communications through sites like Facebook. Social Networking - the grouping of individuals who have joined together to form a virtual community or neighborhood subdivision. Smart Phone: the "smart" mobile device that offers more advanced connectivity than the normal contemporary feature phone. 5. If possible, describe a solution to the concern (issue). Users around Thailand are now being more connected online besides the rural areas where cable TV have a larger impact. Having governmental or commercial groups to try and build signal towers as well as spread the awareness of the use of mobile phones and decreases who uses the internet, and who doesn't.

China Tightens Electronic Censorship - - 2 views

  • A host of evidence over the past several weeks shows that Chinese authorities are more determined than ever to police cellphone calls, electronic messages, e-mail and access to the Internet in order to smother any hint of antigovernment sentiment. In the cat-and-mouse game that characterizes electronic communications here, analysts suggest that the cat is getting bigger
  • LinkedIn, a networking platform, was blocked for a day during the height of government concerns over Internet-based calls for protests in Chinese cities a few weeks ago, he said
  • China’s censorship machine has been operating ever more efficiently since mid-2008, and restrictions once viewed as temporary — like bans on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter — are now considered permanent. Government-friendly alternatives have sprung and developed a following
    This is similar to the Google accuses China... article and will help with the answers. Describe VPN. How does a proxy work? List a proxy you find useful. When would you use a proxy? Explain: Google has "played a role in manufacturing social disorder". march 25 Azman
    Describe VPN. A VPN means virtual private network and what it does is that it send you data over the Internet in a secure connection. It travels packet over unprotected network in a secured manner. It provides you tunnel which secures your data and send it encrypted form over the Internet. How does a proxy work? By using a proxy the web browser window is then coded as part of the proxy site address and not the real website the surfer is visiting. Any information cached in the temporary folder is that of the proxy, not the users. This means the user is not traced at all and the information is kept hidden. Article Source: List a proxy you find useful. Tor Trycatchme anonsafe When would you use a proxy? When you want to hide your IP from anyone. It is a good idea to use it while online shopping, accessing bank websites, and putting personal information. Explain: Google has "played a role in manufacturing social disorder". This means that Google has been the source of creating all the social disorder in the real world. Examples of these social disorders include the Libyan Protests as well as the Egypt Protests. These are named as social disorders. And Google, who feeds information to the various organizations and governments as well as provide social networking interfaces play a role in the community to communicate with each other in order to plan these social disorder events, such as the protests to overthrow the government.

Crime Map Beta - Trulia - 9 views

    What is the value of this? all sept 29 Jang
    The crime map is a site that shows the amount of crimes committed in an area. The map gives specific information about what kind crime was committed, the location and time of the crime. The site also gives data of places that crimes do not happen frequently. This crime map website can be really useful for avoiding crime scenes and being aware of crimes that are happening in your neighborhood. If you want to move to a new place you can look at the crime map to see if your new neighborhood is safe and crime free. This site is still on beta and only have information on few states in America. I think a lot of people would use this site if it have data for all the countries in the world. However keeping up with new information everyday would be very hard because there are so many crimes happening all over the world and the site would need to be updated every few minutes.

Net Cetera - OnGuard Online - 0 views

    Read Heads-up. Describe two guidelines from each section that you think are relevant advice. May 9 kuni
    Share with care Your online actions can have real-world consequences. The pictures you post and the words and the words you write can affect the people in your life. Think before you post and share. The advice, mainly for children, is that before you click to send email or when you're ready to post or send a message or a photo, download a file, game or program, or shop for something-stop for a second. Think about things like: Do you know and trust who you're dealing with-or what you're sharing or downloading? How will you feel if your information ends up somewhere you didn't intend? Get someone's okay before you share photos or videos they're in. Online photo albums are great for storing and sharing pictures of special events, and camera phones make it easy to capture every moment. Stop and think about your own privacy-and other people's-before you share photos and videos online. It can be embarrassing, unfair and even unsafe to send or post photos and videos without getting permission from the people in them. Interact With Tact Avatars are people too. When you're playing a game or exploring an online world where you can create a character and interact with others, remember real people are behind those characters on the screen. Respect their feelings just INTERACT WITH TACT like you would in person. Remember that your character or avatar is a virtual version of you-what does it tell people about you and your interests? Speak up. If you see something inappropriate on a social networking site or in a game or chat room, let the website know and tell an adult you trust. Using Report Abuse links can help keep sites fun for everyone. The Protection Connection Learn about social mapping. Many mobile phones have GPS technology, and there are applications that allow you to find your friends-and allow them to find you. Use GPS and social mapping apps only with people you know personally and trust. Take advantage of privacy features in
Avik Bag

Google Nexus 4 vs. Apple iPhone 5: Head-to-head - iOS 6, android phones, lg, iPhone 5, ... - 2 views

Helen Choi

Robot cars ready to roll - 20 views

    What will be the advantage of robot cars? What will be the problems of robot cars?
    Selected Article This robot car is another useful tool for tomorrow. It is necessary for us to know what is going on in the world right now. In order to be up to date, this article have to be read. This article will tell you what are robot cars.
Max Seol

Key Iranian oil terminal 'hacked' - 6 views

    Iran has been forced to disconnect key oil facilities after suffering a malware attack on Sunday, say reports. The computer virus is believed to have hit the internal computer systems at Iran's oil ministry and its national oil company. Equipment on the Kharg island and at other Iranian oil plants has been disconnected from the net as a precaution.
    Why is it a serious problem?
    Selected Article Oil is one of the valuable resources in the world so it is important for us to know how can this happen and how serious it is.
Robert Costa

Congress halts anti-piracy bills - 2 views

    The US Congress has halted debate on two contested anti-online piracy bills. ---- This was the first thing that came to mind with Mr. O talked about "how far would one want to let government go to fight piracy."
    What factors might have influenced the halting?
Su Jung Woo

China Requires Web Monitoring Software for Businesses - 5 views

    Gilles Sabrie for The New York Times BEIJING - New regulations that require bars, restaurants, hotels and bookstores to install costly Web monitoring software are prompting many businesses to cut Internet access and sending a chill through the capital's game-playing, Web-grazing literati who have come to expect free Wi-Fi with their lattes and green tea.
    Why do people think using 'web monitoring software' is unfair?

BBC News - 'Europe's biggest' free wi-fi zone set for London - 8 views

    Describe 3 benefits and 1 issue with this system. all jan 17 champ
    3 Benefits 1. Tourists came London to see the Olympics, they can share updated news and pictures with friends by using free WiFi connection 2. Free WiFi connection may reduce communicating cost because overseas calls are very expensive. 3. London will become a world-class city by providing fast, reliable, and free WiFI connection for people. 1 Issue The disadvantage is that if so many people use WiFi, malware can be easily spread through the signal. It may be difficult to find out who cause it.

Electronic Security a Worry in an Age of Digital Espionage - - 10 views

    List the precautions Mr. Lieberthal takes when visiting China. Define digital espionage. Why is it easy to steal information remotely? How was the US Chamber of Commerce hacked? Explain the reason for thwarting the cybertheft of trade secrets. all feb 16 soo paulo
    List the precautions Mr. Lieberthal takes when visiting China. * He leaves his cellphone and laptop at home. * He brings "loaner" devices. * He erases information before and after the trip. * He disables Bluetooth and Wifi. * He turns off his phone, and takes the battery out. * He only connects to the internet through an encrypted password protected channel. * He copies and pastes his password from a USB. Define digital espionage. Digital Espionage - The spying on digital information including corporate secrets and government secrets. These secrets are stored as digital data, and can be spied on and stolen. Why is it easy to steal information remotely? Because digital devices today are mostly connected to an internet network, and through this network, information can be stolen remotely if the hacker is able to hack into the system. Smart phones and digital personal devices are very common today. These devices are connected into workplace networks and carry information around. Hackers are able to hack into these devices and get onto the corporate network and steal information. How was the US Chamber of Commerce hacked? The US Chamber of Commerce was hacked through four of their employees, Asia policy experts' devices who travelled frequently to China. The Chamber's office digital devices including its printer and thermostat had a connection to an internet address in China. Through these remote connections to the digital devices, China could penetrate the inside information of the Chamber. Explain the reason for thwarting the cybertheft of trade secrets. Thwarting the cybertheft of trade secrets is to the benefit of the owner of those trade secrets. If cybertheft of trade secrets is not prevented, then other corporations would be able to use stolen trade information to their benefit, and possibly come out with the same product with slight modifications in order to gain more profit from other companies' ideas. This would also ruin the product

BBC News - US NSA and UK GCHQ 'can spy on smartphones' - 1 views

    summary jab
    On the September 8 article on "US NSA and UK GCHQ' can spy on smartphone" state that NSA (US National Security Agency) and British GCHQ have joint together and have cracked the smartphones such as IPhone, Blackberries and Android devices. The article said that this was a revelation by Edward Snowden who has been welcomed by Germany. This is why on Saturday; thousands of demonstrators in Berlin demand the NSA to stop monitory internet users. As Der Spiegel said, NSA and GCHQ have been able to read smartphone users contacts and lists of who had been called. This disclosure has ignited a heat of debate in Germany.
Alex Lenk

The science and technology of air traffic control | Ars Technica - 6 views

    Da Woon November 1st  Describe the IT system
    This article tells us the air traffic controller (ATC) which helps us to have safe fly. ATC has access to sophisticated radar systems that provide an overview of the airspace they control, and they have communication tools to coordinate flight paths with the air crew. When the aircraft travel at higher speed than common modes of transport, the time available for pilots to react to a dangerous situation can be quite short. And ATC helps to aircraft approaching an airfield carefully and it checks the weather conditions for prevent pilots can't see other aircraft. ATC uses radar systems positioned at ATC facility to get a real time overview of the aircraft flying in the airspace they control. Many types of radar equipment are served for traffic on the ground. Primary Surveillance Radars (PSR) - The radar sends a directed pulse into the atmosphere, and when that pulse encounters an object it gets reflected back to the radar station. The bearing of the object with respect to the radar station and its approximate distance can be calculated by this. The radar is typically enclosed in a dome to protect it from adverse weather. Secondary Surveillance Radars (SSR) - the Secondary Surveillance Radar listens for messages from the aircraft's transponder. The radar rotates about the vertical axis, but transmits a specific signal on 1030 MHz. This signal is subsequently received by the aircraft's onboard transponder, which responds with a reply on 1090 MHz. SSR Modes - There are different modes of interrogation that compliant transponders respond to. A - The transponder responds with its squawk code, a unique identifier for the aircraft assigned by ATC comprising of four octal numbers. This code enables ATC to differentiate between the various aircraft being monitored, though it can also be used to discretely communicate the existence of an emergency situation onboard the aircraft. C - the transponder responds with the aircraft's pressure altitude, which is the altitude ab
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