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Electronic Security a Worry in an Age of Digital Espionage - - 10 views

    List the precautions Mr. Lieberthal takes when visiting China. Define digital espionage. Why is it easy to steal information remotely? How was the US Chamber of Commerce hacked? Explain the reason for thwarting the cybertheft of trade secrets. all feb 16 soo paulo
    List the precautions Mr. Lieberthal takes when visiting China. * He leaves his cellphone and laptop at home. * He brings "loaner" devices. * He erases information before and after the trip. * He disables Bluetooth and Wifi. * He turns off his phone, and takes the battery out. * He only connects to the internet through an encrypted password protected channel. * He copies and pastes his password from a USB. Define digital espionage. Digital Espionage - The spying on digital information including corporate secrets and government secrets. These secrets are stored as digital data, and can be spied on and stolen. Why is it easy to steal information remotely? Because digital devices today are mostly connected to an internet network, and through this network, information can be stolen remotely if the hacker is able to hack into the system. Smart phones and digital personal devices are very common today. These devices are connected into workplace networks and carry information around. Hackers are able to hack into these devices and get onto the corporate network and steal information. How was the US Chamber of Commerce hacked? The US Chamber of Commerce was hacked through four of their employees, Asia policy experts' devices who travelled frequently to China. The Chamber's office digital devices including its printer and thermostat had a connection to an internet address in China. Through these remote connections to the digital devices, China could penetrate the inside information of the Chamber. Explain the reason for thwarting the cybertheft of trade secrets. Thwarting the cybertheft of trade secrets is to the benefit of the owner of those trade secrets. If cybertheft of trade secrets is not prevented, then other corporations would be able to use stolen trade information to their benefit, and possibly come out with the same product with slight modifications in order to gain more profit from other companies' ideas. This would also ruin the product

San Francisco retailer builds loyalty through digital receipts | ZDNet - 9 views

    Explain how digital receipts work. Helen presentation nov 30 article analysis dec 6

Data Brokers | - 1 views

    Summary Rot Oct 4
    * Customizability, highlighting parts required, bookmarking necessary 'pages' * Choice of chapters (relevant material) * Saves room in backpacks (less back strain), it's also lighter * Digital textbooks can't be lost, and if the E-reader is lost it can simply be replaced, the material is also digitized and can't be lost * Easy access and distribution, if everyone has their own E-reader, the material can simply be shared. * Students are more receptive to digitized learning material
Azman Fadhilah

Bangkok Post : The rise of the digital spies - 1 views

    1. Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. Business and employment, Politics and Government 2. Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system. Politicians, Large Business owners, Victims 3. Identify one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article Surveillance / Privacy 4. Describe ITGS terminology and systems. The main IT system in this situation is the use of the evolving hardware that is customized to best fit the various situations that need to infiltrate a certain amount of security. The new spy devices today are integrated into everyday devices such as pens and glasses so that it is hard to track and sensor while going through security checks. 5. If possible, describe a solution to the concern (issue). Having the government and users agree to sign contracts which only allow certain amounts of digital spy equipment to be produced, and while shipment, if any equipment was found to be not authorized and legitimate to pay a large amount of fine to prevent further disuse of the equipment. Since most of the devices require some sort of signaling in order to spy, having new security checks based on lens reflection as well as machine signal waves can increase security because it would be easier to sensor such devices.

Hackers steal SSL certificates for CIA, MI6, Mossad - Computerworld - 13 views

    brief all sept 7 Az
    1. Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. Business, Goverment 2. Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system. Mozilla, Google, DigiNotar, CIA, MI6, Mossad, Microsoft, Yahoo, Skype, Facebook, Twitter, and Microsoft's Windows 3. Identify one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article. Security 4. Describe ITGS terminology and systems. SSL- Secure socket layer certificates used for transmitting private documents via the Internet. It creates an encrypted connection between your web server and you web browser that will protect transmitted private information from eavesdropping, data tampering, or message forgery. Man in the Middle- is the type of attack where attackers intrude into an existing connection to intercept the exchanged data and inject false information. It involves eavesdropping on a connection, intruding into a connection, intercepting messages, and selectively modifying data. DigiNotar= DigiNotar is registered by the OPTA as a CSP that delivers qualified certificates that comply with the Dutch act on electronic signatures with respect to the European directive on electronic signatures. Sinces 2004 DigiNotar has entered the PKI hierarchy of the Dutch Government: PKIoverheid. This allows DigiNotar as Certificate Services Provider (CSP) to issue certificates complying with PKIoverheid specifications to government organisations. HTTPS: Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is a combination of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) with SSL/TLS protocol to provide encrypted communication and secure identification of a network web server. HTTPS connections are often used for payment transactions on the World Wide Web and for sensitive transactions in corporate information systems. 5. If possible, describe a solution to the concern (issue). Increase the security of the data for issuing a digital certificate to websites, and have updates of digital certificate periodically to check whether or not it has been compromised. Delete mo

Digital self-defence | Bangkok Post: lifestyle - 0 views


Redefining Medicine With Apps and iPads - The Digital Doctor - - 16 views

    Article Analysis  Jean and Eunyoung Nov 5 Palm and Tik Nov 6
Avik Bag

BBC - Future - Health - Internet offers rural India a digital lifeline - 7 views

    How can the Internet be really essential in villages? What are the drawbacks and maybe certain improvements.
  • ...1 more comment...
    Health Internet
    May 23

How to Catch iPhone Thief? Officer Knows Buttons to Push - - 8 views

    How does this work? all feb 3 champ
    There is a new function on icloud called "Find My iPhone". It used to locate lost iPhone on a digital map in the icloud webpage. It is work simply by logging in to your apple ID that you use to buy songs and the digital map will show where your iPhone is and it can send signal to iPhone and command it to ring calling sound when you get near so it is easier to track the missing iPhone.
Alex Lenk

Maybe Your Old Credit Cards Are Smart Enough - - 3 views

    Jason October 17th  BAA
    1.Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. Business and employee 2.Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system. The main stakeholder in this article is the credit cards company such as, Visa, MasterCard & American Express. The customer how are using these credit cards company service as well. 3.Identify and describe the ITGS social/ethical concerns in the article. The social/ethical concern in the article is Reliability/ Security. In this article it talk about the old expired credit card that can be re-used again. Unwanted access and get a magnet chip/stripes of a credit card and still use it, to buy whatever they want. The magnet chip/stripes still provide some information of the conventional card. 4. Describe ITGS terminology and systems. PIN- A PIN is a 4-digit number that is used in combination with your Social Security Number, name, and date of birth to identify you as someone who has the right to access your own personal information Chips- is an integrated circuit in which all the components needed for a computer or other system are included on a single chip 5. Describe the solution stated in the article or find a solution to the concern (issue) discussed in the article When a customer uses their credit card to buy product from shops their must type in they PIN to continue the process and if the PIN is enter incorrectly the process cancels. This will allows the original card hold to buy the products only. Dynamics Inc recently unveiled smart-card technology that doesn't require a smart reader but could still require a PIN: the issuer could program the card so that the PIN has to be tapped on special buttons found on the card itself.

Bangkok Post : Virtual mall opens its doors - 3 views

    brief dec 2 cream
    Bangkok Post: Virtual mall opens its doors 1. Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. Digital citizenship and people + machines / Home and leisure 2. Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system. Broadband technologies, 3D shopping, people individuals online shopping / Designer Companies, Online Shoppers, Ubermall 3. Identify one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article. Security 4. Describe ITGS terminology and systems. The ITGS terminology and systems is concerned to the virtual 3D online shopping. The site will allow shoppers to build new relationships by chatting with sellers and fellow customers. online 3D virtual world promoting businesses and tourist attractions that represent the country's "creative economy" policy. The new online shopping has opened in Thailand and it is likely 3D virtual mall. Shoppers can fill up their currency at anytime on the Internet by that currency software. 5. If possible, describe a solution to the concern (issue). The issue in this article is that this action will increase the economic issue and the business can increase their amount of products. " The company is also expanding its presence to Facebook, at apps.facebook. com/taraddotcom, in an effort to bring together its merchants and offer them the chance to sell their products through the world's most popular social network, in what is described as the first example of "social commerce" in Asia. However, there should be some security for payment online, which means that the site must be more secured in term of policy.
    1.2 Security 1.11 People and machines 2.5 Home and leisure 3.4 Internet 3.6 Multimedia/digital media
Natsuno Yoshida

IBM supercomputer wins first Jeopardy dust up - Computerworld - 1 views

    Explain how Watson can mimic human intelligence. Watson mimics human intelligence by going through the same process humans do in order to find an answer. Watsons can comprehend clues and pieces of information, analyze the information that is given, and come up with an answer to the problem. Explain the ways that computers can rival a human in answering questions. Computers are systematic machines. Humans, can also be, but in a less precise manner. Thus, computers that are given the same amount of information, and have access to a lot of background knowledge can possibly rival humans in answering questions because of the systems' advantage of sorting out pieces of information and analyzing it digitally. Humans depends on their brains, and not knowing whether they really do, or how much they analyze the data correctly or not. A computer's digital system can come up with a number of possibilities precisely and thus calculate the best conclusion to the question. Explain the ways AI can impact personal lives. With the help of AI, human needed jobs such as diagnosing problems and illness, self-service centers, and information center tasks can be given to the AIs. Also, this can enhance humans personal lives by offering the humans an extra helping hand, that isn't as emotional as humans, and can be just as effective as well as useful, albeit the cost will be very high. Why was Jeopardy a good challenge? Jeopardy is a good challenge because of the structure of the Jeopardy game itself. The game itself only provides sly clues, riddles mixed with sarcasm and irony. Humans can detect such facts in the clues, but for a machine, as well as the system to be able to recognize these clues as well as reading in between the words to understand the meaning for an answer is a challenge. The system would have to be taught the same way humans are taught to notice such abnormalities of the hints. This is harder to teach an AI since it doesn't follow the same path of instruction

Do Not Track Plus vs. Ghostery | Digital Trends - 0 views

    browser plug-ins to  protect against advertisers and data collection

Amazon Goes Back to the Future With 'NoSQL' Database | Wired Enterprise | - 1 views

    Describe NoSQL and its purpose. Explain how it is used differently than MySQL. M12 jan30 az
    Describe NoSQL and its purpose. NoSQL is a highly scalable and reliable non-relational databases designed to maintain high performance and to be highly cost efficient for workloads of any scale, from the smallest to the largest internet-scale applications. It is also used to build a new kind of database for "unstructured" information that comes spilling off the Internet with each passing second. It is capable of handling large amounts of data du to the fact that they use flash storage rather than traditional spinning disks. These solid-state drives can provide single-digit millisecond response times. Explain how it is used differently than MySQL. MySQL database is a relational database that stores data in neat rows and columns, and it's designed to run on a single machine, while NoSQL database can store data in a more flexible way and is designed to scale across a very large number of machines. "SQL databases are like automatic transmission and NoSQL databases are like manual transmission. Once you switch to NoSQL, you become responsible for a lot of work that the system takes care of automatically in a relational database system. Similar to what happens when you pick manual over automatic transmission. Secondly, NoSQL allows you to eke more performance out of the system by eliminating a lot of integrity checks done by relational databases from the database tier. Again, this is similar to how you can get more performance out of your car by driving a manual transmission versus an automatic transmission vehicle."

Good to Know - Google - 10 views

    Presentations M13 starting feb 9
Alex Lenk

Refinements mask great leap in smartphone technology - 0 views

Alex Lenk

Smartphones all the rage, says St George | The Australian - 2 views

    Rot October 15th Brief Article Analysis
    1. Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. Business 2. Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system. St George Bank, the customers who use their services, 3. Identify and describe one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article. Reliability, the company and the customers depend on the new paying system developed by the company to perform reliably. 4. Describe ITGS terminology and systems. Applications: A piece of software that serves an auxiliary function for your electronic device IT: Short for information technology Internet: A large online server that stores information. Online: Being connected to a network. 5. Describe the solution stated in the article or find a solution to the concern (issue) discussed in the article.
Alex Lenk

Electronic Brain Helps Cut Credit Card Fraud : NPR - 1 views

shared by Alex Lenk on 08 Oct 13 - Cached
    Da Woon October 10 Brief Article Analysis Answer here.
    1. Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. Business and employment, home and leisure 2. Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system. in this article, the credit card user and credit card companies are the main stakeholder 3. Identify and describe one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article. In this article, the social/ethical concern is integrity. In this article, it tells that Credit Card Company uses neural networks to keep track of every purchase people make and sorts them into patterns and categories. If people changed their purchasing pattern, the credit card calls you and ask you about did you really buy it. So, if we buy the computer first time, we changed our purchase pattern, so we are losing our integrity to Credit Card Company. So we are really hard to use our own credit card. 4. Describe ITGS terminology and systems. Transaction - Electronic funds transfer, the electronic exchange or transfer of money from one account to another Software - any set of machine-readable instructions that directs a computer's processor to perform specific operations. Hardware - the collection of physical elements that comprise a electrical device system 5. Describe the solution stated in the article or find a solution to the concern (issue) discussed in the article. The one solution in this social/ethical concern would be making a password then using that password with signature to prove our identity when we purchase the product which is not in our pattern such as put our password on our mobile device when we purchasing product with transaction. So we don't need to get the call from Credit Card Company when we purchase the product which is not in our purchasing pattern. Also we can using biometrics on our digital device to prove that we purchase that product when we using transaction to purchase the product.
Alex Lenk

Take it easy, driver, Mr McGoogle's at the wheel - 1 views

    Jean  November 1st BAA
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