Ten Ways To Improve Your Search Engine Ranking - FindLaw - 10 views
anonymous on 04 Nov 11Define SEO. Describe the ten ways to improve a SEO. all nov 10 kuni
kuninari on 13 Nov 11Define SEO. SEO, (Search Engine Optimization) is a way of ensuring that your Web site shows up high in the rankings of search engines. Describe the ten ways to improve a SEO. 1. Learn Basic HTML- To do SEO yourself, you need to have a rudimentary understanding of HTML programming. 2. Understand the Difference Between Search Engines- There are basically four types of search engines in use today, (Google, Yahoo!, Bing, Altavista) and each has different methods of ranking sites. 3. The Quick Fix: Meta-Titles- it is important to include keywords in your meta-title that are relevant to your Web site. 4. The More Links, The Better- It is important to have a high number of quality links to your website from other similar websites. 5. The Content of Your Content Matters- Search engines also have the technology to look at the actual content or words you put on your page. So, if a user types in a search for a particular keyword, the more often that keyword appears on your site, the more weight your site will receive, and the higher it will probably be ranked. 6. What About Keywords?- Meta-keywords are something you find in the source code of a Web page. They serve no other purpose than to try to convince search engines that a Web site should be highly ranked. 7. Experiment- The best way to improve your search engine ranking is to continue to experiment with different meta-titles, meta-keywords, content, and linking strategies. 8. Avoid Dirty Tactics- There are many ways to try to trick search engines, but if the search engine discovers your tricks, it may ban your website completely. 9. Paid-Inclusion is an Option- you can guarantee that a search engine will see your Web site, and that your Web site will be ranked if you pay either pay a one-time or annual fee. 10. When in Doubt, Use a Professional- Many Web site designers have full-time SEO personnel to make sure that your website is highly ranked.