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Tick Kanjanamaneeroj

Ubuntu for Smartphones: What it Means for You | TechnoBuffalo - 0 views

    Linux smartphone!!!

BBC News - US NSA and UK GCHQ 'can spy on smartphones' - 1 views

    summary jab
    On the September 8 article on "US NSA and UK GCHQ' can spy on smartphone" state that NSA (US National Security Agency) and British GCHQ have joint together and have cracked the smartphones such as IPhone, Blackberries and Android devices. The article said that this was a revelation by Edward Snowden who has been welcomed by Germany. This is why on Saturday; thousands of demonstrators in Berlin demand the NSA to stop monitory internet users. As Der Spiegel said, NSA and GCHQ have been able to read smartphone users contacts and lists of who had been called. This disclosure has ignited a heat of debate in Germany.

Your smartphone: a new frontier for hackers - Technology & science - Security - - 15 views

    Describe the different ways that iphones and android phones are being hacked. all sept 5 soo
    Malicious Applications that log details about incoming/outgoing phone calls, as well as recording the calls. They can create unwanted service charges subscriptions to phone users. The users may or may not even receive the "service" that was subscribed, and paid for. They cab intercept text messages, compromise emails, photos and private content. Malicious applications that appear to be games, calculators, or pornographic photos and videos are downloaded to smartphones. Malware that replies incoming text messages with spam links. E-mail based phishing - because the phone screens are smaller than computers, it is harder to tell apart phishing links and scams in the url. iPhone's unencrypted file of location logs for iPhone users. Jailbroken iPhones that run unauthorized content is also a gap where malware can get through. Because these apps are unauthorized, they haven't gone through Apple's authorization process, and can contain malware, and can hack the user's phone. o By Malicious Application= The Applications which Apple and Android offers to customer, sometimes have malicious worms or viruses. Sometimes, malicious applications masquerade to games, calculators, or pornographic photos and videos. Hackers made their own malicious app and phishing people to download. The payment will charge to the victim's phone bills. o By Phishing Texting= Personal texting sometimes contain spam and malicious links which lead to the hacking site o By Advertisement link= Viruses might attach to the advertisement link o By Weak Security= Weak security of iPhone and Android phone therefore, find the weak part of the phone and hack. o By E-mail= Users tend to be less caring on phones, as the words and the screen itself are small

Android now accounts for 72% of worldwide smartphone market - - 2 views

    Why is Android so widespread?
Yonghyeon Shin

Samsung unveils Galaxy S III smartphone with face, voice recognition - - 5 views

    1. what are the benefits from face and voice recognition in Gallaxy3
    Education Communications May 17
Paulo Moacyr

BBC News - Nokia accuses Apple of Siri bias over smartphone answer - 0 views

    How does this affect the business of Nokia?

BBC News - Why going online on smartphones can be costly - 15 views

    Why might smart phones be costly? Explain two possible solutions. all Nov 23 Tik
    Smart phones could be costly because it's download, upload and connect to the network almost all the time. People that use smart phones and don't have good deals or promotions,and people use data more than they think, so the phone company can cost the data that we download, upload with the network, and smart phones can do many thing that use a lot of data and it will cost a lot of money, for example sending 10 photos it's take 10MBand watch video on youtube it will take 15MB per video, etc. In this case the solutions are that users should make sure that they get the right deal or promotion, that they won't get a big bill in the end of the month. Secondly, there are people that use unlimit promotion, but every deal have a gap, so the phone company should tell their customers, or send the users a messages to warning them that they used data more than the deal they got.
Alex Lenk

Refinements mask great leap in smartphone technology - 0 views


Control these large smart appliances with your iPhone | Appliances - CNET Reviews - 1 views

    Describe IT Dawoon Oct 2
    Most smart appliances have an accompanying application. Those applications are available on iOS and android. (Samsung's washer and dryer application is working on only iOS and Samsung's Galaxy mobile devices, not the rest of the Android devices.) There are some examples of using iOS to control the smart appliances 1. LG Smart ThinQ LFX31995ST LG Smart ThinQ app will tell you the internal temperatures of both the refrigerator and freezer, and whether it's on energy-saving mode or not. You can make grocery lists and automatically update your inventory once you've checked an item off the list. Also, you can search for recipes on the fridge based on what your fridge has in stock. 2. Whirlpool WRL767SIAM Side-by-Side Refrigerator with 6th Sense Live it transmits information directly to the free app on your smart device. Whirlpool's app can let you know, if the refrigerator door is open or if there has been a power outage. Whirlpool has also enabled this refrigerator to connect to the smart grid if it's available in your area, which will let you monitor energy usage through its app. 3. GE Profile PT9550SFSS Built-In Double Convection Wall Oven The game-change app turns your phone into a remote control for the oven. You can set the temperature, mode, and time for both ovens independently and turn them on with app. 4. LG Smart ThinQ LRE3027ST oven Smart ThinQ app will allow you to search for recipes and then cue up the cook time and temperature accordingly, but you still have to manually press start on the oven itself. LG app allows you to run diagnostics on the range to make sure that everything is running as it should be. 5. LG Smart ThinQ WT6001HV Washer/Smart ThinQ DLEX6001V Electric Dryer LG's Smart ThinQ washing machine features a gorgeous touch screen and connects to LG's Smart ThinQ app via your smartphone or tablet. It doesn't have a smart-grid function like some other washer/dryer apps, but it's otherwise similar in that it lets you check your wash cycle

France24 - New funding for Viewdle, which lets smartphones 'see' - 1 views

    brief dec 2 kuninari
  • ...1 more comment...
    1.11 2.5 home and leisure / 2.5_digital_entertainment 2.5_social_networking 3.1,3.2,3.3,3.4,3.5
    1. Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. The area of impact is people and security on the machine. 2. Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system. The main stakeholder is security 3. Describe one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article. The concern is about the people and machines were there are problem with the recognitions on people 4. Describe ITGS terminology and systems. public transfer information systems is the information that will justify the people who is using on account to find whether people is using account on their own or using other person's account. 5. If possible, describe a solution to the concern (issue). It might need some more technology to fix the problem on recognitions that people can be use on other account or people can't use it even they are on their own account. They should be able to find the difference on fake also, like people using photo on other person to log in to their account.
    Kuni, you're suppose to upload your answers IN class. Just remember that for next time.

IPhone Users in South Korea Sue Apple for Collecting Data Without Consent - Bloomberg - 3 views

    Brief Aug 24 Az
    1. Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. Business, Government 2. Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system. Apple, Google, iOS device users 3. Identify one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article. Privacy, Anonymity 4. Describe ITGS terminology and systems. iPhone smartphone - Apple's iPhone smartphone that includes various smart features such as receiving e-mail, and application, more than just the average phone. Location recognition - the feature on the iPhone that allows the users to be recognized by their location near wifi hubs. Apple was ordered to encrypt location data of people using iPhones to address privacy concerns but the users claim that the device secretly collected information of the users' whereabouts. 5. If possible, describe a solution to the concern (issue). A solution to the privacy issue would be for users to turn off the location-recognition features on their iPhones so that Apple doesn't have access to your phone. Apple needs to be more careful with their data collection process, as well as encrypting the data so there is no breach of privacy of its users, or completely get rid of the whole system itself.
In Hee Jang

Report warns of Android security issues, increased malware, Web attacks - 1 views

  • “Malware writers have become increasingly creative with the tactics they use to get users to download malware,” Mahaffey wrote in a blog entry announcing the report. “Monetary motivations seem to be the primary goal, but the sheer amount of personal information stored in our smartphones also becomes a target for attackers to get creative.”
    San Francico based mobile security vendor announced that there is a lack of android security issues which increases malware and web atatcks.
Avik Bag

Google Nexus 4 vs. Apple iPhone 5: Head-to-head - iOS 6, android phones, lg, iPhone 5, ... - 2 views

Kong Vichaboonsiri

BBC News - Poorly designed mobile sites drain smartphone battery - 0 views

    What is the problem? Come up with your own solution to this problem.
Alex Lenk

Smartphones all the rage, says St George | The Australian - 2 views

    Rot October 15th Brief Article Analysis
    1. Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. Business 2. Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system. St George Bank, the customers who use their services, 3. Identify and describe one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article. Reliability, the company and the customers depend on the new paying system developed by the company to perform reliably. 4. Describe ITGS terminology and systems. Applications: A piece of software that serves an auxiliary function for your electronic device IT: Short for information technology Internet: A large online server that stores information. Online: Being connected to a network. 5. Describe the solution stated in the article or find a solution to the concern (issue) discussed in the article.

NDTV Gadgets: Mobile and 'cloud' computing key future job skills: IBM - 2 views

    summary woo nov 22
    This article is about the potential significance of mobile and cloud computing. IBM proposes that there will be more software for Smartphone and tablets than traditional office system in 2015. They say that it is important to be able to adapt new technology, especially cloud computing, computing in which services and storage are provided over the Internet instead of in-house networks, which will eventually play a key determent in all profession in the future. IBM people claim that "A lot of companies we work with today are not only taking advantage of mobile but are putting IT (Information Technology) skills in the hands of all kinds of professionals," and predict that necessary job skills will include ability to handle software applications. Mobile and cloud computing were also ranked the hottest technology career opportunities next year, in a survey. Mobile applications sales are predicted to expand from 6.2 to 30 billion dollars by 2013.
    Tags: 2.1 Online business, 3.3 network, 3.4 Internet

Bangkok Post : It's a small world - 4 views

    brief analysis march 3 Jen
  • ...1 more comment...
    business and leisure
    1.11_people_machines 2.5_social_networking 3.4_internet 3.5_per_public_com
    1. Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. Business, Leisure 2. Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system. IT users, mainly the ones who access social networking sites through mobile devices smart phone/tablet users, the business companies. 3. Identify one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article. The digital Divide and the Equality of Access / Globalization and Cultural Diversity 4. Describe ITGS terminology and systems. The tablets that offer internet as well as phone features play an important role in making the system work. The tablets offer a larger screen for the access compared to mobile phones, and it is challenging business companies and sites to remake their site into different various resolutions to fit all the new screen sizes. This affects the software of the program as well as the use of internet to connect to these sites. These sites offer personal and public communications through sites like Facebook. Social Networking - the grouping of individuals who have joined together to form a virtual community or neighborhood subdivision. Smart Phone: the "smart" mobile device that offers more advanced connectivity than the normal contemporary feature phone. 5. If possible, describe a solution to the concern (issue). Users around Thailand are now being more connected online besides the rural areas where cable TV have a larger impact. Having governmental or commercial groups to try and build signal towers as well as spread the awareness of the use of mobile phones and decreases who uses the internet, and who doesn't.
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