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Sprixi image search engine - 1 views

    Image search with a range of useful features, including automatically adding attribution of a CC images onto the image you download.

How are they going? | The Weblog of (a) David Jones - 6 views

  • from here
    • djplaner
      Here's the first of the "links to online resources". It links to an earlier blog post of mine.  But this is still an online resource. This is likely to be the most common example of "link to online resource"
  • through Tagxedo.
    • djplaner
      Here's another link, to another resource, but still the same type of link.
  • How are you feeling? Was happy and a little surprised to see some of the more positive
    • djplaner
      The image below (sorry had to highlight more than the image) is an example of a link to an online resource. It's actually an example of two types. First, click on the image and you get taken to a larger version of the image on another site.  i.e. it's linked to another resource. But the image itself as embedded in this page is actually coming from somewhere else online.  Another example of a link to an online resource.
    • sarahbenvenuti
      Hi djplaner This image has many words that resinate with how I am feeling at the moment including; clever, excited, interested and successful! I am very excited to extend my knowledge of what the wonderful world of ICT has yet to teach me. I just learnt about ICloud and Drop Box today from one of the teachers on the campus. Just loving how everything on the world wide web is connected and through accidental networking I can learn so much! Just clicking on this resource has linked me to another page with information regarding scootle and campus information. How beneficial! Who knew that pictures could be hyperlinked as well as words and URLs.
    Using this post of mine to explain what the phrase "links to online resources" from the learning journal component of assignment 1 might include.  Look at the annotations on this page for more explanation
Tamara Werne

Virtual Tours - 4 views

    I discovered Virtual Tours while on prac in America. It was a great way to show my students some of Australia's sites and they loved being able to work through the images and information at their own pace. Since then I have toured museums and galleries from all over the world without even leaving my desk.
    Hi Tamara I looked at the site. Interesting - is it just still images though or are there actual virtual tours? I am keen on using the site but not sure I have the full idea/scope sorted out yet. Thank you Jamie
    Hi Jamie, Yes for the most part this site comprises of still images and written information...I primarily chose this one to share as it provides a wide range of art galleries. With using gallery tours in my pracs I have found that the still images are easier for students to view, analyse and work through at their own pace than a video feed. There are a few video tours availbale...many can be found on the website for the specific location (I have had more luck finding American and British than Australian tours) but they are definitely worth a look at if you get the chance. Tammy

The Australian Curriculum v4.2 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capabilit... - 3 views

    • Kirstie Willadsen
      This concept map in an example of what the teacher can use to create resources for students as well as a way students can demonstrate creatively their ideas and understanding of ICT.  This links directly to what foundation year students should be able to achieve by the end of the year found under the creating with ICT heading.  
  • Generate ideas, plans and processes use ICT to generate ideas and plan solutions Show examples
  • Generate ideas, plans and processes use ICT to generate ideas and plan solutions Show examples
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • Generate ideas, plans and processes use ICT to generate ideas and plan solutions Show examples
  • Generate ideas, plans and processes use ICT to generate ideas and plan solutions Show examples
  • Generate ideas, plans and processes use ICT to generate ideas and plan solutions Show examples Examples: using tables, photos and sketches in planning documents English (ACELY1682) Science (ACSIS054) History (ACHHK078) Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks create and modify simple digital solutions, creative outputs or data representation/transformation for particular purposes Show examples Examples: editing text, images, audio, and video for presentations and story-telling; transforming data between numerical and graphical digital representation; applying editing strategies Mathematics (ACMMG091) English (ACELY1685) History (ACHHS071) Level 4 Typically by the end of Year 6, students: Generate ideas, plans and processes use ICT effectively to record ideas, represent thinking and plan solutions Show examples Examples: using timeline software to plan processes; using concept mapping and brainstorming software to generate key ideas; using graphic and audio visual software to record ideas Mathematics (ACMNA123) English (ACELY1704) Science (ACSIS086) Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks independently or collaboratively create and modify digital solutions, creative outputs or data representation/transformation for particular audiences and purposes Show examples Examples: manipulating and combining images, text, video and sound for presentations; creating podcasts; applying purposeful editing and refining processes Mathematics (ACMSP119) English (ACELT1798) Science (ACSIS090) History (ACHHS106) Level 5 Typically by the end of Year 8, students: Generate ideas, plans and processes use appropriate ICT to collaboratively generate ideas and develop plans Show examples Examples: sharing documents including text, graphics and numbers Mathematics (ACMNA189) English (ACELY1720) Science (ACSIS144) Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks design and modify simple digital solutions, or multimodal creative outputs or data transformations for particular audiences and purposes following recognised conventions Show examples Examples: creating movies, animations, websites and music; programming games; using spread sheets; managing and editing original source materials Mathematics (ACMNA187) English (ACELY1728) Science (ACSIS129) History (ACHHS214) Level 6 Typically by the end of Year 10, students: Generate ideas, plans and processes select and use ICT to articulate ideas and concepts, and plan the development of complex solutions Show examples Examples: using software to create hyperlinks, tables and charts; using design and project planning software English (ACELY1751) Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks Design, modify and manage complex digital solutions, or multimodal creative outputs or data transformations for a range of audiences and purposes Show examples Examples: modelling solutions in spread sheets, creating movies, animations, websites and music; programming games; using databases; creating web pages for visually impaired users; using advanced functions to manage and edit digital products for desired effects Mathematics (ACMNA229) English (ACELT1773) Science (ACSIS203) History (ACHHS193)
  • or data representation/transformation for particular purposes
  • use ICT to generate ideas and plan solutions
  • Generate ideas, plans and processes
  • Define and plan information searches
  • Examples: explaining why a source of digital information was used or trusted in preference to another Mathematics (ACMNA057) English (ACELA1793) History (ACHHS068) Level 4 Typically by the end of Year 6, students: Define and plan information searches use a range of ICT to identify and represent patterns in sets of information and to pose questions to guide searching for, or generating, further information Show examples Examples: using tables, charts and graphic organisers such as concept maps Mathematics (ACMSP119) English (ACELY1704) History (ACHHS120) Science (ACSIS086) Locate, generate and access data and information locate, retrieve or generate information using search engines and simple search functions and classify information in meaningful ways Show examples Examples: searching and locating files within school directory; searching across web or within site; organising in folders, tables or databases, using simulations to generate and organise information on real world problems Mathematics (ACMSP145) English (ACELY1712) Science (ACSIS104) History (ACHHS101) Select and evaluate data and information assess the suitability of data or information using a range of appropriate given criteria Show examples Examples: selecting the most useful/reliable/relevant digital resource from a set of three or four alternatives Mathematics (ACMNA128) English (ACELY1704) Science (ACSIS087) Level 5 Typically by the end of Year 8, students: Define and plan information searches use a range of ICT to analyse information in terms of implicit patterns and structures as a basis to plan an information search or generation Show examples Examples: using graphic organisers to plan a search with links to sources Mathematics (ACMNA174) English (ACELY1723) Science (ACSIS125) History (ACHHS208) Locate, generate and access data and information locate, retrieve or generate information using search facilities and organise information in meaningful ways Show examples Examples: searching within document – find/search/buttons/tabs; using search strings; accessing primary data through online or local equipment; using simulation tools to test hypotheses to problems Mathematics (ACMSP284) English (ACELY1723) Science (ACSIS129) History (ACHHS208) Select and evaluate data and information assess the suitability of data or information using appropriate own criteria Show examples Examples: applying criteria developed for an enquiry or project; considering the adequacy of source of information English (ACELY1734) Science (ACSIS125) History (ACDSEH030) Level 6 Typically by the end of Year 10, students: Define and plan information searches select and use a range of ICT independently and collaboratively, analyse information to frame questions and plan search strategies or data generation Show examples Examples: using wikis or other shared documents; searching databases Science (ACSIS165) History (ACHHS168) Locate, generate and access data and information use advanced search tools and techniques or simulations and digital models to locate or generate precise data and information that supports the development of new understandings Show examples Examples: using logical statements such as true/false; searching within fields or for data type; using data logger equipment, digital microscope; using digital models to test and adjust hypotheses to problems Mathematics (ACMSP227) Science (ACSIS199) History (ACHHS186) Select and evaluate data and information <DIV class=elmark
  • use ICT to plan an information search or generation of information, recognising some pattern within the information,
  • locate, retrieve or generate information from a range of digital sources
  • Examples: editing text, images, audio, and video for presentations and story-telling; transforming data between numerical and graphical digital representation; applying editing strategies Mathematics (ACMMG091) English (ACELY1685) History (ACHHS071) Level 4 Typically by the end of Year 6, students: Generate ideas, plans and processes use ICT effectively to record ideas, represent thinking and plan solutions Show examples Examples: using timeline software to plan processes; using concept mapping and brainstorming software to generate key ideas; using graphic and audio visual software to record ideas Mathematics (ACMNA123) English (ACELY1704) Science (ACSIS086) Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks independently or collaboratively create and modify digital solutions, creative outputs or data representation/transformation for particular audiences and purposes Show examples Examples: manipulating and combining images, text, video and sound for presentations; creating podcasts; applying purposeful editing and refining processes Mathematics (ACMSP119) English (ACELT1798) Science (ACSIS090) History (ACHHS106) Level 5 Typically by the end of Year 8, students: Generate ideas, plans and processes use appropriate ICT to collaboratively generate ideas and develop plans Show examples Examples: sharing documents including text, graphics and numbers Mathematics (ACMNA189) English (ACELY1720) Science (ACSIS144) Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks design and modify simple digital solutions, or multimodal creative outputs or data transformations for particular audiences and purposes following recognised conventions Show examples Examples: creating movies, animations, websites and music; programming games; using spread sheets; managing and editing original source materials Mathematics (ACMNA187) English (ACELY1728) Science (ACSIS129) History (ACHHS214) Level 6 Typically by the end of Year 10, students: Generate ideas, plans and processes select and use ICT to articulate ideas and concepts, and plan the development of complex solutions Show examples Examples: using software to create hyperlinks, tables and charts; using design and project planning software English (ACELY1751) Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks Design, modify and manage complex digital solutions, or multimodal creative outputs or data transformations for a range of audiences and purposes Show examples Examples: modelling solutions in spread sheets, creating movies, animations, websites and music; programming games; using databases; creating web pages for visually impaired users; using advanced functions to manage and edit digital products for desired effects Mathematics (ACMNA229) English (ACELT1773) Science (ACSIS203) History (ACHHS193)
  • create and modify simple digital solutions, creative outputs or data representation/transformation for particular purposes
  • use ICT to generate ideas and plan solutions
  • use appropriate ICT tools safely to share and exchange information with appropriate known audiences
  • understand that computer mediated communications are directed to an audience for a purpose
Lachlan Libke

Google Image Result for - 2 views

    • Lachlan Libke
      In my last professional experience I used a lot of interactive whiteboard activities. The students enjoyed these activities a lot.

SciencePorn on Twitter: "This is how fast the space probe is. (Via Sippingin, Reddit) h... - 0 views

    Just one of the tweets (and an animated GIF) from a Twitter account called "science porn". The value of this image (and some of the others this account tweets) is they way they help people visualise difficult concepts or ideas. Showing students these types of images/visualisations can help, but what about asking students to create these types of visualisations? How might that help their learning?

Amazingly Simple Graphic Design Software - Canva - 2 views

    Apparently an easy to use tool that scaffolds the creation of images, banners and other graphical images ...."enables anyone to become a designer". Could be useful for Assignment 1's IT artefact. But also if designing posters, slides etc in your own teaching (or other assignments).

Religion Curriculum P-12 - 0 views

  • Contextual information (literary form, historical and cultural context and human author’s intention) assists the reader to gain deeper awareness of Old Testament texts. The intention of the human author is important in determining the nature of the truth revealed in the text (e.g. historical truth, factual truth, religious truth).
  • Contextual information (literary form, historical and cultural context and human author’s intention) assists the reader to gain deeper awareness of New Testament texts. The intention of the human author is important in determining the nature of the truth revealed in the text (e.g. historical truth, factual truth, religious truth).
  • eligious Knowledge and Deep Understanding The writings and key messages of the founders of religious orders influence the way of life of religious communities (e.g. prayer life, apostolate, dress, spiritual practices, beliefs, symbols, daily life).
  • ...32 more annotations...
  • ligious Knowledge and Deep Understanding The Creeds of the apostolic and ancient Churches, including the Apostles Creed and Nicene Creed, expressed the Christian understanding of God. Through the Creeds, Christians are linked with the faith of believers throughout history.
  • Religious Knowledge and Deep Understanding The Catholic Church in Australia comprises a number of geographical dioceses and archdioceses. There are a variety of roles and responsibilities within the leadership structure of the Catholic Church in Australia (i.e. deacon, priest, bishop, archbishop, cardinal). The Church in Australia is a member of a larger communion of churches in the Oceania region. Within the Australian Catholic Church, as well as across Oceania, local and regional churches are influenced by their different cultures and histories.
  • Religious Knowledge and Deep Understanding The writings and key messages of significant reformers (c.650CE-c.1750CE), such as Catherine of Siena, Clare of Assisi and Thomas Aquinas, challenged the Church to question its nature and role in the world.
  • Religious Knowledge and Deep Understanding Concern for the good of the community is a basic principle of Christian morality. According to Church teaching, personal gifts are meant to be at the service of others and of the common good. The good of the community can be protected and promoted in a variety of ways.
  • Religious Knowledge and Deep Understanding Prayer in the Christian tradition, including formal prayers such as Sign of the Cross, Our Father and Hail Mary, nurtures the spiritual life of believers.
  • eligious Knowledge and Deep Understanding Meditative prayer uses silence and stillness to assist believers to listen and talk to God. Believers use a range of practices (including silence and stillness, and praying with icons and images) for preparing the body and the mind for meditative prayer, and engaging in the ‘work of meditation’. Christian iconography expresses in images the same Gospel message that Scripture communicates by words. Praying with scripture is a form of meditative prayer in the Christian tradition. There are a variety of ways to pray with scripture, including Lectio Divina (Benedictine tradition) and Ignatian Meditation.
  • Religious Knowledge and Deep Understanding The beliefs, values and practices of early Church communities (c.6 BCE - c. 650 CE) were influenced by ancient Mediterranean societies such as Greece, Rome and Egypt. Recurring broad patterns of historical change (namely Construction: Searching for Unity, Order and Authenticity; Deconstruction: Challenges to Unity, Order and Authenticity; Reconstruction: Restoring unity, order and authenticity) are evident in the story of the early Church as it came to understand its nature and role in the world.
  • ayer in the Christian tradition, including the ancient monastic prayer of The Liturgy of the Hours, nurtures the spiritual life of believers. The Liturgy of the Hours follows a prescribed pattern of Psalms, Scripture and intercessions, and is prayed at set times throughout the day. Believers pray on behalf of others and with others.
  • Religious Knowledge and Deep Understanding All Christians are united through their baptism (Galatians 3.27-29) in the name of Jesus Christ and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38). The term ‘ecumenism’ (from the Greek Oikoumene meaning ‘of the whole inhabited earth’) refers to the movement which seeks to bring about the unity of all Christians. All Christians are called to give witness to the ecumenical spirit through pray
  • eligious Knowledge and Deep Understanding In a time of great challenge and change (c.650 CE-c.1750CE), the Church had to respond to many internal and external threats to its physical existence, cultural influence, political control, social structure, roles and relationships and economic power. Recurring broad patterns of historical change (namely Construction: Searching for Unity, Order and Authenticity; Deconstruction: Challenges to Unity, Order and Authenticity; Reconstruction: Restoring unity, order and authenticity) are evident in the story of the Church in a time of challenge and change (c.650CE-c.1750CE) as it was forced to question its nature and role in the world.
  • Religious Knowledge and Deep Understanding Grace is the gift of God that enables people to overcome sin; to love, believe and hope in God and grow in goodness. The Church names this work of grace ‘justification’. Virtues are attitudes and dispositions that guide people to ‘do good and avoid evil’. In Christian teaching, the cardinal (pivotal) virtues are prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance. Living a virtuous life - ‘doing good’ - requires knowledge and understanding, practice and perseverance.
  • sisted by the Holy Spirit, the Church draws on the teaching of Jesus and its living Tradition to respond to emerging moral questions. Catholic social teaching proposes principles for reflection, provides criteria for judgment and gives guidelines for action. A consistent theme in Catholic social teaching is that the good of people be the criterion in making moral judgments about social and economic structures.
  • isten and talk to God. Believers use a range of practices (including centred breathing and attending to posture) for preparing the body and the mind for meditative prayer and for engaging in the ‘work of meditation’. Praying with scripture is a form of meditative prayer in the Christian tradition. There are a variety of ways to pray with scripture, including Augustinian Prayer and Franciscan Contemplative prayer. All forms of vocal and meditative prayer are intended to lead believers to contemplation. Contemplative prayer is the simple awareness of the presence of God. It is pray
  • eligious Knowledge and Deep Understanding Christians believe that the nature of God is revealed in the Old Testament. The divine name, “I Am Who Am”, is understood in the sense that God is the fullness of being, every perfection, without origin and without end. Christian tradition expresses the riches of the divine name in a variety of terms such as goodness, abounding i
  • r sources combined to form the Pentateuch. They are: the Priestly source (P), Deuteronomist (D), the Elohist (E), and the Jahwist (J). Key themes of the Pentateuch include: creation, sin, covenant, law and promise, worship, and Chosen Peopl
  • eligious Knowledge and Deep Understanding The inspired writings of various religious and lay leaders (e.g. Catherine McAuley, Nano Nagle, Edmund Rice, Don Bosco, Elizabeth Seton and Mary MacKillop) responded in new ways to the needs of the faithful, especially through education, works of charity, and health care (c.1750CE-c.1918CE).
  • In a time of great challenge and change (c.1750 CE - c.1918 CE), the Church had to respond to many internal and external threats to its physical existence, cultural influence, political influence, social structure, roles and relationships and economic power. Recurring broad patterns of historical change (namely Construction: Searching for Unity, Order and Authenticity; Deconstruction: Challenges to Unity, Order and Authenticity; Reconstruction: Restoring unity, order and authenticity) are evident in the story of the Church in a time of challenge and change (c.1750 CE - c.1918 CE) as it was forced to question its nature and role in the world.
  • Respect for each person, as created in the image of God and as a reflection of God, is expressed through moral behaviour towards oneself and others. Two key principles of Catholic social teaching, namely respect for the dignity of the human person and human rights and responsibilities, provide guidelines for developing a healthy understanding of one’s personal identity and of human relationships.
  • Assisted by the Holy Spirit, the Church draws on the teaching of Jesus and its living tradition to respond to emerging moral questions about scientific and technological advances. Catholic social teaching proposes principles for reflection, provides criteria for judgment and gives guidelines for action. The principles of Catholic social teaching, especially promotion of peace, stewardship, and common good, provide guidelines for scientific and technological advancement.
  • personal journals, poetry, books, pastoral statements, conciliar documents), search for the mystery of God in the midst of world events and the course of human history (c.1918CE to the present), such as war and peace, genocide and reconciliation, globalisation and community, consumerism and sufficiency, relativism and morality, development and ecology.
  • hristians believe God’s unending love and mercy for humanity were revealed to the people of Israel and expressed fully through the person of Jesus.
  • he Eucharist draws on historical and scriptural foundations, including Last Supper (1 Corinthians 11:23-28) and sacrifice. The Eucharist recalls Jesus’ example of service and love (John 13:1-20), and those who share the Eucharist are sent out to carry on Jesus’ mission in the world. The Eucharist is a means of reconciliation and forgiveness of sins as expressed through prayers and actions in the Mass (e.g. penitential rite, eucharistic prayer and prayers before communion, sign of peace). Eucharist is the primary and indispensable source of nourishment for the spiritual life of believers.
  • In a time of great challenge and change (c.1918 CE to the present), the Church had to respond philosophically and theologically to unprecedented threats to both human ecology and environmental ecology from science, technology, materialism, consumerism and political ideologies. The Church’s philosophical and theological responses involved rethinking and reforming its cultural influence, political influence, social structure, roles and relationships, economic power and evangelising mission. Recurring broad patterns of historical change (namely: Construction: Searching for Unity, Order and Authenticity; Deconstruction: Challenges to Unity, Order and Authenticity; Reconstruction: Restoring unity, order and authenticity) are evident in the story of the Church in a time of challenge and change (c. 1918 CE to the present) as it was forced to question its nature and role in the world.
  • is obliged to follow their conscience which requires careful and lifelong formation. Conscience formation for Christians entails not only consideration of facts, but is guided by prayer and reflection on the Word of God, the life and teaching of Christ, the witness and advice of others, and the authoritative teaching of the Church.
  • bout economic structures and development. Catholic social teaching proposes principles for reflection, provides criteria for judgment and gives guidelines for action. The principles of Catholic social teaching, especially participation, economic justice, global solidarity and development, preferential option for the poor, stewardship, and subsidiarity, provide guidelines for just economic order and development. Christians believe that human work shares in God’s creative activity. Work enables each person to use
  • The Prayer of St Francis, The Canticle of Creation and The Magnificat. The Prayer of St Francis is a prayer for peace. In a world often troubled by war and violence, it calls us to be instruments of Christ’s peace and love. The Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55) is Mary’s song of hope in God’s salvation and justice for all. The Canticle of Creation is a prayer of praise for the creator God.
  • ive prayer uses silence and stillness to assist believers to listen and talk to God. Believers use a range of practices (including praying with the help of nature) for preparing the body and the mind for meditative prayer, and for engaging in the ‘work of meditation’. Lectio of Nature is a form of meditative prayer in the Christian tradition. All forms of vocal and meditative prayer are intended to lead believers to contemplation. Contemplative Prayer is the simple awareness of the presence of God. It is prayer without words or images. Centering Prayer provides a way of enriching and nurturing the spiritual life of believers.
  • emporary Christian spiritual writings reflect the signs of the times in the light of the Gospel, and use a variety of mediums and modes of communication to reveal the mystery of God and of life.
  • eligious Knowledge and Deep Understanding Christians believe that the mission of Jesus is continued in the world and in the Church through the activity of the Holy Spirit.
  • major Christian traditions, some rituals are prepared according to formal principles and rubrics. These rituals are referred to as liturgy. Liturgical adaptation is provided for in
  • istian moral teaching provides guidelines and limits regarding ethical and moral responses to global issues and challenges, such as justice, tolerance, reconciliation, peace, ecology, nonviolence, respect and appreciation for others.
  • eligious Knowledge and Deep Understanding Prayer in the Christian tradition nurtures the spiritual life of believers. Vocal prayer, meditative prayer and contemplative prayer are ancient examples of thi
    Religions curriculum with ICT stuff identified. 

i'VE GOT A PET. - 4 views

    I thought I'd post this short movie. It's an example of ICT activities being done in a class I had my last practicum in. It is a simple activity that the teacher did, using ICTs that were readily availble.. The teacher takes a traditional printed text being used in guided reading (PM readers) and helps the students produce a digital text based on the language used in the original text. Students select images from google images and then use a digital camera to take photos or video, and manipulate the images using IWB software, to place themselves in the digital text. The images are uploaeded into Movie Maker where additonal text, ddialogue and sound are added. The finished artefact is then uploaded toYouTube so that it can be placed on the school website for sharing. The students and their families can view the new digital text at home. The movie is also presented at the school assembly. The teacher does ICT activities like this on a regular basis in English. If you google Tyalgum Public School and click on More News you can view other ICT activities the Kindergarten, Year , Year 2 class did. I think this type of ICT activity gives the students a sense of ownership of their learning.
    This is a great activity. Just emphasises how important it is that we know how to use all of these ICTs in the classroom because if we don't know them this activity could take a long time or ICTs wouldn't be used in such a great way. Out of interest how long did it take?
Elke Arndell

Self-authored e-books: Expanding young children's literacy experiences and skills (full... - 2 views

  • PowerPoint is ideal for helping young children to make basic self-authored e-books.
  • helping early childhood professionals to engage young children in new literacy and language experiences.
  • multi-literacies, that self-authored books present an opportunity for early childhood professionals to develop a partnership between ICT and reading.
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • By helping children self-author and produce e-books, early childhood professionals can make the use of computers more interactive and personal.
  • PowerPoint is ideal for helping young children to make basic self-authored e-books.
  • information and communication technology (ICT) is being viewed as another tool for early childhood professionals and children to use in this domain of learning in a way that can complement the more traditional provision of literacy experiences (Hills, 2010; Parett, Quesenberry &amp; Blum, 2010; Marks, 2007; Siraj-Blatchford &amp; Siraj-Blatchford, 2003).
  • Brown and Murray (2006) put it, children need to be able to use ICT so that they are adequately prepared for the future
    • Elke Arndell
      This can be included in play-based, co-constructed classrooms by incorporating the internet, digital camera, iPad. Communication can be a simple as a menu of pictures, looking at a picture to create a mask or sea creature, to photograph a collage item and add the photo to a construction book.
  • Western society has invested print-based media with significant authority, but notions about literacy are changing. As society and technology evolve, there is a shift to an acceptance of digital forms of literacy (Jewitt &amp; Kress, 2003). Increasingly, young children are exposed to communication tools and circumstances that are multimodal instead of solely linguistic (Hill, 2007
  • These multi-media forms of literacy include traditional forms of print and numbers, but also hypertext, symbols, photographs, animations, movies, DVDs, video, CD-ROMs and website environments (Luke, 1999; Walsh, 2008).
  • They explain a mode as a ‘regularised organised set of resources for meaning-making, including image, gaze, gesture, movement, music, speech and sound effect’ (p. 2).
  • Text now refers to multiple forms of communication including information on a digital screen, video, film and other media, oral speech, television, and works of art as well as print materials. Electronic texts in particular have become part of children’s everyday lives to the extent that before they commence school, a growing number of children have more experience with electronic texts than they do with books. It is important to recognise that print is now only one of several media which transmit messages in our culture (p. 156).
  • The reading of texts has traditionally focused on decoding–encoding print’s alphabetic codes. Texts children read today, however, might be a mixture of images and print, and the delivery might be interactive with mobile forms rather than just print fixed on a page (Walsh, 2008).
  • ICT as a tool for enriching the teaching and learning environment for young children.
  • Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework. In particular, Outcome 5: Children are effective communicators, has a section on how they can use ICTs to access information, explore ideas and represent their thinking (Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations [DEEWR] for the Council of Australian Governments, 2009).
    • Elke Arndell
      Families and parents are still a child first teacher. Teachers acknowledge and respect that each child comes to a centre with varying degrees of prior knowledge.
  • Young children may have access to certain technologies as they were already present in their homes but this did not always mean that they were allowed and/or able to use these. O’Hara’s findings support the arguments made by Marsh (2004), Smith (2005) and others that young children already have an understanding of ICT knowledge and competences when they enter formal schooling as a consequence of differing levels of parental intervention and modelling along with being able to acquire their own new information, abilities and attitudes.
  • that to read and create multimodal texts, children do need to be able to combine traditional literacy practices with the comprehension, design and manipulation of various ‘modes of image, graphics, sound and movement with text’ (p. 108).
  • Walsh (2008) and Healy (2000), we are not suggesting abandoning practices centred on the traditions of print literacy but instead propose early childhood professionals include a range of texts for young children that expand beyond the current print traditions. Self-authored e-books are one way to accomplish this, as they can create a partnership between ICT and reading.
    Self authored e-books
    Self authored e-books

Best Sources for Free Stock Photos: No Attribution Required - Money Savvy Living - 1 views

    Great blog with useful links to other sites that provide images available in the public domain, no attribution required. I've check them out and even used one of them.
Elke Schneider

Wellcome Images The gyri of the thinker's brain as a maze of choices in biom - 2 views

Nathan Breeze

Google Image Result for - 1 views

    Team work
Sophia Duong

Creative Commons Attribution Tool | Chronicles of a (pre-service) Teacher - 2 views

    For anyone struggling with attributing their Creative Commons Images, I have written a blog post on a tool I have found. Works on Prezi - if you have tried to use ImageCodr and cannot embed code.

Pics4Learning - 7 views

    FREE picture/ image library for education
    Thousands of copyright free and copyright friendly images and photos for teachers and students.

TPACK.png (PNG Image, 2500 × 1767 pixels) - Scaled (67%) - 0 views

    Image explaining TPACK - including discussion of one of the ways it can be used.

be you. | a quiet revolution - 5 views

    An example of a different approach for the assignment 1 artefact that came through my feeds today.  It's a Wordpress blog that has been used to create a "presentation through hypertext of an alternative vision for a school". Not only is this a good example of trying something different in a webs ite.  It is about re-thinking education influenced, in part, by some of the factors we're talking about in this course. FYI, the clickable image on the front page is implemented using what is called an "imagemap".  Google that term and you'll find some resources/tools that can help
Michelle Thompson

You Never Know How Close You are to Your Dreams - image | Diigo - 0 views

    From another Diigo site. Inspirational and so true. Don't give up!

Salinger - Imgur - 4 views

    Images of type-written letter from JD Salinger - the author of "The Catcher in the Rye" - explaining why he thinks the novel cannot be made into a movie.

Snapshot Serengeti - 0 views

    Site that asks you to identify/classify the animals that appear in images from motion camera across the Serengeti 
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