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Music Lessons on Webcams Grow in Popularity - - 7 views

    Describe the technology. Explain the advantages and disadvantages. all jan 17 Tik
    - this technology is that the normal video communicate that by the internet to connect to each other. For example, Skype, or Facetime etc. Advantages and disadvantages. - The advantage is that when children want to learn some music but parents don't have time to drive them to the music school, they could have lessons at home which is easy to do. - The disadvantage is that we need many thing to learn via computer, for example, webcam or video camera, good quality speaker, good quality microphone etc.

How Google Chromebook Will Feel for Music Fans | Epicenter | - 2 views

    What are the problems with doing everything on the cloud? may 19 az
    Doing everything on the cloud is efficient in a way that we can work on from anywhere anytime as long as we have internet connection. However, when we don't have good internet connection, there is nothing we can do since everything we have done is stored on the cloud. . Internet data storing plans might also be an obstacle while operating on the cloud because the costs increase as more data is wanted to be stored on the cloud. Moreover, The cloud is not invincible to attacks so your data is not 100% safe. Having a backup saved on a physical hard drive is a must, cause you can't rely too much in the cloud (look what happen to Amazon and Sony).

BBC News - Music piracy 'down' as revenues rise for first time since 1999 - 0 views


View: IPads Won't Make Textbooks More Affordable - Bloomberg - 7 views

    Discuss the advantages and problems with etextbooks. all feb 3 johnny
    Advantages: The advantage of using an electronic textbook is that you're not wasting tones of paper and inks that it been stamp or written on the textbook. This would be already a good sign of eco-friendly. The etextbook also give the option that another textbook couldn't do by adding music and videos to it. The idea of carrying an electronic device that is not so heavy like the thick books would relief you already. Disadvantages: The trouble of the etextbooks is that the prices of the textbooks dosent reduce extensively enough for the students. Another Issue is that student can't sell their textbooks anymore to others when they are not using anymore. To get these types of etextbooks you need to spend an amount of $500 iPad which is very expensive for some people.

Great Debate: Should any Internet freedom ever be sacrificed to fight piracy? | ZDNet - 10 views

    Agree or disagree? all feb 10 soobin
    Agree Agree to some extent. Internet freedom can be sacrificed only to a certain extent to fight piracy. Getting rid of internet freedom is basically the same thing as shutting out the communication lines of the world. The source of the reason why piracy is done is mainly due to the fact that people can't afford the items that they wish to use, or need to use, because they are ridiculously overpriced. These industries don't think that way because they want profit, however, if piracy was stopped, then no one will buy their products anyways because they still can't afford it. Popularity of the product will decrease, and the marketing of the product basically just failed. We need to compromise something so that piracy is decreased until there is no more. But suddenly stopping everything in one shot with something like SOPA isn't the way to go. Disagree I disagree. The internet should be free and open. We need to educate people not to download pirated software, movies and music. Doing so is the same as stealing from a shop, which most people would not do. Most people would be prepared to pay small amount for the right to download these things. If governments try to remove websites, it is the same as censorship which sometimes happens in dictatorships but should not happen in free societies. We really need freedom for the internet, so that we can easily share our own ideas, and thoughts. Unlike China, where people can't even talk gossip about governments, which is a basic human right. But China is still very famous for internet piracy. The United States should not have the power to prevent freedom of internet because they are not the world's police force. They should not have the power to dictate what happens in the rest of the world. That's why internet freedom should not be sacrificed.

'App Economy' credited with creating 466,000 jobs - - 7 views

    Why is the app economy growing so quickly? List the kinds of jobs app companies create. all feb 13 Palm
    The Piracy Problem: How Broad? Why are copyright violations are a serious problem? Copyright violations are a serious problem because it is equivalent to stealing. A person who watches from free online movies doesn't realize that all the people behind the movie used their time, labor and energy to create that movie, not to mention the amount of money that was used to produce the movie. So, to broadcast it to as free movie is truly unfair for all the industries concerned. Describe two advantages and two issues with illegitimate downloading. Advantages: (1) People around the world who can't afford to have it have the option of having for free. (2) It is available anytime, anywhere in the world. Issues: (1) Million of dollars as revenues and earnings are stolen from industries (movie, music, TV, etc.). (2) It will cause the affected industries to increase the price of their "product" when purchasing it legitimately. Explain two possible solutions to this kind of piracy. Possible solutions: (1) If people around the world really see stealing as a morally corrupt practice, then let us all shun away from the use of the internet. (2) If we can't afford to avoid the disadvantages of the Internet, let us all practice, encourage and teach honesty. This golden virtue is the only potent cure against SOPA and PIPA. Not enough is being done to tackle cyberbullying, according to the NSPCC. Give examples of cyberbullying. Some examples of cyberbullying are the following: receiving nasty text messages or e-emails 24/7. Describe possible solutions. Some possible solutions are the following: students must not give their mobile number to acquaintances or other students who are their close friends; never chat to anyone whom you don't know; when you received nasty text messages from your mobile phone, change your mobile phone number right away; and lastly be very selective in choosing whom to friend in FB or in other social networks. Trendnet securit

Bangkok Post : US names Baidu, PirateBay on copyright piracy list - 2 views

  • list of the world's top marketplaces for pirated and counterfeit goods
  • enabling piracy with "deep linking" searches
  • continue to work closely with brand owners and others to further enhance the level of trust and integrity in our online marketplaces
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • efforts to work with brand owners in protecting their intellectual property rights
    Identify the issue. Describe the possible solutions. march 11 jenny
    1.4_intellectual_property 2.5_digital_policing 3.4_internet
    Identify the issue Intellectual Property Rights - Piracy Describe the possible solutions Solutions that are harsh to the point of shutting down the website that hosts these download links to pirated music, videos, and other intellectual property, etc. Or censoring the pirated files on the website to be inaccessible. However, this isn't a feasible solution since it would cause massive uproar for the users who use the sites on a regular basis, which in this case may be millions of people. Policing IT malls, as well as formulating and enforcing strict laws with hard punishments for violators.

How to Keep Your Computer Secure Video - - 9 views

    M13 List and describe the guidelines for PC security. M12 Describe additional guidelines that should be considered for PC security. August 31 Chut Jenny
    Additional Guidelines: Password locking/encrypting important, sensitive information containing files and folders. Using a proxy or a VPN, to access the internet through the tunnel that can also include encryption. A Proxy and a VPN can scramble your IP address so the website cannot track you.
    Types of Securities. Firewall is a program that protects against intrusions and it helps ensure privacy. Anti-virus protects against computer viruses. A computer virus is a program that can multiply itself and infect a computer without the owner of the computer knowing or permissions. Anti-whatever else, malware, adware, spyware, Trojans etc. Why do you need it? People should have security programs to protect their computer from viruses or hackers. If you don't have any type of protection for your computer for your computer, your valuable information maybe stolen by hackers or erased by viruses. If you get viruses on your computer, you may need to take it to shops to repair it and need to pay for it. When do I need to use security programs? It depends on the activities that you do on your computer. How can I get viruses? There are several ways that you can get viruses. Opening attachments from anonymous emails, downloading torrents, movies, pictures, music and porn can give you viruses. Where can I get the right programs for my computer? Computer forums

Apple named 'least green' tech company | Environment | - 0 views

    Why does apple rank low for being green? Which companies are fairly green? Why don't companies want to disclose their energy consumption? Is cloud computing green? Determine if use of IT often reduces environmental impacts or not. april 28 nat
    Why does apple rank low for being green? Because of their huge electricity consumption and the increase in their consumption in a new facility, which consumes approximately the same amount of electricity 80,000 US homes. Which companies are fairly green? Yahoo, Google and Amazon. Why don't companies want to disclose their energy consumption? They don't want others to know what they did or what they had to do to reach to the position they are in now. Is cloud computing green? No, it's not green as it already accounts for approximately 2& of the world's electricity consumption, and it is predicted that it will rise. Determine if use of IT often reduces environmental impacts or not. Yes it does, because if something was electronically saved, it can save paper. Moreover, It has been said that there are less carbon emissions produced when music is downloaded of the web, rather than bought in CD stores, because you don't need to use CDs.
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