Time for Time for Students and Teachers - 0 views
Sarah Lindstrom on 16 Oct 12Sarah Lindstrom October 15, 2012 Overview The purpose of this website is for elementary students to be able to practice telling time by using different games and worksheets. This website is also helpful for elementary teachers looking for ways for students to practice telling time. It has games and worksheets for students to help them more fully understand the concept of telling time. Overall I thought this website was easy to use and gave lots of ideas to help students get better at telling time. The content all related to telling time which is important when that is what the teacher's lesson is focused on. Content The information was current and it all had to do with telling time, but it gave lots of options to go about practicing how to tell time. The specific worksheet I used required the students to tell time in order to decode the message. This website was a little more interactive because you could play games online that helped students practice telling time. It had links to other websites about telling time which is helpful so teachers have more ideas about how to teach about telling time. Design The homepage was not very appealing to look at, if I wasn't looking specifically for websites about telling time I probably wouldn't have cared to continue looking at the site. The site is easy to use and has many different games for students and even lesson ideas for teachers. Multimedia wasn't used a whole lot on this website and that would have made the website more entertaining to use.