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BBC News - GlobalSign stops secure certificates after hack claim - 3 views

    Explain what it means to stop secure certificates and why it was done. M12 sept 13 Kuni
    To stop secure certificates means to temporarily stop issuing authentication certificates to secure websites because the certificates have been compromised meaning that people's personal confidential information has been stolen. It was done to investigate the claims of a hacker that he had issued false certificates. It was suggested that personal emails in Iran and government emails in Holland had been compromised, probably for political reasons.
Su Jung Woo

Security Enhancements in Android 4.2.2 - 0 views

    Android Security is enhanced by 'Jelly Bean' which has been refreshed with additional features such as preventing harmful apps from entering mobile device or blocking installation of bad apps.
Azman Fadhilah

Bangkok Post : The rise of the digital spies - 1 views

    1. Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. Business and employment, Politics and Government 2. Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system. Politicians, Large Business owners, Victims 3. Identify one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article Surveillance / Privacy 4. Describe ITGS terminology and systems. The main IT system in this situation is the use of the evolving hardware that is customized to best fit the various situations that need to infiltrate a certain amount of security. The new spy devices today are integrated into everyday devices such as pens and glasses so that it is hard to track and sensor while going through security checks. 5. If possible, describe a solution to the concern (issue). Having the government and users agree to sign contracts which only allow certain amounts of digital spy equipment to be produced, and while shipment, if any equipment was found to be not authorized and legitimate to pay a large amount of fine to prevent further disuse of the equipment. Since most of the devices require some sort of signaling in order to spy, having new security checks based on lens reflection as well as machine signal waves can increase security because it would be easier to sensor such devices.
anonymous - 9 views

    brief dec 9 cream
    WikiLeaks Hit with DoS Attack Before Documents Leaked 1. Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. Politics and Employment 2. Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system. WikiLeaks, Government, users 3. Identify one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article Privacy 4. Describe ITGS terminology and systems. Wikileaks is simply a website that spread the hidden news to the public so it is like a non-profit website. They spread the news throughout the Internet. WikiLeaks knew and predicted such DoS attacks, they have been switching various IP address in order to keep running the website. 5. If possible, describe a solution to the concern (issue). Users need to use encryption for preventing hackers. Using secure private network in order to protect your private network or make it even more authorized. Using firewall to protect your computer form unauthorized access
    1.3 Privacy and anonymity 2.6 Politics and government 3.5 Personal and public communications

Bangkok Post : Virtual mall opens its doors - 3 views

    brief dec 2 cream
    Bangkok Post: Virtual mall opens its doors 1. Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. Digital citizenship and people + machines / Home and leisure 2. Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system. Broadband technologies, 3D shopping, people individuals online shopping / Designer Companies, Online Shoppers, Ubermall 3. Identify one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article. Security 4. Describe ITGS terminology and systems. The ITGS terminology and systems is concerned to the virtual 3D online shopping. The site will allow shoppers to build new relationships by chatting with sellers and fellow customers. online 3D virtual world promoting businesses and tourist attractions that represent the country's "creative economy" policy. The new online shopping has opened in Thailand and it is likely 3D virtual mall. Shoppers can fill up their currency at anytime on the Internet by that currency software. 5. If possible, describe a solution to the concern (issue). The issue in this article is that this action will increase the economic issue and the business can increase their amount of products. " The company is also expanding its presence to Facebook, at apps.facebook. com/taraddotcom, in an effort to bring together its merchants and offer them the chance to sell their products through the world's most popular social network, in what is described as the first example of "social commerce" in Asia. However, there should be some security for payment online, which means that the site must be more secured in term of policy.
    1.2 Security 1.11 People and machines 2.5 Home and leisure 3.4 Internet 3.6 Multimedia/digital media
anonymous - 6 views

    summary march 29 kuni
    1. Adjust social-network privacy settings, You should adjust privacy setting in Facebook by changing the privacy option in Facebook. Facebook updated its privacy dashboard in October, which now, it can change the privacy setting in mobile phone, and you don't have to do it in computer. You can also protect twitter to not let show in the public. 2. Ensure personal data is sent over a secure connection, You should find if the site is secured enough before giving a credit card number. Make sure the adress shows that the site is encrypted. 3. Consider opting out of ad tracking, You should get rid of ad tracking by disabling the third party cookies. Now, no one will be able to track your pc. 4. Use private Web browsing features or install a VPN Install VPN for more strong security for your browser. Such as Little Snich, which gives out a warning sign every time the website automatically changes your settings. 5. Think before you post. You should always check and think if the site is secured enough to give out a privacy information or post email. You have to be careful to not let hackers get into your computer. And don't give out privacy information even to friends.

BBC News - Cyber security plan proposed by White House - 1 views

    Explain what the cyber security plan is designed to do. Why is this a critical issue? May 17 alec
    It is designed to stop the U.S.A. from being attacked cyberly like from hackers, criminals, and spies. It is a critical issue because if someone hacked the united states then they would be able yo launch missiles and begin a war that never should have been started also they could gain access to information that should be secret and not shared with the world.

Your smartphone: a new frontier for hackers - Technology & science - Security - - 15 views

    Describe the different ways that iphones and android phones are being hacked. all sept 5 soo
    Malicious Applications that log details about incoming/outgoing phone calls, as well as recording the calls. They can create unwanted service charges subscriptions to phone users. The users may or may not even receive the "service" that was subscribed, and paid for. They cab intercept text messages, compromise emails, photos and private content. Malicious applications that appear to be games, calculators, or pornographic photos and videos are downloaded to smartphones. Malware that replies incoming text messages with spam links. E-mail based phishing - because the phone screens are smaller than computers, it is harder to tell apart phishing links and scams in the url. iPhone's unencrypted file of location logs for iPhone users. Jailbroken iPhones that run unauthorized content is also a gap where malware can get through. Because these apps are unauthorized, they haven't gone through Apple's authorization process, and can contain malware, and can hack the user's phone. o By Malicious Application= The Applications which Apple and Android offers to customer, sometimes have malicious worms or viruses. Sometimes, malicious applications masquerade to games, calculators, or pornographic photos and videos. Hackers made their own malicious app and phishing people to download. The payment will charge to the victim's phone bills. o By Phishing Texting= Personal texting sometimes contain spam and malicious links which lead to the hacking site o By Advertisement link= Viruses might attach to the advertisement link o By Weak Security= Weak security of iPhone and Android phone therefore, find the weak part of the phone and hack. o By E-mail= Users tend to be less caring on phones, as the words and the screen itself are small

Magid on Tech: How Sony users can protect themselves in wake of security breach - San J... - 2 views

    List and explain each of the ways suggested to provide protection from this type of security breach. May 9 nat
    List and explain each of the ways suggested to provide protection from this type of security breach. Change the password. This is very crucial, if you've used the same password for every other accounts, because it means that anyone can open any account that belongs to you. An easy way to make a complicated password that's fairly easy to remember, is to create a meaningful sentence and take the initials. 'I was born on July 30th 1994' = Iwboj3094 Check your credit reports. This allows you to check and activities that is carried out with your credit card. You can also set your fraud alert. Don't get deceived by e-mails that looks official, because it may be a phishing site.

Cracks appear in face of Apple's iOS security - 0 views

    Apple's iOS mobile and has garnered a reputation for strong security. Apple is one of the most popular and most visible devices. In this article there take about the pros and cons of jail-breaking your apple device. in this article they talk about how malware could increase in apple device. As more business migrates to mobile devices and Apple's market share increases, the quantity of mobile- and specifically iOS-targeted malware will rise.
Rot Homkrathok

20 critical security controls - 12 views

    choose 5
HyoJeon Jang

AT&T expands into wireless home security, automation - - 0 views

    what will be the advantages of this wireless service?
    Home Networks

Electronic Security a Worry in an Age of Digital Espionage - - 10 views

    List the precautions Mr. Lieberthal takes when visiting China. Define digital espionage. Why is it easy to steal information remotely? How was the US Chamber of Commerce hacked? Explain the reason for thwarting the cybertheft of trade secrets. all feb 16 soo paulo
    List the precautions Mr. Lieberthal takes when visiting China. * He leaves his cellphone and laptop at home. * He brings "loaner" devices. * He erases information before and after the trip. * He disables Bluetooth and Wifi. * He turns off his phone, and takes the battery out. * He only connects to the internet through an encrypted password protected channel. * He copies and pastes his password from a USB. Define digital espionage. Digital Espionage - The spying on digital information including corporate secrets and government secrets. These secrets are stored as digital data, and can be spied on and stolen. Why is it easy to steal information remotely? Because digital devices today are mostly connected to an internet network, and through this network, information can be stolen remotely if the hacker is able to hack into the system. Smart phones and digital personal devices are very common today. These devices are connected into workplace networks and carry information around. Hackers are able to hack into these devices and get onto the corporate network and steal information. How was the US Chamber of Commerce hacked? The US Chamber of Commerce was hacked through four of their employees, Asia policy experts' devices who travelled frequently to China. The Chamber's office digital devices including its printer and thermostat had a connection to an internet address in China. Through these remote connections to the digital devices, China could penetrate the inside information of the Chamber. Explain the reason for thwarting the cybertheft of trade secrets. Thwarting the cybertheft of trade secrets is to the benefit of the owner of those trade secrets. If cybertheft of trade secrets is not prevented, then other corporations would be able to use stolen trade information to their benefit, and possibly come out with the same product with slight modifications in order to gain more profit from other companies' ideas. This would also ruin the product

BBC News - Trendnet security cam flaw exposes video feeds on net - 6 views

    How was the system hacked? Describe possible solutions. all feb 13 hyojeon
    How was the system hacked? - Shodan search engine which specializes in finding online devices that could be used to discover cameras vulnerable to the flaw. - People set the camera with an own password, it video stream became accessible to anyone who typed in the correct net address. This consisted of the user's IP address followed by an identical sequence of 15 characters. The camera captures people password and IP address. This will invade camera users' privacy. Describe possible solutions. - The Trednet has to foster its network system and try to do their security system that they have to make new firmware and update which resolves the vulnerability of its cameras.
Alex Lenk

Would you pay for a good parking spot? | SmartPlanet - 1 views

    Rot November 5th  BAA
    Brief Article Analysis 1. Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. Business 2. Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system. The drivers 3. Identify and describe one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article. Security: The system is currently in Beta, meaning it is prone to security faults such as hacking. This could potentially pose a problem to the users, as their location could get found out (where they live) and the hacker could use this information for potnetially malicious purposes. 4. Describe ITGS terminology and systems. Application: Sotfware that provides an auxillary function to the current IT operating system. 5. Describe the solution stated in the article or find a solution to the concern (issue) discussed in the article. Improve the system's security, or test how well it can hold up against hacking in order to keep the customers safe.

Google Jumps Into Fashion E-Commerce - - 2 views

    brief nat nov 22
    1. Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. Business, leisure 2. Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system. Google Inc., users in the US. 3. Identify one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article. Security. 4. Describe ITGS terminology and systems. : It is like amazon or ebay, and it directs shoppers to site where it can be purchased. Merchants pay them if the shopper buy the goods or click on it to learn more about it. 5. If possible, describe a solution to the concern (issue). Because it is on the internet, attention has to be paid to the issue of security. If any users buy anything, they would need to pay online by their credit cards, and some may feel reluctant to give credit card information online. To diminish this issue, Google will have to ensure a secure system where datas of each customers are kept safe and not misused.

China Tightens Electronic Censorship - - 2 views

  • A host of evidence over the past several weeks shows that Chinese authorities are more determined than ever to police cellphone calls, electronic messages, e-mail and access to the Internet in order to smother any hint of antigovernment sentiment. In the cat-and-mouse game that characterizes electronic communications here, analysts suggest that the cat is getting bigger
  • LinkedIn, a networking platform, was blocked for a day during the height of government concerns over Internet-based calls for protests in Chinese cities a few weeks ago, he said
  • China’s censorship machine has been operating ever more efficiently since mid-2008, and restrictions once viewed as temporary — like bans on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter — are now considered permanent. Government-friendly alternatives have sprung and developed a following
    This is similar to the Google accuses China... article and will help with the answers. Describe VPN. How does a proxy work? List a proxy you find useful. When would you use a proxy? Explain: Google has "played a role in manufacturing social disorder". march 25 Azman
    Describe VPN. A VPN means virtual private network and what it does is that it send you data over the Internet in a secure connection. It travels packet over unprotected network in a secured manner. It provides you tunnel which secures your data and send it encrypted form over the Internet. How does a proxy work? By using a proxy the web browser window is then coded as part of the proxy site address and not the real website the surfer is visiting. Any information cached in the temporary folder is that of the proxy, not the users. This means the user is not traced at all and the information is kept hidden. Article Source: List a proxy you find useful. Tor Trycatchme anonsafe When would you use a proxy? When you want to hide your IP from anyone. It is a good idea to use it while online shopping, accessing bank websites, and putting personal information. Explain: Google has "played a role in manufacturing social disorder". This means that Google has been the source of creating all the social disorder in the real world. Examples of these social disorders include the Libyan Protests as well as the Egypt Protests. These are named as social disorders. And Google, who feeds information to the various organizations and governments as well as provide social networking interfaces play a role in the community to communicate with each other in order to plan these social disorder events, such as the protests to overthrow the government.

BBC News - Facebook profile access 'leaked' claims Symantec - 3 views

    brief may 17 soo
    - Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to Home and Leisure, Business and e-commerce - Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system People who are using Facebook, Facebook Company and Application Company - Identify one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article Security, Privacy - Describe ITGS terminology and systems  Facebook Application= Apps on are web apps that are loaded in the context of Facebook. You can build your app using any language or tool chain that supports web programming, such as PHP, Python, Java or C#.Apps on are loaded into a Canvas Page. A Canvas Page is quite literally a blank canvas within Facebook on which to run your app. You populate the Canvas Page by providing a Canvas URL that contains the HTML, JavaScript and CSS that make up your app.   Symantec= Symantec helps consumers and organizations secure and manage their information-driven world. Our software and services protect against more risks at more points, more completely and efficiently, enabling confidence wherever information is used or stored.  - If possible, describe a solution to the concern (Issues) Facebook should enhance the security systems and authentication systems. User's personal information was leaked because they didn't work hard to manage transferring user's account to application systems. Therefore, it is better to enhance and put more effort to the transferring process.

Bangkok Post : Patient data need protection - 2 views

    Explain the issues and possible solutions. april 4 kuni
    The issue is that the increasing integration of medical devices in hospital networks can increases the risk of being attacked easily, which they hack into the network and steals information. They need to strengthen the security to get against with the possibility of virus attacks which could have a huge damage on delivering data for medication. The Public Health Ministry can play an important role as a regulator in healthcare security, as a same system with the security in the network banking.
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