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Bret Sorensen

Discovery Education - 0 views

    Free elementary, middle and high school teacher resources, including puzzlemaker, student games and activities and lesson plans.
    Free elementary, middle and high school teacher resources, including puzzlemaker, student games and activities and lesson plans.
Hope Johnson

Día de los Muertos - 0 views

    Overview: This website explores briefly the holiday of Día de los Muertos. Though it is not very attractive to the eye, the information given is very helpful for any Spanish language learner. A student would build or expand their knowledge using the historical, individual traditions, food and candy, and vocabulary necessary for understanding the festivities. The site also leads to other helpful pages such as a recipe for sugar skulls that was the easiest and most realistic I found. This is a fairly good website, that gives the unique insight of the vocabulary; therefore I would use this in my class to expand upon previous knowledge. Content and Design: The design lacks the attention grabber to draw in the audience, however it is not completely boring, and effectively describes and offers unique cultural details to the tradition. The webpage itself works well, and is easily navigated. In the same way other links are useful work efficiently. The information has not been changed since 2004, but since it is giving the general process for the tradition the information still holds true, however there may be better sources for how the culture has transformed in modern time. There is contact information that could be used for further exploration of this theme. The vocabulary is an extremely useful tool in teaching Spanish and Spanish culture, therefore I would say this is a usable website.
Hope Johnson

Day of the Dead History - 0 views

    Overview: This website provides an in depth incite into the cultural practice of Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead). People interested in Spanish culture, such as students, would be captured by the pictures of food, alter, decorations, outfits and candy. This site is packed with useful, and at times interactive, information, while also allowing for further exploration to deepen knowledge of this Culture. The site is well organized, culturally accurate, and draws the audience in. This is a source I would use to introduce this tradition to my future students. Content and Design: The altars section has the viewer interact with the altar to understand the cultural significance of each element, though these vary depending on the region or family. The author and sponsor are available to answer questions a person may have, and the information is updated frequently. The information is not too broad, but also not too complex that the reader loses interest, therefore the website is engaging through both the written information and the pictures provided. There is opportunity to look deeper into this holiday if a person so chooses.
Evelyn Hernandez

Science Kids: Sharks - 0 views

    Content: Along with the other sites this site had great information on sharks and it was very helpful. A student could easily interepret it and apply it to their webquest. It was easy to un The understand and follow. The whole site was on the subject of sharks and their lifestyles. Design: This design was nothing spectacular. The site was a little confusing to navigate through and could easily confuse a student. It was lacking elements that could catch a child's eye and keep them entertained. I do not think I would use this in front of a classroom because they would not be interested in it.
Evelyn Hernandez

Kid Zone: Sharks - 0 views

    Content: This website offers different links to different information about sharks. For example, there is information about shark teeth, what they eat, shark babies, etc. This website can be really useful for the students because it offers insight that they might not have learned from any other website. The information was really current and you could tell that it gets revised regularly. All of the information was complete and thorough. The website was intended for children so it was really basic but all very helpful for the student to complete the webquest and find all the information. I would highly recommend this webite for teachers and both students wanting to learn more about sharks. Design: This site was easy to navigate through because everything was laid out so nicely and legible. This site was not very fun to look at because it was really simple and is not very appealing for kids. It had a couple of pictures but for my age group that my webquest was intended for the kids would not be very entertained for very long. They would get the information and leave the site right away. A person can find more information about a topic if they explore it more and give it a chance to click on more links and what not. This site offered a lot of insight on sharks but it was lacking in the design department.
Keishah Edwards - 0 views

    Design and Content: This site is well organized and easy to navigate around on. It has clear and concise information. The website is updated often. It has interactive games as well as problems to help students figure out math. Overview: Overall this website is great! It looks fun and will instantly get students attention. It is a great resource for students to clearly understand math and work on practice problems. I would definitely advise any student to give this link to their students for extra help.
Evelyn Hernandez

Sharks - 0 views

    Content: The information found in this website was very useful for my webquest. All the information was very legible and kid friendly! There were a lot of interesting facts that I didn't even know. It was very clear and the content achieves the intended purpose. Web Design: The design was very legible and easy to navigate through. It was very kid friendly because there were many colors and was very clear to read. The links that came with the site were helpful and connected to other helpful sites. There were lots of pictures that helped students decipher which sharks were which and it pointed out body parts.
Keishah Edwards

NIPPISSING UNIVERSITY: Calculus Help Site - 0 views

    Content and Design: This website is easy to navigate. The information is clearly organized and labeled. The design is very basic, but still appealing to the eye. There are other resources and ways to contact the authors of the page. Overview: Overall I think this website could definitely be used for students who need more of an explanation outside of the class when they are working on homework. It is designed to explain all aspects of Calculus as well as some pre-calculus concepts. It's easy to navigate and gives great information.
Chris Mertz

Civil War Weapons - 0 views

    Overview: This webiste is great for teaching younger kids about the civil war and the weapons in it. The purpose for all of my webistes was to give the students a good starting point to research off of and then they could branch off of that in deeper research. is aimed toward younger kids but with that it has plenty of visuals. Content and Overview: Like I said before this is a very simple website and has plenty of pictures. There is a brief description of what each weapon did and what party had that weapon. The pictures give a great visual of what these weapons looked like and users could visualize how it was used. The design is very simple and can be guided by anyone! There's a description box and then a box for the picture. Simple as 1,2,3!
Keishah Edwards

Wolfram Alpha - 0 views

    Content and Design: Overall this website is easy to use. It is attractive to the eye and can be easily navigated based on icons. The content of the website is current and the functions, such as graphing and calculating, are accurate. Overview: This site is intended for homework help for students but could easily be used by teachers for examples. It is an online calculator that will show graphs, calculate problems, and show limits. It is a great website for the student that might not have a scientific calculator, or even for a teacher that doesn't want to take the time to figure out the problem. It is more advanced than most calculators I have worked with. I think it is a great resource for anyone.
Chris Mertz

Civil War Overview - 0 views

    This webiste is great!!! It is the most realible out of all the other websites I chose to do. It provides a brief summary over stuff like how the war got started, background of the war, outbreak of the civil war and the Emancipation Proclamation. Plus it has a huge number of videos to view and help the user understand the subject better. Content and Design: The content of this website is just tip-top and the audience is for anyone that is wanting to know more about the great Civil War. The videos are simple enough that a elementry kid could get the basic idea of it but also is filled with enough facts that a high school kid could get what they and probably be satisfied. The design is very simple and easy to navigate. They have the videes to watch at the top of the page and the reading is just a bit down the page. Plus there are a few links that a user could explore at the bottom of the page so they can explore more into the website.
Sarah Lindstrom

Teaching Time - 0 views

    Sarah Lindstrom October 15, 2012 Overview The purpose of this website was also to help elementary students practice telling time and it would be useful for elementary teachers as well giving them ideas for activities having to do with telling time. This website has games and worksheets about telling time as well. This website has good activities for students to do to practice telling time. In my WebQuest I specifically used a game about being able to read analog clocks and it is a fun way for students to learn because you are trying to do the game as fast as possible which appeals to young kids, they always love to race. It is not hard to find the activities for students to do. Content The content was of a good quality and it had to do with telling time. It was a somewhat interactive website because it provides games for students to play about telling time. The website in well organized and it is easy to find multiple activities for kids to do. The website was updated this year, so the information is still relevant and ok to use. The author was not specifically mentioned on the website, but there is an email address you can email if you have questions about the website. Design This websites homepage wasn't extremely exciting to look at, but it did very nicely have all the activities listed so you could click on them with one touch of the mouse. The one game I used for my WebQuest had sounds which make playing the game more fun. The website was easy to navigate and it had relevant information pertaining to telling time. In order to use some of the activities on the website you have to download or purchase a CD. This design might make some teachers not want to use this site especially if it costs them money.
Sarah Lindstrom

Time for Time for Students and Teachers - 0 views

    Sarah Lindstrom October 15, 2012 Overview The purpose of this website is for elementary students to be able to practice telling time by using different games and worksheets. This website is also helpful for elementary teachers looking for ways for students to practice telling time. It has games and worksheets for students to help them more fully understand the concept of telling time. Overall I thought this website was easy to use and gave lots of ideas to help students get better at telling time. The content all related to telling time which is important when that is what the teacher's lesson is focused on. Content The information was current and it all had to do with telling time, but it gave lots of options to go about practicing how to tell time. The specific worksheet I used required the students to tell time in order to decode the message. This website was a little more interactive because you could play games online that helped students practice telling time. It had links to other websites about telling time which is helpful so teachers have more ideas about how to teach about telling time. Design The homepage was not very appealing to look at, if I wasn't looking specifically for websites about telling time I probably wouldn't have cared to continue looking at the site. The site is easy to use and has many different games for students and even lesson ideas for teachers. Multimedia wasn't used a whole lot on this website and that would have made the website more entertaining to use.
Sarah Lindstrom

Super Teacher Worksheets - 0 views

    Sarah Lindstrom October 15, 2012
    The purpose of this website is to have many worksheets for teachers to use when teaching all sorts of subjects. The worksheets I used were about telling time. Overall I thought this website was easy to use because you just click on the subject you want worksheets for and then a whole list of different worksheets pops up. In my case they had a ton of worksheets about telling time and some are simple for young kids and others are harder for older kids. The content was good because it gave a lot of options to teachers regarding telling time. In order to use many of the worksheets you need to become a member which might detract some users.
    The content on telling time link of the website is really reliable and has lots of options. There is even a bingo game you can make, so that the students don't have to do boring worksheets all the time. The one downfall of this website is it isn't really interactive. The teachers just print out the worksheet or have the students look at the worksheet online. Also there isn't really information about the author which would be a bit more concerning if telling time wasn't an easy and straight forward concept that most adults understand. There aren't any links on the site that go to other websites about telling time which would be kind of helpful.
    This website was the most appealing to look at because it had a super hero on it since these worksheets will help "save" a teacher when planning a lesson. The copyright date was this year so, the information was relevant and they had some ways to help students learn about time such as bingo which might have been thought about in early times. Getting to the worksheets is easy, which is nice for teachers in a hurry to find a quick worksheet.
Chris Mertz

Civil War Timeline - 0 views

    Overview: This website is very detailed and not only covers the most important dates of the civil war but also dates that aren't in the normal textbook. It's very simple to find your way from date to date and is in chronological order so its easy to spot a specific date. Content and Design: Like I said the content of this website is full great information and dates that cover the most important battles to certian speeches that President Lincoln gave. It starts out on April 9, 1861 and ends in May of 1865. Also the dates are detailed in information. The audience that this targets is just about anyone because it doesn't go into much depth but it also gives enough information that it can be useful. The design of it is very very simple. It's sectioned off in years and all a user has to do is scroll down and read whats presented.
Zach Stewart

Who Won the Battle? - 1 views

    This map focuses on who won the battles and why they won the battle.
Zach Stewart

Interactive Map Quiz - 0 views

    Great use for the questions and tabs to show routes of each party for each battles and who won and why.
Zach Stewart

The Road to Revolution - 0 views

    This site has great questions for a classroom activity, could be used as a game for a class.
Marcia Ashdown

Basic Mathematics - 0 views

    Summary This web site is a good site with a lot of information that it is made for children that are around the age of being in middle school. My use for this web site was for 7th grades so it had all the information that I needed. It was perfect for my use and it had great information on surface area. I just needed this site to teach the children about surface area; what it is, how it is found and why it is useful. All of these areas were met by this web site. Overview If your kids are younger than it might be hard for them to understand and if they are older, the information might be a little basic for them in the stage of learning they are in. The advantages of this web site were that it had a lot of good and useful information but the disadvantage is that it is made for one specific age group so you are only able to use it for a grade or two. If it fits it your age group that you are teaching then it is an astounding source because it gets very detailed on each subject. Even the design of the web site is set for a middle school age group.
Marcia Ashdown - 0 views

    Summary This web site is an amazing source to tell you the answer but it doesn't do a very good job in explaining. This web site is good to use as a starting point to get the answer but to understand the process in doing that you will have to go to another site to obtain that information. My purpose in using this web site was so when the children were test their own work that they could get a quick response. Overview This web site works well when you are trying to find a specific answer to a question but it gives limited feedback on how they were able to obtain the answer. The design was more for an adult and the web site was set to be more efficient than to make informational learning fun. The advantage to this site is that you can get the answer back quickly and but efficient with your time. But the disadvantage is that to get more information on the subject you would have to look on another web site for the process.
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