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Paulo Moacyr

BBC News - Nokia accuses Apple of Siri bias over smartphone answer - 0 views

    How does this affect the business of Nokia?

BBC News - The mobile phone giving hotel guests total control - 5 views

    Describe 3 possible issues with using smart phones with hotel guests.

BBC News - Spike in government surveillance of Google - 4 views

    Explain the issue with government surveillance of Google.

BBC News - Can a phone replace the doctor in Kenya? - 7 views

    Describe the relationship of the main stakeholders to the IT system. Discuss at least one problem that relates to the impact of the social/ethical issue. nov 28 test

BBC News - Music piracy 'down' as revenues rise for first time since 1999 - 0 views


BBC News - How to avoid RSI from using mobiles and tablets - 0 views

    repetitive stress injury report Rebecca oct 15

BBC News - Half a million Mac computers 'infected with malware' - 5 views

    brief analysis April 11 avik
HyoJeon Jang

BBC News - European watchdog warns Acta could threaten rights - 1 views

    What is Acta?
carlos contreras

BBC News - Webscape: Social networking robots - 0 views

    Whats the use of these type of bots? What type of solutions can you find if you're lost in a city?
Chut Sanghiran

BBC News - The 'eye-tech' future of vision - 7 views

    What are the benefits of this technology? What are the disadvantages?
    We selected this Article, because it's essential to be up to date these centuries. This kind of technology would be useful in many types of ways. This future technology piece may be able to lead us to the next generation of technology.
    In case the video does not work.
Kong Vichaboonsiri

BBC News - Poorly designed mobile sites drain smartphone battery - 0 views

    What is the problem? Come up with your own solution to this problem.
Jang Han

BBC News - 3D images of tissue may help spot and treat cancer - 7 views

    Describe how 3D images helps the treatment of cancer. Who will benefit from this new technology?
    We assume that this article is very important to the society. This Article demonstrates how technology can cure diseases that never can be cured in the previous time. It also will show how necessary the society needs the technology.
Avik Bag

BBC - Future - Health - Internet offers rural India a digital lifeline - 7 views

    How can the Internet be really essential in villages? What are the drawbacks and maybe certain improvements.
  • ...1 more comment...
    Health Internet
    May 23

BBC News - Why US schools are embracing ebooks and iPads - 4 views

    Why US schools are embracing ebooks and iPads Presentation - Kong May 21

BBC NEWS | Programmes | Click - 2 views

    Ivy League education free on the web Presentation - Avik May 21

BBC News - Robotic prison wardens to patrol South Korean prison - 8 views

    Explain the function of the robots in prisons. all dec 1 soo
    The robots in prisons will act as a helper in monitoring behavior of inmates in prison and to alert the human prison guards if any dangerous or suspicious behavior is detected. The robot is 5 feet high, moving with four wheels, and includes cameras and sensors to detect the risky behavior.

BBC News - 'Europe's biggest' free wi-fi zone set for London - 8 views

    Describe 3 benefits and 1 issue with this system. all jan 17 champ
    3 Benefits 1. Tourists came London to see the Olympics, they can share updated news and pictures with friends by using free WiFi connection 2. Free WiFi connection may reduce communicating cost because overseas calls are very expensive. 3. London will become a world-class city by providing fast, reliable, and free WiFI connection for people. 1 Issue The disadvantage is that if so many people use WiFi, malware can be easily spread through the signal. It may be difficult to find out who cause it.

BBC News - Worm steals 45,000 Facebook passwords, researchers say - 8 views

    Explain the ways these networks are being hacked. How could you know if your facebook account had been hacked? all jan 17 jang
    Explain the ways these networks are being hacked. It is explained in the article that these networks are being hacked by using the stole credentials to log into the user's Facebook account. When the hackers logs into the Facebook account, it is used to transmit malicious links to other people such as friends. Friends would be a trustworthy person so the link would be visited. This would increase the speed of the malware's speed. Also, some users use the same password for many accounts which can be used by ill-intentioned people on the web. How could you know if your facebook account had been hacked? For you to know if your Facebook account had been hacked, users should run an anti-virus software to check and get rid of any malware that is hacking your account.
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