Literacy with ICT | Resources - 0 views
Carlos Vaz on 07 May 08A Continuum Model for Literacy with ICT Across the Curriculum Full Document (2.1 MB) Cover (182 KB) ISBN (39 KB) Acknowledgements (57 KB) Contents (47 KB) Purpose (54 KB) Section 1: Introducing Literacy with ICT Across the Curriculum (94 KB) Section 2: Supporting Principles (200 KB) Section 3: Reading the Developmental Continuum for Literacy with ICT (139 KB) Section 4: Assessing, Evaluating, and Reporting on Student Progress (115 KB) Section 5: Developing the Continuum (97 KB) Section 6: Implementing Literacy with ICT Across the Curriuclum (97 KB) Appendix A: The Role of School Leaders in Supporting Literacy with ICT Across the Curriculum (90 KB) Appendix B: Action Research Teams 2005-2006 (53 KB) Bibliography (49 KB)