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Book Review - The Net Delusion - By Evgeny Morozov - - 3 views

  • the ­asocial pursuit of profit is what drives social media
  • more capricious technology” than radio or television
  • capricious technology” than radio or television. Neither radio nor TV has “keyword-based filtering,” which allows regimes to use URLs and text to identify and suppress dangerous Web sites, or, like marketers, to collect information on the people who visit them
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  • “Technology changes all the time,” he writes, “human nature hardly ever.”
  • Mass journalism and democracy are inextricably entwined
  • The Net Delusion
  • Against the Machine: How the Web Is Reshaping Culture and Commerce — and Why It Matters
  • For more on “The Net Delusion,”
    Feb 22 Does the Net allow more freedom or does is it a tool for governments and business to control us? Jenny
    1.7_surveillance 2.6_pol_gov 3.4_internet
    Does the Net allow more freedom or is it a tool for governments and businesses to control us? The Net allows both. The users can roam freely to their discretion where and what they want to put onto the web. It is just a matter of a country censoring the content, or the user self-censoring what is to be put on the web. Also, the governments and businesses both can use the Net to their advantage. The government can learn and find out various information of various individuals and trends of the public through the Net's social networking websites and other portal that have discussion between citizens themselves. Business are able to keep track of trends to see what is happening, such as the stock prices to what people like to eat, listen to, what they like to use. Thus the businesses are able to stay in business a little easier through knowing the information from the web. The businesses can also advertise themselves through the net, and that way, it is actually faster than having actual offline campaigns and advertisement. Therefore, the net can allow us both. We are free to use it more than let it control us. It's just a matter of fact that higher class society, social ranking, or economic status-ed has more chances to controlling the net due to their connections with the higher ups. Yet, censorship and surveillance is everywhere, and thus doesn't allow absolute freedom.

Egypt's net ruled by phone, not kill switch > DDoS > Vulnerabilities & Exploits > News ... - 4 views

  • Google operated a crisis response page and a "Speak to Tweet" service that allowed Egyptians to communicate online via voice telephone in the face of the internet blackout. Others, like net activist group Telecomix, were monitoring amateur radio channels and provided virtual private networks and proxies to Egyptian activists who required online anonymity.
    Feb 8 Ginnie What did people use when the net was down?
    1.7_surveillance 2.6_gov_control_use_info 3.4_internet
    The people used voice telephone to communicate with each other while the net was down. Amateur radio channels and virtual private networks and proxies were provided and used by Egyptian activists in order to communicate with each other.

Bangkok Post : It's a small world - 4 views

    brief analysis march 3 Jen
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    business and leisure
    1.11_people_machines 2.5_social_networking 3.4_internet 3.5_per_public_com
    1. Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. Business, Leisure 2. Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system. IT users, mainly the ones who access social networking sites through mobile devices smart phone/tablet users, the business companies. 3. Identify one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article. The digital Divide and the Equality of Access / Globalization and Cultural Diversity 4. Describe ITGS terminology and systems. The tablets that offer internet as well as phone features play an important role in making the system work. The tablets offer a larger screen for the access compared to mobile phones, and it is challenging business companies and sites to remake their site into different various resolutions to fit all the new screen sizes. This affects the software of the program as well as the use of internet to connect to these sites. These sites offer personal and public communications through sites like Facebook. Social Networking - the grouping of individuals who have joined together to form a virtual community or neighborhood subdivision. Smart Phone: the "smart" mobile device that offers more advanced connectivity than the normal contemporary feature phone. 5. If possible, describe a solution to the concern (issue). Users around Thailand are now being more connected online besides the rural areas where cable TV have a larger impact. Having governmental or commercial groups to try and build signal towers as well as spread the awareness of the use of mobile phones and decreases who uses the internet, and who doesn't.

Bangkok Post : US names Baidu, PirateBay on copyright piracy list - 2 views

  • list of the world's top marketplaces for pirated and counterfeit goods
  • enabling piracy with "deep linking" searches
  • continue to work closely with brand owners and others to further enhance the level of trust and integrity in our online marketplaces
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • efforts to work with brand owners in protecting their intellectual property rights
    Identify the issue. Describe the possible solutions. march 11 jenny
    1.4_intellectual_property 2.5_digital_policing 3.4_internet
    Identify the issue Intellectual Property Rights - Piracy Describe the possible solutions Solutions that are harsh to the point of shutting down the website that hosts these download links to pirated music, videos, and other intellectual property, etc. Or censoring the pirated files on the website to be inaccessible. However, this isn't a feasible solution since it would cause massive uproar for the users who use the sites on a regular basis, which in this case may be millions of people. Policing IT malls, as well as formulating and enforcing strict laws with hard punishments for violators.

BBC News - Apple acts on iPhone tracking bug - 1 views

    How does apple propose to solve the tracking program? Describe two examples of data tracking services that people use. Do you think privacy is still an issue with phones and apps? May 17 cream
    1. How does apple propose to solve the tracking program? Apple released newly developed software that cuts the amount of stored data to just a week and no longer transfer it to the owner's computer when the phone is connected. And if users disable the location services setting on their iPhone or iPad, it will stop collecting data completely. 2. Describe two examples of data tracking services that people use. - Foursquare: Foursquare is a location-based social networking website based on software for mobile devices. - Mobile Me: Mobile Me automatically pushes new email, contacts, and calendar events to your iPhone, Mac, and PC. So your devices always stay in perfect sync. 3. Do you think privacy is still an issue with phones and apps? Of course yes because mobile devices are connected to networks for all the time in order to access to files and media. Privacy is always going to be an issue with phones and apps because even though Apple is storing data for shorter time, the stored data can be used or leaked anytime when threats attack.
    1.1_reliability_integrity 1.3_privacy_anonymity 2.5_home_leisure 3.1_hardware 3.2 _software 3.3_networks 3.4_internet

Privacy controversy over Path for iPhone, iPad should be a wake-up call - The Washingto... - 10 views

    Explain the issue with Path. Evaluate Apple's solution.  Should services such as Path take or hold our data? all feb 21 johnroy
    Explain the issue with Path. When you take apps by log in from your iOS device then it would take you personal information and put it into the Apple server. It does this without permission of the user. The reason why is doing this to locate the user where you are at and your friends. Evaluate Apple's solution. Their solution is just to add new feature so you would be aware that apps would take your private information and put into the main server apple server. When you're downloading or getting apps you need to approve that they get you privacy information. Should services such as Path take or hold our data? I believe that they shouldn't because it's hard to trust large companies. The information that they have could be sold to other person that interest about your privacy. Another possible solution is that the data that is stored could be hacked anytime and when this occurrence happens. The hacker can sell my privacy to someone or he directly knows where I live, what's my name and etc.

Correction: Facebook-Privacy Q&A story - The Washington Post - 10 views

    How does Facebook use the information people share to make money? Describe the issues that Facebook should address. all Dec 6 cream
    How does Facebook use the information people share to make money? Facebook uses the information people share to make money by using the data to give to advertising companies, which in turn, pay Facebook for the data they receive so that they can target Facebook users with more individualized advertising. The advertising business can choose who they want ads to be shown to, customized to be relevant to the person's personal interests and likes. The more ads that users see on Facebook, the more money Facebook earns from the advertising company. Therefore, the exposure of the information people share to advertising companies, in order to place these advertisements, earn them money. Describe the issues that Facebook should address. Issues that Facebook should address include: Privacy - The privacy of users' and their data should be kept private, and the issue needs to be addressed where other online companies target the user data, where the user clicks to see pages, and their online activity even though the user may not be online. Reliability - The reliability of Facebook's security system should also be addressed. Facebook needs to address how users are aware or unaware of how their data is being shared through their friends' apps, or shared to advertising companies. Also, users would need to be reassured that their data isn't distributed to other third party companies.

BBC News - 'Europe's biggest' free wi-fi zone set for London - 8 views

    Describe 3 benefits and 1 issue with this system. all jan 17 champ
    3 Benefits 1. Tourists came London to see the Olympics, they can share updated news and pictures with friends by using free WiFi connection 2. Free WiFi connection may reduce communicating cost because overseas calls are very expensive. 3. London will become a world-class city by providing fast, reliable, and free WiFI connection for people. 1 Issue The disadvantage is that if so many people use WiFi, malware can be easily spread through the signal. It may be difficult to find out who cause it.

BBC News - Worm steals 45,000 Facebook passwords, researchers say - 8 views

    Explain the ways these networks are being hacked. How could you know if your facebook account had been hacked? all jan 17 jang
    Explain the ways these networks are being hacked. It is explained in the article that these networks are being hacked by using the stole credentials to log into the user's Facebook account. When the hackers logs into the Facebook account, it is used to transmit malicious links to other people such as friends. Friends would be a trustworthy person so the link would be visited. This would increase the speed of the malware's speed. Also, some users use the same password for many accounts which can be used by ill-intentioned people on the web. How could you know if your facebook account had been hacked? For you to know if your Facebook account had been hacked, users should run an anti-virus software to check and get rid of any malware that is hacking your account.

Music Lessons on Webcams Grow in Popularity - - 7 views

    Describe the technology. Explain the advantages and disadvantages. all jan 17 Tik
    - this technology is that the normal video communicate that by the internet to connect to each other. For example, Skype, or Facetime etc. Advantages and disadvantages. - The advantage is that when children want to learn some music but parents don't have time to drive them to the music school, they could have lessons at home which is easy to do. - The disadvantage is that we need many thing to learn via computer, for example, webcam or video camera, good quality speaker, good quality microphone etc.

View: IPads Won't Make Textbooks More Affordable - Bloomberg - 7 views

    Discuss the advantages and problems with etextbooks. all feb 3 johnny
    Advantages: The advantage of using an electronic textbook is that you're not wasting tones of paper and inks that it been stamp or written on the textbook. This would be already a good sign of eco-friendly. The etextbook also give the option that another textbook couldn't do by adding music and videos to it. The idea of carrying an electronic device that is not so heavy like the thick books would relief you already. Disadvantages: The trouble of the etextbooks is that the prices of the textbooks dosent reduce extensively enough for the students. Another Issue is that student can't sell their textbooks anymore to others when they are not using anymore. To get these types of etextbooks you need to spend an amount of $500 iPad which is very expensive for some people.

Great Debate: Should any Internet freedom ever be sacrificed to fight piracy? | ZDNet - 10 views

    Agree or disagree? all feb 10 soobin
    Agree Agree to some extent. Internet freedom can be sacrificed only to a certain extent to fight piracy. Getting rid of internet freedom is basically the same thing as shutting out the communication lines of the world. The source of the reason why piracy is done is mainly due to the fact that people can't afford the items that they wish to use, or need to use, because they are ridiculously overpriced. These industries don't think that way because they want profit, however, if piracy was stopped, then no one will buy their products anyways because they still can't afford it. Popularity of the product will decrease, and the marketing of the product basically just failed. We need to compromise something so that piracy is decreased until there is no more. But suddenly stopping everything in one shot with something like SOPA isn't the way to go. Disagree I disagree. The internet should be free and open. We need to educate people not to download pirated software, movies and music. Doing so is the same as stealing from a shop, which most people would not do. Most people would be prepared to pay small amount for the right to download these things. If governments try to remove websites, it is the same as censorship which sometimes happens in dictatorships but should not happen in free societies. We really need freedom for the internet, so that we can easily share our own ideas, and thoughts. Unlike China, where people can't even talk gossip about governments, which is a basic human right. But China is still very famous for internet piracy. The United States should not have the power to prevent freedom of internet because they are not the world's police force. They should not have the power to dictate what happens in the rest of the world. That's why internet freedom should not be sacrificed.

BBC News - Web economy in G20 set to double by 2016, Google says - 11 views

    Why is this important to you? all feb 3 martin
    This is important to be for several reasons. First reason is that as the technology developes, i get the higher quality of technology.Second reason is that, the number of Internet and smart phone users will increase. In 2016, half of the population on the earth will use internet and smasrt phones. i will need to follow them.that way i can join with people globally.

Twitter tired? Fatigued with Facebook? Try a new network - 11 views

    Would you try a new network? all feb 10 nat
    Personally I wouldn't try new networks, unless I have friends there. A lot of my friends are focused on Facebook, and I don't mind sharing my content with people I am friends with, as I usually decline requests from strangers, and are friends with people who I actually know or have mutual friends. However, I wouldn't mind giving Pinterest a go, as I think it sounds interesting, and also it sounds like Tumblr, which I like a lot, because we can share images with people with the same interest.

Twitter Is a Critical Tool in Republican Campaigns - - 2 views

    How is Twitter used? How effective is it? m12 feb 2 alec

Ten Ways To Improve Your Search Engine Ranking - FindLaw - 10 views

    Define SEO. Describe the ten ways to improve a SEO. all nov 10 kuni
    Define SEO. SEO, (Search Engine Optimization) is a way of ensuring that your Web site shows up high in the rankings of search engines. Describe the ten ways to improve a SEO. 1. Learn Basic HTML- To do SEO yourself, you need to have a rudimentary understanding of HTML programming. 2. Understand the Difference Between Search Engines- There are basically four types of search engines in use today, (Google, Yahoo!, Bing, Altavista) and each has different methods of ranking sites. 3. The Quick Fix: Meta-Titles- it is important to include keywords in your meta-title that are relevant to your Web site. 4. The More Links, The Better- It is important to have a high number of quality links to your website from other similar websites. 5. The Content of Your Content Matters- Search engines also have the technology to look at the actual content or words you put on your page. So, if a user types in a search for a particular keyword, the more often that keyword appears on your site, the more weight your site will receive, and the higher it will probably be ranked. 6. What About Keywords?- Meta-keywords are something you find in the source code of a Web page. They serve no other purpose than to try to convince search engines that a Web site should be highly ranked. 7. Experiment- The best way to improve your search engine ranking is to continue to experiment with different meta-titles, meta-keywords, content, and linking strategies. 8. Avoid Dirty Tactics- There are many ways to try to trick search engines, but if the search engine discovers your tricks, it may ban your website completely. 9. Paid-Inclusion is an Option- you can guarantee that a search engine will see your Web site, and that your Web site will be ranked if you pay either pay a one-time or annual fee. 10. When in Doubt, Use a Professional- Many Web site designers have full-time SEO personnel to make sure that your website is highly ranked.

Bangkok Post : Staying secure - 9 views

    Presentation: Explain the issue of mobile security. Provide a detailed explanation of how to provide mobile security. nov 14 champ az
    Mobile devices can be occupied by malware that are no longer only exist in the computer. With the growing population of smart phones, it also increases chance of getting viruses, worm, or Trojan. These viruses can invade by number in fonts, SMS or MMS messaging, downloadable content, public Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connections. Mobile malware can cause serious problems. They can drain your phone's battery very fast, delete your important information such as contacts or messages, and also it can destroy your phone's function completely. The worst thing it could do is to display your personal images online. How to provide mobile security? Use anti-virus software You can keep your mobile phone secured by using mobile security software such as Kaspersky Mobile Security. This software is a complete protection that will keep away malwares and block threatening network connections. It also has many features such as control of private contacts and phone numbers, blocking accession of other people, and an mobile phone locator application in case it get lost or stolen. Works Cited

Google Keeps Searches Fresh With Algorithm Update | News & Opinion | - 14 views

    Why did Google improve its search algorithm? all nov 9 Kong
    Google improved its search algorithm so they can stay up-to-date. Since that information is travels very fast with the internet, Google will need to keep the information on their search engine fresh. Its new algorithm update will prioritize most recent news about the current events, latest sports results, and most recent information.

US Report Blasts China, Russia for Cybercrime - ABC News - 15 views

    Identify the issue and scenario. Describe 3 incidents of cyberattacks by China. List some of the most desired data. Describe how the US is responding to these cyberthreats. all nov 10 kuni
    Identify the issue and scenario. China and Russia have been accused of cyber espionage, stealing technological and commercial information from The USA and its Allies. Describe 3 incidents of cyberattacks by China. 1. Google allege that intellectual property was stolen in a computer attack that also targeted at least 20 other large companies. And earlier this year Mountain View, Calif.-based Google said it believes hackers in China broke into the Gmail accounts of several hundred people, including senior U.S. government officials, military personnel and political activists. 2. Mandiant reported that data was stolen from a Fortune 500 manufacturing company during business negotiations when the company was trying to buy a Chinese company. 3. McAfee traced an intrusion to an Internet protocol address in China and said intruders took data from global oil, energy and petrochemical companies. List some of the most desired data. Data from global oil, energy and petrochemical companies, Fortune 500 manufacturing company, U.S. Government officials, and military's gmail accounts. Describe how the US is responding to these cyberthreats. The Pentagon has begun a pilot program that is working with a group of defense contractors to help detect and block cyberattacks. They have called for greater communication about cyberthreats among the government, intelligence agencies and the private sector.
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