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Holly Page

PBS Kids - 0 views

    Holly Page October 14, 2012 Overview: The PBS Kids website was created to better help educate young children and encourage interactive learning. The site could be used in the classroom for curriculum-based entertainment. Its is a great technological aid for learning, includes interactive games for students, and is great for teachers to implement into their elementary level lesson plans. The website is geared towards young learners. Though there are no links to outside web sources, the website was well organized and contained information in all subject areas. I found the website suitable for my researching needs on standard measurement. I thought the website was worth my time and would definitely use it later in helping supplement elementary curriculum. Content: It is apparent from the homepage, that PBS Kids is a educational and interactive site for young learners. Though there was no specific author listed, the information was up-to-date and dependable. There was a contact link included in the website for questions and concerns of parents and users. A revision date was provided, and the content is updated on a regular basis. The links embedded in the site were easy to find and functional. It is obvious when looking at the website that the purpose is both educational and entertainment oriented. The site was structured in a kid friendly manner with complete and easy to understand information. The site was seemingly free of any sort of bias and the content was accurate. There were no links to outside sources related to the website content. Design: The homepage downloaded quickly upon entering the site. The site appeals to its audience (kids) with bright colors, TV show characters, and audio interaction. The website is easy to navigate and clearly indicated the contents within the site. Sponsor and copyright information was provided. The directions were simple and the links in the site worked quickly and efficiently. Multimedia was used appropriately and contribut
Carrie Branscom

Starfall - 0 views

    Overview The purpose of this site is educational for lower elementary students; its audience is therefore mainly elementary students but also parents and educators as they are the ones who may be interested in exploring the site to discover its usefulness for their children or students. This site contains many educational online interactive games for lower elementary kids that help mostly with reading and mathematics but it also has some other interactive options for other topics relevant to elementary students. Content and design Overall based on the content and design evaluations this site seems to be a good site worth bookmarking at least for use with elementary students. The design makes it visually attractive to the students it is intended for and it makes it easy for them to navigate the site. From observing a kindergarten class navigate the site it was apparent that they were able to go where they were told to with ease and then when they were allowed to explore more on their own they did so with ease.
Holly Page

Mr. Anker Tests - 0 views

    Holly Page October 14, 2012 Overview: The website entitled "Mr. Anker's Tests" was created for teachers and students. The website covers all content areas in grades k-7. The site is filled with activities that support California State and the Common Core State Standards. The site provides link with additional resources for outside information. The links provide information in math, social studies, science, reading, vocabulary, literature, and Spanish. I found the site very useful for my particular needs. I think this website would be very useful in a variety of subject areas for online exploration. Content: I thought that the website was pretty self-explanatory from looking at the homepage. I had no trouble identifying the audience and content of the website. The author is clearly identified (a biography of the author is provided giving credibility to the site) and available to contact at any time. It was difficult for me to verify how current the website was due to the lack of a revision date. The information seemed up-to-date and the links on the site were current and fully functioning. It was clear upon entering the site that it is used for educational purposes. The content supports the intended purpose and is complete. The site was well organized and seemingly free of bias. The games included on the site were interactive and seemed accurate to the best of my knowledge. The site was professional with correct spelling and grammar. Design: The site's homepage downloaded efficiently and was well organized; easily orienting it's users. The creator of the site and contact information was provided. There was no copyright date anywhere within the website. I found it easy to navigate the webpages within the site; directions and external links were provided and well functioning. There were graphics and games (these made a significant contribution to the website). "Mr. Anker's Tests" had plenty of information that was clearly labeled and consistent. A
Zach Stewart

Who Won the Battle? - 1 views

    This map focuses on who won the battles and why they won the battle.
Zach Stewart

Interactive Map Quiz - 0 views

    Great use for the questions and tabs to show routes of each party for each battles and who won and why.
Zack Simpson

Visionlearning - 0 views

    Overall: The purpose of this site is to help learners in certain subjects of science.  It has a lot of information about multiple subjects of science, along with a lot of diagrams to guide students in the subjects that the help is needed for.  It gives links that add insight to the subject in question, and describes everything clearly.  I was very impressed with the content in which this website contained.   Content: The content within this website is very helpful and it contains a lot of information for learners interested in the sciences.  It has information for Chemistry, Biology, Earth Science, Physics, etc.  And it even has interactive animations for each subject.  It has links to other sites in case the information provided is not helping as well.  Content wise this is a very well put together website. Design: The overall design is a little bland, but it also is very easy to navigate.  There is a table of contents and everything is "self-explanatory".  When you navigate to one section of the website it keeps the table of contents along with it so that you can navigate from any part of the website.  There is a help button just in case you get lost as well. 
Hope Johnson

Day of the Dead History - 0 views

    Overview: This website provides an in depth incite into the cultural practice of Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead). People interested in Spanish culture, such as students, would be captured by the pictures of food, alter, decorations, outfits and candy. This site is packed with useful, and at times interactive, information, while also allowing for further exploration to deepen knowledge of this Culture. The site is well organized, culturally accurate, and draws the audience in. This is a source I would use to introduce this tradition to my future students. Content and Design: The altars section has the viewer interact with the altar to understand the cultural significance of each element, though these vary depending on the region or family. The author and sponsor are available to answer questions a person may have, and the information is updated frequently. The information is not too broad, but also not too complex that the reader loses interest, therefore the website is engaging through both the written information and the pictures provided. There is opportunity to look deeper into this holiday if a person so chooses.
austin breckenridge

Kids History - 0 views

    Overview: This site was created to provide information on history as well as provide interactive games that can help students learn. It took a minute to realize but this site is linked with a chain of sites that cover several different topics such as, ( and ), which are all located within the KidsKnowIt Network. The intended audience was a little unclear and the topics were very broad. It was also unclear to who created site and I couldn't find a link to tell me who I could ask questions if I did have any. Overall this site would be hard to use in my opinion, but could be useful for someone who is unable to obtain textbooks with certain information. Content and Design: The content of the site was interesting and presented so in a textbook style. There were several different areas students could learn about ranging from Prehistoric Humans to the American Revolution. The design was easy to follow despite its many components. There was a slight lag time for pages to load which was a slight inconvenience. The content and design were well thought but could of used a more simplistic approach.
austin breckenridge

E-Learning - 0 views

    Overview: This website was created to provide educational games that kids can interact with. The intended audience is for k-6th grade. There are many different games that the site provides and the topics are easy to understand. I enjoyed the broadness of the site. It had several different games for each grade level and topic. You could play a different game every day during a week which to me helps the learning not seem so monotonous. Overall I think this site could be very useful for a k-6th grade teacher or possibly even higher grades depending on student's levels of learning. Content and Design The amount of information provided by the site was amazing. The site was able to cover all of the basic learning areas and to do so with many different and still interactive ways. The design of the site was easy to follow but the games were brought up inside a pop-up window which was a slight inconvenience and allowed for you to get lost easily. Although the site is made by volunteers it does provide contact links and gives links for sites that could also be helpful.
Holly Page

Math is Fun - 0 views

    Holly Page October 14, 2012 Overview: The purpose of Math Is Fun is to help learners better understand mathematics. The objective is that students are capable of learning math content both enjoyably and easily. The audience for the site is both teachers and students (grades k-12). There are links to several other websites that are up-to-date and easy to access. The website makes it possible for users to find outside resources. I found the website useful in the subject and content areas I explored. There seemed to be information on a variety of mathematics topics. I was overall very impressed with the website. Content: Content wise, it was very easy to determine upon first glance that can be used as a mathematics curriculum guide and serve as supplemental reading for students. Though there was little background on the author of the site, the information seemed very credible and links were provided for questions and verifying information. The site was current, including a recent revision date with several working links to other related sites. The content aligns with the intended purpose of the site, the information was displayed in a creative and organized fashion, and there was sufficient information for my searching needs. The site was interactive and professional. Further information on mathematics content was provided via updated and working links that were both appropriate and effective. Design: The design and layout was both creative and efficient. I had no trouble downloading the homepage. The site was decorated with picture links that added to the website organization. There was provider and contact information provided in the site contents. I easily found the copyright date at the bottom of the home page. The website was easy to navigate and follow with clear directions and updated links both within the site and for outside sources. The site had several pictures and utilized creative media. The site was compatible with several browsers. The
Sarah Lindstrom

Super Teacher Worksheets - 0 views

    Sarah Lindstrom October 15, 2012
    The purpose of this website is to have many worksheets for teachers to use when teaching all sorts of subjects. The worksheets I used were about telling time. Overall I thought this website was easy to use because you just click on the subject you want worksheets for and then a whole list of different worksheets pops up. In my case they had a ton of worksheets about telling time and some are simple for young kids and others are harder for older kids. The content was good because it gave a lot of options to teachers regarding telling time. In order to use many of the worksheets you need to become a member which might detract some users.
    The content on telling time link of the website is really reliable and has lots of options. There is even a bingo game you can make, so that the students don't have to do boring worksheets all the time. The one downfall of this website is it isn't really interactive. The teachers just print out the worksheet or have the students look at the worksheet online. Also there isn't really information about the author which would be a bit more concerning if telling time wasn't an easy and straight forward concept that most adults understand. There aren't any links on the site that go to other websites about telling time which would be kind of helpful.
    This website was the most appealing to look at because it had a super hero on it since these worksheets will help "save" a teacher when planning a lesson. The copyright date was this year so, the information was relevant and they had some ways to help students learn about time such as bingo which might have been thought about in early times. Getting to the worksheets is easy, which is nice for teachers in a hurry to find a quick worksheet.
Sarah Lindstrom

Teaching Time - 0 views

    Sarah Lindstrom October 15, 2012 Overview The purpose of this website was also to help elementary students practice telling time and it would be useful for elementary teachers as well giving them ideas for activities having to do with telling time. This website has games and worksheets about telling time as well. This website has good activities for students to do to practice telling time. In my WebQuest I specifically used a game about being able to read analog clocks and it is a fun way for students to learn because you are trying to do the game as fast as possible which appeals to young kids, they always love to race. It is not hard to find the activities for students to do. Content The content was of a good quality and it had to do with telling time. It was a somewhat interactive website because it provides games for students to play about telling time. The website in well organized and it is easy to find multiple activities for kids to do. The website was updated this year, so the information is still relevant and ok to use. The author was not specifically mentioned on the website, but there is an email address you can email if you have questions about the website. Design This websites homepage wasn't extremely exciting to look at, but it did very nicely have all the activities listed so you could click on them with one touch of the mouse. The one game I used for my WebQuest had sounds which make playing the game more fun. The website was easy to navigate and it had relevant information pertaining to telling time. In order to use some of the activities on the website you have to download or purchase a CD. This design might make some teachers not want to use this site especially if it costs them money.
Sarah Lindstrom

Time for Time for Students and Teachers - 0 views

    Sarah Lindstrom October 15, 2012 Overview The purpose of this website is for elementary students to be able to practice telling time by using different games and worksheets. This website is also helpful for elementary teachers looking for ways for students to practice telling time. It has games and worksheets for students to help them more fully understand the concept of telling time. Overall I thought this website was easy to use and gave lots of ideas to help students get better at telling time. The content all related to telling time which is important when that is what the teacher's lesson is focused on. Content The information was current and it all had to do with telling time, but it gave lots of options to go about practicing how to tell time. The specific worksheet I used required the students to tell time in order to decode the message. This website was a little more interactive because you could play games online that helped students practice telling time. It had links to other websites about telling time which is helpful so teachers have more ideas about how to teach about telling time. Design The homepage was not very appealing to look at, if I wasn't looking specifically for websites about telling time I probably wouldn't have cared to continue looking at the site. The site is easy to use and has many different games for students and even lesson ideas for teachers. Multimedia wasn't used a whole lot on this website and that would have made the website more entertaining to use.
Zach Stewart

The Road to Revolution - 0 views

    This site has great questions for a classroom activity, could be used as a game for a class.
Hailey Dudley

Mount Rushmore Carving a Mountain - 0 views

    Hailey Dudley 10/15/12 Overview: This site had many important informational purposes for people who are trying to learn more about Mount Rushmore. The purpose of this site was to enlighten students on the history of Mount Rushmore through a series of interactive flashcards. This website was designed for children ranging from 3rd grade to 8th grade who want to further their knowledge of Mount Rushmore. The information on this site is really good; however there are no available resources to continue the informational search on Mount Rushmore. My impression of this site was that it included really strong information on the subject but there was really no way of furthering your learning once you were done with the flashcards. Content: The content on this site had both good and bad aspects about it. At first look, the website was very clear on who it was intended for, as well as what was to be expected to learn from the site. This site was very unclear on who the information providers were. It did not state an author or the sponsor of the site. The informational currency and ways to further information was very poor as well. There was no way to find the latest revision date and there was no links to other sites. However, the information quality of this site was excellent. It was very organized and the information was valid to the subject. Design: The design of this webpage was decent. The homepage was able to download with great speed and the home page was very appealing to the eye. However, there was no information of the sponsor or the copyright date. Because of this, the site had no available date of last revision. This site also had no way of furthering education of Mount Rushmore because there were no other links. What was really exceptional on this site was the ease of navigation and the content that was presented.
Carrie Branscom

ArtCyclopedia - 0 views

    Overview The purpose of this site is an online encyclopedia for art meant for anyone interested in finding out more about anything pertaining to art. This site has many options for how you want to search the site such as by the artist name, the medium used, subject, location etc. This site draws information about art from many sources and compiles them so they are in one easy searchable place on the site. Content and design Based on the content and design evaluations of this site it is very well designed and easy to use. It's an online data base for art and so the content all relates to art and is easy to search. This site is not very interactive besides the links you can click to find more information but that doesn't take from the effectiveness of the content. Also the site doesn't provide a lot of information on the author in order to determine the credibility but it is noted that the information comes from a variety of places and is all compiled onto this site.
Saydi Gardne

Sheppard Software - 0 views

    Saydi Gardner 10/15/12 Sheppard Software Overview: This website is very useful. The information provided on this site ranges from science, math, geography, art, health, and English. There are multiple games and activities for students of all ages to use to learn the intended subject. While this site is mainly designed for elementary age kids, it can be used by all ages to learn new things and play games to help master the material. Content and Design: This site is very easy to navigate. Each section is labeled and easy to get to. Some pages take longer to download than others. The design is appealing to the eyes and the background/text color scheme makes it easy to read the text.
Bryan Martin

Vroma - 0 views

    10/15/2012 Overview: The purpose of this site was to fulfill an educational grant and educate students on Roman history. Information is massive, and well cited everywhere. This site is truly exceptional, with interactive tours, games, and forums (the forums are inactive, but there is a wealth of information archived there). The only problem is a seeming lack of updates; changes are noted in the site, but dates are not provided. Content: There is a striking amount of information here, from languages to lifestyles to gladiatorial combat. Of special note is that the designers of the site are professors of Italian history that are primary sources for the subject material. Additionally there are resources available for teachers, with recommendations for how to teach subject material. The outside links are comprehensive and useful for further learning on the subject material. Design: Here the site comes across as a little bland. Information is presented without much flash. However, the ease of navigation and clear menus somewhat offset this.
Keishah Edwards - 0 views

    Design and Content: This site is well organized and easy to navigate around on. It has clear and concise information. The website is updated often. It has interactive games as well as problems to help students figure out math. Overview: Overall this website is great! It looks fun and will instantly get students attention. It is a great resource for students to clearly understand math and work on practice problems. I would definitely advise any student to give this link to their students for extra help.
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