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Java Still Not Safe, Security Experts Say - Security - Attacks/breaches - Informationweek - 5 views

    What does Java do?  Explain the security issue. sept 12-13 kong rock
Dawoon Jung

Patch issued for Java loopholes - 1 views

    Oracle has issued a patch for loopholes in its Java program that was being actively abused by cyber-thieves. The software giant took the unusual step of issuing the patch well before the usual date for security updates. The patch closes loopholes that together left users of almost every operating system vulnerable to infection by viruses.
    What is Java used for ????????

BBC News - Facebook profile access 'leaked' claims Symantec - 3 views

    brief may 17 soo
    - Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to Home and Leisure, Business and e-commerce - Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system People who are using Facebook, Facebook Company and Application Company - Identify one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article Security, Privacy - Describe ITGS terminology and systems  Facebook Application= Apps on are web apps that are loaded in the context of Facebook. You can build your app using any language or tool chain that supports web programming, such as PHP, Python, Java or C#.Apps on are loaded into a Canvas Page. A Canvas Page is quite literally a blank canvas within Facebook on which to run your app. You populate the Canvas Page by providing a Canvas URL that contains the HTML, JavaScript and CSS that make up your app.   Symantec= Symantec helps consumers and organizations secure and manage their information-driven world. Our software and services protect against more risks at more points, more completely and efficiently, enabling confidence wherever information is used or stored.  - If possible, describe a solution to the concern (Issues) Facebook should enhance the security systems and authentication systems. User's personal information was leaked because they didn't work hard to manage transferring user's account to application systems. Therefore, it is better to enhance and put more effort to the transferring process.
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